Pam Gellar's hero Fascist racist elitist Ayn Rand -the philosophy of selfishness and Greed & Opportunism Ethics & morality be damned -
Some pics of Pam Geller's strange friends from Republicans to Racist anti-Islam NeoNazis
People Pam Geller hangs out with:
"Christian Worch (born 1956) is one of the most important figures of the militant German neo-Nazi scene.
In 1974, Worch started and began to build up the "Hansabande" in Hamburg together with his friend Michael Kühnen. They defaced Jewish cemeteries, assaulted leftists and foreigners, and denied the Holocaust -- they were a part of one especially famous campaign under the motto I, donkey, believe that Jews were gassed to death in Germany (Ich Esel glaube, dass in Deutschland Juden vergast worden sind). This organization became the Aktionsfront Nationaler Sozialisten (ANS; Action Front of National Socialists) in 1977. Worch and Kühnen also had contacts to the now-banned Wiking-Jugend (Viking Youth) at this time.
In the 1990's, Worch had, for short time, close relations to the National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD) and was connection point between the Freie Kameradschaften (Free Comradships, German neo-Nazi groups) and the NPD. In an interview, he said, defending his collaboration with a party, that "the NPD is as a party, of course, only a means to intersperse our worldview". However, he has distanced himself from the party since.
Worch is also famous as one of the main organizers of the Rulf Heß Memory March, which takes place once a year in Wunsiedel, Bavaria, where Rudolf Hess is buried, and is one of the most important events for European neo-Nazis" From: ALLEXPERTS.COM
"Pamela Geller: Poster Girl for Eurofascists
Apr 23, 2009 Little Green Footballs
Pamela Geller of “Atlas Shrugs” and Paul Belien of “Brussels Journal” have been announced as speakers at a German far right event organized by a group called “Pro Köln” — a successor to the notorious fascist group “Deutsche Liga für Volk und Heimat” (the “German League for People and Homeland”).
"Pam Geller Goes Full Frontal Nazi"
We've seen Pam Geller as a Holocaust denier, a white supremacist, and defender of neo-Nazis, now it appears she's gone completely over to the Nazi movement and is going to be very open about it.News from Chasing Evil
Claims modern-day Holocaust a "fake".(Bosnia)
Pamela Geller, author of the Atlas Shrugs blog is incensed that Radovan Karadzic was recently arrested for crimes against humanity, war crimes, murder and genocide, in the modern day (1992 – 1995) holocaust in Bosnia
...Axel Reitz The Hitler of Cologne testified : "We believe that National Socialism is the only saving faith for our people. We believe that there is a God in heaven who created us] And we believe that the Lord has sent us Adolf Hitler so that Germany will for all eternity a foundation. Heil Hitler. “ Heil Hitler. " His political opponents, he holds out the prospect that they would be put" one day at the market square and shot. "
I have asked the Netherlands Justice Ministry to issue an exclusion order, barring Pamela Geller Oshry from the Netherlands, and I have asked the British Home Secretary to issue an exclusion order, barring her from the United Kingdom. Better known as Pamela Geller, she is the sole author of the xenophobic, racist, right-wing blog 'Atlas Shrugs'. (For coverage of the blog by others, see LGF Watch and GOVVS).
In general, I believe that the American right is America's problem. However, the US 'counter-jihadist' movement has begun building links with the xenophobic-populist parties in Europe, united by the fear of 'Eurabia'. They have adopted Geert Wilders in particular, and Pamela Geller is his strongest supporter in the US blogosphere. Like some other supporters there (e.g. Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch) she has now begun fundraising for him.
from 22 May 2009 Exclusion order on Pamela Geller at State Ethics.blogspot.com/
More below.
David Irving, Holocaust denial, and his connections to right-wing extremists and Neo-National Socialism (Neo-Nazism) In Germany The Party of the Like-minded New Front, National List, German Alternative and National Alternative at the Nizkor Project
Christian Worch is one of the most important figures of the German neo-Nazi scene. In 1974, Worch started and began to build up the "Hansabande" in Hamburg together with his friend Michael Kühnen. They defaced Jewish cemeteries, assaulted leftists and foreigners, and denied the Holocaust -- they were a part of one especially well-known campaign under the motto "I, donkey, believe that Jews were gassed to death in Germany"
PTSD-Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
First a note to Pamela Gellar of Atlas Shrugs and other right wing pundits and bloggers who claim that Major Hasan the shooter at Fort Hood could not have suffered from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder because he was never in combat .
so for instance from National institute of Mental health
Anyone can get PTSD at any age. This includes war veterans and survivors of physical and sexual assault, abuse, accidents, disasters, and many other serious events.
Not everyone with PTSD has been through a dangerous event. Some people get PTSD after a friend or family member experiences danger or is harmed. The sudden, unexpected death of a loved one can also cause PTSD.
More in End Notes on PTSD.
This was a jihad martyrdom operation in full accord with classical Islam and jihad terrorism "theory," as sanctioned by even today's Muslim "luminaries" like the Sunni Pope Tantawi and the much more popular mainstream Muslim man on the street cleric Yusuf al Qaradawi -- let alone the canonized luminaries of classical Islam.
Pam Geller at Atlas Shrugs
Wrong answer!!!
Loonwatch does a better job at researching than Pam Keller who sometimes just makes things up like her counterparts Glenn Beck, Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter et al. Loonwatch argues that in fact what Major Hasan did was not justifiable under Islamic law.
Muslim Americans Must Obey U.S. Laws; Nidal Hasan Disobeyed Islamic Doctrine at Loonwatch.com
The Islamophobic blogosphere has gone buck-wild. Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller, and the rest of the goof troop are pretty ecstatic that Major Nidal Hasan, a Muslim American, killed thirteen U.S. soldiers at Fort Hood. Nothing makes a neo-conservative happier than an attack on American soil; as the family of the victims mourn the dead, the anti-Muslim ideologues gleefully co-opt the situation to market their hate-filled beliefs.
The Islamophobes claim that Major Hasan was simply “being a devout Muslim” when he opened fire on his fellow soldiers. According to them, this is a part of Jihad, an obligation in Islam. As such, the enemy is not just extremists, radicals, or terrorists; but rather, it is Islam itself. It is not then a gross perversion of a religion by zealots that result in such horrific attacks, but rather the exact opposite: it is a faithful understanding of the Islamic religion which results in terrorism. That’s what they claim at least.
There is, according to these anti-Muslim bigots, a conspiracy by Muslim Americans to overtake the country from within. The tactics to do so can be non-violent (”Stealth Jihad”) or overtly violent (such as 9/11 or the Fort Hood Massacre), but the goal is the same: to overthrow the U.S. government, rip the Constitution to shreds, and enact Sharia (Islamic law) in the West. It is for this reason, you–the average American Joe–need to fear your Muslim neighbor.
The Covenant of Security
But experts of the Islamic legal tradition say differently. The Islamic religion commands believers to obey the laws of the land they live in, even if it be one ruled by nonbelievers. Muslim jurists consider citizenship (or visa) to be a covenant (aqd) held between the citizen (or visa holder) and the state, one which guarantees safe passage/security (amaan) in exchange for certain obligations (such as obeying the laws of the land); covenants are considered sacredly binding in Islam. The Quran commands:
And fulfill every covenant. Verily, you will be held accountable with regard to the covenants. (Quran, 17:34)
...From a religious angle, Muslim Americans are forbidden to rebel against the U.S. government. They are not allowed to seek to overthrow the government, rip up the Constitution (which they gave an oath to uphold!), etc. They are not allowed to cheat on taxes, steal from anyone, kill or harm any of their fellow citizens, etc. Instead, they should be law-abiding citizens–according to the Islamic religion and the consensus (ijma) of the Muslim clerics since the last 1,400 years, in spite of Al-Qaeda’s reinterpretation (perversion) of religious doctrine.
Even if hypothetically the U.S. law were to stipulate a condition which was against Islamic teachings, the Muslim American would still have to follow it, as the Islamic cleric I quoted above says:
[Muslims] have to avoid whatever contradicts Islamic teachings. In case they are obliged by law to uphold something contrary to Islamic teachings, they have to adhere to the minimum that the law requires of them.
This idea–that Muslim Americans should uphold the laws of the land–is taught in mosques across the country with great unanimity, so the Islamophobic fear mongering is ill-founded.
and sums up:
The actions of Islamic extremists–such as the 9/11 hijackers and Major Nidal Hasan–flout the normative tradition of Islam and the teachings which millions of Muslim Americans follow. It is therefore inappropriate to conclude that the religion of Islam itself advocates such things, or that these attackers were simply following their religion. Such a thing is offensive to say and quite frankly inaccurate.
In any case, it is too early to say with any level of certainty what Major Hasan’s motivations were. Was he an extremist or simply a guy who lost his marbles like so many other shooters? Whatever the case, one thing is for sure: his actions do not reflect the Islamic teachings nor the millions of law-abiding Muslim Americans.
Pamela Geller at Atlas Shrugs who is a disciple of Ayn Rand's convoluted Fascistic Elitist philosophy is also quite xenophobic when it comes to Muslims. She and her friend Geert Wilder believe that Muslims are part of some world wide conspiracy to take control of the West either by stealth or force and so all Muslims can not be trusted since their religion is evil and violent. Muslims act as if programmed to commit violent actions to fulfill their religious beliefs. So she would like to stop the immigration of any more Muslims and insist those who stay take a loyalty oath or leave America. Wasn't it Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand who also gave this choice to the Jews in Spain living in Spain circa 1500. Didn't the English a hundred or so years later kick all the Jews out of their country.
Does Pam Geller and her radical associates not remember that there was a thousand years of virulent anti-Semitism in Europe which inevitably led to Hitler and Dachau. Do they not realize that this antisemitism was unjustified .
But the Good Christians of Europe insisted that the Jewish people were an evil pernicious foreign element which needed to be controlled, Ghettoized and finally killed. Why because they believed the Jews were in league with the devil that they performed Satanic rituals, that poisoned wells etc and then with the publication in 1905 of the notorious forgery The Protocols of the Elders Of Zion it was argued the Jews were involved in a world wide conspiracy to slowly by stealth take over the nations of the world one at a time . Aren't they now accusing Muslims of the sort of nefarious stealthy or violent conspiracy to make America and all other countries into Islamic nations.
Monday, August 04, 2008
"Pamela Geller - Holocaust Denier" at Chasing Evil.org
: Ms. Geller has now come fully out of the Nazi closet and is going Openly Nazi, joining a group of modern Nazis who, among other things, deny the WWII Holocaust happened.
Friday, April 24, 2009
"Pam Geller Goes Full Frontal Nazi" at Chasing Evil
We've seen Pam Geller as a Holocaust denier, a white supremacist, and defender of neo-Nazis, now it appears she's gone completely over to the Nazi movement and is going to be very open about it.
Claims modern-day Holocaust a "fake".
Pamela Geller, author of the Atlas Shrugs blog is incensed that Radovan Karadzic was recently arrested for crimes against humanity, war crimes, murder and genocide, in the modern day (1992 – 1995) holocaust in Bosnia. The only thing that stopped this from being a complete genocide of the Bosnian people was the military intervention of the USA, the UN, and troops from Argentina, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Jordan, Kenya, Lithuania, Malaysia, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, the Russian Federation, Venezuela, the United Kingdom, Slovak Republic, Spain, Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkey and the Ukraine.
and from Little Green Footballs we get more on Pam Geller 's involvement with Neonazis and other racist organizations.
Fascists Hijacking Anti-Jihadism in Cologne Sep 8, 2008 at Littlegreenfootballs.com
Here we go again, as an all-star cast of European fascists hijacks the anti-jihad movement for their own sick political purposes: Cities against islamisation.
31.07.2008 - On Saturday the 20th of September 2008 a European Meeting “No to islamisation” will take place in Cologne, Germany (Roncalliplatz, near the Dom of Cologne, 2 p.m.).
Speakers on this European Meeting are:
Henry Nitzsche, member of the German Parliament (Deutsche Bundestag)
Filip Dewinter, group leader of Vlaams Belang in the Flemish Parliament
Markus Beisicht, president of the German Movement “Pro NRW”
Jean-Marie Le Pen, president of Front National (France)
Mario Borghezio, member of European Parliament for the Italian Lega Nord
Heinz-Christian Strache, president of FPÖ (Austria)
That list contains virtually every racist, fascist leader in Europe, and you can bet that the usual suspects will be defending it. The concept of fighting against the global jihad has lost much of its credibility, because some of the most visible spokespeople refuse to unequivocally renounce their associations with this crew of vile Neanderthals.
and from
Pamela Geller of “Atlas Shrugs” and Paul Belien of “Brussels Journal” have been announced as speakers at a German far right event organized by a group called “Pro Köln” — a successor to the notorious fascist group “Deutsche Liga für Volk und Heimat” (the “German League for People and Homeland”).also see: see for instance Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch:
One of the main organizers of “Pro Köln” is Manfred Rouhs. Here are two photos of Rous with hardcore neo-Nazi activist Axel Reitz, who the local media call “the Hitler of Cologne.”
Christian Worch (born 1956) is one of the most important figures of the German neo-Nazi scene.
In 1974 Worch started a militant group called the Hansabande in Hamburg, along with Michael Kühnen. The group defaced Jewish cemeteries, assaulted leftists and foreigners[1], and denied the Holocaust. Worch took part in one especially well-known campaign under the motto “I am an ass to believe that Jews were gassed in Germany” (Ich Esel glaube, daß in Deutschland Juden vergast worden sind). The group gradually became the Aktionsfront Nationaler Sozialisten (ANS, Action Front of National Socialists) in 1977. Worch and Kühnen were also close to the now-banned Wiking-Jugend (Viking Youth).
Kühnen was arrested in 1979 and Worch took over leadership of the ANS. In 1980 he was convicted to a three-year prison sentence, despite being defended by Jürgen Rieger during his trial. In 1983, the organization now known as the ANS/NA (Aktionsfront Nationaler Sozialisten/Nationale Aktivisten, Action Front of National Socialists/National Activists) was banned, so Worch joined the Freiheitliche Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (FAP, Free German Workers’ Party) and became vice-chairman. As the Nationale Liste (National List) was founded in 1989, he became active in its executive committee. He edited its magazine, Index, until September 1991 and was especially active in Anti-Antifa work. In this campaign, lists of names and addresses of left-wing and anti-fascist activists and organizations were published; this led to attacks on some of the people listed. Worch was one of the main initiators of the campaign.
November 11, 2009
Taliban misunderstands Islam, promises repeat of Fort Hood jihad massacre
Spencer at NRO: "'Islamophobia' was duly avoided at Fort Hood. All it cost was 13 dead and 38 wounded."
Exclusion order on Pamela Geller at State Ethics.blogspot.com/
I have asked the Netherlands Justice Ministry to issue an exclusion order, barring Pamela Geller Oshry from the Netherlands, and I have asked the British Home Secretary to issue an exclusion order, barring her from the United Kingdom. Better known as Pamela Geller, she is the sole author of the xenophobic, racist, right-wing blog 'Atlas Shrugs'. (For coverage of the blog by others, see LGF Watch and GOVVS).
In general, I believe that the American right is America's problem. However, the US 'counter-jihadist' movement has begun building links with the xenophobic-populist parties in Europe, united by the fear of 'Eurabia'. They have adopted Geert Wilders in particular, and Pamela Geller is his strongest supporter in the US blogosphere. Like some other supporters there (e.g. Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch) she has now begun fundraising for him.
Geller recently expressed her general support for nationalism in Europe.
...She supported the recent anti-Islam rally organised by Pro-Köln, a regional xenophobic-populist party which is active in building contacts among European right-wing parties. The meeting signals the shift to pro-Israel, pro-Jewish, anti-Islam positions, among xenophobic-populist and nationalist parties in Europe. It is not all opportunistic, since there is a genuine anti-Islam movement in Europe, but some of those involved are very recent converts to the strategy.
The formal reasons for my request to bar Geller are:
1. Pamela Geller gives organisational support to, and solicits funds for, Geert Wilders and his PVV (Freedom Party). In doing so, she supports a party that is explicitly nationalist, anti-immigration, and anti-minority.
2. Geller is attempting to influence elections for the Dutch and European parliaments, from the United States, by financial means - although in the United States itself, foreign political donations are illegal.
3. Supporters of the PVV use death threats as a regular tactic, and fund-raising for the PVV constitutes de facto support for this tactic.
4. Geller distributes in the United States xenophobic texts and images, authored by Geert Wilders, and directed against ethnic minorities in Europe.
5. Geller has begun to promote the Flemish nationalist Filip Dewinter (and his party Vlaams Belang) in the United States, and distributes xenophobic speeches by Dewinter.
6. Geller promotes in the United States the activities of the German xenophobic-populist party Pro-Köln. She has regularly written in support of their anti-Islam meetings, at which neo-fascist and right-populist parties are represented: among others, Vlaams Belang, the Czech Národní Strana, the French Front National, and the Austrian FPÖ.
7. Through her activities, Geller contributes to the emergence of a transatlantic xenophobic movement, and to increasing co-operation among xenophobic right-wing parties.
8. Geller seeks to preserve the nation-states (and especially the State of Israel), and to preserve their identity and culture. In this way she obstructs both innovative state formation, and cultural innovation.
9. Geller does not recognise the freedom of conscience, with regard to nations and peoples. Specifically, she does not recognise attempts to destroy the state of Israel as legitimate, although she supports Vlaams Belang, a party that emphatically seeks the destruction of Belgium.
10. She is convinced that her own views represent an absolute truth, which must be rigidly adhered to. She attacks her political opponents in a hysterical tone, that borders on incitement to violence. For instance, she describes other Jews who don't share her hard-line right-wing views on Israel and the Palestinians, as "Jewicidal" or "jihadi".
11. Geller openly advocates the use of torture, inside and outside the United States. In combination with her support for racial profiling - classification as a terrorist suspect on the basis of ethnic origin - this constitutes a physical threat to immigrant minorities in the EU member states
http://littlegreenfootballs.com/ LittleGreenFootballs.com
http://frontpagemag.com/ FrontPage Magazine
http://www.terrorismawareness.org/ Terrorism Awareness.org
http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/default.asp Discover The Networks.org
http://www.horowitzfreedomcenter.org/ David Horowitz Freedom Center
http://www.chasingevil.org/ Chasing Evil.org
http://state-ethics.blogspot.com/ State-Ethics.blogspot.com/
What is posttraumatic stress disorder? MedicineNet.com
& Canadian Mental Health Association
Difficult situations are part of life. We all must cope with tough circumstances, such as bereavement or conflict in our personal and professional relationships, and learn to move on. But sometimes people experience an event which is so unexpected and so shattering that it continues to have a serious effect on them, long after any physical danger involved has passed. Individuals with this kind of experience may suffer flashbacks and nightmares, in which they re-live the situation that caused them intense fear and horror. They may become emotionally numb. When this condition persists for over a month, it is diagnosed as post-traumatic stress disorder.
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is one of several conditions known as an anxiety disorder. This kind of medical disorder affects approximately 1 in 10 people. They are among the most common of mental health problems. Children and adults can develop PTSD. The disorder can become so severe that that the individual finds it difficult to lead a normal life. Fortunately, treatments exist to help people with PTSD bring their lives back into balance.
What causes it?
PTSD is caused by a psychologically traumatic event involving actual or threatened death or serious injury to oneself or others. Such triggering events are called 'stressors'; they may be experienced alone or while in a large group.
Violent personal assault, such as rape or mugging, car or plane accidents, military combat, industrial accidents and natural disasters, such as earthquakes and hurricanes, are stressors which have caused people to suffer from PTSD. In some cases, seeing another person harmed or killed, or learning that a close friend or family member is in serious danger has caused the disorder.
What are the signs?
The symptoms of PTSD usually begin within 3 months of the traumatic event. However, sometimes they surface many years later. The duration of PTSD, and the strength of the symptoms, vary. For some people, recovery may be achieved in 6 months; for others, it may take much longer.
David Horowitz
David Horowitz began the Center for the Study of Popular Culture in 1988 to establish a conservative presence in Hollywood and show how popular culture had become a political battleground. Over the next 18 years, CSPC attracted 50,000 contributing supporters and established programs such as The Wednesday Morning Club, the Individual Rights Foundation, and Students for Academic Freedom.
FrontPage Magazine, the Center’s online journal of news and political commentary has 1.5 million visitors and 620,000 unique visitors a month (65 million hits) and is linked to over 2000 other websites. DiscoverTheNetworks.com, launched in 2005, is the largest publicly accessible database defining the chief groups and individuals of the Left and their organizational interlocks. DTN has had more than 8 million visitors so far this year.
Since 2003, the Center has promoted an Academic Bill of Rights to support students’ academic freedom, and free the American university from political indoctrination and renew its commitment to true intellectual diversity. In 2006, the Center established another organization, Students and Parents for Academic Freedom in K-12 schools, modeled on the university campaign and with the same agenda: to take politics out of the public school classroom.
In 2006, the Center’s Board of Directors decided to change the name of the organization to the David Horowitz Freedom Center.David Horowitz began the Center for the Study of Popular Culture in 1988 to establish a conservative presence in Hollywood and show how popular culture had become a political battleground. Over the next 18 years, CSPC attracted 50,000 contributing supporters and established programs such as The Wednesday Morning Club, the Individual Rights Foundation, and Students for Academic Freedom.
FrontPage Magazine, the Center’s online journal of news and political commentary has 1.5 million visitors and 620,000 unique visitors a month (65 million hits) and is linked to over 2000 other websites. DiscoverTheNetworks.com, launched in 2005, is the largest publicly accessible database defining the chief groups and individuals of the Left and their organizational interlocks. DTN has had more than 8 million visitors so far this year.
Since 2003, the Center has promoted an Academic Bill of Rights to support students’ academic freedom, and free the American university from political indoctrination and renew its commitment to true intellectual diversity. In 2006, the Center established another organization, Students and Parents for Academic Freedom in K-12 schools, modeled on the university campaign and with the same agenda: to take politics out of the public school classroom.
In 2006, the Center’s Board of Directors decided to change the name of the organization to the David Horowitz Freedom Center.
Christian Worch
From: Christian Worch at AllExperts.com
Christian Worch (born 1956) is one of the most important figures of the militant German neo-Nazi scene.
In 1974, Worch started and began to build up the "Hansabande" in Hamburg together with his friend Michael Kühnen. They defaced Jewish cemeteries, assaulted leftists and foreigners, and denied the Holocaust -- they were a part of one especially famous campaign under the motto I, donkey, believe that Jews were gassed to death in Germany (Ich Esel glaube, dass in Deutschland Juden vergast worden sind). This organization became the Aktionsfront Nationaler Sozialisten (ANS; Action Front of National Socialists) in 1977. Worch and Kühnen also had contacts to the now-banned Wiking-Jugend (Viking Youth) at this time.
Kühnen was arrested in 1979 and Worch took over the leadership of the ANS. In 1980 he was convicted to a three-year incarceration, despite being defended by Jürgen Rieger during his trial. In 1983, what was now known as the ANS/NA (Aktionsfront Nationaler Sozialisten/Nationale Aktivisten; Action Front of National Socialists/National Activists) was banned, so Worch joined the Freiheitlich Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (FAP; Free German Workers' Party) and became vice-chairman. As the Nationale Liste (National List) was founded in 1989, he switched over to it and became active in its executive committee. He edited its magazine, Index, until September 1991 and was especially active in Anti-Antifa work. In this campaign, lists of names and addresses of left-wing and anti-fascist activists and organizations were published; these even lead to attacks on a few people on these lists. Worch was one of the main initiators of this campaign.
Worch has worked with Hilfsorganisation für nationale politische Gefangene und deren Angehörige (HNG; Help organisation for national political prisoners and their families), a German organization which helps imprisoned neo-Nazis, and he works with Gary Lauck's NSDAP/AO. After Kühnen died in 1991, Worch, Winfried Arnulf Priem, and Gottfried Küssel took over the Gesinnungsgemeinschaft der Neuen Front (GdNF; Convicition Community of the New Front); this led to him being sentenced to 2 years' imprisonment on probation in 1994. In February 1996, he had to serve this jail time, because he continued the ANS/NA, despite its ban, but he was released early in 1997.
In the 1990's, Worch had, for short time, close relations to the National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD) and was connection point between the Freie Kameradschaften (Free Comradships, German neo-Nazi groups) and the NPD. In an interview, he said, defending his collaboration with a party, that "the NPD is as a party, of course, only a means to intersperse our worldview". However, he has distanced himself from the party since.
Worch is also famous as one of the main organizers of the Rulf Heß Memory March, which takes place once a year in Wunsiedel, Bavaria, where Rudolf Hess is buried, and is one of the most important events for European neo-Nazis.
and so it goes,
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