Ron Luce at Battlecry Rally Praises a Navy Seal as a "True Christian" willing to kill Muslims and other Heathens-Yet Christians claim they are peace loving than all other religions-so ignore the Crusades, centuries of murdering Jews , witches, heretics slaughtering millions to spread their culture around the globe.
Another militant Christian training kids to be real warriors for God sort of like the Taliban?
Canada's revamped citizenship guide warns newcomers that "barbaric cultural practices" such as honour killings will not be tolerated, marking a stronger tone against importing beliefs that clash with Canadian values.
From National Post "New citizenship guide says no to 'barbaric' practices" by Kathryn Blaze Carlson, National Post November 12, 2009
We often hear Evangelical Christians and others claiming while Christianity is a religion of Peace Islam they characterize as a religion of violence and war. If you listen to the sermons of Pastor John Hagee, Pat Robertson, Ron Luce of BattleCry or the pastor at "Jesus Camp"or hundreds of other Evangelical Christians they often talk in terms of an ongoing war between God and Satan, Good and Evil, the True Believers and the Unbelievers and heretics who must be exposed shunned or killed.They also tell their followers that they must be willing to lay down their lives in this Holy War and be willing to be martyrs. Most of these Conservative biblical literalists support the war in Iraq and Afghanistan and wish to see it broadened because to these Christians this is a battle for God's chosen people against the forces of Evil embodied in the religion of Islam and other non-Christian faiths.
"Life is not a playground," says Rev. Rusty Lee Thomas in The Kingdom Leadership Institute Manual. "It is a war zone."
...For Thomas, the call is not only to criminalize abortion and homosexuality, return prayer to the schools, get women out of the workplace, and declare the U.S. a Christian nation, but also to impose Biblical rule on all who reside within our national borders. Furthermore, he's going for blood -- and I mean that literally. "Whether we like it or not, ours is a bloody religion," he explains. "Beginning with God slaying the animals to cover Adam and Eve after the fall…to the final sacrifice by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, one theme rings true. Without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sins."
From "Christian Bootcamp Seeks to Arm Home-Schooled Youths for "Spiritual Warfare" by Eleanor Bader, November 16, 2009.
In 2006, a black American convert to Islam, Keith Ellison, won election to the United States Congress from Minnesota’s 5th Congressional District. He did so with public support from a number of Jewish community leaders. When asked about “Islamic terrorists”, Ellison replied, “Osama bin Laden no more represents Islam than Timothy McVeigh [convicted in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing] represented Christianity”.
The campaign to demonise all Muslims because of their faith includes an intellectual side. A conference last February entitled Preserving Western Civilisation drew a number of anti-immigrant propagandists and so-called scientific racists. As reported by Devin Burghart in the April issue of Searchlight, attendees were encouraged to compare “Islam with Nazism and the Koran with Mein Kampf”.
In the recent past a number of books and articles have been published that put forward similar arguments. In fact a debate has arisen in these ranks. One side contends that the Islamic faith is not a religion at all, but more akin to an anti-modern political ideology, inherently prone to aggression and genocide. In this view, the Islamic civilisations of the past were “parasitic” in nature and disappeared after killing off their host peoples.
The other side of this debate says that it is only the current incarnation of Islam that has produced terrorism and extremism, and that it can be reformed, presumably by modern-thinking westerners.
A number of different threads are tied up here. The horrors of 11 September 2001 have produced a non-Muslim public that equates the Islamic faith with terrorism. Nativist and white nationalist organisations, eager to find new constituencies and keep the anti-foreigner fires burning, have stoked these sentiments and brought them to bear in the current policy debate over immigration reform.
From Islamophobia is no secret by Leonard Zeskind at Searchlight November 2009
I have briefly discussed how to deal with issues concerning the values of immigrants to a country where those values or practices or traditions come into conflict with the values and laws and traditions of their host country. So a nation needs to make it plain that certain customs and practices will not be permitted. So for instance "Honour killings", 'spousal abuse' or "female genital mutilation" and the abuse of children and the denial of rights to women or children etc. would not be tolerated. So the Canadian government has taken a necessary and reasonable first step by issuing a "New Citizenship Guide" which lists a variety of practices which will not be tolerated in Canada..
"New citizenship guide says no to 'barbaric' practices" by Kathryn Blaze Carlson, National Post November 12, 2009
Canada's revamped citizenship guide warns newcomers that "barbaric cultural practices" such as honour killings will not be tolerated, marking a stronger tone against importing beliefs that clash with Canadian values.
"In Canada, men and women are equal under the law," the document says. "Canada's openness and generosity do not extend to barbaric cultural practices that tolerate spousal abuse, ‘honour killings,' female genital mutilation or other gender-based violence. Those guilty of these crimes are severely punished under Canada's criminal laws."
The guide, released on Thursday and called Discover Canada: The Rights and Responsibilities of Canadian Citizenship, (read the full guide) is the first of its kind to explicitly denounce violence in the name of family honour -- a crime in the headlines just this week after an Ottawa man was sentenced to a year in jail for threatening violence against his daughter.
While honour killings remain relatively rare in Canada, several high-profile cases have drawn attention to the issue. Even the use of the term "honour killings" has stirred debate, as critics of the wording say it implies the practice is accepted by certain religions when, in fact, it is not.
"The government had long been cautious about offending people," said Amin Muhammad, a psychiatry professor at Memorial University and author of a recent paper on the subject, which was submitted to the federal Department of Justice. "But now, the government is bravely -- but politely -- warning that this is something that is not to be tolerated."
...But Farzana Hassan, spokeswoman for the Muslim Canadian Congress, said there is nothing controversial about the statement in the new guide, adding that it is a long-overdue step toward tackling a cultural practice that does not jibe with Canadian values.
"We cannot ignore this in the name of multiculturalism," she said. "But it's not enough to make statements about what people should or shouldn't do, because that approach doesn't register with people who are influenced by this very irrational religious zeal."
Phyllis Chesler, an American feminist author who will soon publish a study of 230 honour killings across five continents, said honour killings are most often committed by Muslims, but added that Canada and the United States have also seen many cases involving Sikhs and Hindus. "The punishment is for becoming western after having moved to the west," Ms. Chesler said. "Wanting to leave a husband, going to college - these sorts of things that we take for granted - are seen as capital crimes among those who practice honour killings."
Another militant Christian Leader shows how similar they are to the Fundamentalist Muslims.
Christian Bootcamp Seeks to Arm Home-Schooled Youths for "Spiritual Warfare" by Eleanor Bader, November 16, 2009.
"Life is not a playground," says Rev. Rusty Lee Thomas in The Kingdom Leadership Institute Manual. "It is a war zone."
Thomas' Elijah Ministries has started the Kingdom Leadership Institute, a weeklong ideological boot camp for home-schooled Christians between the ages of 14 and 21. His recently released book, The Kingdom Leadership Institute Manual, is a roadmap for their training and a fascinating -- if twisted -- look at the concerns of far right evangelicals, complete with a game plan for action.
There's no pussy-footing in Thomas' screed. For him the battle between God and Satan is at hand, pitting True Believers against Sinners. Common ground? Impossible since there are only two sides, one resulting in heavenly salvation and the other ending with the earth’s destruction.
"Life is not a playground," he rails. "It is a war zone -- a clash of ideas, philosophies, values, and worldviews. It demands leaders who do not shrink back in [sic] the day of battle." He calls it "spiritual warfare" and repeatedly summons images straight out of the Middle Ages, with gallant Knights protecting grateful maidens, and courtliness trumping gender equity.
Thomas’ solution for changing this and returning American youth to the Christian fold is straightforward, if absurd, and starts with home schooling. Women, he writes, should quit working for money and instead work on inculcating “Christian values”, including male supremacy, in the next generation. “A patriarch is a family ruler. He is the man in charge,” Thomas begins. “Biblical manhood demands men … defend and shield or cover women from injury, evil or oppression.” Not surprisingly, Thomas puts forward an essentialized view: Men are logical, women emotional and spiritually attuned. Feminist challenges to this monochromatic definition are anathema to nature, he charges. Worse, they challenge the male birthright to establish a “dynasty” at home.
Yep, you read right. A dynasty.
“Feminists charge that Christianity promotes a patriarchal religion, which oppresses women and steals their potential. Although it is true that Christianity is patriarchal, the function of true patriarchy is to protect, provide, and care for women and children. Biblical patriarchy is expressed as chivalry,” Thomas writes.
...For Thomas, the call is not only to criminalize abortion and homosexuality, return prayer to the schools, get women out of the workplace, and declare the U.S. a Christian nation, but also to impose Biblical rule on all who reside within our national borders. Furthermore, he's going for blood -- and I mean that literally. "Whether we like it or not, ours is a bloody religion," he explains. "Beginning with God slaying the animals to cover Adam and Eve after the fall…to the final sacrifice by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, one theme rings true. Without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sins."
It's hard to know whether this is an oblique reference to murdering abortion providers or is a more literal reference to the war Thomas envisions between his parishioners and everyone else.
The propagandist uses various strategies in order to manipulate its audience.
The Enemy whomever they are are characterized in various ways to show how different they are and who are characterized as an imminent threat. They are seen as treacherous and cunning they infiltrate and insinuate themselves into their host societies only to betray that trust to achieve their agenda total control by the unseen hand which is theirs. The Enemy are likened to a disease a cancer that must be rooted out of the body politic. They are likened to parasites to rats and vermin. They are described as invading hordes. As Jews were demonized for centuries by Christianity now these anti-Muslims demonize Muslims.
The video below is an anti-semitic Nazi Propaganda Film about Imaginary Jewish Conspiracy. Notice how similar this propaganda is to that of those who are on a Crusade against Islam and all Muslims and it can be compared to those who exaggerate the impact on America by illegal & legal immigrants from Mexico and Latin America. Once a group is demonized stereotyped as being an a "foreign Invasion" bringing crime ,disease, a lack of morality as a "Fifth Column" it makes it easier to discriminate against them and this can eventually lead to extremist views becoming main stream as anger, hatred and fear are stirred up by professional agitators such as Pam Geller, Glenn beck, Lou Dobbs.
(Video posted For educational purposes ; it is offensive!)
Signs of the Coming Holocaust
The teaching of Islamofascism in the west-Brigette Gabriel & Glenn beck
This video proclaims to be using well documented facts on projected demographics but most are exaggerated. For instance the claim is that there are 9 million Muslims in America but the more realistic figure is that of 2 to 3 million. So the other figures cannot be trusted. The projected figures are further based it appears on a static model in which the variables do not change. The assumption is that these future immigrants especially Muslims will not change their attitudes towards the number of children they have. It also assumes immigration will continue to grow which is not a certainty.
Muslim Plans For Conquering Europe Succeeding.
End Notes:
October 18, 2009
Religious Right Antics-Rejecting The Flesh? Christian Cult of Death & Stoning Homosexuals & Burning Witches
the Conservative Evangelicals & the so called Third Wave Movement which Sarah Palin and others such as Lou Engle of the Call & the Ramp, Ron Luce of Battlecry , and Bill Johnson of Bethel Church, Rick Joyner of MorningStar Ministries who believe in the "Gifts of the spirit"- healings, speaking in tongues, spiritual warfare, the power of prayer to fight off the Devil etc. -Morningstar Ministries, Joel's Army, the Call , Battlecry! etc.
and: October 16, 2009
Jesus Calls For A Jihad & Insists on The Redistribution Of Wealth
Bill Johnson:Urgent Call to Prayer-Preaching Hate Against All Muslims- God never said to love your enemies and if he did you should kill them without hate or malice but as a form of "Mercy Killing" since these poor souls are possessed by evil spirits or demons.
August 22, 2009
Blackwater Hit Squads Erik Prince's Christian Crusaders Against Islam
and other related posts at gordspoetryfactory.
September 03, 2009
Glenn Beck's 9/12 Rally & The American Liberty Tour & - Radical Right Going Mainstream & Winning ?
August 24, 2009
Francis A. Schaeffer The Religious Right Part II and Ron Luce's " Battlecry Ministries"
August 08, 2009
Former Right-Wing Insider Frank Schaeffer Calls Republican Party Profoundly Anti-American and Pro-Fascism
June 16, 2009
The Potent Mix Of Theology & Racism :" Christian Identity " & " The Embassy of Heaven Church "
and so it goes,
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