History of Anti-semism
Anti-Semitic tract Forgery :Protocols of the learned Elders of Zion
Christian roots of Anti-Semitism
Hitler /Nazis /Holocaust
Father Couglin
Henry Ford
The Christian Churches and its 2000 year history of Anti-Semitism
Discussing the Nazi Holocaust, Hans Küng -- once a leading Catholic theologian, but now banned from teaching by the Church -- wrote that "Nazi anti-Judaism was the work of godless, anti-Christian criminals. But it would not have been possible without the almost two thousand years' pre-history of 'Christian' anti-Judaism..."
Two Church teachings became the foundation stones for centuries of oppression of Jews by the Church:
On Blood Purity invented not by the Nazis but by the Church
1547-" Statute of Toledo called Limpieza De Sangre or Blood Purity according to which no one of Jewish blood could hold office in the cathedral " p. 374 james carroll
1555- Gian Pieto Caraffa became Pope Paul IV
"...he ratified the blood purity statute of Toledo.
He forbade ..( the possession of any )religious book except the Bible.
From now on the Talmud would be on the index of forbidden books . To enforce that proscription he abolished Hebrew printing in Rome... and
" Jews are to own no real estate. Jews are to attend no Christian university .
Jews are to hire no Christian servants.
Jews mercantile roles are to be strictly repudiated. Jews taxes are to be increased. Jews are no longer to ignore the ancient requirement to wear distinctive clothing and badges .
Jews are to refuse to be addressed as ' sir' by Christians." p. 375 James carroll
These writings borrowed from Religious Tolerance.org of Ontario's Department of Education gives a fairly detailed outline of the Christian Churches responsibility for some 2,000 years of Rabid hatred of the Jews and of Judaism-
So few Christians are willing to accept the historical Role the Church played in its promulgation of Anti-Semitism
The text below was copied from :
Religious Tolerance .org

Transfer of sin:
This is the belief that all Jews, from the first century onwards, are responsible for Jesus' execution circa 30 CE. This includes Jews who lived in the Roman Empire in the first century CE but had never heard of Jesus or of his teachings. It includes Jews who were born in the 19 centuries following Jesus' death.
Current teachings of the Roman Catholic Church:
As stated above, there were two beliefs of the Roman Catholic Church which formed the foundation for centuries of crimes against humanity, directed against the Jewish people. Both foundations have been abandoned:
Supercessionism: This is the concept that, in the first century CE, God had rejected the Jews and revoked his covenants with them. The Church taught that God did this in response to the rejection of the Gospel by most Jews during Jesus' life and after his execution. Although many Jews formed the Jewish Christian movement centered in Jerusalem, most continued to favor the Torah and the religion of their ancestors, that God had called them to honor.
... This was the principle that all Jews, from the first century onwards, share responsible for Jesus' execution. This concept was rejected by the church's Second Vatican Council during the 1960s. The Council's "Declaration on the relation of the Church to non-Christian religions: Nostra Aetate," states: "True, the Jewish authorities and those who followed their lead pressed for the death of Christ;...still, what happened in His passion cannot be charged against all the Jews, without distinction, then alive, nor against the Jews of today."
Unfortunately, this passage is followed by a statement that seems to suggest that belief in supercessionism is not quite dead in the Church: "Although the Church is the new people of God, the Jews should not be presented as rejected or accursed by God, as if this followed from the Holy Scriptures." [Emphasis ours].
Nostra Aetae continues with an unconditional denunciation on those who promote Antisemitism and persecutions of Jews, in unusually direct language: "Furthermore, in her rejection of every persecution against any man, the Church, mindful of the patrimony she shares with the Jews and moved not by political reasons but by the Gospel's spiritual love, decries hatred, persecutions, displays of anti-Semitism, directed against Jews at any time and by anyone."
Copyright © 2001 to 2008 by Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance Originally written: 2001-JUL-25 Latest update: 2008-FEB-06 Author: B.A. Robinson
Part 2:
Judaism/Roman Catholicism/Genocide
Anti-semitism, the Nazi Holocaust,
and the Roman Catholic Church
"The Jews are a nervous people. Nineteen centuries of Christian love have taken a toll." Benjamin Disraeli
"Only in our remembrance and open discussion is there a chance, a hope, that another Holocaust will never happen." Louis Weber, publisher of "The Holocaust Chronicle"
"We would risk causing the victims of the most atrocious deaths to die again if we do not have an ardent desire for justice, if we do not commit ourselves to insure that evil does not prevail over good as it did for millions of children of the Jewish people...Humanity cannot permit all that to happen again." Pope John Paul II.
The roots of the Holocaust:
The Holocaust was built on a foundation of centuries of anti-Jewish hatred mainly promoted by the Roman Catholic Church, by the Protestant Churches, and to a lesser degree by the Eastern Orthodox churches. This religious hatred and intolerance was primarily created and maintained by Christian synods, councils, popes, cardinals, theologians, etc. until the 19th century. Since that time, anti-semitism -- hatred of Jews based on race -- has been a cooperative effort involving some religious, secular and government individuals and institutions.
Hans Küng, a leading Catholic theologian, 3 has written that "Nazi anti-Judaism was the work of godless, anti-Christian criminals. But it would not have been possible without the almost two thousand years' pre-history of 'Christian' anti-Judaism..." 4
Anti-semitism in the Roman Catholic Church
1st to 20th Century CE
During the 1st and 2nd century CE:
Circa 30 CE, the primitive Christian movement was one of about two dozen different Jewish religious/political movements, along with the Sadducees, Pharisees, Essenes, Zealots, followers of John the Baptist, etc. The immediate followers of Jeshua of Nazareth (Jesus Christ) looked upon themselves as a reform movement within Judaism.
Confrontation between the early Christians and various Jewish groups are recorded in the Christian Scriptures (aka New Testament). There are references to instances of persecution of Jewish Christians and Pauline Christians by Jewish groups. The Gospels, particularly the Gospel of John, contains many passages in which the authors condemn "the Jews" as sons of Satan and accuse them of murdering Jesus.
Justin Martyr (circa 100 to 165 CE) and Irenaeus of Lyon (circa 130 to 200 CE) developed the concept of "supercessionism." This is sometimes called the "theology of displacement" or "replacement theology." They taught that the Jews were partly responsible for Jesus' execution. Through this act, and by rejecting Jesus' teachings, the Jews were seen as losing their favored position as God's chosen people. Christianity replaced Judaism in God's eyes as the chosen people. The Christian Church became regarded as the 'true' or 'spiritual' Israel.4 Later, Milito of Sardis (circa 160) "through his misreading of the gospels still more bluntly than Justin held the Jews responsible for the death of Jesus..." 5
Two Church teachings became the foundation stones for centuries of oppression of Jews by the Church:
Supercessionism: (a.k.a. Replacement Theology): The belief that God had rejected the Jews, unilaterally cancelled his covenants with them, and now favored Christians as the new chosen people.
During the 4th century CE:
From 315 CE, (when the Roman Empire extended freedom of religion to Christians) to 395 (when Christianity had become the state religion) Christians were able to initiate programs of discrimination and oppression against Jews. Some early examples were:
306 CE: The church Synod of Elvira banned marriages, sexual intercourse and community contacts between Christians and Jews.
315: Constantine's Edict of Milan terminated many Jewish rights.
325: The Council of Nicea decided to separate the celebration of Easter from the Jewish Passover. They stated: "let us have nothing in common with this odious people..."
337: The marriage of a Jewish man to a Christian woman ecame punishable by death.
339: Conversion to Judaism became a criminal offense.
367 - 376: St. Hilary of Poitiers referred to Jews as a perverse people who God has cursed forever. St. Ephroem referred to synagogues as brothels.
379-395: Emperor Theodosius the Great permitted the destruction of synagogues if it served a religious purpose.
380: The Bishop of Milan initiated the destruction of a synagogue, which he referred to as "an act pleasing to God."
During the Middle Ages and Renaissance:
During this period, there were dozens of other instances of persecution of Jews by the church, including exiling Jews from cities, dioceses and entire countries; destruction of synagogues; denial of the right to own land or to hold office; and their reduction to serfdom and slavery. Perhaps the worst instances during these centuries were genocides during the Crusades. Hundreds of thousands of Jews were murdered in cold blood by Christian armies on their way to and from Palestine.
Some of the other acts of oppression included:
1205: Pope Innocent III wrote to the archbishops of Sens and Paris that "the Jews, by their own guilt, are consigned to perpetual servitude because they crucified the Lord...As slaves rejected by God, in whose death they wickedly conspire, they shall by the effect of this very action, recognize themselves as the slaves of those whom Christ's death set free..." i.e. they would be slaves of Christians.
1227: The Synod of Narbonne required Jews to wear an oval badge -- reminiscent of the Star of David that the Nazis required Jews to wear.
1478: The Spanish Inquisition was organized by the Church in order to detect insincere conversions of Jews to Christianity.
1516: Venice forced Jews to live only in one parish, called the "Ghetto Novo."
1555: A Roman Catholic Papal bull, "Cum nimis absurdum," required Jews in Vatican controlled lands to wear badges, and be confined to ghettos. Over 3,000 people were crammed into about 8 acres of land. The public health problems were horrendous.
1648-9: Massacres of Jews occurred in Nemirov, Polonnoye, Tulchin, Volhynia, Bar, Lvov, and other cities in Ukraine. About 100,000 Jews were murdered and 300 communities destroyed.
During these centuries, there were a few attempts by various popes to reduce the impact of the church's policies against the Jews. They were largely ignored. None had any lasting impact.
During 19th and first half of the 20th century CE:
In earlier centuries, persecution by church and state was directed at followers of Judaism. The Church believed that some Jews must be allowed to live, because the biblical book of Revelation indicated that they had a role to play in the "end times." However, since the Church at the time believed that all Jews were responsible for Jesus' death -- past, present and future -- then it was acceptable to make Jews' lives quite miserable. Jews could escape oppression by giving up their religion, converting to Christianity, and being baptized.
Subsequent attacks against Jews were mostly racially motivated, and perpetrated by Christian, governmental and secular groups and individuals. The Jewish people were viewed as a separate race more than as followers of a different religion.
1806: A French Jesuit Priest, Abbe Barruel, had written a treatise blaming the Masonic Order for the French Revolution. He later issued a letter alleging that Jews, not the Masons were the guilty party. Beliefs in an international Jewish conspiracy to control the world came from this source; they continue today.
1846 - 1878: Pope Pius IX restored all of the previous restrictions against the Jews within the Vatican state. All Jews under Papal control were confined to Rome's ghetto - the last one in Europe until the Nazis recreated ghettos in the 1930s.
Pius IX was beatified in the year 2000 -- the last step before sainthood.
1881: The assassination of Alexander II of Russia was incorrectly blamed on Jews. About 200 individual pogroms against the Jews followed. ("Pogrom" is a Russian word meaning "devastation" or "riot.")
1894: French Captain Alfred Dreyfus was framed by antisemitic officers, found guilty and was given a life sentence. The church, government and army united to suppress the truth. Ten years later, he was declared totally innocent. The Dreyfus Affair became world-wide news for years.
1903+: Anti-Jewish pogroms continued in Russia, causing hundreds of thousands of deaths during the first two decades of the 20th century.
1905: The Russian secret police wrote a piece of fiction, the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion." A Russian Orthodox priest, Sergius Nilus, published them publicly in 1905. It was promoted as the record of "secret rabbinical conferences whose aim was to subjugate and exterminate the Christians." The forgeries are still being circulated. They appear from time to time in Muslim media. Wal-Mart stocked them in their online bookstore until 2004-SEP.
1930s: Some American clergy used their their radio programs to attack Jews. Father Charles E Coughlin was one of the best known. "In the 1930's, radio audiences heard him rail against the threat of Jews to America's economy and defend Hitler's treatment of Jews as justified in the fight against communism."
1933: Hitler becomes the chancellor of Germany.
1936: The Nazi government passed the anti-Jewish Nuremberg Laws, which paralleled earlier Church laws against Jews.
1936: Cardinal Hloud of Poland urged Catholics to boycott Jewish businesses.
1938: Hitler brought back various century-old church regulations, ordering all Jews to wear a yellow Star of David as identification.
1940: The Nazis confined Jews to inner-city ghettos, another technique of the church.
1941 to 1945: The Nazi Holocaust resulted in the execution of over 6 million Jews, a similar number of non-Jews -- such as Soviet prisoners of war, Polish intellectuals -- about a half million Roma (Gypsies). Also killed were a few thousand Jehovah's Witnesses and an unknown number of homosexuals. Of these victims, only the Jews and Roma were marked for total annihilation.
The Roman Catholic Church reversed its theology later in the 20th century and is now a strong supporter of religious tolerance towards Jews.
Also see on Pope Pius Xll article by
Rabbi Shmuley Boteach at Huffington Post ,March 9, 2010.
Moral Cowardice and the Third Reich: The Legacy of Pius XII
He was the Pope who famously refused, amid unmistakable evidence of thousands of Jews being shipped to slaughter in Nazi concentration camps, to ever speak out against the holocaust. This followed Pius' successful efforts to prevent the publication of an encyclical commissioned by his dying predecessor to condemn Nazi Antisemitism. This is also the Pope who sent Hitler birthday greetings every single year and who refused to excommunicate Hitler or any other top Nazis who were on official Catholic rolls (to give this context, the singer Sinead O'Connor was excommunicated).
He ignored the pleas of President Roosevelt and Winston Churchill to denounce the Nazis. He later refused to endorse a joint declaration by Britain, U.S and Russia condemning mass murder of Europe's Jews, claiming that he simply could not condemn "particular" atrocities. The most he ever did was a single pronouncement during the war on the murder "of hundreds of thousands." By then, of course, there were millions, and he did not mention Hitler, Nazi Germany, or the Jews in the statement.
Most infamously, he was silent when the Germans rounded up Rome's Jews in October 1944 for slaughter. They were being processed for extermination in a military school a few hundred yards from his window in St. Peter's. An Italian princess, Enza Pignatelli, forced her way into the Pope's study and warned him about the imminent assault on the city's Jewish citizens. "You must act immediately," she cried. "The Germans are arresting the Jews and taking them away. Only you can stop them." The Pope assured her, "I will do all I can." He made no protest and nearly all were later gassed in Auschwitz. Curiously, amid the Pope's inability to find his voice to condemn the extermination of European Jewry, when the Catholic archbishop of Berlin issued a statement mourning Hitler's death, the Pope did not reprimand him.
Author John Cornwell unearths letters from Pius' early career in Germany which reveals a stubborn, even distasteful disposition toward Jews. While Papal nuncio in Germany, Pius refused to perform favors for the Jewish community on the flimsiest of grounds and describes the Munich chapter of the German Communist Party as being filthy and full of Jews. Pius refers derisively to "a group of young women, of dubious appearance, Jews like all the rest of them" and he describes Communist leader Max Levien as a Jew, "pale, dirty, with drugged eyes, hoarse voice, vulgar, repulsive..."
http://www.memory-hole.blog.co.uk/The Memory Hole
The Protestant Reformation -Martin Luther
As for the Reformation and the Great Schism -The Protestants were just as bigoted against the Jews as were Catholics and the Catholic Church.
as Martin Luther wrote
in his own anti-Semitic tirade of hate The Jews and Their Lies(1543) as we see below:
At the beginning of his career, Luther was apparently sympathetic to Jewish resistance to the Catholic Church. He wrote, early in his career:
The Jews are blood-relations of our Lord; if it were proper to boast of flesh and blood, the Jews belong more to Christ than we. I beg, therefore, my dear Papist, if you become tired of abusing me as a heretic, that you begin to revile me as a Jew.
But Luther expected them to convert to his purified Christianity. When they did not, he turned violently against Jews.
Martin Luther: The Jews and Their Lies
...I had made up my mind to write no more either about the Jews or against them. But since I learned that these miserable and accursed people do not cease to lure to themselves even us, that is, the Christians, I have published this little book, so that I might be found among those who opposed such poisonous activities of the Jews who warned the Christians to be on their guard against them. I would not have believed that a Christian could be duped by the Jews into taking their exile and wretchedness upon himself. However, the devil is the god of the world, and wherever God's word is absent he has an easy task, not only with the weak but also with the strong. May God help us. Amen.
He did not call them Abraham's children, but a "brood of vipers" [Matt. 3:7]. Oh, that was too insulting for the noble blood and race of Israel, and they declared, "He has a demon' [Matt 11:18]. Our Lord also calls them a "brood of vipers"; furthermore in John 8 [:39,44] he states: "If you were Abraham's children ye would do what Abraham did.... You are of your father the devil. It was intolerable to them to hear that they were not Abraham's but the devil's children, nor can they bear to hear this today.
...Therefore the blind Jews are truly stupid fools...
...Now just behold these miserable, blind, and senseless people.
...their blindness and arrogance are as solid as an iron mountain.
Learn from this, dear Christian, what you are doing if you permit the blind Jews to mislead you. Then the saying will truly apply, "When a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into the pit" [cf. Luke 6:39]. You cannot learn anything from them except how to misunderstand the divine commandments...
Therefore be on your guard against the Jews, knowing that wherever they have their synagogues, nothing is found but a den of devils in which sheer selfglory, conceit, lies, blasphemy, and defaming of God and men are practiced most maliciously and veheming his eyes on them.
Moreover, they are nothing but thieves and robbers who daily eat no morsel and wear no thread of clothing which they have not stolen and pilfered from us by means of their accursed usury. Thus they live from day to day, together with wife and child, by theft and robbery, as archthieves and robbers, in the most impenitent security.
However, they have not acquired a perfect mastery of the art of lying; they lie so clumsily and ineptly that anyone who is just a little observant can easily detect it. But for us Christians they stand as a terrifying example of God's wrath."
In 1144 CE, an unfounded rumor began in eastern England, that Jews had kidnapped a Christian child, tied him to a cross, stabbed his head to simulate Jesus' crown of thorns, killed him, drained his body completely of blood, and mixed the blood into matzos (unleavened bread) at time of Passover. The rumor was started by a former Jew, Theobald, who had become a Christian monk. He said that Jewish representatives gathered each year in Narbonne, France. They decided in which city a Christian child would be sacrificed.
The boy involved in the year 1144 hoax became known as St. William of Norwich. Many people made pilgrimages to his tomb and claimed that miracles had resulted from appeals to St. William. The myth shows a complete lack of understanding of mainline Judaism. Aside from the prohibition of killing innocent persons, the Torah specifically forbids the drinking or eating of any form of blood in any quantity. However, reality never has had much of an impact on blood libel myths. This rumor lasted for many centuries; even today it has not completely disappeared.
Pope Innocent IV ordered a study in 1247 CE. His investigators found that the myth was a Christian invention used to justify persecution of the Jews. At least 4 other popes subsequently vindicated the Jews.
"Holy shrines were erected to honor innocent Christian victims, and well into the twentieth century, churches throughout Europe displayed knives and other instruments that Jews purportedly used for these rituals. Caricatures of hunchbacked Jews with horns and fangs were depicted in works of art and carved into stone decorating bridges."
Nicholl reports that "there are 150 recorded cases of the charge of ritual murder, and many led to massacres of the Jews of the place."
1555- Gian Pieto Caraffa became Pope Paul IV
...he ratified the blood purity statute of Toledo. He forbade ..( the possession of any )religious book except the Bible. From now on the Talmud would be on the index of forbidden books . To enforce that proscription he abolished Hebrew printing in Rome... and " Jews are to own no real estate. Jews are to attend no Christian university . Jews are to hire no Christian servants. Jews mercantile roles are to be strictly repudiated. Jews taxes are to be increased. Jews are no longer to ignore the ancient requirement to wear distinctive clothing and badges . Jews are to refuse to be addressed as ' sir' by Christians." p. 375 carroll...The Inquisition- the systematic legal persecution of heretics by a church court...which enjoyed the support not only of the secular power but also of broad groups among the people, who often eagerly looked forward to the execution of heretics. The Inquisition would become an essential characteristic of the Roman Catholic Church." p. 96 Hans Kung
1542- ...the notorious Sanctum Officium Sanctissimae Inquisitions, today called the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith was founded as the center of the Inquisition of all countries, and a first Index of Prohibited Books was issued ." p. 135 Hans Kung
under " ...Torquemada there were around nine thousand autos-de-fe ( acts of faith ) burnings of heretics and Jews ." p. 132 hans Kung
Pope Pius VI rejected the 1791 Civil Constitution of the French Revolution & rejected the " abominable philosophy of human rights " and especially freedom of religion, conscience ,and the press and the equality of all human beings . " p. 153 Hans Kung
in 1870 - The pope proclaimed papal infallibility that is "The pope possesses the gift of infallibility in his own solemn magisterial decisions. These solemn ( ex cathedra ) decisions are infallible on the basis of special support from the Holy Spirit and are immutable ( irreformable ) intrinsically, not by virtue of the assent of the church " - p.166 Hans Kung
and Hans Kung note on infallibility :
" No one in the whole of the first millennium regarded decisions of the pope as infallible " p. 61 HK
" But historical research has also shown that the popes , particularly from the fifth century on, decisively extended their power with explicit forgeries " ( ie the Donation of Contantine p. 61 HK
The Holocaust History Project
The Holocaust History Project is a free archive of documents, photographs, recordings, and essays regarding the Holocaust, including direct refutation of Holocaust-denial.
Religious Tolerance .Org
a href="http://www.humanitas-international.org/showcase/chronography/documents/luther-jews.htm">On the Jews and Their Lies, 1543 Martin Luther (1483 - 1546)Translated by Martin H. Bertram
The Guilt of Christianity Towards the Jewish People by Sister Pista Evangelical Sisterhood of Mary, Darmstadt / Germany
Commemorating 2000 Years of Christianity by Sister Pista at the Christian Celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles, Jerusalem, Oct. 97.
also see:
http://www.religioustolerance.org/vat_hol11.htm">ANTI-SEMITISM AND ANTI-JUDAISM
Religious Tolerance .Org
On the Crusades see:
"Crusades" Encyclopedia Britannica
"Medieval Crusades at Medieval.com
& The crusades: a history
By Jonathan Riley-Smith 2005
On the Inquisiton from 1450 to 1700 see Inquisition :The Reign of Fear by Toby Green pub. 2007
On the Witch Hunts see:
"Case Study: The European Witch-Hunts, c. 1450-1750
and Witch-Hunts Today " at Gendercide.org
"What we think of as "the Burning Times" -- the crazes, panics, and mass hysteria -- largely occurred in one century, from 1550-1650."
and: "A Brief History of Witchcraft Persecutions before Salem" by Douglas Linder (2005)
"Witch-Hunting in Early Modern Europe: the End of the 'Bloodbath of the Innocents.' " History Review, March 2007 by Simon Lemieux, Encyclopedia Britannica eb.com
Slavery followed by Jim Crow & the KKK & lynchings see:
African American Holocaust
Black Holocaust Museum of Slavery
"America's Black Holocaust Museum closing after 20 years in Milwaukee" By Sharif Durhams, Journal Sentinel July 30, 2008
The Nazis also targeted Blacks:
The Nazis and the Black Holocaust at About.com
When Adolf Hitler came to power in 1932, the racist policies of the Nazis impacted other groups besides the Jews. The Nazis' racial purity laws also targeted gypsies (Roma), homosexuals, the mentally challenged, and blacks. Precisely how many Afro-Germans died in Nazi concentration camps is not known, but estimates put the figure at between 25,000 and 50,000.
On anti-Semitism see;
Bronner, Stephen Eric : A RUMOR ABOUT THE JEWS: Reflections On Antisemitism and The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, pub. 2000.
Cohen- Sherbok, Dan:The Crucified Jew: Twenty Centuries of Anti-Semitism, pub. 1992.
Cohn, Norman :Warrant for Genocide: The Myth of the Jewish World Conspiracy and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, pub. 1996.
Dawidowicz, Lucy S. :The War Against the Jews 1933-1945, Pub. 1986
Kertzer, David I.: The Popes Against The Jews: The Vatican's Role in The Rise of Modern Anti‑Semitism, pub. 2001
Henry Ford American Industrialists and rabid Anti-Semite and admirer of Hitler and the NAZI Party
Henry Ford : American Anti-Semitism ,The Notorious Fraud " Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion " and Adolph Hitler
UPDATE: July 1, 2009 -12:40 PM
Henry Ford's antisemitic articles were published as..."The International Jew (which) was translated into sixteen different languages, including Arabic, and printed worldwide.
From France to Russia, anti-Semitic and nationalist groups eagerly bought up the publications of the famous American. A prominent Jewish attorney, after completing a world tour in the mid-1920s, stated that he had seen the brochures in the "most remote corners of the earth." He maintained that, "but for the authority of the Ford name, they would have never seen the light of day and would have been quite harmless if they had. With that magic name they spread like wildfire and became the Bible of every anti-Semite."
If The International Jew was the Bible, then to the Nazis Henry Ford must have seemed like a god. His anti-Semitic publications led many Germans to become Nazis. Baldur von Schirach, leader of the Hitler Youth movement, stated at the postwar Nuremberg War Crimes Trials that he had become an anti-Semite at the age of seventeen after reading The Eternal Jew (title of The International Jew translated for the German editions). "You have no idea what a great influence this book had on the thinking of German youth," von Schirach said. "The younger generation looked with envy to the symbols of success and prosperity like Henry Ford, and if he said the Jews were to blame, why naturally we believed him."15 One of Hitler's lieutenants, Christian Weber, boasted that Ford would be "received like a King" if he ever came to Munich.
Hitler's admiration for the auto magnate, the New York Times reported, was made obvious by the large picture of Henry Ford on the wall beside Hitler's desk in the Brown House. In an adjoining room there was a large table covered with books, most of which were copies of the German translation of The International Jew.
Quote from: The Religious Roots of Alcoholics Anonymous
and the Twelve Steps by A. Orange Chapter 18: Henry Ford and Anti-Semitism
There are at least two basic ways of looking at American history. One is that of the National Mythology of a democratic & prejudice free idealized America. The second is the real history of America stripped of its over-arching romanticized & idealized mythology.
For example the industrialist Henry Ford is depicted in the first instance as an honorable hard working American who believed in equality of opportunity & the acceptance of all Americans no matter what their religion or race. Ford is seen as the idealized archetype representing the American Dream of prosperity & ingenuity & the entrepreneurial spirit.
But Henry Ford had a dark side in which he expressed in public in his newspaper The Dearborn Press his paranoid fantasies concerning " the World Wide Jewish Conspiracy". This part of the history of Henry Ford is buried beneath the Myth of Henry Ford as taught in American schools or as promulgated by the US media. Americans in general do not want to look at the unsavory parts of its past& so are always in the process of actively rewriting American history to fit in with their idealized romantic & sentimental beliefs about America. If American's were to accept that Henry Ford was a fanatical anti-semite they would also have to accept that anti-semitism was common among Americans in the 1920s & 1930's.
Using this newspaper Ford expressed his belief in a Jewish World Wide Conspiracy. Ford's antisemitic views were shared through the newspaper & the publication of over 91 articles on the so-called Jewish Conspiracy with millions of Americans and with large numbers of people outside America. Ford's antisemitic articles became quite popular in Germany to the extent that Adolph Hitler claimed that Henry Ford's article & The International Jew inspired him & was further proof to Hitler of the reality of the Jewish Conspiracy.
Henry Ford also set up factories in Germany to help the Nazis build its war machine as it were.
In the last post we saw how Father Coughlin was among the first people to use the Radio effectively for promoting his message of hate especially against the Jews.
During the 1930's President Franklin Delano Roosevelt also (FDR)realized the importance of the radio as means to directly inform the American citizenry about the financial problems facing the nation while explaining his various policies which were part of The New Deal as a way to revitalize the country.
Meanwhile the purveyors of hate such as Father Coughlin in the United States & the Nazis in Germany & the Fascist in Italy used the radio to promote their views & policies to the citizens of their respective countries.
Henry Ford wrote letters to Hitler supporting him and gave Hitler and his Nazi Party financial help. But Ford went further by using his newspaper the Dearborn Press to spread the lies of the notorious anti-semitic forgery " The Protocols of the Elders of Zion " . Hitler claimed Henry Ford,s views & articles in the Dearborn Press attacking the Jews inspired him.
Henry Ford was in fact fanatically anti-Semitic. Besides financing Hitler and the Nazis in Germany he also helped the fanatical anti-Semitic popular radio personality Father Coughlin who as we have seen used his radio-program in the 1930s to spread the most vicious lies against the Jewish people .
For most people in Western Civilization Anti-Semitism up to recent times was just part of one's upbringing it came with their mother's milk as it were. To not be anti-Semitic at least to some extent was seen as odd. In the same way racism of all sorts and sexism and homophobia etc. were just part and parcel of our so-called enlightened civilized society.
And at Crooks & Liars.com "To attack Obama's New Deal, Beck invokes Henry Ford -- the Nazis' friend" By David Neiwert Thursday Feb 12, 2009
And as Corporate Watch points out that Henry Ford was helping the Nazis by setting up factories "In Germany ... General Motors and Ford became an integral part of the Nazi war efforts. GM's plants in Germany built thousands of bomber and jet fighter propulsion systems for the Luftwaffe at the same time that its American plants produced aircraft engines for the U.S. Army Air Corps...."
Henry Ford was no Oskar Schindler
Ford Motor Co. and the Nazi War Efforts ,Corporate Watch
Henry Ford and His War on Jews by Jonathan R. Logsdon at ©The Hanover Historical Review 1999 Business & the Holocaust
Anti-Semitism has been described as being a disease of the soul. It is a prejudice that has gained particular notoriety in the 20th Century- the century of Treblinka and Auschwitz. However; this phenomenon of hate has not just been confined to the continent of Europe. In 1920, a small newspaper in Dearborn, Michigan began publishing a series of articles entitled: "The International Jew: The World's Foremost Problem." The newspaper was owned by the famous automobile manufacturer; Henry Ford. Through a combination of influence, power; and ignorance, he was able to unleash the largest and most damaging campaign against Jews ever waged in the United States.
A Titan of Industry--and a Bigot
By Hardy Green at Business Week Jane. 21, 2002
The Mass Production of Hate
By Neil Baldwin
Henry Ford Invents a Jewish Conspiracy at Jewish Virtual Library
THE WORLD'S FOREMOST PROBLEM Abridged from the original as published by the world renowned industrial leader,
HENRY FORD, SR. by G. F. Green.London, February, 1948.
Note similarities between Jewish cabal conspiracy & ann Coulter's Godless Liberals.
See article from: Anti-Defamation League about the revival of anti-semitic articles by Henry Ford originally published in his newspaper the Dearborn Press in the 1920s "The International Jew/Anti-Semitism from the Roaring Twenties Revived on the Web "
Since the beginnings of radio broadcasting there have been those who used the radio-waves to spread fear and hate from the NAZIS to Father Coughlin in America to the government of Rwanda to incite genocide to the purveyors of Hate on talk Radio in the U.S. from Rush Limbaugh to Michael Savage, Glenn Beck, Laura Ingraham , Sean Hannity -of course they have and are using Television and the Internet to spread their message of Hate .
The extensive use of the media in Rwanda to prepare the soil for a genocide is unprecedented in a Third World country. The low literacy rate in Turkey at the time of the Armenian genocide precluded use of the press and magazines to reach more than a small number of intellectuals. The telegraph was used effectively to coordinate the genocide, but radio broadcasting was barely in its infancy in 1915. Instrumental to demonizing the Armenians was the use of more traditional instruments of shaping public opinion and raising the political temperature. Vahagan Dadrian, an historian of the Armenian genocide, cites the importance of the sermons of Muslim mullahs and the messages of the government and the Committee for Union and Progress spread by town criers, which were sprinkled with code words such as traitors, saboteurs, spies, conspirators, and infidels. Promoters of the massacre of the Armenians also disseminated falsely labeled photographs of rifles and other weapons to persuade Turks that their Armenian neighbors were storing up arms for use in plots to slaughter them.
In the industrial world, Nazi Germany pioneered the use of newspapers and radio broadcasts to promote genocide. Although the actual mass murder of the Jewish people was never directly mentioned in official German government propaganda, Joseph Goebbels prepared the way by instructing German editors to abandon every last shred of "bourgeois sentimental attitudes" towards Jews and to impress on the public that the destruction of the Jews would not be a loss to mankind, but just as useful to society as capital punishment for criminals. It was left to a private individual, Julius Streicher, an old Nazi and one-time Gauleiter of Franconia, to issue public calls for the murder of the Jewish people in his weekly, Der Sturmer. Streicher labeled Jews as germs and pests, not human beings, evil doers, as disseminators of diseases who must be destroyed in the interest of mankind. As the Judgement of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg reminds us,
it was not only in Germany that this defendant advocated his doctrines. As early as 1938 he began to call for the annihilation of the Jewish race . . . extermination "root and branch" was preached . . . Other articles urged that only when world Jewry had been annihilated would the Jewish problem have been solved . . . . (p.132)
Father Coughlin anti-Semitism Fascism and Hate Radio
Father Coughlin
Coughlin - Facing the Corporate Roots of American Fascism/Father Charles Edward Coughlin (1891-1971) By Richard Sanders, Editor, Press for Conversion!
Father Coughlin, “the Father of Hate Radio,” was born in Hamilton, Ontario. This rabidly right-wing, Catholic priest started with a weekly broadcast on WJR, Detroit’s “Good Will” station. CBS broadcast it nationwide in 1930 and 1931. He started his own radio network that grew to 30 stations. John Spivak, estimated that Coughlin’s broadcasts reached 40 million, said: “Only the President…had a bigger audience… The President spoke only on special occasions, the priest every Sunday…. To me, he was the most dangerous divisive influence in the country” (A Man in His Time, 1967).
Coughlin originally supported FDR, but turned against him in 1934 and created a political party, the National Union of Social Justice. Former Louisiana Governor, Huey Long was supposed to be their candidate, but he was assassinated in 1935. Journalist George Seldes said Long was America’s “first notable Fascist leader,...a very smart demagogue, [who] once said, ‘Sure we’ll have Fascism here, but it will come as an anti-Fascism movement.’” In the late 1930s, Coughlin called for FDR’s impeachment because he was “leaning toward international socialism or sovietism.”
Coughlin’s radio sermons praised Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini. The Nazi press praised Coughlin as “America’s most powerful radio commentator.” He ranted against Jews, the “Christ-killers and Christ-rejecters.” When a Boston Globe reporter asked him for proof that communists were influencing FDR, Father Coughlin belted the journalist in the face.
Coughlin's weekly paper, Social Justice, reached one million. It was sold in 2,000 churches. In 1938, it reprinted the anti-Semitic forgery “Protocols of the Elders of Zion.”
... we do know that Coughlin really was allied with the openly-Nazi German-American Bund. By 1939, Coughlin had inspired and was directing a nation-wide, fascist network, the Christian Front, which John Spivak described as “street-fighting toughs.” Roy Carlson, who infiltrated and exposed U.S. fascist groups said:
"Like Hitler’s Brownshirts, the Christian Front was ostensibly organized to combat the ‘rising tide of Communism.’ All Jews,... liberals, New Dealers and labor organizations were called Communist; and since the Communist Revolution in America was scheduled to take place ‘any day now,’ the Christian Front–always under Coughlin’s inspiration and guidance—shouted that a private army was the only means to ‘save America.’ Coughlin filled the pages of Social Justice with Hitler’s sewer-spawned lies. He made direct use of Goebbels’ speeches, quoting the Nazi almost word-for-word.... He denounced the ‘poppycock of Democracy’ and branded Democracy as a version of Communism” (Under Cover, 1943).
“What He Has Done Is Sickening to Contemplate”: Catholic Liberal John Ryan Denounces Father Charles Coughlin by John Ryan at History Matters
Father Charles Coughlin and the New Deal :Anti-Semitism from the Golden Hour of the Little Flower by © Michael Streich Apr 27, 2009 at Modern History Suite 101.com
In the 1930s, Father Charles E. Coughlin would emerge as one of the most powerful radio personalities in an industry that was only slowing coming into its own. Coughlin’s Sunday “Hour of Power” broadcasts mixed religious themes with political issues, and were eventually used to convey such virulently anti-Semitic sermons that Coughlin has been called the “father of hate radio.” At his height, both Catholics and Protestants comprised over forty million weekly listeners.
Radio League of the Little Flower
Coughlin’s “Golden Hour of the Little Flower,” named for St. Therese of Lisieux who had recently been canonized, helped to finance the construction of a national shrine in Royal Oak, Michigan. Yet even before the pivotal election of 1932, Coughlin’s sermons had begun to incorporate political and social messages. Stoking fears of Communism, Coughlin skillfully wove anti-Semitic messages into his sermons, equating Communism with Jews.
University of Texas historian Robert Abzug writes that Coughlin “was one of the principal disseminators of anti-Semitic propaganda in mainstream American culture.” Throughout Hitler’s rise to power, Coughlin defended Nazism,ostensibly as a deterrent against Soviet Russia and Communism. He excused Kristallnacht and used propaganda speeches by Dr. Josef Goebbels without checking sources.
Couglin’s “Christian Front,” established in 1938, referred to the “synagogue of Satan” and published the Christian Index, a guide to non-Jewish merchants in New York City. Members of the Front were urged to “buy Christian.” Addressing Jews in a December 11, 1938 radio speech, Father Coughlin stated, “…You are a minority – a small but powerful minority. We are a majority – an easy-going, patient majority – but a majority always conscious of our latent power.”
The times had watched Father Coughlin lend support to Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini. Then at a speech Coughlin gave in the Bronx – perhaps his most famous – he gave a Nazi salute and yelled out, "When we get through with the Jews in America, they’ll think the treatment they received in Germany was nothing." Proving this statement wasn’t a one-time lapse of judgment, Coughlin stated "Jewish persecution only followed after Christians first were persecuted," after the Jews across Germany were attacked, killed and burned out of house and home.
His speeches and programs were becoming even more anti-Semitic from that point, and radio stations in New York and Chicago began refusing to air his content without first pre-approving his scripts. One of the only available stations for Coughlin was the small WHBI in Newark, New Jersey.
Father Coughlin’s anti-Semitism made him a hero in Nazi Germany, where newspapers ran daily, stating that "America is not allowed to hear the truth." Some of the American public shared Coughlin’s views, and 2,000 supporters gathered and marched in New York, protesting the migration of Jewish refugees from Hitler’s camps. These protests were not short-lived; they went on for several months, and Coughlin embraced his supporters.
At the height of his anti-Semitism, Coughlin had joined forces with an organization named the "Christian Front," which cited the now-famous priest as a vital influence. In 1940, the FBI shut down the Christian Front, after discovering the group was arming itself and planning to murder Jews, communists, and even United States Congressmen. Although Father Coughlin was never directly linked with the Christian Front, he never disassociated himself from their radical intentions. His reputation soon declined as a result.
Father Coughlin - Quotes antisemitism
"Must the entire world go to war for 600,000 Jews in Germany who are neither American, nor French, nor English citizens, but citizens of Germany?"
"If Jews persist in supporting communism directly or indirectly, that will be regrettable. By their failure to use the press, the radio and the banking house, where they stand so prominently, to fight communism as vigorously as they do Nazism, the Jews invite the charge of being supporters of communism."
"From European entanglements, from Nazism, communism and their future wars, America must stand aloof. Keep America safe for Americans and the Stars and Stripes the defender of God."
"When we get through with the Jews in America, they’ll think the treatment they received in Germany was nothing."
"Jewish persecution only followed after Christians first were persecuted."
(Father) Charles E. Coughlin (1891-1979) at Holocaust Encyclopedia:United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, May 4,2009
Coughlin believed in the existence of a secret world Jewish conspiracy. In 1938 his magazine Social Justice serialized the discredited Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which Coughlin believed to be accurate. This tsarist forgery purported to be the minutes of a conference of Jewish leaders plotting to take over the world.
Coughlin repeatedly used the "Judeo-Bolshevik threat" as a theme, asserting that the entire Soviet leadership, including both Lenin and Joseph Stalin, was Jewish. Coughlin also accused American Jewish financiers, primarily the Wall Street firm of Kuhn-Loeb, of collaboration with the Bolsheviks in their efforts to uproot Christianity in Russia. Publicly proclaiming that he was not an antisemite, Coughlin nevertheless argued that all the ills of modern society were caused by a Communist-Jewish conspiracy.
During the 1930s Jewish efforts to force Coughlin to tone down his anti-Jewish rhetoric or to get him off the air altogether failed due to his popularity and the support he received from the Bishop of Detroit.
and :
Father Coughlin: Radio Priest, Depression Demagogue at National History Standards
A book of his sermons published in 1932 sold nearly 1 million copies and money poured into the Little Shrine, (more than $55,000 in postal orders in one month—during the depths of the Depression). In a radio survey more than 55 percent named him “the most useful citizen of the United States politically in 1933” and more than 20,000 people waited to here him speak at New York City’s Hippodrome in November 1933. According to the Social Security Administration history site, "at the height of his popularity, Father Coughlin had a greater share of the weekly broadcast audience than Howard Stern, Rush Limbaugh, Paul Harvey and Larry King combined."
Coughlin, Rwanda Genocide, Rush Limbaugh & The Power Of Radio
Father Coughlin 's anti-Semitism
RADIO PROPAGANDA AND GENOCIDE MIGS Occasional Paper Prof. Frank Chalk, November 1999 Presented in an earlier form to the Conference on "Synergy in Early Warning," Centre for Refugee Studies York University, Toronto, Ontario 16 March 1997. Revised May 1997
The extensive use of the media in Rwanda to prepare the soil for a genocide is unprecedented in a Third World country. The low literacy rate in Turkey at the time of the Armenian genocide precluded use of the press and magazines to reach more than a small number of intellectuals. The telegraph was used effectively to coordinate the genocide, but radio broadcasting was barely in its infancy in 1915. Instrumental to demonizing the Armenians was the use of more traditional instruments of shaping public opinion and raising the political temperature. Vahagan Dadrian, an historian of the Armenian genocide, cites the importance of the sermons of Muslim mullahs and the messages of the government and the Committee for Union and Progress spread by town criers, which were sprinkled with code words such as traitors, saboteurs, spies, conspirators, and infidels. Promoters of the massacre of the Armenians also disseminated falsely labeled photographs of rifles and other weapons to persuade Turks that their Armenian neighbors were storing up arms for use in plots to slaughter them.
In the industrial world, Nazi Germany pioneered the use of newspapers and radio broadcasts to promote genocide. Although the actual mass murder of the Jewish people was never directly mentioned in official German government propaganda, Joseph Goebbels prepared the way by instructing German editors to abandon every last shred of "bourgeois sentimental attitudes" towards Jews and to impress on the public that the destruction of the Jews would not be a loss to mankind, but just as useful to society as capital punishment for criminals.
It was left to a private individual, Julius Streicher, an old Nazi and one-time Gauleiter of Franconia, to issue public calls for the murder of the Jewish people in his weekly, Der Sturmer. Streicher labeled Jews as germs and pests, not human beings, evil doers, as disseminators of diseases who must be destroyed in the interest of mankind.
As the Judgement of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg reminds us,
it was not only in Germany that this defendant advocated his doctrines. As early as 1938 he began to call for the annihilation of the Jewish race . . . extermination "root and branch" was preached . . . Other articles urged that only when world Jewry had been annihilated would the Jewish problem have been solved . . . . (p.132)
and comparing Father Coughlin to Rush Limbaugh and other Hate Talk Radio Hosts see:
"Projecting Fascism " from " Rush, Newspeak and Fascism:An exegesis" by David Neiwert August,2003
Savage Nation: It's not just Rush; Talk radio host Michael Savage: "I commend" prisoner abuse; "we need more" at Media Matters.org May 13, 2004
Rage on the Radio Bill Moyers Journal PBS Sept. 12, 2008
Transcript :Rage on the Radio Bill Moyers Journal PBS Sept. 12, 2008
Pundits, Bloggers Blame Immigration for Swine Flu at Anti-Defammation League,Posted: May 08, 2009
Limbaugh Blames Sanford's Affair On Obama, Because Why Not? by Jason Linkins at Huffington Post , June 25, 2009
and see: Part 1: Hate media in Rwanda Call to genocide: radio in Rwanda, 1994 Alison Des Forges at The International Development Research Centre (IDRC)
RADIO PROPAGANDA AND GENOCIDE: MIGS Occasional Paper Prof. Frank Chalk, November 1999 /"Synergy in Early Warning," Centre for Refugee Studies York University, Toronto, Ontario 16 March 1997
And at Crooks & Liars "To attack Obama's New Deal, Beck invokes Henry Ford -- the Nazis' friend" By David Neiwert Thursday Feb 12, 2009
Henry Ford was no Oskar Schindler
Ford Motor Co. and the Nazi War Efforts ,Corporate Watch
also see pages on anti-semitism and Henry Ford & The Church & Anti-semitism
UPDATE: July 1, 2009 -12:40 PM
Henry Ford's antisemitic articles were published as..."The International Jew (which) was translated into sixteen different languages, including Arabic, and printed worldwide.
From France to Russia, anti-Semitic and nationalist groups eagerly bought up the publications of the famous American. A prominent Jewish attorney, after completing a world tour in the mid-1920s, stated that he had seen the brochures in the "most remote corners of the earth." He maintained that, "but for the authority of the Ford name, they would have never seen the light of day and would have been quite harmless if they had. With that magic name they spread like wildfire and became the Bible of every anti-Semite."
If The International Jew was the Bible, then to the Nazis Henry Ford must have seemed like a god. His anti-Semitic publications led many Germans to become Nazis. Baldur von Schirach, leader of the Hitler Youth movement, stated at the postwar Nuremberg War Crimes Trials that he had become an anti-Semite at the age of seventeen after reading The Eternal Jew (title of The International Jew translated for the German editions). "You have no idea what a great influence this book had on the thinking of German youth," von Schirach said. "The younger generation looked with envy to the symbols of success and prosperity like Henry Ford, and if he said the Jews were to blame, why naturally we believed him."15 One of Hitler's lieutenants, Christian Weber, boasted that Ford would be "received like a King" if he ever came to Munich.
Hitler's admiration for the auto magnate, the New York Times reported, was made obvious by the large picture of Henry Ford on the wall beside Hitler's desk in the Brown House. In an adjoining room there was a large table covered with books, most of which were copies of the German translation of The International Jew.
Quote from: The Religious Roots of Alcoholics Anonymous
and the Twelve Steps by A. Orange Chapter 18: Henry Ford and Anti-Semitism
There are at least two basic ways of looking at American history. One is that of the National Mythology of a democratic & prejudice free idealized America. The second is the real history of America stripped of its over-arching romanticized & idealized mythology.
For example the industrialist Henry Ford is depicted in the first instance as an honorable hard working American who believed in equality of opportunity & the acceptance of all Americans no matter what their religion or race. Ford is seen as the idealized archetype representing the American Dream of prosperity & ingenuity & the entrepreneurial spirit.
But Henry Ford had a dark side in which he expressed in public in his newspaper The Dearborn Press his paranoid fantasies concerning " the World Wide Jewish Conspiracy". This part of the history of Henry Ford is buried beneath the Myth of Henry Ford as taught in American schools or as promulgated by the US media. Americans in general do not want to look at the unsavory parts of its past& so are always in the process of actively rewriting American history to fit in with their idealized romantic & sentimental beliefs about America. If American's were to accept that Henry Ford was a fanatical anti-semite they would also have to accept that anti-semitism was common among Americans in the 1920s & 1930's.
Using this newspaper Ford expressed his belief in a Jewish World Wide Conspiracy. Ford's antisemitic views were shared through the newspaper & the publication of over 91 articles on the so-called Jewish Conspiracy with millions of Americans and with large numbers of people outside America. Ford's antisemitic articles became quite popular in Germany to the extent that Adolph Hitler claimed that Henry Ford's article & The International Jew inspired him & was further proof to Hitler of the reality of the Jewish Conspiracy.
Henry Ford also set up factories in Germany to help the Nazis build its war machine as it were.
In the last post we saw how Father Coughlin was among the first people to use the Radio effectively for promoting his message of hate especially against the Jews.
During the 1930's President Franklin Delano Roosevelt also (FDR)realized the importance of the radio as means to directly inform the American citizenry about the financial problems facing the nation while explaining his various policies which were part of The New Deal as a way to revitalize the country.
Meanwhile the purveyors of hate such as Father Coughlin in the United States & the Nazis in Germany & the Fascist in Italy used the radio to promote their views & policies to the citizens of their respective countries.
Henry Ford wrote letters to Hitler supporting him and gave Hitler and his Nazi Party financial help. But Ford went further by using his newspaper the Dearborn Press to spread the lies of the notorious anti-semitic forgery " The Protocols of the Elders of Zion " . Hitler claimed Henry Ford,s views & articles in the Dearborn Press attacking the Jews inspired him.
Henry Ford was in fact fanatically anti-Semitic. Besides financing Hitler and the Nazis in Germany he also helped the fanatical anti-Semitic popular radio personality Father Coughlin who as we have seen used his radio-program in the 1930s to spread the most vicious lies against the Jewish people .
For most people in Western Civilization Anti-Semitism up to recent times was just part of one's upbringing it came with their mother's milk as it were. To not be anti-Semitic at least to some extent was seen as odd. In the same way racism of all sorts and sexism and homophobia etc. were just part and parcel of our so-called enlightened civilized society.
And at Crooks & Liars.com "To attack Obama's New Deal, Beck invokes Henry Ford -- the Nazis' friend" By David Neiwert Thursday Feb 12, 2009
And as Corporate Watch points out that Henry Ford was helping the Nazis by setting up factories "In Germany ... General Motors and Ford became an integral part of the Nazi war efforts. GM's plants in Germany built thousands of bomber and jet fighter propulsion systems for the Luftwaffe at the same time that its American plants produced aircraft engines for the U.S. Army Air Corps...."
Henry Ford was no Oskar Schindler
Ford Motor Co. and the Nazi War Efforts ,Corporate Watch
The following is excerpted from a report printed by the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary in 1974:Power, Ignorance, and Anti-Semitism:
The activities of General Motors, Ford and Chrysler prior to and during World War II...are instructive. At that time, these three firms dominated motor vehicle production in both the United States and Germany. Due to its mass production capabilities, automobile manufacturing is one of the most crucial industries with respect to national defense. As a result, these firms retained the economic and political power to affect the shape of governmental relations both within and between these nations in a manner which maximized corporate global profits. In short, they were private governments unaccountable to the citizens of any country yet possessing tremendous influence over the course of war and peace in the world. The substantial contribution of these firms to the American war effort in terms of tanks, aircraft components, and other military equipment is widely acknowledged. Less well known are the simultaneous contributions of their foreign subsidiaries to the Axis Powers. In sum, they maximized profits by supplying both sides with the materiel needed to conduct the war.
During the 1920's and 1930's, the Big Three automakers undertook an extensive program of multinational expansion...By the mid-1930's, these three American companies owned automotive subsidiaries throughout Europe and the Far East; many of their largest facilities were located in the politically sensitive nations of Germany, Poland, Rumania, Austria, Hungary, Latvia, and Japan...Due to their concentrated economic power over motor vehicle production in both Allied and Axis territories, the Big Three inevitably became major factors in the preparations and progress of the war. In Germany, for example, General Motors and Ford became an integral part of the Nazi war efforts. GM's plants in Germany built thousands of bomber and jet fighter propulsion systems for the Luftwaffe at the same time that its American plants produced aircraft engines for the U.S. Army Air Corps....
Henry Ford and His War on Jews by Jonathan R. Logsdon at ©The Hanover Historical Review 1999 Business & the Holocaust
Anti-Semitism has been described as being a disease of the soul. It is a prejudice that has gained particular notoriety in the 20th Century- the century of Treblinka and Auschwitz. However; this phenomenon of hate has not just been confined to the continent of Europe. In 1920, a small newspaper in Dearborn, Michigan began publishing a series of articles entitled: "The International Jew: The World's Foremost Problem." The newspaper was owned by the famous automobile manufacturer; Henry Ford. Through a combination of influence, power; and ignorance, he was able to unleash the largest and most damaging campaign against Jews ever waged in the United States.
A Titan of Industry--and a Bigot
By Hardy Green at Business Week Jane. 21, 2002
The Mass Production of Hate
By Neil Baldwin
In the occasion of his 75th birthday, in 1938, Henry Ford received a medal, the Grand Service Cross of the Supreme Order of the German Eagle, from Adolf Hitler. Such was Hitler's regard for the carmaker that at one time he kept a portrait of Ford in his office and expressed his admiration in the second volume of Mein Kampf. Some of this sentiment had to do with Ford's automotive achievements, which the Fuhrer mimicked with a grand plan for German motorways filled with "people's cars--inspired by the American model." But autos aside, the two men also shared an idée fixe: that Jews were responsible for the evils of the world.
For much of the 20th century, Henry Ford was America's most notorious anti-Semite--something that's largely forgotten today. Neil Baldwin, executive director of the National Book Foundation and author of Edison: Inventing the Century, redresses that with Henry Ford and the Jews: The Mass Production of Hate. It is a provocative, carefully wrought history that is far from the diatribe suggested by its subtitle. Baldwin's publisher had proposed a full biography of Ford, who was an Edison protégé. But Baldwin could not set aside his distaste for Ford. Then came a major media event: the 1997 television broadcast of the Holocaust film Schindler's List, sponsored solely by Ford Motor Co. (F ) The irony of this sponsorship inspired Baldwin to write a book tightly focused on what he calls "an inadequately told story in American history."
Henry Ford Invents a Jewish Conspiracy at Jewish Virtual Library
THE WORLD'S FOREMOST PROBLEM Abridged from the original as published by the world renowned industrial leader,
HENRY FORD, SR. by G. F. Green.London, February, 1948.
Note similarities between Jewish cabal conspiracy & ann Coulter's Godless Liberals.
The Churches & Jewry
...Jews have actually invaded, in person and in program, hundreds of American churches, with their subversive and impossible social ideals, and at last became so cocksure of their domination of the situation that they were met with the inevitable check.
...The Jew has got hold of the Church in doctrine, in liberalism, so-called, and in the feverish and feeble sociological diversions of many classes. If there is any place where a straight study of the Jewish Question should be made it is in the modern Church which is unconsciously giving allegiance to a mass of Jewish propaganda. ..
...They find that "freelove" doctrines make exhilarating club topics, but that the Family -- the old-fashioned loyalty of one man and one woman to each other and their children -- is the basis not only of society, but of all personal character and progress. They find that Revolution, while a delightful subject for fiery debates and an excellent stimulant to the feeling of superman-likeness, is nevertheless not the process of progress.
See article from: Anti-Defamation League about the revival of anti-semitic articles by Henry Ford originally published in his newspaper the Dearborn Press in the 1920s "The International Jew/Anti-Semitism from the Roaring Twenties Revived on the Web "
...The Dearborn IndependentFather Couglin ,Anti-Semitism , Fascism & The beginnings of Hate Radio & eliminationist
The Dearborn Publishing Company published The Dearborn Independent newspaper. At the peak of its popularity, the Dearborn, Michigan paper, owned by auto magnate Henry Ford Sr., boasted a circulation of 700,000. The Dearborn Independent first attacked Jews in its May 22, 1920 issue and continued to do so in 91 subsequent editions.
Many of the paper's anti-Semitic articles were reprinted by the Dearborn Publishing Company in four paper-bound volumes: The International Jew, the World. s Foremost Problem (November, 1920); Jewish Activities in the United States (April, 1921); Jewish Influences in American Life (November, 1921); and Aspects of Jewish Power in the United States (May, 1922). Collectively known as The International Jew: The World's Foremost Problem, these volumes were later published in a variety of languages and disseminated widely in the United States and abroad.
For decades, The International Jew has been in the public domain. It can be reprinted by anyone who wishes to do so. In the late 1950s, anti-Semite Gerald L.K. Smith edited and published an abridged version of The International Jew culled from the original Dearborn Independent articles. The complete text of Smith's version now is easily found at many hate sites on the World Wide Web.
...The International Jew and The Protocols
Having heard in advance about the Dearborn Publishing Company's plan to attack Jews, E.G. Pipp, editor of The Dearborn Independent, resigned in disgust in April, 1920, and was replaced by William J. Cameron. Ernest Liebold, Henry Ford Sr.. s personal secretary, began to collect anti-Semitic material. Liebold passed this material to Cameron, who oversaw the articles that compose The International Jew, likely writing many of them himself. "When we get through with the Jews," Liebold was quoted in court as saying, "there won't be one of them who will dare raise his head in public."
A version of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the most notorious political forgery of modern times, found its way into Liebold's hands. Taken by the gullible as the confidential minutes of a meeting of Jewish leaders, The Protocols has consistently been held up by anti-Semites as proof that Jews are plotting to take over the world. Even though it has been thoroughly discredited, The Protocols continues to circulate among anti-Semites.
Liebold passed the text of The Protocols on to Cameron, who modernized Brasol's translation and used it as the foundation for The International Jew. Each of the chapters in Gerald L.K. Smith's version of the International Jew begins with a quotation from The Protocols, and one chapter "An Introduction to the Jewish Protocols is devoted to it entirely. One Dearborn Independent article lauded The Protocols as "too terribly real for fiction, too well-sustained for speculation, too deep in its knowledge of the secret springs of life for forgery." "The only statement I care to make about the Protocols is that they fit in with what is going on," Ford stated in 1921. "They have fitted the world situation up to this time. They fit it now.
Since the beginnings of radio broadcasting there have been those who used the radio-waves to spread fear and hate from the NAZIS to Father Coughlin in America to the government of Rwanda to incite genocide to the purveyors of Hate on talk Radio in the U.S. from Rush Limbaugh to Michael Savage, Glenn Beck, Laura Ingraham , Sean Hannity -of course they have and are using Television and the Internet to spread their message of Hate .
( Father Charles Coughlin )The Grandfather of Hate Radio By Gordon Skene at Crooks and Liars, Friday Feb 20, 2009
A lot has been said lately about the state of talk-radio - the overwhelming presence of hate, lies, threats and hysteria. Everyone thinks its a phenomenon of the past twenty years. Sadly, no.RADIO PROPAGANDA AND GENOCIDE MIGS Occasional Paper Prof. Frank Chalk, November 1999 Presented in an earlier form to the Conference on "Synergy in Early Warning," Centre for Refugee Studies York University, Toronto, Ontario 16 March 1997. Revised May 1997
Hate radio has its roots back to the beginnings of radio. Although not the only one who used the airwaves to preach hate, fear and prejudice, Father Charles Coughlin was probably the most famous practitioner of extreme right wing sentiment. At his peak, his one hour "sermons" had an audience of several million and were a Sunday night staple on CBS Radio at first, and later NBC before his decline and eventual demise.
Coughlin established the template for what is the basis of Hate radio today. Although to be fair,Coughlin was articulate and had style - something todays practitioners have no clue how to use.
The extensive use of the media in Rwanda to prepare the soil for a genocide is unprecedented in a Third World country. The low literacy rate in Turkey at the time of the Armenian genocide precluded use of the press and magazines to reach more than a small number of intellectuals. The telegraph was used effectively to coordinate the genocide, but radio broadcasting was barely in its infancy in 1915. Instrumental to demonizing the Armenians was the use of more traditional instruments of shaping public opinion and raising the political temperature. Vahagan Dadrian, an historian of the Armenian genocide, cites the importance of the sermons of Muslim mullahs and the messages of the government and the Committee for Union and Progress spread by town criers, which were sprinkled with code words such as traitors, saboteurs, spies, conspirators, and infidels. Promoters of the massacre of the Armenians also disseminated falsely labeled photographs of rifles and other weapons to persuade Turks that their Armenian neighbors were storing up arms for use in plots to slaughter them.
In the industrial world, Nazi Germany pioneered the use of newspapers and radio broadcasts to promote genocide. Although the actual mass murder of the Jewish people was never directly mentioned in official German government propaganda, Joseph Goebbels prepared the way by instructing German editors to abandon every last shred of "bourgeois sentimental attitudes" towards Jews and to impress on the public that the destruction of the Jews would not be a loss to mankind, but just as useful to society as capital punishment for criminals. It was left to a private individual, Julius Streicher, an old Nazi and one-time Gauleiter of Franconia, to issue public calls for the murder of the Jewish people in his weekly, Der Sturmer. Streicher labeled Jews as germs and pests, not human beings, evil doers, as disseminators of diseases who must be destroyed in the interest of mankind. As the Judgement of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg reminds us,
it was not only in Germany that this defendant advocated his doctrines. As early as 1938 he began to call for the annihilation of the Jewish race . . . extermination "root and branch" was preached . . . Other articles urged that only when world Jewry had been annihilated would the Jewish problem have been solved . . . . (p.132)
Father Coughlin anti-Semitism Fascism and Hate Radio
Father Coughlin
Coughlin - Facing the Corporate Roots of American Fascism/Father Charles Edward Coughlin (1891-1971) By Richard Sanders, Editor, Press for Conversion!
Father Coughlin, “the Father of Hate Radio,” was born in Hamilton, Ontario. This rabidly right-wing, Catholic priest started with a weekly broadcast on WJR, Detroit’s “Good Will” station. CBS broadcast it nationwide in 1930 and 1931. He started his own radio network that grew to 30 stations. John Spivak, estimated that Coughlin’s broadcasts reached 40 million, said: “Only the President…had a bigger audience… The President spoke only on special occasions, the priest every Sunday…. To me, he was the most dangerous divisive influence in the country” (A Man in His Time, 1967).
Coughlin originally supported FDR, but turned against him in 1934 and created a political party, the National Union of Social Justice. Former Louisiana Governor, Huey Long was supposed to be their candidate, but he was assassinated in 1935. Journalist George Seldes said Long was America’s “first notable Fascist leader,...a very smart demagogue, [who] once said, ‘Sure we’ll have Fascism here, but it will come as an anti-Fascism movement.’” In the late 1930s, Coughlin called for FDR’s impeachment because he was “leaning toward international socialism or sovietism.”
Coughlin’s radio sermons praised Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini. The Nazi press praised Coughlin as “America’s most powerful radio commentator.” He ranted against Jews, the “Christ-killers and Christ-rejecters.” When a Boston Globe reporter asked him for proof that communists were influencing FDR, Father Coughlin belted the journalist in the face.
Coughlin's weekly paper, Social Justice, reached one million. It was sold in 2,000 churches. In 1938, it reprinted the anti-Semitic forgery “Protocols of the Elders of Zion.”
... we do know that Coughlin really was allied with the openly-Nazi German-American Bund. By 1939, Coughlin had inspired and was directing a nation-wide, fascist network, the Christian Front, which John Spivak described as “street-fighting toughs.” Roy Carlson, who infiltrated and exposed U.S. fascist groups said:
"Like Hitler’s Brownshirts, the Christian Front was ostensibly organized to combat the ‘rising tide of Communism.’ All Jews,... liberals, New Dealers and labor organizations were called Communist; and since the Communist Revolution in America was scheduled to take place ‘any day now,’ the Christian Front–always under Coughlin’s inspiration and guidance—shouted that a private army was the only means to ‘save America.’ Coughlin filled the pages of Social Justice with Hitler’s sewer-spawned lies. He made direct use of Goebbels’ speeches, quoting the Nazi almost word-for-word.... He denounced the ‘poppycock of Democracy’ and branded Democracy as a version of Communism” (Under Cover, 1943).
“What He Has Done Is Sickening to Contemplate”: Catholic Liberal John Ryan Denounces Father Charles Coughlin by John Ryan at History Matters
Father Charles Coughlin and the New Deal :Anti-Semitism from the Golden Hour of the Little Flower by © Michael Streich Apr 27, 2009 at Modern History Suite 101.com
In the 1930s, Father Charles E. Coughlin would emerge as one of the most powerful radio personalities in an industry that was only slowing coming into its own. Coughlin’s Sunday “Hour of Power” broadcasts mixed religious themes with political issues, and were eventually used to convey such virulently anti-Semitic sermons that Coughlin has been called the “father of hate radio.” At his height, both Catholics and Protestants comprised over forty million weekly listeners.
Radio League of the Little Flower
Coughlin’s “Golden Hour of the Little Flower,” named for St. Therese of Lisieux who had recently been canonized, helped to finance the construction of a national shrine in Royal Oak, Michigan. Yet even before the pivotal election of 1932, Coughlin’s sermons had begun to incorporate political and social messages. Stoking fears of Communism, Coughlin skillfully wove anti-Semitic messages into his sermons, equating Communism with Jews.
University of Texas historian Robert Abzug writes that Coughlin “was one of the principal disseminators of anti-Semitic propaganda in mainstream American culture.” Throughout Hitler’s rise to power, Coughlin defended Nazism,ostensibly as a deterrent against Soviet Russia and Communism. He excused Kristallnacht and used propaganda speeches by Dr. Josef Goebbels without checking sources.
Couglin’s “Christian Front,” established in 1938, referred to the “synagogue of Satan” and published the Christian Index, a guide to non-Jewish merchants in New York City. Members of the Front were urged to “buy Christian.” Addressing Jews in a December 11, 1938 radio speech, Father Coughlin stated, “…You are a minority – a small but powerful minority. We are a majority – an easy-going, patient majority – but a majority always conscious of our latent power.”
The times had watched Father Coughlin lend support to Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini. Then at a speech Coughlin gave in the Bronx – perhaps his most famous – he gave a Nazi salute and yelled out, "When we get through with the Jews in America, they’ll think the treatment they received in Germany was nothing." Proving this statement wasn’t a one-time lapse of judgment, Coughlin stated "Jewish persecution only followed after Christians first were persecuted," after the Jews across Germany were attacked, killed and burned out of house and home.
His speeches and programs were becoming even more anti-Semitic from that point, and radio stations in New York and Chicago began refusing to air his content without first pre-approving his scripts. One of the only available stations for Coughlin was the small WHBI in Newark, New Jersey.
Father Coughlin’s anti-Semitism made him a hero in Nazi Germany, where newspapers ran daily, stating that "America is not allowed to hear the truth." Some of the American public shared Coughlin’s views, and 2,000 supporters gathered and marched in New York, protesting the migration of Jewish refugees from Hitler’s camps. These protests were not short-lived; they went on for several months, and Coughlin embraced his supporters.
At the height of his anti-Semitism, Coughlin had joined forces with an organization named the "Christian Front," which cited the now-famous priest as a vital influence. In 1940, the FBI shut down the Christian Front, after discovering the group was arming itself and planning to murder Jews, communists, and even United States Congressmen. Although Father Coughlin was never directly linked with the Christian Front, he never disassociated himself from their radical intentions. His reputation soon declined as a result.
Father Coughlin - Quotes antisemitism
"Must the entire world go to war for 600,000 Jews in Germany who are neither American, nor French, nor English citizens, but citizens of Germany?"
"If Jews persist in supporting communism directly or indirectly, that will be regrettable. By their failure to use the press, the radio and the banking house, where they stand so prominently, to fight communism as vigorously as they do Nazism, the Jews invite the charge of being supporters of communism."
"From European entanglements, from Nazism, communism and their future wars, America must stand aloof. Keep America safe for Americans and the Stars and Stripes the defender of God."
"When we get through with the Jews in America, they’ll think the treatment they received in Germany was nothing."
"Jewish persecution only followed after Christians first were persecuted."
(Father) Charles E. Coughlin (1891-1979) at Holocaust Encyclopedia:United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, May 4,2009
Coughlin believed in the existence of a secret world Jewish conspiracy. In 1938 his magazine Social Justice serialized the discredited Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which Coughlin believed to be accurate. This tsarist forgery purported to be the minutes of a conference of Jewish leaders plotting to take over the world.
Coughlin repeatedly used the "Judeo-Bolshevik threat" as a theme, asserting that the entire Soviet leadership, including both Lenin and Joseph Stalin, was Jewish. Coughlin also accused American Jewish financiers, primarily the Wall Street firm of Kuhn-Loeb, of collaboration with the Bolsheviks in their efforts to uproot Christianity in Russia. Publicly proclaiming that he was not an antisemite, Coughlin nevertheless argued that all the ills of modern society were caused by a Communist-Jewish conspiracy.
During the 1930s Jewish efforts to force Coughlin to tone down his anti-Jewish rhetoric or to get him off the air altogether failed due to his popularity and the support he received from the Bishop of Detroit.
and :
Father Coughlin: Radio Priest, Depression Demagogue at National History Standards
A book of his sermons published in 1932 sold nearly 1 million copies and money poured into the Little Shrine, (more than $55,000 in postal orders in one month—during the depths of the Depression). In a radio survey more than 55 percent named him “the most useful citizen of the United States politically in 1933” and more than 20,000 people waited to here him speak at New York City’s Hippodrome in November 1933. According to the Social Security Administration history site, "at the height of his popularity, Father Coughlin had a greater share of the weekly broadcast audience than Howard Stern, Rush Limbaugh, Paul Harvey and Larry King combined."
Coughlin, Rwanda Genocide, Rush Limbaugh & The Power Of Radio
Father Coughlin 's anti-Semitism
RADIO PROPAGANDA AND GENOCIDE MIGS Occasional Paper Prof. Frank Chalk, November 1999 Presented in an earlier form to the Conference on "Synergy in Early Warning," Centre for Refugee Studies York University, Toronto, Ontario 16 March 1997. Revised May 1997
The extensive use of the media in Rwanda to prepare the soil for a genocide is unprecedented in a Third World country. The low literacy rate in Turkey at the time of the Armenian genocide precluded use of the press and magazines to reach more than a small number of intellectuals. The telegraph was used effectively to coordinate the genocide, but radio broadcasting was barely in its infancy in 1915. Instrumental to demonizing the Armenians was the use of more traditional instruments of shaping public opinion and raising the political temperature. Vahagan Dadrian, an historian of the Armenian genocide, cites the importance of the sermons of Muslim mullahs and the messages of the government and the Committee for Union and Progress spread by town criers, which were sprinkled with code words such as traitors, saboteurs, spies, conspirators, and infidels. Promoters of the massacre of the Armenians also disseminated falsely labeled photographs of rifles and other weapons to persuade Turks that their Armenian neighbors were storing up arms for use in plots to slaughter them.
In the industrial world, Nazi Germany pioneered the use of newspapers and radio broadcasts to promote genocide. Although the actual mass murder of the Jewish people was never directly mentioned in official German government propaganda, Joseph Goebbels prepared the way by instructing German editors to abandon every last shred of "bourgeois sentimental attitudes" towards Jews and to impress on the public that the destruction of the Jews would not be a loss to mankind, but just as useful to society as capital punishment for criminals.
It was left to a private individual, Julius Streicher, an old Nazi and one-time Gauleiter of Franconia, to issue public calls for the murder of the Jewish people in his weekly, Der Sturmer. Streicher labeled Jews as germs and pests, not human beings, evil doers, as disseminators of diseases who must be destroyed in the interest of mankind.
As the Judgement of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg reminds us,
it was not only in Germany that this defendant advocated his doctrines. As early as 1938 he began to call for the annihilation of the Jewish race . . . extermination "root and branch" was preached . . . Other articles urged that only when world Jewry had been annihilated would the Jewish problem have been solved . . . . (p.132)
and comparing Father Coughlin to Rush Limbaugh and other Hate Talk Radio Hosts see:
"Projecting Fascism " from " Rush, Newspeak and Fascism:An exegesis" by David Neiwert August,2003
Savage Nation: It's not just Rush; Talk radio host Michael Savage: "I commend" prisoner abuse; "we need more" at Media Matters.org May 13, 2004
Rage on the Radio Bill Moyers Journal PBS Sept. 12, 2008
Transcript :Rage on the Radio Bill Moyers Journal PBS Sept. 12, 2008
Pundits, Bloggers Blame Immigration for Swine Flu at Anti-Defammation League,Posted: May 08, 2009
Limbaugh Blames Sanford's Affair On Obama, Because Why Not? by Jason Linkins at Huffington Post , June 25, 2009
and see: Part 1: Hate media in Rwanda Call to genocide: radio in Rwanda, 1994 Alison Des Forges at The International Development Research Centre (IDRC)
RADIO PROPAGANDA AND GENOCIDE: MIGS Occasional Paper Prof. Frank Chalk, November 1999 /"Synergy in Early Warning," Centre for Refugee Studies York University, Toronto, Ontario 16 March 1997
And at Crooks & Liars "To attack Obama's New Deal, Beck invokes Henry Ford -- the Nazis' friend" By David Neiwert Thursday Feb 12, 2009
Henry Ford was no Oskar Schindler
Ford Motor Co. and the Nazi War Efforts ,Corporate Watch
also see pages on anti-semitism and Henry Ford & The Church & Anti-semitism
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