* Abanes, Richard: End-Time Visions: The Road to Armageddon, Pub. 1998.
* Abella, Irving : None Is Too Many; Canada and the Jews of Europe, 1933- 1948, Pub. 1983.
* Altamira, Rafael: A History Of Spanish Civilization, Pub. 1930.Trans. By P. Volkov.
* Armstrong, Karen : A History of God : the 4000-year quest of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, Pub. 1998.
* Armstrong, Karen : Fields Of Blood : Religion and The History of Violence, Pub. 2014.
* Armstrong, Karen: Holy War: The Crusades and Their Impact on Today's World , Pub. 2001.
* Armstrong, Karen : In the beginning , Pub. 1996.
* Armstrong, Karen: The Battle For God ; Fundamentalism in Judaism, Christianity and Islam , Pub. 2001.
* Armstrong, Karen: The Great Transformation ,The Beginning of our Religious Traditions , Pub. 2006.
* Armstrong, Karen: Through the narrow gate : a memoir of life in and out of the convent, Canadian ed. ,2005.
* Asimov, Isaak: The Dark Ages, Pub. 1968.
* Aslan, Reza : Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth, Pub. 2013.
* Bainton, Ronald H.: The Horizon History of Christianity , Pub. 1964.
* Barnes, Arthur Stapylton: Christianity At Rome in the Apostolic Age, Pub. 1938.
* Bat Ye'or: Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis ,Pub. 2005. ( The author is An alarmist Islamophobe who fears a growing stealth Jihad in Europe and given demographics Muslims by 2050 or earlier will dominate Europe)
* Bawer, Bruce : While Europe Slept: How Radical Islam is Destroying the West from Within, Pub. 2006
* Blumhofer, Edith L.: Restoring The Faith: The Assemblies Of God, Pentecostalism, and American Culture , Pub. 1993.
* Borg, Marcus J. Jesus: Uncovering the Life, Teachings, and Relevance of a Religious Revolutionary; Pub. 2006.
* Borg , Marcus J. and
John Dominic Crossan : The First Paul: Reclaiming the Radical Visionary Behind The Church's Conservative Icon, Pub. 2009.
* Borg, Marcus J. Evolution of The Word: The New Testament in the Order the Books Were Written, Pub. 2012.
* Boyce, Mary : Zoroastrians: their religious beliefs And Practices , Pub. 1979.
* Brenner, Michael: A Short History of The Jews, Pub. 2010.
* Bronner, Stephen Eric : A Rumor About The Jews: Reflections On Antisemitism and The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, Pub. 2000.
* Budziszewski, J. : What We Can't Not Know ( on Natural Law ) , Pub. 2003.
* Butz, Jeffrey J. : The Brother Of Jesus And The Lost Teachings Of Christianity, Pub. 2005.
* Cahill, T. : Desire of the everlasting Hills, The World Before and after Jesus.
* Cahill, T: The Gift of the Jews, Pub. 1999.
* Carroll, James : Constantine’s Sword: The Church and The Jews - A History , Pub. 2001. (The Christian Church & Anti-semitism)
* Champdor, A. : Babylon, Pub. 1958.
* Clark, Grahame and Stuart Piggott : Prehistoric Societies: Palaeolithic to Neolithic, Pub. 1965.
* Cohen, Mark R. : Under Crescent And Cross: The Jews In The middle Ages, Pub. 1992.
* Cohen- Sherbok, Dan: The Crucified Jew: Twenty Centuries of Anti-Semitism, Pub. 1992.
* Cohn, Norman : Cosmos, Chaos AND The World to Come: The Ancient Roots of Apocalyptic Faith, 2nd ed. , Pub. 2001.
* Cohn, Norman : Warrant for Genocide: The Myth of the Jewish World Conspiracy and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Pub. 1996. ( History of Christian anti-Semitism)
* Colledge, Malcolm A. R. The Parthians, Pub. 1967.
* Contenau, G. Everyday life in Babylon and Assyria, Pub. 1954.
* Cottrell, L. The Quest for Sumer, Pub. 1965.
* Crossan, John Dominic: Jesus: A Revolutionary Biography, Pub. 1994.
* Crossan, John Dominic: God and Empire; Jesus Against Rome, Then and Now; Pub. 2007.
* Crossan, John Dominic: The Power of Parable: How Fiction By Jesus Became Fiction About Jesus, Pub. 2012.
* Crow, J. Greece: The Magic Spring. Pub ?
* Dalton, Laurence E, AND
Shirley Strutton Dalton : Jesus Christ: A Pagan Myth : Evidence That Jesus Never Existed , Pub. 2008.
* Ehrman, Bart D. Did Jesus Exist? The Historical Argument for Jesus of Nazareth, Pub. 2012.
* Ehrman, Bart D. The Lost Gospel of Judas Iscariot: A New Look at Betrayer and Betrayed , Pub. 2006.
* Ehrman, Bart, D. Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why, Pub. 2005.
* Ehrman, Bart D. Truth and Fiction in The DaVinci Code: A Historian Reveals What We really Know About Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and Constantine, Pub. 2004.
(Popular Christian Myths ; Conspiracy theories ie Knights Templar, Illuminati etc.)
* Ellegard, Alvar : Jesus; One Hundred Years Before Christ, Pub. 1999.
* Every, George : Christian Legends, Pub. 1987.
* Feffer,John: Crusade 2.0 The West's resurgent War on Islam, Pub. 2012
* Ferguson, Niall : Civilization: The West and the Rest, Pub. 2011.
* Flannery, Edward H. : The anguish of the Jews : Twenty-Three Centuries of Antisemitism Rev. ed. updated. Pub. 1985. (history of Christian Anti-Semitism)
* Fredriksen, Paula : Jesus of Nazareth: King Of The Jews; A Jewish Life And The Emergence of Christianity, Pub. 2000.
* Fricke, Weddig : The Court-Martial of Jesus: A Christian Defends The Jews Against The Charge of Deicide Trans. by Salvator Attanasio , Pub. 1990. (on the origins of Christian Anti-Semitism)
* Gentles, Ian editor: A Time To Choose Life; Women, Abortion and Human Rights, Pub. 1990.
* Goldhagen, Daniel Jonah : A Moral Reckoning: The Role of the Catholic Church in the Holocaust and its Unfulfilled Duty of Repair, Pub. (Christian Anti-Semitism, Nazis, Holocaust ; the role , silence of the Catholic Church , the Pope & the Vatican)
* Goodman, Martin : Rome and Jerusalem: The Clash of Ancient Civilizations, Pub. 2007.
* Gorenberg, Gershom : The End of Days : Fundamentalism And The Struggle For The Temple Mount , Pub. 2000.
* Green, Toby: Inquisition: The Reign Of Fear, Pub. 2007. (A story of anti-semitism, Islamophobia & other heresies)
* Hanson, Kenneth: Dead Sea Scrolls: The Untold Story, Pub. 1997.
* Harpur, Tom : The Pagan Christ: Recovering the Light , Pub. 2004.
* Haskins ,Susan: Mary Magdalen: Myth and Metaphor, Pub. 1993.
* Heather,Peter : The Fall of the Roman Empire, Pub. 2005.
* Hedges, Chris : American Fascists, Pub. 2007. (Rise of christian /religious right in USA)
* Hicks, Jim: Hittites; The Empire Builders/ Time-Life Books, Pub. 1974.
* Hindley, Geoffrey. A Brief History of the Crusades: Islam And Christianity in the Struggle For World Supremacy, Pub. 2004.
* Holland, Tom: In The Shadow of the Sword: The Battle For Global Empire And the End Of The Ancient World, Pub. 2012.
* Holland, Tom Millennium: The End Of The World And The Forging of Christendom, Pub. 2008.
* Huntington, Samuel : The Clash Of Civilizations: Remaking The World Order, Pub. 1998.
* Jenkins, Philip: The Lost History of Christianity, Pub. 2008.
* Jenkins, Philip : Laying Down The Sword -Why We Can't Ignore The Bibles Violent Verses, Pub. 2011.
* Jill-Levine, Amy : The Misunderstood Jew: The Church and the Scandal of the Jewish Jesus, Pub. 2006. ( On the origins of Christian anti-semitism & accommodation to the Roman Empire rewriting history /revisionism in the Early Church ie. Jews killed Jesus not the Romans )
* Johnson, Paul : Civilizations of the Holy Land, Pub. 1979.
* Kirsch, Jonathan : God against the Gods: The History of the War Between Monotheism and Polytheism, Pub. 2004. (History of Christian Intolerance of other religions versus the Pagans tolerance of various religious beliefs & systems)
* Klinghoffer, David : The Discovery of God: Abraham and the Birth of Monotheism, Pub. 2003.
* Korb, Scott : Life in Year One; What the World was like in First Century Palestine, Pub. 2010.
* Küng , Hans : The Catholic Church -Translated by John Bowden, Pub. 2001.
* Lang, Bernhard : The Hebrew God: Portrait of an Ancient Deity, Pub. 2002.
* Lehmann, Johannes The Hittites : people of a thousand gods, Pub. 1977.
* Lewis, David Levering: God's Crucible: Islam and the Making of Europe , 570-1215, Pub.2008.
* Lindsay, Jack : Men and Gods on the Roman Nile, Pub. 1968.
* Lowney, Chris : A Vanished World : Muslims, Christians, and Jews in Medieval Spain, Pub. 2005.
* Macqueen, J. : The Hittites and their contemporaries in Asia Minor, Pub. 1986.
* Maier , Paul L. : Josephus: The Essential Works A Condensation of Jewish Antiquities and The Jewish War , Pub. 1994.
* Margolis, Eric S. American Raj: Liberation or Domination? Resolving The Conflict Between The West And The Muslim World, Pub. 2008.
* Marsden, George M. : Understanding Fundamentalism And Evangelicalism, Pub. 1991.
* Mathews, John
& Bob Stewart: Warriors Of Christendom , Charlemagne, El Cid, Barbarossa, Richard LionHeart, Pub.1988.
* Miles, J. : Christ: A Crisis in the Life of God, Pub. 2001.
* Millard, A. : Treasures From Bible Times, Pub. 1985.
* Mills, Dorothy: The Middle Ages, Pub. 1935.
* Mitchell , S. : The Gospel According to Jesus, Pub. 1991.
* Montefiore, Simon Sebag : Jerusalem: The Biography , Pub. 2011.
* Moss, Candida : The Myth Of Persecution: How Early Christians Invented A Story of Martyrdom , Pub. 2013.
* Murphy, Cullen: God's Jury: The Inquisition And The making of the Modern World, Pub. 2012. (Christian supremacy and the justification for violent anti-Semitism, Islamophobia and purging heretics & Muslims )
* National Geographic: Greece and Rome , Builders of our World, Pub. 1971.
* Neuhaus, Richard John : The Catholic Moment: The Paradox of the Church in the Postmodern World, Pub. 1990.
* Nicholson, Helen : The Knights Templar : A Brief History of the Warrior Order, Pub. 2010.
* Nigosian, S.A. : The Zoroastrian Faith, Tradition And Modern Research, Pub. 1993.
* Noll, Mark A. The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind, Pub. 1994.
* Oates, Joan : Babylon, Pub. 1979.
* O'Donnell, James J. : The Ruin Of The Roman Empire- A New History, Pub. 2008
* O'Grady, Selina : And Man Created God: A History of the World at the Time of Jesus, Pub. 2013.
* Oppenheim, A. Leo : Ancient Mesopotamia, Portrait of a dead Civilization, Pub. 1964.
* Pagden, Anthony: World's At War (The 2,500 Year Struggle Between East and West ), Pub. 2008. (origins of Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia and demonizing Pagan Religious beliefs & systems etc.)
* Pagels, Elaine
and Karen l. King: Reading Judas: The Gospel Of Judas and The Shaping of Christianity, Pub.2007.
* Pagels, Elaine : Adam, Eve, and The Serpent, Pub. 1989. (Creation of myths of original sin, fallen man , Satan & evil)
* Pagels, Elaine : The Origin of Satan: How Christians Demonized Jews, Pagans, and Heretics , Pub. 1996.
* Pagels, Elaine : Revelations: Visions, Prophecy ,and Politics In The Book Of Revelation, Pub. 2012.
* Pagels, Elaine : Beyond Belief: The Secret Gospel of Thomas, Pub. 2005.
* Phipps, William E. : Was Jesus Married? The Distortion of Sexuality in the Christian Tradition, Pub. 1970.
* Pollock, John George Whitefield And The Great Awakening , Pub. 1972.
* Porter, J. : Jesus Christ: The Jesus Of History, The Christ of Faith ,
Pub. 1999.
* Provan, Iain
and V. Philips Long: A Biblical History of Israel , Pub. 2003.
* Qureshi, Emran/ M.Sells: The New Crusades: Constructing the Muslim Enemy. 2003.
* Read, Piers Paul : The Templars, The Dramatic History of the Knights Templar, The Most Powerful Military Order of The Crusades, Pub. 2001.
* Redford, D. B. : Egypt, Canaan, and Israel in Ancient Times, pub. 1992.
* Redwin, Charles L. : The Rise of Civilization, Pub. 1978.
* Riley-Smith, Jonathan The Crusades: A History, Pub. 2005. (Centuries of Christian Anti-Semitism, Islamophobia and Christian Supremacy & Western Imperialism & Colonialism )
* Rogerson,John &
amp; Philip Davies : The Old Testament World, Pub. 1989.
* Rubenstein, Richard E. When Jesus Became God: The Struggle To Define Christianity During The Last Days of Rome , Pub. 1999.
* Sanders, E. P. : Paul, Pub. 1991.
* Sandmel, Samuel : Judaism and Christian Beginnings, Pub. 1978. ( Christianity developed in the beginning as a new movement within Judaism and not separate from Judaism's traditions and values )
* Saunders, Doug: The Myth of the Muslim Tide: Do Immigrants Threaten The West, Pub. 2012.
* Schama, Simon: The story of the Jews : finding the words : 1000 BCE-1492 CE , Pub. 2014. (Vol.1)
* Schofield, Guy : Crime Before Calvary: Herodias, Herod Antipas and Pontius Pilot, Pub. 1960.
* Smith, Mark S. : The Early History of God: Yahweh and Other Deities in Ancient Israel, Pub. 2002. (in the beginning Yahweh was the God of the Hebrews but was one of many competing Gods among the various communities or tribes in the region -other Gods existed but the Hebrews & later Israelites were to pay homage only to their God Yahweh/Jehovah)
*Stark, Rodney: Discovering God: The Origins of The Great Religions and The Evolution of Belief, Pub. 2007. (discounts Biblical scholarship concerning the Historical Jesus of the last 200 years which the author views as a result of militant anti-Christian atheists)
* Stobart. J. The Glory That Was Greece, Pub. ?
* Time Life Books : The Age of God Kings/ Egypt, Babylon, Sumer, Msopotamia, Pub. 1987.
* Treece, Henry: The Crusades, Pub. 1962.
* Turnbull , Stephen: The Book of the Medieval Knight, Pub. 1985.
* Vermes, Geza: The Authentic Gospel of Jesus, Pub. 2004.
* Vermes, Geza: The Changing Faces of Jesus, Pub. 2000.
* Vermes, Geza : The Nativity; History and Legend, Pub. 2006.
* Vermes, Geza : The True Herod, Pub. 2014.
* Vickers, M. : The Roman World, Pub. 1989.
* Vowell, Sarah : The Wordy Shipmates , Pub. 2008.
* Vrettos, Theodore : Alexandria, City of the Western Mind, Pub. 2001.
* Warren, P. The Aegean Civilizations, Pub. ?
* Weber, Eugene: Apocalypses: Prophesies, Cults, And Millennial Beliefs Through The Ages, Pub. 1999.
* Weyler, Rex: The Jesus Sayings, Pub. 2008.
* Wheatcroft, Andrew : Infidels : The Conflict Between Christendom and Islam, 638‑2002 , Pub. 2003. (origins of hypocritical & irrational violent Christian Islamophobia and demonizing of Muhammad and Islam and all Muslims )
* Wills, Garry: What The Gospels Meant, Pub. 2008.
* Wills, Garry: What Paul Meant , Pub.2006.
* Wilson, A. N. : Jesus : a Life, Pub. 1993.
* Wilson, A. N. : Paul: The Mind of the Apostle, Pub. 1997.
* Wilson, Barrie: How Jesus Became Christian, Pub. 2008. (Story of Early Christians & their denial of Jesus as a Jewish Rabbi or Teacher inspired by God like other prophets was turned into the Son of God and later transformed into God as part of the Holy Trinity thereby dismissing his Jewishness & his humanity in favor of Godhood))
* Yadin, Yigael : Masada: Herod's Fortress and the Zealot's Last Stand, Pub. 1966/1989.
* Zahl, Paul F. M. : The First Christian : Universal Truth in the Teachings of Jesus, Pub. 2003.
* Abanes, Richard: End-Time Visions: The Road to Armageddon, Pub. 1998.
* Abella, Irving : None Is Too Many; Canada and the Jews of Europe, 1933- 1948, Pub. 1983.
* Altamira, Rafael: A History Of Spanish Civilization, Pub. 1930.Trans. By P. Volkov.
* Armstrong, Karen : A History of God : the 4000-year quest of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, Pub. 1998.
* Armstrong, Karen : Fields Of Blood : Religion and The History of Violence, Pub. 2014.
* Armstrong, Karen: Holy War: The Crusades and Their Impact on Today's World , Pub. 2001.
* Armstrong, Karen : In the beginning , Pub. 1996.
* Armstrong, Karen: The Battle For God ; Fundamentalism in Judaism, Christianity and Islam , Pub. 2001.
* Armstrong, Karen: The Great Transformation ,The Beginning of our Religious Traditions , Pub. 2006.
* Armstrong, Karen: Through the narrow gate : a memoir of life in and out of the convent, Canadian ed. ,2005.
* Asimov, Isaak: The Dark Ages, Pub. 1968.
* Aslan, Reza : Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth, Pub. 2013.
* Bainton, Ronald H.: The Horizon History of Christianity , Pub. 1964.
* Bawer, Bruce : While Europe Slept: How Radical Islam is Destroying the West from Within, Pub. 2006
* Blumhofer, Edith L.: Restoring The Faith: The Assemblies Of God, Pentecostalism, and American Culture , Pub. 1993.
* Borg, Marcus J. Jesus: Uncovering the Life, Teachings, and Relevance of a Religious Revolutionary; Pub. 2006.
* Borg , Marcus J. and
John Dominic Crossan : The First Paul: Reclaiming the Radical Visionary Behind The Church's Conservative Icon, Pub. 2009.
* Borg, Marcus J. Evolution of The Word: The New Testament in the Order the Books Were Written, Pub. 2012.
* Boyce, Mary : Zoroastrians: their religious beliefs And Practices , Pub. 1979.
* Brenner, Michael: A Short History of The Jews, Pub. 2010.
* Bronner, Stephen Eric : A Rumor About The Jews: Reflections On Antisemitism and The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, Pub. 2000.
* Butz, Jeffrey J. : The Brother Of Jesus And The Lost Teachings Of Christianity, Pub. 2005.
* Cahill, T. : Desire of the everlasting Hills, The World Before and after Jesus.
* Cahill, T: The Gift of the Jews, Pub. 1999.
* Champdor, A. : Babylon, Pub. 1958.
* Clark, Grahame and Stuart Piggott : Prehistoric Societies: Palaeolithic to Neolithic, Pub. 1965.
* Cohen, Mark R. : Under Crescent And Cross: The Jews In The middle Ages, Pub. 1992.
* Cohen- Sherbok, Dan: The Crucified Jew: Twenty Centuries of Anti-Semitism, Pub. 1992.
* Cohn, Norman : Cosmos, Chaos AND The World to Come: The Ancient Roots of Apocalyptic Faith, 2nd ed. , Pub. 2001.
* Cohn, Norman : Warrant for Genocide: The Myth of the Jewish World Conspiracy and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Pub. 1996. ( History of Christian anti-Semitism)
* Contenau, G. Everyday life in Babylon and Assyria, Pub. 1954.
* Cottrell, L. The Quest for Sumer, Pub. 1965.
* Crossan, John Dominic: God and Empire; Jesus Against Rome, Then and Now; Pub. 2007.
* Crossan, John Dominic: The Power of Parable: How Fiction By Jesus Became Fiction About Jesus, Pub. 2012.
* Crow, J. Greece: The Magic Spring. Pub ?
* Dalton, Laurence E, AND
Shirley Strutton Dalton : Jesus Christ: A Pagan Myth : Evidence That Jesus Never Existed , Pub. 2008.
* Dawidowicz, Lucy S. : The War Against the Jews 1933-1945, Pub. 1986.
* Drury, Shadia B. : Terror and Civilization: Christianity, Politics, and the Western Psyche, Pub. 2004.* Ehrman, Bart D. Did Jesus Exist? The Historical Argument for Jesus of Nazareth, Pub. 2012.
* Ehrman, Bart D. The Lost Gospel of Judas Iscariot: A New Look at Betrayer and Betrayed , Pub. 2006.
* Ehrman, Bart, D. Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why, Pub. 2005.
* Ehrman, Bart D. Truth and Fiction in The DaVinci Code: A Historian Reveals What We really Know About Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and Constantine, Pub. 2004.
(Popular Christian Myths ; Conspiracy theories ie Knights Templar, Illuminati etc.)
* Ellegard, Alvar : Jesus; One Hundred Years Before Christ, Pub. 1999.
* Every, George : Christian Legends, Pub. 1987.
* Feffer,John: Crusade 2.0 The West's resurgent War on Islam, Pub. 2012
* Ferguson, Niall : Civilization: The West and the Rest, Pub. 2011.
* Finkelstein, Israel &
Neil Asher Silberman : The Bible Unearthed ; Archaeology's New Vision of Ancient Israel And The Origin of Its Sacred Texts, Pub. 2001.* Flannery, Edward H. : The anguish of the Jews : Twenty-Three Centuries of Antisemitism Rev. ed. updated. Pub. 1985. (history of Christian Anti-Semitism)
* Fredriksen, Paula : Jesus of Nazareth: King Of The Jews; A Jewish Life And The Emergence of Christianity, Pub. 2000.
* Fricke, Weddig : The Court-Martial of Jesus: A Christian Defends The Jews Against The Charge of Deicide Trans. by Salvator Attanasio , Pub. 1990. (on the origins of Christian Anti-Semitism)
* Gentles, Ian editor: A Time To Choose Life; Women, Abortion and Human Rights, Pub. 1990.
* Goldhagen, Daniel Jonah : A Moral Reckoning: The Role of the Catholic Church in the Holocaust and its Unfulfilled Duty of Repair, Pub. (Christian Anti-Semitism, Nazis, Holocaust ; the role , silence of the Catholic Church , the Pope & the Vatican)
* Goodman, Martin : Rome and Jerusalem: The Clash of Ancient Civilizations, Pub. 2007.
* Gorenberg, Gershom : The End of Days : Fundamentalism And The Struggle For The Temple Mount , Pub. 2000.
* Green, Toby: Inquisition: The Reign Of Fear, Pub. 2007. (A story of anti-semitism, Islamophobia & other heresies)
* Hanson, Kenneth: Dead Sea Scrolls: The Untold Story, Pub. 1997.
* Harpur, Tom : The Pagan Christ: Recovering the Light , Pub. 2004.
* Haskins ,Susan: Mary Magdalen: Myth and Metaphor, Pub. 1993.
* Heather,Peter : The Fall of the Roman Empire, Pub. 2005.
* Hedges, Chris : American Fascists, Pub. 2007. (Rise of christian /religious right in USA)
* Hicks, Jim: Hittites; The Empire Builders/ Time-Life Books, Pub. 1974.
* Hindley, Geoffrey. A Brief History of the Crusades: Islam And Christianity in the Struggle For World Supremacy, Pub. 2004.
* Holland, Tom: In The Shadow of the Sword: The Battle For Global Empire And the End Of The Ancient World, Pub. 2012.
* Holland, Tom Millennium: The End Of The World And The Forging of Christendom, Pub. 2008.
* Huntington, Samuel : The Clash Of Civilizations: Remaking The World Order, Pub. 1998.
* Jenkins, Philip : Laying Down The Sword -Why We Can't Ignore The Bibles Violent Verses, Pub. 2011.
* Jill-Levine, Amy : The Misunderstood Jew: The Church and the Scandal of the Jewish Jesus, Pub. 2006. ( On the origins of Christian anti-semitism & accommodation to the Roman Empire rewriting history /revisionism in the Early Church ie. Jews killed Jesus not the Romans )
* Johnson, Paul : A History of Christianity, Pub. 1976.
* Johnson, Paul : Civilizations of the Holy Land, Pub. 1979.
* Keller , W. : The Bible As History , Pub.1982.
* Kertzer, David I.: The Popes Against The Jews: The Vatican's Role in The Rise of Modern Anti‑Semitism, Pub. 2001. (History of the role of the Catholic Church & the Vatican in promulgating anti-Semitism leading inexorably to the Holocaust)
* King, Karen L. The Gospel of Mary of Magdala: Jesus and the First Woman Apostle, Pub. 2003.
* Kirsch, Jonathan : A History of The End Of The World : How the Most Controversial Book ( REVELATION ) in the Bible Changed the Course of Western Civilization, Pub. 2007.* Kirsch, Jonathan : God against the Gods: The History of the War Between Monotheism and Polytheism, Pub. 2004. (History of Christian Intolerance of other religions versus the Pagans tolerance of various religious beliefs & systems)
* Korb, Scott : Life in Year One; What the World was like in First Century Palestine, Pub. 2010.
* Küng , Hans : The Catholic Church -Translated by John Bowden, Pub. 2001.
* Lang, Bernhard : The Hebrew God: Portrait of an Ancient Deity, Pub. 2002.
* Lehmann, Johannes The Hittites : people of a thousand gods, Pub. 1977.
* Lindsay, Jack : Men and Gods on the Roman Nile, Pub. 1968.
* Lowney, Chris : A Vanished World : Muslims, Christians, and Jews in Medieval Spain, Pub. 2005.
* Macqueen, J. : The Hittites and their contemporaries in Asia Minor, Pub. 1986.
* Maier , Paul L. : Josephus: The Essential Works A Condensation of Jewish Antiquities and The Jewish War , Pub. 1994.
* Margolis, Eric S. American Raj: Liberation or Domination? Resolving The Conflict Between The West And The Muslim World, Pub. 2008.
* Mathews, John
& Bob Stewart: Warriors Of Christendom , Charlemagne, El Cid, Barbarossa, Richard LionHeart, Pub.1988.
* Menocal, Maria Rosa : Ornament of the World: How Muslims, Jews, and Christians Created a Culture of Tolerance in Medieval Spain; Pub. 2002.
* Millard, A. : Treasures From Bible Times, Pub. 1985.
* Mills, Dorothy: The Middle Ages, Pub. 1935.
* Montefiore, Simon Sebag : Jerusalem: The Biography , Pub. 2011.
* Moss, Candida : The Myth Of Persecution: How Early Christians Invented A Story of Martyrdom , Pub. 2013.
* Murphy, Cullen: God's Jury: The Inquisition And The making of the Modern World, Pub. 2012. (Christian supremacy and the justification for violent anti-Semitism, Islamophobia and purging heretics & Muslims )
* National Geographic: Greece and Rome , Builders of our World, Pub. 1971.
* Neuhaus, Richard John : The Catholic Moment: The Paradox of the Church in the Postmodern World, Pub. 1990.
* Nicholson, Helen : The Knights Templar : A Brief History of the Warrior Order, Pub. 2010.
* Nigosian, S.A. : The Zoroastrian Faith, Tradition And Modern Research, Pub. 1993.
* Oates, Joan : Babylon, Pub. 1979.
* O'Donnell, James J. : The Ruin Of The Roman Empire- A New History, Pub. 2008
* Oppenheim, A. Leo : Ancient Mesopotamia, Portrait of a dead Civilization, Pub. 1964.
* Pagels, Elaine
and Karen l. King: Reading Judas: The Gospel Of Judas and The Shaping of Christianity, Pub.2007.
* Pagels, Elaine : Adam, Eve, and The Serpent, Pub. 1989. (Creation of myths of original sin, fallen man , Satan & evil)
* Pagels, Elaine : The Origin of Satan: How Christians Demonized Jews, Pagans, and Heretics , Pub. 1996.
* Pagels, Elaine : Revelations: Visions, Prophecy ,and Politics In The Book Of Revelation, Pub. 2012.
* Pagels, Elaine : Beyond Belief: The Secret Gospel of Thomas, Pub. 2005.
* Phipps, William E. : Was Jesus Married? The Distortion of Sexuality in the Christian Tradition, Pub. 1970.
* Pollock, John George Whitefield And The Great Awakening , Pub. 1972.
* Porter, J. : Jesus Christ: The Jesus Of History, The Christ of Faith ,
Pub. 1999.
* Provan, Iain
and V. Philips Long: A Biblical History of Israel , Pub. 2003.
* Qureshi, Emran/ M.Sells: The New Crusades: Constructing the Muslim Enemy. 2003.
* Read, Piers Paul : The Templars, The Dramatic History of the Knights Templar, The Most Powerful Military Order of The Crusades, Pub. 2001.
* Redwin, Charles L. : The Rise of Civilization, Pub. 1978.
* Riley-Smith, Jonathan The Crusades: A History, Pub. 2005. (Centuries of Christian Anti-Semitism, Islamophobia and Christian Supremacy & Western Imperialism & Colonialism )
* Rogerson,John &
amp; Philip Davies : The Old Testament World, Pub. 1989.
* Rubenstein, Richard E. When Jesus Became God: The Struggle To Define Christianity During The Last Days of Rome , Pub. 1999.
* Sanders, E. P. : Paul, Pub. 1991.
* Sandmel, Samuel : Judaism and Christian Beginnings, Pub. 1978. ( Christianity developed in the beginning as a new movement within Judaism and not separate from Judaism's traditions and values )
* Saunders, Doug: The Myth of the Muslim Tide: Do Immigrants Threaten The West, Pub. 2012.
* Schama, Simon: The story of the Jews : finding the words : 1000 BCE-1492 CE , Pub. 2014. (Vol.1)
* Schofield, Guy : Crime Before Calvary: Herodias, Herod Antipas and Pontius Pilot, Pub. 1960.
* Smith, Mark S. : The Early History of God: Yahweh and Other Deities in Ancient Israel, Pub. 2002. (in the beginning Yahweh was the God of the Hebrews but was one of many competing Gods among the various communities or tribes in the region -other Gods existed but the Hebrews & later Israelites were to pay homage only to their God Yahweh/Jehovah)
*Stark, Rodney: Discovering God: The Origins of The Great Religions and The Evolution of Belief, Pub. 2007. (discounts Biblical scholarship concerning the Historical Jesus of the last 200 years which the author views as a result of militant anti-Christian atheists)
* Stobart. J. The Glory That Was Greece, Pub. ?
* Time Life Books : The Age of God Kings/ Egypt, Babylon, Sumer, Msopotamia, Pub. 1987.
* Turnbull , Stephen: The Book of the Medieval Knight, Pub. 1985.
* Vermes, Geza: The Authentic Gospel of Jesus, Pub. 2004.
* Vermes, Geza: The Changing Faces of Jesus, Pub. 2000.
* Vermes, Geza : The Nativity; History and Legend, Pub. 2006.
* Vermes, Geza : The True Herod, Pub. 2014.
* Vickers, M. : The Roman World, Pub. 1989.
* Vowell, Sarah : The Wordy Shipmates , Pub. 2008.
* Vrettos, Theodore : Alexandria, City of the Western Mind, Pub. 2001.
* Warren, P. The Aegean Civilizations, Pub. ?
* Weber, Eugene: Apocalypses: Prophesies, Cults, And Millennial Beliefs Through The Ages, Pub. 1999.
* Weyler, Rex: The Jesus Sayings, Pub. 2008.
* Wheatcroft, Andrew : Infidels : The Conflict Between Christendom and Islam, 638‑2002 , Pub. 2003. (origins of hypocritical & irrational violent Christian Islamophobia and demonizing of Muhammad and Islam and all Muslims )
* Wills, Garry: What The Gospels Meant, Pub. 2008.
* Wills, Garry: What Paul Meant , Pub.2006.
* Wilson, A. N. : Jesus : a Life, Pub. 1993.
* Wilson, A. N. : Paul: The Mind of the Apostle, Pub. 1997.
* Wilson, Barrie: How Jesus Became Christian, Pub. 2008. (Story of Early Christians & their denial of Jesus as a Jewish Rabbi or Teacher inspired by God like other prophets was turned into the Son of God and later transformed into God as part of the Holy Trinity thereby dismissing his Jewishness & his humanity in favor of Godhood))
* Yadin, Yigael : Masada: Herod's Fortress and the Zealot's Last Stand, Pub. 1966/1989.
* Zahl, Paul F. M. : The First Christian : Universal Truth in the Teachings of Jesus, Pub. 2003.