Americans Do Love their Guns and they just want more. A deadly mix in uncertain times as the right wing propaganda machine keeps fueling various conspiracy theories about Obama.
"Gun show turns out folks fearful of greater gun regulation"
On the night Barack Obama was elected president,(arms & munitions dealer) Davis said, he sold 38,000 magazines from his Web site - more than three times the number sold on a typical night.
Lately, he said, people have been picking up parts as small as screws at his store in Waynesville, N.C., asking if they fit AR-15s, then buying them if the answer is 'yes.'
"People are terribly afraid their rights are going to be infringed upon like they were under the Clinton administration," he said.
"People are absolutely terrified," he said. "A lot of people are in anticipation of a police state, terrorist attack, civil unrest. A lot of people are preparing to draw lines in the sand."
From article by By LEE HIGGINS- The State:South Carolina Nov. 1,2009 South Carolina
"This year will go down in history! For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration! Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!"
Adolf Hitler,circa1935
"The republic is under siege," White House "full of revolutionaries" that are trying to turn us into Venezuela" -Glenn Beck
He plans to disarm America, will you let him??"
and a bloggers comments on a Gun Show & critiques one of the guns.
Star Fury
In it's closed position, while you're carrying it around, the MagPul FMG9 is designed to look something like a portable radio, and incorporates a detachable tactical white light. Drake Clark, MagPul's resident media/PR manager showed the FMG 9 to DefenseReview at the very beginning of the show, and MagPul's resident designer/engineer Mike Mayberry ended up taking us through the weapon a little later on in the show. The FMG9 mini-SMG is very slickly designed and looks like a fully-developed product, which is particularly impressive considering that, according to our understanding at present, Mayberry and the MagPul team developed the FMG9 on short notice specifically for the show (SHOT Show 2008).
And now a word from Glenn Beck The Agitator creating confusion and fear as he hopes for a revolution. So let the madness continue.
Glenn Beck: "The republic is under siege," White House "full of revolutionaries" that are trying to turn us into Venezuela"
Media Matters
Lou Dobbs Shooting Meet Balloon Boy
Lou Dobbs reports three weeks after the event that his wife had been shot at. Dobbs suggests Obama supporters are out to intimidate him and his family or worse.
The event so far seems a lot less clear and may have been a shot fired by a careless hunter and hunters stray bullets hitting peoples' property is not that unusual.
Lou Dobbs' story is almost as fishy and as much of a hoax as the Balloon Boy Hoax-there was a balloon and there was a boy-but the boy was not inside the balloon .In Dobbs' case there was shot and there was a bullet but the Bullet hit the roof of the house and did not land near Dobbs or his wife.
Is Dobbs trying to turn up the heat to rile his base against Obama and his administration.
Is Dobbs hoping for violence or even a civil war. Rather than search for compromises on policy issues Dobbs and the "Radical Conservative Movement" are more interested in opposing Obama on almost every issue to show that they are "principled" & fighting against in their view the "Radical Socialists" and "Communists" who now control Washington.
The problems faced by the Obama administration and those facing the nation have become more difficult to resolve at least by a bipartisan series of agreements because the Republicans & "The Radicalized Conservative Movement" has now demonized President Obama and his administration and his supporters to such an extent that the Conservative base will see any compromises by the Republicans with Obama as a betrayal as making deals with the Devil.
So to some degree the Republican party and the "Radicalized Conservative Movement ' have boxed themselves in by demonizing Obama and by adhering to a rigid "ideological" stance in which no real compromise is possible. Even when Obama has compromised the Republicans have still attacked him. As I have discussed previously those who oppose Obama will only be satisfied if the Obama administration is unable to pass any new legislation and becomes a "lame duck presidency" or if Obama resigns or is impeached or ousted in whatever manner necessary.
Lou Dobbs House Shooting Story Contradicted By Police
The young Turks Oct. 30
Lou Dobbs Fear Mongers over "Obama Gun Control Conspiracy Theory"
He plans to disarm America, will you let him??
"This year will go down in history! For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration! Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!"
Adolf Hitler,circa1935
In America one can get just about any gun there is and yet the NRA complains they should be allowed more guns and to take them into public places schools, universities ,libraries, churches, Temples, Mosques , shopping centers ,courtrooms etc. America=GUNS "R" US. For those of us outside America it seems bizarre to claim you are not free because you don't have an AK47 or a flame thrower or bazooka . A return to the old west but with bigger guns.
H.R. 45: License and Restrict Gun Owners of America; Obama's Gun Control Plan
February 16, 2009
Obama Pushing International Gun Control Treaty CIFTA-April 24,2009
and more fear mongering at WorldNetDaily erroneously claiming Obama wants a ban on all guns and will confiscate those already in peoples possession.
"Next step? No guns allowed for right-wing 'extremists'Bill empowers attorney general to forbid firearms for those 'suspected dangerous'" May 09, 2009 By Drew Zahn © 2009 WorldNetDaily
A new gun law being considered in Congress, if aligned with Department of Homeland Security memos labeling everyday Americans as potential "threats," could potentially deny firearms to pro-lifers, gun-rights advocates, tax protesters, animal rights activists, and a host of others – any already on the expansive DHS watch list for potential "extremism."
Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., has sponsored H.R. 2159, the Denying Firearms and Explosives to Dangerous Terrorists Act of 2009, which permits the attorney general to deny transfer of a firearm to any "known or suspected dangerous terrorist." The bill requires only that the potential firearm transferee is "appropriately suspected" of preparing for a terrorist act and that the attorney general "has a reasonable belief" that the gun might be used in connection with terrorism.
Gun rights advocates, however, object to the bill's language, arguing that it enables the federal government to suspend a person's Second Amendment rights without any trial or legal proof and only upon suspicion of being "dangerous."
"[Rep. King] would deny citizens their civil liberties based on no due process," objected Larry Pratt, executive director of Gun Owners of America. "A 'known terrorist?' Look, if the guy has committed an act of terrorism, we shouldn't have to worry about him being able to buy a gun; he should be in jail!"
Pratt further warned WND of the potential overlap of H.R. 2159 and a recent DHS memo that warned against potential violence from "right-wing extremists," such as those concerned about illegal immigration, increasing federal power, restrictions on firearms, abortion and the loss of U.S. sovereignty.
"By those standards, I'm one of [DHS Secretary] Janet Napolitano's terrorists," Pratt said. "This bill would enable the attorney general to put all of the people who voted against Obama on no-gun lists, because according to the DHS, they're all potential terrorists. Actually, we could rename this bill the Janet Napolitano Frenzied Fantasy Implementation Act of 2009."
Extremist Bill Turner of The Patriotic Resistance announces he is willing to be a martyr in defense of Gun Rights -Second Amendment
"GOD HELP US!"Bill Turner , The Patriotic Resistance at The Cypress Times ,11/01/2009
Failure this week will not immediately become apparent. You won’t see blue helmeted UN troops on the street corners, you will see the kind of creeping fascism that has been spreading like a cancer across America ever since B. Hussein Obama took office. It will start with little things, like fast food and junk food going away, while taxes drastically increase. They won’t immediately come for our guns, they can’t, to do so, would ignite an armed revolution. But, after they slowly take away all of your decision making, your privileges and rights, they will then come for your guns. Once disarmed, we will become servants of the state.
Pick up a globe. Give it a spin. How many countries do you see with a free people? Just one, America. We stand between the powers that have been building towards a one world government for almost a hundred years and having the lone beacon of freedom be snuffed out, never to return. An unarmed people are targets, and can never safely revolt. We must make a stand now, while we can stop this, without firing a shot. This is the week we march on Congress, protest in the streets, call, write, fax, email, and twitter Congress. This is the week we make this Obama’s Waterloo, or we prepare for the worst. I know many people who are braggadocios and romanticize an armed revolution. For those of you who have never been shot, stabbed, or watched someone die, it is not romantic. It is not the ultimate glory. It is stupidity at its finest. And, just to mess with your head, God help you if you shoot someone, it doesn’t just go away. Unless you are a trained professional, death is haunting.
and then he ups the anti and claims he will do whatever is necessary even if it means his death-should the authorities be watching him or would that be "Unconstitutional".
"My fellow Americans, my fellow patriots and free people of all political persuasions, now is our time to speak up, stand up and be heard. We must break Obama on this issue. Failure will lead to the ugliest of all choices, surrender our freedom and sovereignty, or make a stand and forever change our nation into a police state. I will always stand for freedom, but this is the week for us all to give our all, lest we lose it all. I invite you to stand with me this week. I will take my weak, weary, battle torn body out to my representative and senate offices, I will pound the phones, faxes and emails and if there is to be a protest, I will be there with my brothers and sisters, even if it leads to my death."
Bill Turner:US Western Regional Coordinator
The Patriotic Resistance
Twitter: Czarhunter
Co-Founder/Senior Advisor The American Patriot Commission
Obama has said he would prefer to either better regulate or shut down so called Gun Shows . The Gun Shows are used as legal loophole for people to buy guns of all sorts without a background check etc.Only in America would this be seen as a good thing-yet Americans are always in favor of disarming citizens of other countries such as Honduras, Iraq ,Afghanistan and numerous others in the past 60 years or so. Such bloody hypocrites If the Hondurans were well armed they would have ousted the current Coup d'etat Dictatorship which is oppressing the people of Honduras yet it is supported by the American conservative movement. Didn't Che Guevara also take on a dictatorship or two.
The Sky Gun & Knife Show in South Carolina
"Gun show turns out folks fearful of greater gun regulation" By LEE HIGGINS- The State:South Carolina Nov. 1,2009
Florence -- At the Land of the Sky Gun & Knife Show, people could buy everything from a 12-shot rubber band gun to a custom-built target rifle that can hit a soda can from 600 yards.
There were semi-automatic weapons for sale, too, and pistols galore, as thousands of people packed into the Florence Civic Center for the April show.
Gun shows are popular across South Carolina and throughout the year. Promoter Mike Kent expected the April show to post his second-largest turnout in six years.
And people were buying, Kent said.
Many were stockpiling ammunition, he said - buying it by the case. They feared the new Obama administration would push for higher taxes on it.
"The increase in turnout is directly related to the recent presidential election," Kent said. "People are afraid Obama is going to ban guns, make them more difficult to obtain or increase taxes on them."
Don Lipsey, owner of Rubber Band Guns, a Myrtle Beach-based vendor, was selling wooden rubber band guns for $10.95 each.
Lipsey was encouraging children to fire rubber bands at pictures of Osama bin Laden and Sadaam Hussein.
"We get 'em started right young, with rubber band guns - shoot 12 at a time without reloading," he said. "And there's no background checks on these. If (people) just get out of jail, no problem."
Background checks are big talk at gun shows. Licensed dealers are required by law to perform them. But gun collectors and other individuals are not. Law enforcement says that means anyone, including felons and young teens, can buy a gun there.
...Especially popular were items once banned under the Clinton administration, such as high-capacity magazines, which Davis said hold more than 10 rounds.
Davis said people are fearing a similar ban will return.
On the night Barack Obama was elected president, Davis said, he sold 38,000 magazines from his Web site - more than three times the number sold on a typical night.
Lately, he said, people have been picking up parts as small as screws at his store in Waynesville, N.C., asking if they fit AR-15s, then buying them if the answer is 'yes.'
"People are terribly afraid their rights are going to be infringed upon like they were under the Clinton administration," he said.
"People are absolutely terrified," he said. "A lot of people are in anticipation of a police state, terrorist attack, civil unrest. A lot of people are preparing to draw lines in the sand."
None of this anger, fear, rage and panic is occurring in a vacuum . Fox News and other media are fueling this in order to create chaos or just boost their ratings and their salaries.
also see: David Neiwert" The Eliminationists: How Hate Talk Radicalized the American Right (PoliPoint Press, May 2009),
and so it goes,
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