Thursday, June 21, 2018

Hillary: Undocumented Children "Should Be SENT BACK!". w/Abby Martin

Jimmy Dore and Abby Martin point out that these harsh anti-immigrant policies were started before POTUS Trump and go back as far as President Clinton , Bush and President Obama.

But now Neoliberals and Faux Progressives such as Rachel Maddow are shedding Crocodile tears for these kids in cages.

Odd Maddow and MSNBC didn't care about Palestinian children being brutalized by the Israeli government and IDF or the children being blown to pieces by the Saudis in Yemen or the children being killed by US /Western backed ISIS and other terrorists in Syria , Libya, Iraq  etc.
Rachel Maddow was also absent for any criticisms of President Obama's unprecedented use of Drones to bomb weddings, birthdays, births, funerals and even added the notorious Second Tap that Maddow and Hillary defend since the only good Arab, Palestinian , Afghan  etc. is a dead one.

Racist Crazy President Trump is just following the anti-immigration policies of President Obama and President Clinton and the DNC going back to the Reagan era.

  America has become anti-Immigrant since after Ronald Reagan which was followed by President Clinton's "Deterrence by Death" as Abby Martin characterizes it.

DNC and GOP both use immigrants as political hay and a distraction . POTUS Reagan was far more compassionate towards immigrants than was POTUS Clinton or POTUS Obama or Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ............................................................................................................................

Bye for now,