Hitler, Striecher & Himmler? People Doug Coe & Rick Warren admire
"Doug Coe ...quoted Jesus and said: One of the things [Jesus] said is 'If any man comes to me and does not hate his father, mother, brother, sister, his own life, he can't be a disciple. So I don't care what other qualifications you have, if you don't do that you can't be a disciple of Christ."
Quote about Doug Coe Extremist Rhetoric ??? He is the master mind behind the infamous Extremist Evangelical Christian Organization "The Family" aka "The Fellowship " -
It is odd how so many Conservative Evangelicals are now in tune with Doug Coe's theology/ Ideology . They too want to reChristianize America and would like to start cleaning house by getting rid of liberals, leftists, socialists from position of power and authority to be replaced by Real Christians and those in tune with Coe's disciples .
Both groups concur on their belief in the free market place and unfettered Capitalism and brand any criticism as treason , as dangerous and subversive or as being anti-American, anti-Capitalism , anti-Christian and anti-God.
Coe's group is only interested in preaching to the elite of the rich and powerful. Mean while other Evangelical preachers are marshaling a Peasant Army having spent decades preaching hate and intolerance cloaking themselves in Jesus, the Cross and the Gun and the American Flag.
A number of The Family's star Disciples are ruthless dictators killing and torturing any political opposition. Suharto of Indonesia is a favorite disciple of Doug Coe. Coe tells Suharto that his killing of a half-million of his own citizens who dared to oppose him that is voice criticism of his government . Evangelical Christians don't mind those deaths because Suharto says they were Communist, socialist, liberals and /or insurgents and terrorists. This elite treats their fellow citizens as mere pawns in their God inspired game. To show empathy especially for those not of their caliber is according to them a weakness.
The Family has been active in the US for some 60 years. It is no wonder American foreign policy is as aggressive as it is. American foreign policy is also at times contradictory, illogical, hypocritical and an enigma like the mysterious unfathomable ways of God . But whatever happens will be Jesus or God's will as interpreted by these contemporary Prophets who have like George Bush a direct line to God.
The Family is in some ways like Al Qaeda and the Taliban a death cult. But of course The Family members are told they are special they have been chosen by God . It is because they were chosen that they became successful, wealthy and powerful. They only answer to Jesus and The Family.
Rick Warren Urges Christians to Be Dedicated as Hitler Youth
bruceewilson | January 15, 2009
Rick Warren Urges Christians to Be Dedicated as Hitler Youth
Rick Warren Urges Christians to Be Dedicated as Hitler Youth #2
Compare Rick Warren's statements to the revelations made by Jeff Sharlet's expose on Doug Coe's Christian Dominionist organization "The Family" which only admits as membership those with wealth and power to act as "Stealth Warriors" or "Guerrillas" in the Christian Jihad to make as many nations as possible into "Disciple Nations" for Jesus. about Doug Coe's preaching in which he wants his followers /disciples/ Apostles to have the same dedication as those who followed Stalin, Hitler or Mao or Pol Pott Extremist Evangelical Group "The Family" AKA "The Fellowship"
"C" Street, The Cedars -as exposed by Jeff Sharlet's book "The Family"
So who is Doug Coe? He shuns almost all interview requests. But in hours of audiotape and videotape recordings obtained exclusively by NBC News, he frequently preaches the gospel of Jesus to followers and supporters. In one videotaped sermon from 1989, Coe provides this account of the atrocities committed under Chairman Mao in Communist China: "I've seen pictures of the young men in the Red Guardthey would bring in this young mans mother he would take an axe and cut her head off. They have to put the purposes of the Red Guard ahead of father, mother, brother sister and their own life. That was a covenant, a pledge. That's what Jesus said."
In his preaching, Coe repeatedly urges a personal commitment to Jesus Christ. Its a commitment Coe compares to the blind devotion that Adolph Hitler demanded from his followers -- a rhetorical technique that now is drawing sharp criticism.
"Hitler, Goebbels and Himmler were three men. Think of the immense power these three men had, these nobodies from nowhere, Coe said.
Later in the sermon, Coe said: "Jesus said, You have to put me before other people. And you have to put me before yourself.' Hitler, that was the demand to be in the Nazi party. You have to put the Nazi party and its objectives ahead of your own life and ahead of other people."
Coe also quoted Jesus and said: One of the things [Jesus] said is 'If any man comes to me and does not hate his father, mother, brother, sister, his own life, he can't be a disciple. So I don't care what other qualifications you have, if you don't do that you can't be a disciple of Christ."
BiographyMinistries .com
God's Own Party.com
God Discussion
Dominionism, According to Conservapedia ('Taking Nations' via 7 Mountains Not Mentioned) by Dakota O'Leary October 25, 2010 at God Discussion.com
While Conservapedia spends time characterizing any religious group or other organization that uses the term "dominionism" as extreme far left liberals, they fail to discuss the "7 Mountains Mandate" that is a cornerstone of dominionism and its various subgroups. The "7 Mountains Mandate' is a concept that has been increasingly referred to by people like Newt Gingrich, Glenn Beck, and a host of conservative Christian activists (use our search engine for more information).
Let's take a look back at the Values Voter Summit to compare with Rick Warren, Peter C. Wagner, Cindy Jacobs or Coral Ridge Ministries and all those who signed onto the Lausanne Covenant and many of those who recently attended the world evangelical conference recently in South Africa and Doug Coe's The Family. The differences among these groups and individuals are bit by bit being erased. They are a real and present danger unless they they indulge in territorial fights and in fighting over leadership or disputes over obscure or controversial theological positions or just a clash of egos.
September 19, 2010 by God Discussion Reporter
Notes from the Values Voters Summit – No to gay rights. No to reproductive choice. Yes to Christian nationalism. God Discussion Sept. 19, 2010
...Generally, the content of the summit was:
* Anti-gay because the "homosexual agenda" will take away religious liberty and destroy America;
* Anti-choice; and
* Vote Christian because we're a "Christian nation" and only Judeo-Christian values will 'turn the country around.'
A Smattering of Christian Dominionism and Christian Nationalism.
Christian nationalism was a big theme at this year's summit. According to Matthew Spalding of the Heritage Foundation, the Constitution that was dated "in the year of our Lord" was "made for moral and religious people, and none other."
Rick Santorum reiterated his September 12 speech in Houston, blasting John F. Kennedy's famous speech about the separation of church and state. Santorum thinks that there is no wall of separation and that religion should be a part of public policy, claiming that the Founding Fathers recognized that all human rights came from "the Judeo-Christian God."
When it comes to Christian dominionism, Mike Huckabee has been increasingly vocal in promoting it. Two years ago, Huckabee seemed to think it was a good idea to change the Constitution to meet "God's standards" (quoting Raw Story):
"I have opponents in this race who do not want to change the Constitution," Huckabee told a Michigan audience on Monday. "But I believe it's a lot easier to change the Constitution than it would be to change the word of the living god. And that's what we need to do — to amend the Constitution so it's in God's standards rather than try to change God's standards so it lines up with some contemporary view."
Huckabee's Compassionate Pro Life Stance.
Huckabee made an impassioned plea to the "values" audience to continue to support their "pro life" values:
Allies with Gays in the Military Only Participate in Parades.
In expressing his "concerns" about the moral decline of the U.S. military if gays openly serve, Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council proclaimed that "they're the ones that participate in parades, they don't fight wars to keep the nation and the world free."
In comparing such countries with a gay pride parade, Perkins ignored the fact that allies Great Britain and Australia, which contributed soldiers to the war in Iraq, allow gays to serve openly. Israel's military also permits gay and lesbian troops in its ranks. And Canada, Germany, Italy, Spain and France, all of which have troops in Afghanistan, allow gays and lesbians to serve openly.
Government Could Be Overrun by 'Atheists and Pagans.'
The ever-hateful Bryan Fischer of the American Family Association warned that unless Christians, who have made a mess out of their churches, did not clean up the mess in government, there was a danger that government could be overrun by atheists and pagans.
Tony Perkins concludes with an outright lie that no "real " ally of America allows Gays to serve openly in their respective militaries-he should know better -but most of his audience don't. They believe whatever these Uberconservative and Religious Fanatics tell them . Besides such facts are inconvenient for these bible thumping Moonbats and such facts ruins a good "Talking Point" or "Sound Bite".
The crowd at the Values Voter Summit just eat this stuff up . And really shows as Frank Schaeffer has pointed out at how angry resentful they are that somehow American society has gone in a direction which doesn't include them with their narrow minded reactionary mind-setand their White Christian Supremacist views. In their America almost everyone is a "Real Christian" and that all those in any position of authority is a "Real Christian" like Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich , Michelle Bachmann , Christine O'Donnell , Ann Coulter etc.
"In expressing his "concerns" about the moral decline of the U.S. military if gays openly serve, Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council proclaimed that "they're the ones that participate in parades, they don't fight wars to keep the nation and the world free."
In comparing such countries with a gay pride parade, Perkins ignored the fact that allies Great Britain and Australia, which contributed soldiers to the war in Iraq, allow gays to serve openly. Israel's military also permits gay and lesbian troops in its ranks. And Canada, Germany, Italy, Spain and France, all of which have troops in Afghanistan, allow gays and lesbians to serve openly."
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