This ad from VoterVets should hit home but many Americans even though they pay lip service to the first responders at Ground Zero 9/11 when it comes to helping those who are ill due to their valiant service the public doesn't want to hear about it. This also goes for all the meaningless hoopla about US vets from Iraq or Afghanistan "Support The Troops" yet when it comes to spending government money on Vets' health concerns, housing, re-education etc. suddenly the public goes silent or even protest against helping Veterans.
Art Robinson website links to Safe Rooms & Survival Shelters
Rachel Maddow Art Robinson
Art Robinson's website Homeland Civil Defense at Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine
Resources available include the complete scanned in versions suitable for printing of the following:
Nuclear War Survival Skills - a companion to the HTML version.
This updated and expanded edition of Nuclear War Survival Skills gives instructions that have enabled untrained Americans to make high-protection-factor expedient shelters, efficient air pumps to ventilate and cool shelters, the only homemakable fallout radiation meter that is accurate and dependable, and other life-support equipment. There instructions have been developed by Oak Ridge National Laboratory civil defense researchers and others over the past 14 years. and have been field-tested repeatedly tinder simulated crisis condition.
Maddow Follow Up On Art Robinson Interview
"If it were possible to smear a person by quoting to him things that he has published in his own newsletter" By Vanessa Silverton-Peel at The Maddow Blog Oct 7, 2010
Art Robinson is the Republican nominee challenging 12-term Democratic Congressman Pete DeFazio for his seat in Oregon's 4th district. Mr. Robinson has the endorsement of Rep. Ron Paul (R-OR) and a secretive PAC has already spent more than $150,000 running an ad in the district against Mr. DeFazio and promoting Mr. Robinson's campaign. In other words, Art Robinson is not an inconsequential figure.
But he is an unknown figure in American politics. And so tonight, in an effort to get to know the man who would like to be the next member of Congress from Oregon's 4th district, Rachel asked him to explain statements he wrote and published in his very own newsletter, "Access to Energy." Mr. Robinson accused Rachel of taking his words out of context and of being sarcastic. (For the record, this is the dictionary definition of sarcasm.)
We do not think we took the candidate's words out of context nor do we think we were unfair in our line of questioning. We stand by tonight's show. Below are those statements written and edited by Art Robinson. You be the judge.
1. AIDS is a myth: "[T]he arguments presented against the HIV hypothesis are sound... "LINK
2. Just being gay causes AIDS: " ...median age at death for homosexual men dying of AIDS is 39 years and... for homosexual men who do not die of AIDS is 42. By comparison, the value for heterosexual married men is 75. This is evidence in support of the hypothesis that AIDS may be little more than a general classification of deaths resulting from exposure to homosexual behavior." LINK
3. AIDS is a government conspiracy: "Only government reclassification of more and more disease types as AIDS cases has kept the numbers of victims at politically necessary levels." LINK
4. Low-level radiation is good for us: "All we need do with nuclear waste is dilute it to a low radiation level and sprinkle it over the ocean - or even over America after hor-mesis is better understood and verified with respect to more diseases."at Access to Energy Chemical Hormesis
For the fun of it and because the above blog post suggested it I went to Art Robinson's website and found some interesting links . Well I think they are bizarre so I've include some samples while following the money. Who profits? As Rachel Maddow pointed Art Robinson makes money on his Home Schooling Education Kits but also selling various books , survival guides, material dealing with the issues he addresses on his blog.
Former Astronaut Harrison Schmitt calls Global Warming a Hoax and denies the Appollo trip to the Moon was a hoax see video
Apollo Astronaut Harrison Schmitt Endorses Art Robinson for Congress
Global Warming : Al Gore-vs-Harrison Schmitt.
So on visiting Art Robinson 's website OISM etc. we are led through links to websites providing information on how to survive a Nuclear War and other cataclysmic events .
Glenn beck has a disaster shelter as he waits and hopes for all out Nuclear War or just a complete breakdown of society.
Just follow the links
and yes according to the Reaganesque wackos and Art Robinson you too can easily survive an all out nuclear war-with enough shovels and duct tape or if you can afford it a high end Disaster Shelter sold to you by UTAH SHELTER SYSTEMS which is owned by individuals connected to the Survivalist group 'The American Civil Defense Association' .
Nuclear War Survival Skills
Updated and Expanded 1987 Edition Cresson H. Kearny
With Foreword by Dr. Edward Teller by Oak Ridge National Laboratory, a Facility of the U.S. Department of Energy
Published by the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine ( -President Art Robinson)
Cave Junction, Oregon Copyright (c) 1986 by Cresson H. Kearny
Homeland Civil
Be Prepared Disaster Preparedness Library 8 Full Length DVDs
The definitive source of video, audio, and printed disaster preparedness material from all authoritative sources - everything in one package
This is the most extensive DVD video and MP3 collection available for Civil Defense. All of the materials from all of our civil defense websites are recreated on these DVDs. But more extraordinary, all the essential education you need to implement the recommendations of the books are demonstrated on video for you and your family to see. This makes the material all the more real and easy to learn. Since it gives you all these materials on DVDs it gives you access to this wealth of material even when you are disconnected from the Internet.
1. Fighting Chance: Ten Feet to SurvivalDisaster Preparedness Library: Books, Audio Instruction, and Newsletters
This is our combination data and video DVD. You get:
Data Contents:
* A copy of all our websites for use independent of the Internet
* 6 Civil Defense Shelter Plans in TIFF format, six large scale, detailed blue-prints for constructing a Civil Defense Shelter
* 150 MP3 files from the annual Doctors for Disaster Preparedness meetings
* Digital copies of all our Civil Defense books ready to print
* 30 Year Archive of the Access to Energy Newsletter
* Nutrition and Cancer books - a life saving resource
* 13 Year Archive of the Fighting Chance Civil Defense Newsletter
DVD Contents:
* Operation 'Cue' - 1955 Nevada Test
* About Fallout
* 1989 TV Clip about Mobile Shelter by Arthur B. Robinson
* Global Warming Seminar by Arthur B. Robinson
2. Fighting Chance Medical, Shelter, and NWSS OverviewFighting Chance DVD
* Emergency Medicine Presentation & Interview - Dr Jane Orient
* Steel Blast Shelter Tour - Dr. Arthur B Robinson
* Mobile Shelter Display Tour - Dr. Arthur B Robinson
* Nuclear War Survival Skills Overview - Cresson H Kearny
3. Nuclear War Survival Skill DVDNuclear War Survival Skills
- with Cresson H Kearny
* Part 1: Expedient Blast and Radiation Shelters (102 minutes)
* Part 2: Shelter Ventilation and Various Other Survival Skills (78 minutes)
4. Nuclear War Survival Skill DVDNuclear War Survival Skills
- with Cresson H Kearny
* Part 3: Home-makeable and Commercial Fallout Radiation Meters (117 minutes)
* Part 4: Nuclear War Facts as Told to Teenagers (74 minutes)
5. Soviet Civil Defense - all with English translation soundtracksSoviet Civil Defense
- all with English translation soundtracks
* 1. Injury from the Fallout Radiation Can Be Avoided
2. Actions in the Face of Nuclear Attack-The Main Point is Not to Panic
3. The Shelter-A Dependable Means of Protection
4. What You Must Know About Nuclear Weapons
5. Learn How to Use Your Gas Mask
6. The Danger of Bacteriological Weapons
7. Blast Shelters, Fallout Shelters, and the Rules for Using Them (5th Grade)
8. Skillfully Respond to the Threat of Attack and to the Warning Signals (5th Grade)
9. Protecting Livestock
10. Dealing with Public Utility Emergencies
11. Fallout Shelters and How to Build Them
12. How to Counteract Chemical Contamination
13. Countering Pathogenic Bacteria
14. Fire Fighting
15. The Reception and Billeting of the Evacuating Population
16. If the Siren Sounds
17. After Departing the Area of Destruction
More fun links from Art Robinson site OISM
Now for those who can afford it can always purchase an all-purpose disaster shelter in order to survive a nuclear war or biological or chemical attack or just a break down in society. So from the above website you can link to 'The American Civil Defense Association' ( TACDA'). . The name in fact sounds official but it is another advocacy group who just wants to inform Americans about what can be done to increase your survival during a major nuclear , biological, chemical attack -so there objective is purely educational. But then we discover that the president is also part owner of a company 'The American Civil Defense Association' ( TACDA').
Perhaps one of the most common misconceptions among Americans is that if a major wide-scale nuclear, biological or chemical disaster strikes, chances of survival would be extremely low.
In reality, however, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Many will survive, and most will not be prepared.
There are many dangerous threats that do exist. However, for each threat, there are practical preparedness solutions that exist, as well.
The History of The American Civil Defense Association
TACDA was formed in the early 1960’s in response to our nations reliance on atomic weaponry as a centerpiece of foreign policy following World War II, up to and including the onset of the Cold War. During the Cold War, many feared a nuclear strike from the Soviet Union. In an attempt to protect American civilians, a civil defense campaign emphasizing the use of fallout shelters commenced. In response to the Soviet’s first atomic explosion and the Korean War, the Federal Civil Defense Administration was started in 1951. American citizens now had to imagine a new kind of war, and it was the Federal Civil Defense Administration’s job to encourage citizens to adapt to their nuclear present and future. Some doubted that physical protection from a nuclear explosion would be effective. Therefore, the Federal Civil Defense Administration received a small budget, and was involved in only limited construction of shelters and the publishing of publicity materials...
The TACDA Mission
The mission of The American Civil Defense Association (TACDA) is to provide education, products and resources that empower American Citizens with a comprehensive understanding of reasonable preparedness strategies and techniques; promoting a self-reliant, pro-active approach to protecting themselves, their families and their communities in the event of nuclear, biological, chemical or other manmade and natural disasters.
The TACDA Board of Directors
With decades of experience in the fields of Civil Defense, Engineering, Medicine, Education, and the Military, the TACDA Board of Directors devote their time and efforts to increasing the awareness of Civil Defense issues in the United States and around the world.
and from
About Our NBC Shelters Since 1984
There are essential design elements you should consider before purchasing an "All Hazard Shelter"™.
‘All Hazard Shelters’ must withstand violent earth movement from severe earthquakes; high velocity winds from tornados and hurricanes; invasion from mobs; heavy overpressures from nuclear blast; all types of radiations; wild fires; and air contamination from fallout and chemical and biological war gasses. It is interesting to note that NBC shelters satisfy the entire scope of requirements for 'All Hazard Shelters'.
Before purchasing a shelter, do a careful 'risk assessment' for your location (see 'getting started'), and design your shelter accordingly.
If you choose to purchase an 'All Hazard Shelter', your shelter design must meet the following criteria:
* Does the shelter provide critical radiation attenuation properties for NBC shelters?
o Small diameter entrances.
o Entrances with both vertical and long horizontal components connected with a 90-degree turn, assuring the proper attenuation of gamma radiation.
o Long horizontal runs providing an area in the entrance for the required 6 feet of shielding assuring protection from initial radiation.
o Shielding over the shelter chamber equivalent to 4 feet of dirt cover for gamma radiation, and at least 8 feet of dirt cover in blast areas, for shielding against initial radiation.
UTAH SHELTER SYSTEMS manufactures and equips multi-hazard home and corporate shelters. The company also offers consultation in the production of concrete shelters and the re-furbishing and updating of existing shelters.
Utah Shelter Systems is owned and managed by Paul Seyfried and Sharon Packer. Paul and Sharon have been building shelters since 1986, and incorporated Utah Shelter Systems in 1998. The shelters can be constructed of either corrugated steel or steel plate and can withstand blasts up to the 150 psi range. Each shelter is customized to your size requirements, individual needs, and the potential threat to your location. The shelters are manufactured in North Salt Lake, Utah and transported throughout the entire United States and Canada.
Sharon and Paul also own the company, ANDAIR USA, Inc. and are the United States distributors of the Swiss made Luwa of Andair AG located in Andelfingen Switzerland. This company provides ventilation systems, blast valves, air filtration systems, and chemical biological protection for home, corporate, military and government facilities.
Paul is a graduate of the Missouri Military Academy and attended the New Mexico Military Institute. He attended classes at the National Emergency Training Center in Emitsburg, Pennsylvania. Paul and Sharon have lectured widely throughout Utah and the United States. They have given lectures at the Brigham Young University, and Sharon taught a National Securities Affairs class in 1993 at the University of Utah. They are regular speakers at the national Doctor's for Disaster Preparedness meetings. Paul has 25 years experience working in a local aerospace firm. Paul and his wife, Carolyn, reside in Salt Lake City and are the parents of 4 children.
Sharon graduated with a masters degree in nuclear engineering in 1993 from the University of Utah. She also has a bachelors degree in mathematics with a minor in physics. She has always had a keen interest in emergency preparedness and became an EMT in 1986. She volunteered on an ambulance for two years and teaches emergency first aid along with many other aspects of preparedness. She is a ham radio operator and acts as the regional nuclear weapons effects trainer for MARS (the air-force arm of amateur radio). Sharon is the current president of the 'The American Civil Defense Association' ('TACDA'). Sharon and her husband, Edson, reside in Heber City, Utah and are the parents of 6 children.
and so it goes,
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