Glass strewn streets after Kristallnacht 1937 Pogrom and rioting against German Jews -the Nazis orchestrated the event yet called a popular uprising by loyal Christian German citizens. How far will some of these present day Islamophobic propagandists go from protesting against a particular Mosque to all Mosques in America followed by riots a few assassinations , murders ???
...the irrational attack on Muslims everywhere by the GOP's leadership is not only deeply subversive with regard to the American ideal of religious tolerance but also poses a profound threat to our national security. Nor does it help that some top Democrats, like Harry Reid, are willing to demean Muslims even as we fight two wars in which victory depends on our ability to convey a respect for their religion.
Demonization of the Muslim religion is what this brouhaha is all about. Talk of the sensitivity of the victims of Sept. 11, ignoring those who were Muslim, is just camouflage. It is as absurd as it would be to blame all religious Jews for the assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, killed by one gunman from a fanatical Jewish fringe group, or to ban the erection of an Orthodox synagogue anywhere near Rabin's grave. As irrational an act of scapegoating as blaming all ethnic Germans for the acts of Nazis, many of whom claimed to be God-fearing Christians.
Above Quote from : Ground Zero for Tolerance 18 August 2010 by: Robert Scheer | Truthdig
and to some the hatred of Muslims is part of a larger trend that is suspicion fear and hatred of the "Other"-those who are different.
Race, Religion and the Other:
... Let's face it: This country has long had its Know-Nothings and its Birchers and its McCarthyites, but it never had gizmos like Fox News or Sarah Palin's Twitter feed to fuel toxic ideas so far so fast. It's time we admit these seemingly disconnected battles over "anchor babies, mosques, and a black man in the Oval Office are all part of the same war against "the Other," and that we are in the fight of a lifetime.
Above quote from: It's Not About The "Mosque"!
It's America's War On "the Other." by Will bunch Media Matters.org via Information Clearing House August 20, 2010
Hate Speech against Islam on New York buses financed by Pam Geller's group SIOA .
Will Islamophobes triumph or the American principle of freedom of religion.
As the loyalty of Japanese Americans was questioned in WWII now the loyalty of all Muslim Americans is being questioned.
It was wrong of the US government to give into fears and paranoia when it came to Japanese Americans .
Are Americans and its government to make the same mistake again by interning or expelling all Muslim Americans or just making them into second class citizens.
There is also the belief in America that all immigrants especially those who are not white should have their rights denied - the "Papers Please" insanity.RTAmerica | August 19, 2010
A provocative advertising campaign hitting the streets of New York City draws a line between terrorism and Islam. The PR move is the latest offensive made by critics opposing the development of an Islamic Cultural Center and Mosque in New York City.
Anyway the battle of the Mosques in America has now spread across the country and so US citizens are protesting against Mosques being built in their state or town.
So Islamophobia has become trendy and acceptable- next stop Kristallnacht & Pogroms and internment centres like the ones Michelle Malkin dreams of.
Will America abandon its core principle of Freedom Of Religion thereby giving into the hate and hysteria of the Islamophobes and cynical politicians and the ratings trapped media which thrives on crisis and alarmist rhetoric???
It wouldn't be that surprising since America has already abandoned other principles such as a Just War in favor of unilateral pre-emptive wars of Aggression.
The US attacked Iraq based upon lies and propaganda killing 1,350,000 Iraqis.
It now plans to do the same to Iran or other nations it does not like.
The US claims unlike other nations it is immune from any charges of War Crimes, Genocide, Crimes Against Humanity or any breach of International Laws or conventions regarding war or the treatment of captured combatants or non-combatants.
The United States has abandoned the Geneva Conventions.
The US says it will continue to abuse and torture POWs - though they claim whatever they do to prisoners is justified and therefore not torture.
The US has abandoned the notion of innocent til proven guilty by the belief in guilty til proven innocent.
The US has kept POWs in prison for as long as eight years including Child Soldiers and those whom they have no real evidence against.
The US has decided to act upon the notion of collective guilt and so killed over one million three hundred thousand Iraqis 1,300,000 and 90,000 Afghans.
The US has shown that it has no regard for so called collateral damage ie the killing of civilians or non-combatants including journalists, medical and other emergency aid workers or their equipment including ambulances.
The US refuses to stop using various forms of Napalm -White Phosphorous on civilian populations.ie Fallujah or the Highway of Death in the first Iraqi War.
and the list goes on
Photo Jesus is the Standard Operation Save America
Flip Benham, Director of a group called Operation Save America, leads members in a prayer Friday August 6, 2010 on Clinton Avenue outside the Bridgeport Islamic Society following a protest against Islam. Photo: Autumn Driscoll / Connecticut Post
Mosque in Connecticut:
Angry protesters descend on mosque by Daniel Tepfer, at Connecticut Post, August 6, 2010BRIDGEPORT -- About a dozen right-wing Christians, carrying placards and yelling "Islam is a lie," angrily confronted worshippers outside a Fairfield Avenue mosque Friday.
"Jesus hates Muslims," they screamed at worshippers arriving at the Masjid An-Noor mosque to prepare for the holy month of Ramadan. One protester shoved a placard at a group of young children leaving the mosque. "Murderers," he shouted.
Police arrived on the scene to separate the groups, but said no arrests were made.
Flip Benham, of Dallas, Texas, organizer of the protest, was yelling at the worshipers with a bullhorn.
"This is a war in America and we are taking it to the mosques around the country," he said.
Mosque in Brooklyn
What Kind of America?’ Hate Filled Rally to Stop Mosque by Thomas Tracy at The Brooklyn Paper via Emperor Loonwatch.com, July 7, 2010Opponents of a proposed mosque on Voorhies Avenue rallied on Sunday, with some specifically saying that the house of worship would bring terrorists to Sheepshead Bay.
If they build it, they will bomb.
Angry Sheepshead Bay residents came out in a show of force on Sunday to protest a planned mosque and Muslim community center in their neighborhood.
“If they build a mosque there, I’m going to bomb the mosque,” said one outraged resident who lives across the street from the proposed house of worship between East 28th and East 29th streets on Voorhies Avenue. The resident, who refused to give his name, identified himself as a former Israeli soldier who had lived on Voorhies Avenue for eight years.
“I will give them a lot of trouble,” he added. “They’re not going to stay here alive.”
Such comments were certainly the most violent, though intolerance was common at the rally, which was organized by the group Bay People. Political correctness was shoved aside as members of the group put out its agenda: We don’t want a mosque here.
There was plenty of lip service paid to concerns about added traffic and noise, with rally organizers saying that they were not “anti-Arab or anti-Muslim,” but the stench of hate filled the air, sometimes with subtle language.
“We cannot tolerate foreign interests coming into our backyard telling us what we are going to do,” said speaker Bob Giovinazzi. “It’s hot today, but things are going to get a lot hotter for people in this illegal structure.”
One of the organizers claimed that the mosque protest was simply about “this specific location and a specific organization [and its] impact on our quality of life.” The organizer, who only gave his surname, Kleinman, added, “We are not against our Muslim neighbors. This is a residential community and we want to preserve it regardless of race and religion.”
Baptist church in Temecula, California against not just the so-called "Ground Zero Mosque" but also against having one built in their own town.
Treaty of Tripoli & America's Founding Father's Commitment To The Principle of Religious FreedomIs forbidding mosques endangering religious freedom in America? Tom Hartman
Protest over Mosque in Temecula California
Temecula mosque plan sparks protest by JEFF HORSEMAN of The Press-Enterprise Via Southern California News July 30, 2010
The city's socially conservative bent has shown itself in recent years with an outcry over a performance of "The Vagina Monologues" in a city-run theater and the city's decision to remove a nude portrait from an art show in a city-owned building. In addition, a majority of residents voted in 2008 for Prop. 8, which banned gay marriage in California.
This time, the debate has turned to religion. Divisions over the mosque played out in a protest Friday in front of the current Islamic center in Temecula. About 20 protesters carried signs such as "Muslims Danced for Joy on 9/11" and "No Sharia Law," a reference to a legal framework based on the Muslim holy book.
Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks explains how the right wing Media Fox News, Sarah palin, Limbaugh, Newt Gingrich etc. pump up the story about the so called "Ground Zero Mosque" -so their repeating of this story since May of this year has led many Americans to be upset over the building of this mosque.
What it proves is that the GOP & Ubeconservatives and Islamophobes' propaganda has been successful while the Democrats for the most part refuse to weigh in.
If the Muslim American community is to take these attacks on their religion and on their religious freedom seriously then they would realize that many Americans know nothing about Islam except what these extremists Islamophbes tell them.
Muslim Americans cannot go off quietly into the night and be robbed of their basic freedoms in America but must speak up and demand their rights and freedoms be protected not just while Obama is president but even when and if a Republican takes over the presidency in 2012.Sarah Palin Slams Mosque On Fox News
Geller and Robert Spencer & others claim there is a lot of outrage over the building of the Cordoba House in New York-though they forget to mention that it is their ongoing anti-Muslim propaganda that has made this into a national and even an international story.
The Muslim community in the USA and around the world though reassured by president Obama that America is not at war with Islam the American public believe the USA and the West and Christendom itself are in fact at war with Islam.
Given the onslaught of outrageous comments made in the media especially at Fox News Muslims should realize they have only a a small percentage of Americans who are not drumming up hate against Islam.
Things are heating up because of the Islamophobe hate campaign combined with the Obama's administration's handling of the war in Afghanistan and Pakistan and their military threats against Iran and other Muslim states.
The Hawks in the GOP and the Democratic party & the Christian Zionists and Islamophobes want to bomb Iran or at least allow Israel to bomb Iran.
This would just be like Iraq another unnecessary War and therefore a War of Aggression and not in any way a "Just War".CNN Ground Zero Mega Mosque Debate: Pamela Geller vs. Muslim American Society
These anti-Muslim propagandists just love to make stuff up claiming the so called Ground Zero Mosque is to be a staging ground for more terrorists attacks on America.
They claim the Mosque will be used for training future terrorists and suicide bombers .
They also claim that the Mosque will be used for stock piling weapons.
Yet When Christian White Americans stock pile weapons or set up camps for guerrilla warfare training this is called an American's basic right to own as many fire arms ,explosives even armored tanks as they want to.Radical Agenda for Ground Zero Mosque
Also see:
Muslims Pray Daily 80 Feet From Pentagon's 9/11 Crash Site by Anne Flaherty, Via Huffington Post, August 18, 2010WASHINGTON — While Americans are bitterly debating the proposed building of a mosque near New York's ground zero, Muslims have been praying for years less than 80 feet from where another hijacked jetliner struck.
The Pentagon chapel is part of a memorial to the 184 people killed in 2001 when hijacked American Airlines Flight 77 flew into the west side of the Pentagon and plowed through three of the building's five office rings.
As part of its massive renovation, the Pentagon opened the nondenominational chapel in November 2002. The chapel hosts a daily prayer group and weekly worship service for Muslims and provides similar services for Jews, Hindus, Mormons, Protestants, Catholics and Episcopalians.
Ground Zero for Tolerance 18 August 2010 by: Robert Scheer | TruthdigAre the Republicans terminally stupid, or are they just playing the dangerous fool? In either case, the irrational attack on Muslims everywhere by the GOP's leadership is not only deeply subversive with regard to the American ideal of religious tolerance but also poses a profound threat to our national security. Nor does it help that some top Democrats, like Harry Reid, are willing to demean Muslims even as we fight two wars in which victory depends on our ability to convey a respect for their religion.
Just ask Gen. David Petraeus, who is leading the war without end to win the hearts and minds of Muslims in Afghanistan, how helpful it is to the Taliban for American politicians to identify all Muslims with terrorism. Or to the theocratic leaders of Iran who justify their hard line with the insistence that the U.S. is obsessively anti-Muslim.
Demonization of the Muslim religion is what this brouhaha is all about. Talk of the sensitivity of the victims of Sept. 11, ignoring those who were Muslim, is just camouflage. It is as absurd as it would be to blame all religious Jews for the assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, killed by one gunman from a fanatical Jewish fringe group, or to ban the erection of an Orthodox synagogue anywhere near Rabin's grave. As irrational an act of scapegoating as blaming all ethnic Germans for the acts of Nazis, many of whom claimed to be God-fearing Christians.
Yet that is the logical implication of the comparison that Newt Gingrich made when he likened the proposed erection of a Muslim community center two blocks from the World Trade Center site to putting a Nazi sign next to the Holocaust Museum. On his Website, Newt goes further in identifying all Muslims with terrorism: "There should be no mosque near Ground Zero in New York so long as there are no churches or synagogues in Saudi Arabia. The time for double standards that allow Islamists to behave aggressively toward us while they demand our weakness and submission is over."
Race, Religion and the Other:
It's Not About The "Mosque"!
It's America's War On "the Other." by Will bunch Media Matters.org via Information Clearing House August 20, 2010The national brouhaha over the $100 million Muslim Park51/Cordoba House proposal is not an anomaly but rather the culmimation of an alarming downturn in America's mood, its discourse, and even our former ambitions as a beacon of religious and political tolerance. In 2010, a large swath of the American public -- led by ratings-mad media mavens and immoral politicians like Newt Gingrich and Sarah Palin -- had declared out all-out war on "the Other" in America in all its alleged forms, from immigrants to Muslims to non-white aides working in the West Wing of the White House and of course the president himself.
And it is threatening to rip America apart in a way that we have not seen in 145 years.
Over the last year, I traveled across the country seeking the sources of right-wing outrage and anger in the Obama era as I researched my new book -- The Backlash: Right-Wing Radicals, High-Def Hucksters and Paranoid Politics in the Age of Obama -- that will be published at the end of the month. What I discovered was fear -- some of it innate and much of it whipped up by high-def hucksters on TV and in talk radio and even in the corridors of political power in America. Much of that fear centered on one simple fact: That America is increasingly becoming a non-white-dominated country. While many Americans take no issue with that, the prospect of an America with an increasingly non-Caucasian face is a deeply disturbing one to millions of people -- people for whom a unified and traditional culture is a source of solidarity and comfort, even -- according to some sociologists -- a bulkhead of immortality
... Let's face it: This country has long had its Know-Nothings and its Birchers and its McCarthyites, but it never had gizmos like Fox News or Sarah Palin's Twitter feed to fuel toxic ideas so far so fast. It's time we admit these seemingly disconnected battles over "anchor babies, mosques, and a black man in the Oval Office are all part of the same war against "the Other," and that we are in the fight of a lifetime.
America Has Disgraced Itself By Peter Beinart August 20, 2010 "Daily Beast" via Information Clearing House-- Conservative fury over the “ground zero” mosque shows that when it comes to the battle for freedom and religious liberty, the U.S. has thrown in the towel. And why are Jews so thrilled to be in lockstep with the heirs of Pat Robertson?in related news:
The president is furiously backtracking; Republicans are clawing over each other to demonize Muslims; Democrats are dead silent. It’s time to face reality. Whether or not the “ground zero” mosque ever gets built, the political debate is over. Decency lost.
Stewart Talks Mosque AGAIN, Beats FOX News At Their Own Game (VIDEO) Via Huffington Post, August 20,2010"It's a dangerous game of guilt by association that you can play with anyone," Stewart pointed out. "It's 'six degrees of people who don't eat bacon.'" He then pulled out an index card of his own, highlighted with similar "facts" connecting News Corp owner Rupert Murdoch to none other than Osama Bin Laden, leading him to ask, "Is FOX News a terrorist command center? I don't know! I just don't know."Obama Muslim Myth on the Rise by Brendan Nyhan, Huffington Post, August 19, 2010
Al Franken: Conservative Criticism To Mosque 'Disgraceful,' Gingrich Nazi Comparison 'Offensive' by Elyse Siegel via Huffington Post, August 19, 2010
More Than 30% Of Republicans Falsely Believe Obama Is Muslim (POLL) by alan Fram via Huffington Post, August 19, 2010
White House Clarifies After Poll: Obama Is 'Obviously A Christian. He Prays Every Day' by Alan Fram via Huffington Post, Aug. 19, 2010
Obama Is Muslim, the Sun Orbits the Earth, and Other Things 1 in 5 Americans Believes by Nicole Neroulias via Huffington Post ,August 19, 2010
Europol Report: All Terrorists are Muslims…Except the 99.6% that Aren’t Posted on 28 January 2010 by Danios at Loonwatch.com
and so it goes,
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