Bob Beers suggests bombing Mecca to teach the Muslims and Arabs etc. a lesson.
Some have posited that if something happened to the idol, the world’s Muslims would riot, throwing the world into gory chaos. They may be partially right, but not all would do this and if the world’s armies were diligent, it would be a good way of clearing out the villains. Even with that, I think the world would be better off because the Islamofascists would no longer have any hope of making it to their 72 virgins, regardless of how many school children they slaughtered. You cannot sacrifice to an idol that doesn’t exist.
If I were President this is what I would tell the Saudis, If one more terrorist incident happens in the US by any sect of your religion, even if you didn’t order it, say goodbye to your temple. Do you think there would be a few orders sent out to the training camps?
Well, at least I can dream.
Quote of Bob Beers from article :Bob Beers: How About We Bomb Mecca by Garibaldi at loonwatch.com january 4, 2010
"The Koran makes it very clear. If you see an infidel, you are to kill him" Pat Robertson
"a concept of nonviolence is absent from Muslim doctrine and practice"
Samuel Huntington
Know that God is with those who exercise restraint Qur'an 2:194
"There is no compulsion in matters of faith"
and if unbelievers "send you guarantees of peace, know that God has not given a license (to fight them)" (Qur'an 4:90; 4:94) (Qur'an 2:256; 10;99; 19.29)
( see" The Clash of Civilization: Samuel P. Huntington, Bernard Lewis , and the Remaking of Post-Cold War World Order " by John Trumpbour pp. 101-102 in The new Crusades Constructing The Muslim Enemy Emran Qureshi & Michael A. Sells pub. 2003.)
So is there really a Clash of Civilizations or a clash between the American and Western Imperialism and the rest of the world ???
Given the propaganda pouring out of the Pentagon and the Media we should not be surprised by this suggestion or threat by Bob Beers (or below as Tom Tancredo also argues in 2005) that Bombing Mecca would send a strong message to the Muslim world.
It is not surprising since again and again the American public are told that Islam is either an "Evil Religion" or that it is being used by Satanic forces to destroy Western Civilization and Christianity and Judaism.
Or we are informed that Islam is not a religion at all but rather a political ideology of totalitarianism -it is anti-democracy, anti-human rights, anti-individual freedom and is anti-pluralism and anti-multiculturalism .
By referring to it as Totalitarian in nature this is handy as a way to extend the clash between the West and Totalitarian Communism of the Soviet Union ( The Mongolian Hoardes/ Rus/Huns /Barbarians ) and the People's Republic of China ( the Yellow Peril/ )
Islam we are told is a backward religion stuck in the 7th century while The West is a more enlightened civilization.
So they tell us that most of the wars fought by the West were wars in fact instigated by the Islamic countries .
The Crusades were a response to Muslim attacks on Christians in the Middle East or those on pilgrimage to Jerusalem and that Muslim armies had destroyed Christian churches.
The Islamophobes ' propagandists perpetuate the myth that the West has always acted justly to all of its own peoples and also treated justly and fairly the Islamic dominated nations .
So did the Muslims force the West to take part in the slave trade or did they force the West in its conquest of foreign lands to indulge in wholesale slaughter of the Indigenous people in the Americas, Africa, Australia, New Zealand and so on.
Did the Christians divided into the Protestants and Catholics slaughter one another over the centuries due to the diabolical conspiracies hatched by the Mullahs and Emirs of Islam.
The Islamophobes are now trying to convince a naive and ignorant public that there was little or no anti-Semitism in Western Civilization.
They argue that it was the Muslims who tutored Hitler about the evils of the Jewish people and gave him the idea for oppressing the Jews of Europe culminating in the Final Solution.(see Pam Geller, Robert Spencer et al)
( Note they refuse to accept that Hitler's anti-Semitism. his notions about race , anti-liberalism, anti-pluralism, anti-homosexuality anti-Feminism , Eugenics, Hyper-Nationalism were products of so called superior Western Civilization)
Or why was it that so many Christian European Nations France, Poland, Croatia, Serbia were all too willing to send the Jews in their countries into the Nazis Modernized Assembly line of death.(and now we get neo-nazis such Geert Wilders & the BNP who want marginalize if not expel all the foreign elements/ peoples ie Muslims in Europe to purify European Christian Civilization.
Did the Muslims also have such an influence in the West that they were able to convince the English to oust all Jews from its land in 1215 or from other European countries.
The Islamophobes tell us that the Jews in Europe were treated fairly and justly whereas the Jews were treated unfairly and unjustly in Muslim dominated countries.
In European countries it was common practice to limit the rights of all Jews , to prevent their entrance into certain professions and to insist the Jews lived together in Ghettos in the cities of Europe or only in certain sections of a country and the Jews were often at the mercy of the ruling class and the Christian Mobs who would slaughter Jewish citizens on the slightest pretext or will rumor.
It should be obvious to anyone who knows even a little about European History that this is all nonsense .
Comparatively Jews in Muslim nations in fact fared much better in those countries than they did in the countries of Christendom.
One can argue that anti-Semitism was embedded in Christianity from its very beginnings back to the Early Church Fathers and even to the Gospels themselves.
Whereas Islam had no such competing hatred and suspicion of all Jews.
Even when Muhammad executed a number of Jewish Arabs at Medina he did so not because they were Jews but because their particular tribe made up of Jews broke their word to Muhammad and his followers and betrayed them in order to help Muhammad's enemies who amassed an army from Mecca to attack Muhammad and his followers and his allies .
It should be noted that in fact included among Muhammad's allies at Medina were a number of Tribes made up entirely of Jews who kept their word and either joined the Prophet Muhammad or kept neutral and did not betray Muhammad.
The Islamophobe & their media propagandists are rewriting history even now claiming the Final Solution & the Holocaust/Shoah came from Islamic leaders who influenced Hitler and the Nazis.
Now they claim that the Communism of the Soviet Union and of China are merely extensions of Islamic totalitarianism.
Didn't people at one time blame the Jews for all the ills of humankind.
Yes they did the Anti-Semites in the Christian Churches preached against the Jews for over a thousand years but now the new Pro-Zionist Evangelical Christians are out to rewrite history by expunging any hint of anti-Semitism in Christian Europe or the New World of the Americas.
Before World War II anti-Semitism was the norm throughout Western Civilization or Christendom and the Americas.
Socialism, Fascism, Communism, Anarchism, liberalism, collectivism, is now seen as the creations of the sneaky Muslims and their 1400 year old stealth campaign to destroy the West.
The Muslims as the all-encompassing all powerful enemy who are conspiring to destroy the supposedly superior and enlightened Civilization of the West have replaced the once all encompassing all powerful and secretive Jews who had supposedly infiltrated the West to control it for their own agenda.
How dreams become nightmares
How About We Bomb Mecca? By Bob Beers Canada Free Press Via Loonwatch.com November 6, 2010
Major Malik Hassan, after being transferred from Walter Reed Hospital to Fort Hood decided to celebrate his promotion and transfer by shouting “God is great” in Arabic while gunning down a dozen of his fellow soldiers.
How many more innocents must be killed by islamofascists before that glorified cult is recognized for what it is? Adherents of the world’s most violent and intolerant religion flew terrified passengers into the World Trade Center’s towers screaming the same line Hassan yelled out as the coward machine-gunned down his fellow soldiers. Nearly every day we read about some innocent young girl being killed by her own relatives because she “dishonored” her family by doing something non-Islamic. I have come to believe that a devout Muslim is incapable of anything close to real love. A loving father would die to save his daughter’s life, not the honor of a phony religion. In reality they more closely resemble trained beasts rather than people. People simply do not act in that fashion on a regular basis. People have aberrations and in some cases will act stupidly or violently, but unless there is a real problem with their mental/emotional makeup they do not act as an Islamist does.
Before you come out of the woodwork to accuse me of not knowing what I’m writing about, let me assure you that I do. I spent a number of years studying comparative religion, including the one started by an Arab thief/con man/thug/pedophile named Muhammad. The worship of the Babylonian Moon God Allah was at one time a minor religion among hundreds in the Babylonian Empire. The followers of that religion had to make a pilgrimage to the temple each year and touch the idol of Allah in order to keep their ticket to heaven active. When Muhammad fanatically decided to revitalize his fading religion, the remnant of the idol was placed in Mecca where it still rests as the so-called “black rock”. Followers of Islam still must pay homage to that idol in order to fulfill their religious duty. If that duty is unfulfilled, they are out. So, what if the rock no longer exists? Hmmm? An interesting thought.
Some have posited that if something happened to the idol, the world’s Muslims would riot, throwing the world into gory chaos. They may be partially right, but not all would do this and if the world’s armies were diligent, it would be a good way of clearing out the villains. Even with that, I think the world would be better off because the Islamofascists would no longer have any hope of making it to their 72 virgins, regardless of how many school children they slaughtered. You cannot sacrifice to an idol that doesn’t exist.
If I were President this is what I would tell the Saudis, If one more terrorist incident happens in the US by any sect of your religion, even if you didn’t order it, say goodbye to your temple. Do you think there would be a few orders sent out to the training camps?
Well, at least I can dream.And his dream and that of other Islamophobes have turned into a nightmare for the Muslim world especially for Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan etc. which includes 1,400,ooo dead Iraqis and now these enlightened Christians and Jews want to Bomb Iran and even make jokes about it on Fox News-you see according to Fox, Beck, Palin, Gingrich killing Muslims is somehow funny and besides they claim it is not the same as killing people in the West.
Remember they believe all Muslims are soulless Zombies who must be wiped out or at least contained and that each government in the West must be vigilant in rooting out any Muslims from positions of authority and those who defend them and who are "Fellow Travelers" .
But Bob beers was not the first to suggest bombing Mecca to teach the Muslims a lesson Tom Tancredo made the same suggestion in 2005 :
Tancredo: If They Nuke Us, Bomb Mecca AP July 18,2005
DENVER — A Colorado congressman told a radio show host that the U.S. could "take out" Islamic holy sites if Muslim fundamentalist terrorists attacked the country with nuclear weapons.
Rep. Tom Tancredo (search) made his remarks Friday on WFLA-AM in Orlando, Fla. His spokesman stressed he was only speaking hypothetically.
Talk show host Pat Campbell (search) asked the Littleton Republican how the country should respond if terrorists struck several U.S. cities with nuclear weapons.
"Well, what if you said something like — if this happens in the United States, and we determine that it is the result of extremist, fundamentalist Muslims, you know, you could take out their holy sites," Tancredo answered.
"You're talking about bombing Mecca," Campbell said.
"Yeah," Tancredo responded.
The congressman later said he was "just throwing out some ideas" and that an "ultimate threat" might have to be met with an "ultimate response."
And yes in Canada not only Islamophobia is on the rise but also a more negative and xenophobic views on immigrants and refugees. The ship MV Sun Sea which wants to dock in Canada is carrying 492 refugees from war torn Sri Lanka and most Canadians are against allowing these people in as refugees before they even consider what these refugees motives are. These are not economic refugees but refugees from a war torn country caught between an oppressive draconian corrupt regime and The Tamil Tigers who are themselves somewhat ruthless who according to their critics are more like the murderous Khmer Rouge of Cambodia in their fanaticism.
see the very intense and disturbing film about this period in CambodiaThe Killing Fields
So not such a nice place to live at the moment . And whichever version one prefers the prognosis is not good.
Has Canada now decided to be as unwelcome to refugees as it was from 1933 to 1958 when the Jews of Germany were trying to escape the oppression of the Nazi state. At that time the head of Canadian Immigration was asked how many Jews would Canada allow in as refugees and the distinguished department head proclaimed infamously "None is Too Many " ( read the book or CBC Doc.)
So the author who is a conservative American style celebrates Canadians becoming more Xenophobic more racist & Nativist-Under Mr. Harper this is where the country is headed. Is his party or fellow travelers trying to fuel the fires of racism. Or have Canadians just changed or has Canada always had its fair share of bigotry and xenophobia .
In Canada, the times they are a changin’ By Arthur Weinreb at Canada Free Press Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Or at least they appear to be. If three recent events are any indication, Canadians seem to be moving to the right. Perhaps this is an aberration; it’s too early to tell. On the other hand it could be a preview of things to come.
In early August, as the MV Sun Sea was making its way to the west coast carrying 492 Tamil “refugees”, a poll was conducted by Leger Marketing. Fifteen hundred Canadians were asked whether the Tamils should be allowed to come into Canada or whether the ship should be turned away. In Canada, where tolerance and diversity is worshipped as a deity, 60% of respondents told the pollster that the ship should be kept from reaching Canadian shores.
What was shocking about the poll was the fact that over half (52%) of those who were in favour of not allowing the Tamils to come to Canada identified themselves as NDP supporters. Even a significant amount of dippers seem to be moving to the right. Seventy-four per cent of respondents who thought the ship should be turned back said they support the Conservatives while less than half (49%) of Liberals were in favour of not letting the Tamils reach Canada’s shore.
The poll is an indication that a majority of Canadians are fed up with the country being such a soft touch for those who seek a quick entry into Canada. They are sick of Liberal Party politicians appearing at Tamil rallies, where flags of the Tamil Tigers, an organization that has been declared a terrorist group in Canada, are proudly flown. While not all of the 492 passengers on the ship will be found to be terrorists, there is no doubt that some of them are. They are coming to Canada because we’re an easy mark and they will have years to remain in the country and raise funds for their terrorist group.
and so it goes,
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