Glenn Beck Is NOT Martin Luther King Jr.
bravenewfoundation | August 25, 2010
Sign our pledge and leave a comment to commit to stand with Martin Luther King Jr's vision, and against Glenn Beck's hate, on August 28th. Forty seven-years ago, Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his "I Have a Dream Speech". This year on that date, Glenn Beck will hold a rally in the very same location. The hate-filled tenor of Beck is in direct contrast to Dr. King's noble and unifying vision.
If anything given Beck's statements and actions is if any thing anti-Civil Rights movement of Martin Luther King Jr.
He is POD that a black man is president. So he conjures up various Nativist and racist conspiracy theories about President Obama- ie Manchurian Candidate, Terrorists in waiting anchor baby, or part of the Chicago Mobsters, an evil socialist , Communist , Fascist, Nazi ,collectivist and a hater of white People or White culture- doesn't sound like MLK - sounds more like the Grand Dragon of the New Friendlier Ku Klux Klan .
Beck’s racially tinged tirades did not disappear after he switched formats in 1999. During his first talk radio stint in Tampa, he often referred to the Rev. Jesse Jackson as “the stinking king of the race lords.” Most recently, Beck has worked to resuscitate the names of famously anti-civil rights figures from the history of his adopted Mormon faith. He has respectfully played tapes of Ezra Taft Benson, who thought Martin Luther King was a communist agent out to destroy the Mormon Church (and who once wrote the foreward to a book of race hate whose cover illustration featured the severed, bloody head of an African American). Beck has also implored his viewers to read the “divinely inspired” books of W. Cleon Skousen, another John Birch Society fantasist who believed that the civil rights movement was part of a worldwide Communist (and, later, “New World Order”) conspiracy.
Above quote from:
Glenn Beck's Racism Is an Affront to MLK's "I Have a Dream" Vision by Alexander Zaitchik SPLC via AlterNet.org August 24, 2010
TheYoungTurks | August 20, 2010-takes on Glenn Beck's Nightmare vs MLKs Dream
Cenk Uygur (host of The Young Turks) filling in for Ed Schultz on MSNBC mocks Glenn Beck's planned MLK rally at the Lincoln Memorial.
This speech by Bloomberg is more in line with Martin Luther King Jr.
Awesome Bloomberg 'Mosque' Speech -Cenk Uygur The Toung Turks TYT
Ed Schultz: Glenn Beck is Distorting Dr. King's Dream
golefttv | August 26, 2010
Glenn Beck is distorting Martin Luther King, Jr.'s dream. On top of that, he's endangering elected officials by allowing bloggers to post elected Democrat politicians' home addresses. Ed Schultz addresses this and more in last nights "Fired Up" segment.
and on Glenn Beck's racism, Xenophobia, Islamophobia, Homophobia, hyper-patriotism, ubernationalism and Nativist views are at the center of Glenn Beck's call for American renewal. That is he wants to return America to the pre-Civil Rights era when minorities in America knew their place and the White Christian Americans rightfully in Glenn's view ruled as being superior to all other hyphenated Americans.
Glenn Beck's Racism Is an Affront to MLK's "I Have a Dream" Vision by Alexander Zaitchik SPLC via AlterNet.org August 24, 2010
Despite his lame efforts to try to capitalize on the MLK legacy at an upcoming DC rally, Glen Beck can not hide his deep seated racism.
America, the first step in your spiritual and political redemption is finally at hand.
Or so Glenn Beck would have us believe. After an eight-month build-up that began at an Orlando retirement community last November, Beck is now making the final preparations for his “Restoring Honor” rally on the National Mall, scheduled to begin early on Saturday morning with a salute and a prayer in front of tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of the Fox News host’s loyal fans.
On a stage at the foot of the Lincoln Memorial, Beck will headline a bevy of conservative guest speakers familiar to his radio and television audiences. Most notable among them will be Sarah Palin, whose political career received early and enthusiastic support from Beck. Despite the event’s sponsorship by the NRA, the host maintains the rally will be a “non-political” event, meant to honor American troops overseas and grounded in the nonpartisan themes of “faith, hope, and charity.”
...Far from being a civil rights icon, Glenn Beck has built his empire and fame in part by being a master divider along racial lines. Especially since the inauguration of Barack Obama on the eve of his Fox News debut, Beck has emerged as the media’s boldest manipulator of white racial anxieties, fears and prejudice. His willingness “to go there” has even earned him grudging respect from hardcore white nationalists who usually have little patience for major media.
and his racist tirades span his Media career:
Throughout his career in Top 40 radio, Beck was known for his imitations of “black guy” characters and racist tropes. According to Beck’s former colleagues in the late 90s, this included mocking unarmed blacks shot and killed by white police officers. Such was the case of Malik Jones, the victim of a controversial killing that took place in 1997.
“After the shooting, Beck sometimes did a racist shtick,” remembers Paul Bass, a former radio host and Beck colleague at a Clear Channel station cluster in New Haven. “Glenn did routines about Jones’ grandmother being on crack. Generally he made fun of his family and the loss of life -- as joke routines.”
Beck’s racially tinged tirades did not disappear after he switched formats in 1999. During his first talk radio stint in Tampa, he often referred to the Rev. Jesse Jackson as “the stinking king of the race lords.” Most recently, Beck has worked to resuscitate the names of famously anti-civil rights figures from the history of his adopted Mormon faith. He has respectfully played tapes of Ezra Taft Benson, who thought Martin Luther King was a communist agent out to destroy the Mormon Church (and who once wrote the foreward to a book of race hate whose cover illustration featured the severed, bloody head of an African American). Beck has also implored his viewers to read the “divinely inspired” books of W. Cleon Skousen, another John Birch Society fantasist who believed that the civil rights movement was part of a worldwide Communist (and, later, “New World Order”) conspiracy.
and so it goes,
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