Friday, December 05, 2008

Canada Banana Republic As Prime Minister Harper Suspends Parliament And Meanwhile; Bush Had Fun Playing The Role Of President

Anyway Prime Minister Stephen Harper being a bit of a bully refuses to deal fairly and in a spirit of cooperation and non-partisanship manner with the opposition who have formed a coalition to fight Harper and to form a Coalition style government. So he will shut down Parliament until the opposition and the Canadian people come to their senses and accept Harper as the only one to make decisions and enforce policies. He is like George W. Bush " The Decider ". Harper would prefer that Canada take on the trappings of the American system of government. By doing so Harper could be President and dictator of Canada rather than be involved in this multi-party Parliamentary style of governance which he is not comfortable with. We have seen over the past eight years how the American system is flawed to the extent that the President and Vice-President can rule the country as if it were a dictatorship while accusing any who disagree with them as being UnAmerican and traitors. But Parliamentary democracy depends on open government in which the Loyal Opposition in the House of Commons can question any of the governments policies . Harper does not like being questioned or second guessed.

Rachel Maddow Jokes about Canada Banana Republic As Prime Minister Harper Suspends Parliament
Rachel Maddow explains why PM Stephen Harper of Canada wants to suspend parliament. Dec. 5, 2008

Stephen Harper suspends (prorogue*) parliament in order to avoid Vote of Non-Confidence in Parliament.
But he is also like the American Republicans using fear tactics to win support from Canadians. Harper is claiming that a coalition government would give too much power to the Quebec Seperatists who he says want to destroy Canada. But what Harper wants to ignore is that he was not given a clear majority in Parliament and that over 62% of Canadians voted against Harper and his right-wing Neocon Conservative party. Harper also does not want to deal with the fact that various parts of Canada believe that their concerns and interests are being ignored by Harper's Regime. Many Canadians believe Harper has a far right agenda which goes against what many Canadians actually want. Few Canadians want for instance to get rid of Universal Health Care yet Harper seems to want to underfund Health Care to the point where it no longer works . Harper is also not interested in protecting the Environment against rapacious capitalist interests of Big Oil for instance. Harper has been trying to implement policies which come right out of the American Neoconservative movement but these policies are not acceptable to a majority of Canadians.

and from the Real News Network:

Canadian Parliament shut down as PM clings to power- Dec. 5, 2008
More at

Harper wins bid to delay non confidence vote

and see:

Political Crisis in Ottawa - Towards a Coalition Government Tuesday 02 December 2008 by: Bernard Descôteaux, Le Devoir

Prime Minister Stephen Harper did not live up to his responsibility to offer the cohesive leadership that was called for to confront the looming economic slowdown. Thus did he provoke a political crisis to which the coalition government proposed by the Liberal Party and the New Democratic Party, supported by the Bloc québécois, would appear a valid solution.

This political crisis would not have occurred had the conservative prime minister put a government in place after the October 14 election in the service "of the nation's higher interests" and had he agreed to cooperate with the majority opposition. Instead, he attacked democratic principles such as the right to strike, equitable financing of political parties and free access to the courts. And rather than commit to measures of support for the economy, he proposed six billion dollars of budget cuts. He imagined he could govern as though he commanded a majority.

This crisis is serious. The bond of trust between the government and the opposition is definitively broken. Whether next week or next January, it's certain that the conservatives will be defeated at the first opportunity, and then there will be two possible ways out of the crisis only. Either the people will be invited to decide. However, holding elections less than two months after the last ones would not be acceptable, as much by reason of the costs of a new ballot as because of the urgency of introducing a support plan for the Canadian economy. Or the opposition will be invited to form a government. That avenue is a hypothesis that must be considered serious now that the three opposition parties have laid out an agreement about the orientations and operating modalities of a coalition government

Meanwhile former dictator George W. Bush says he had a fun time as President starting wars , torturing people, paying off his crroked friends & destroying the economy. This is what he maybe thinking but doesn't quite say: "I didn't screw up the economy" he said " It was my dad or Clinton who screwed up the economy ". Bush refuses to take responsiblity for anything he or his administration did wrong. Most Americans having no long term memory will probbaly view Bush's administration as not all that bad and as Barack Obama takes over to blame Obama for whatever has gone wrong . Of course Fox News and others in the media will quite gladly exonerate Bush while trashing Obama after all they will & do claim Obama is a "Commie, Socialist & Domestic Terrorists and by the way he is Black and has a nefarious name and might be Osama Bin Laden's cousin & was put into power by the New Black Panthers and Obama they claim is not even a " real American '.

Rachel Maddow Lame Duck Watch-Dec. 04, 2008

Rachel talks about George Bush trying to rewrite his legacy with these interviews he's been doing over the last week or so.

Prorogue :tr.v., -rogued, -rogu·ing, -rogues.
To discontinue a session of (a parliament, for example).
To postpone; defer.
[Middle English prorogen, from Old French proroguer, to postpone, from Latin prōrogāre : pro-, forward; see pro–1 + rogāre, to ask.]

prorogation pro'ro·ga'tion n.

prorogue (adjourn by royal prerogative; without dissolving the legislative body)
WordNet home page

Prorogue: To officially conclude a session of the Legislative Assembly. Prorogation is different from dissolution in that the Legislature itself is not dissolved. Prorogation normally occurs immediately before a new session of the Legislature begins.

and so it goes,

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