Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Update BP Tell Clean-up Crews No Shoveling Right-Wing Crazies & Christofascists Backed By Big Money

“Well, I don’t think that the Obama administration knows what’s Jesus, what belongs to Jesus and what belongs to them. That’s my big gripe. Apparently, he doesn’t know. But then, that’s because he’s not a Christian. He’s Muslim,” O’Donnell said last November.

“It’s a proven fact he’s Muslim. He wasn’t born in this country. He was born in Kenya. There are people who know it, people who know where the birth certificate is. It’s locked up and our government can’t get a hold of it. He’s a illegitimate president, in my estimation.”

Quote Delaware GOP Senate nominee Christine O'Donnell Rep. from Top 10 Craziest Tea Party Quotes of All time by Devona Walker at Alternet.org, October 8, 2010.

The tragedy is that liberals and secularists, like Obama, are not viewed as competitors by the corporate forces that hold power, but as contaminates that must be eliminated. They have sought to work with forces that will never be placated. They have abandoned the most basic values of the liberal class to play a game that in the end will mean their political and cultural extinction.

There will be no swastikas this time but seas of red, white and blue flags and Christian crosses. There will be no stiff-armed salutes, but recitations of the Pledge of Allegiance. There will be no brown shirts but nocturnal visits from Homeland Security. The fear, rage and hatred of our dispossessed and confused working class are being channeled into currents that are undermining the last vestiges of the democratic state.

These dangerous emotions, directed against a liberal class that as in ancient Athens betrayed the population, have a strong appeal. And unless we adopt the radicalism held by Aristophanes, unless we begin to hinder the functioning of the corporate state through acts of civil disobedience, we are finished.

Let us not stand at the open gates of the city meekly waiting for the barbarians. They are coming. They are slouching towards Bethlehem. Let us, if nothing else, like Aristophanes, begin to call our tyranny by its name.

Quote by Chris Hedges How Democracy Dies: Lessons From a Master TruthDig.com, oct. 11, 2010

BP and Obama say oil? what oil?
BP's ban on shovels ???
Health problems of locals and workers being ignored and covered up to limit BP's liability
Some residents play it down to protect tourism.
Government fears its own liability in not adhering to safety regulations and slow response for containment . Gov't far too cozy with BP and oil industry .
( TV series in 80s Dallas wasn't so exaggerated after all.)

BP's No Digging Rule- Took away cleanup crews shovels??? They are using kid's sand shovels
True Reporting Gulf Oil Spill
pcolagregg's Channel

ORANGE BEACH, Ala. — Wherever disaster strikes, there’s always an associated crud.

There was the Exxon Valdez Crud. The Nine Eleven Crud. The Katrina Cough, and then the TVA coal ash cough.

Now, along the entire coast of the Gulf of Mexico, there is the BP Crud, afflicting workers and the general population from Louisiana to Florida.

When the Deepwater Horizon oil rig blew up in the Gulf of Mexico on April 20, Robin Young, a 47-year-old director of guest services for a property management company in Orange Beach, Alabama, was gearing up for what promised to be the best tourist season on the coast in years. From the city of New Orleans to the Florida panhandle, communities were finally starting to feel like they were recovering from the devastation left in the wake of Hurricanes Katrina and Ivan.

Since suffering a debilitating bout of what locals are calling the “BP Crud,” however, like thousands of other people along the coast due to their exposure to the oil and chemical dispersants, she is now part of a growing community of activists along the coast who are worried about their health.

Just a few days after BP’s oil made landfall along the Alabama Gulf Coast in June, Ms. Young’s symptoms started with “a fiery, burning sore throat,” she said. Then came the horrible, constant cough, followed by an achy feeling much like a severe flu virus — and a lethargy that kept her in bed for two weeks solid. Her memory started playing tricks on her, and her motor skills and even hand-to-eye coordination went south.

She started communicating with other sick folks over the Internet, and attending local meetings with corporate and government officials. At one meeting early on, she asked for a show of hands in a room of maybe 400 people to see how many had suffered symptoms similar to hers.

“Half the people in the room raised their hands,” she said in an interview at her cottage right next to the Intercoastal Waterway, which was polluted with oil and chemicals at the height of the disaster. Clearly, this was not some isolated event unrelated to the oil rig blowout.

Her new friends, who soon started a nonprofit group called Guardians of the Gulf, tried to find a local doctor to help them. After having no luck, they eventually found an out of state toxicologist and a doctor who knew enough about a new area of occupational and environmental health to order blood tests.

They found Dr. Michael R. Harbut, a clinical professor of Internal Medicine and director of the Environmental Cancer Program at Wayne State University’s Karmanos Cancer Institute, board certified in Occupational and Environmental Medicine. And they found Metametrix, a lab to test their blood.

What they found in the blood tests was a stew of toxic chemicals directly associated with oil and gas production and the chemical dispersant Corexit, including ethylbenzene, xylenehigh and high levels of hexane, a hydrocarbon chiefly obtained by the refining of crude oil.

The long-term toxicity of hexane in humans is extensive peripheral nervous system failure. The initial symptoms are tingling and cramps in the arms and legs, followed by general muscular weakness. In severe cases, skeletal muscles atrophy and those exposed suffer a loss of coordination and vision problems, the very symptoms Ms. Young reported.

Tea Party steeped in fringe faith by Robert Parham Executive Director, Baptist Center for Ethics, The Washington Post , Sept. 21, 2010

Delaware GOP Senate nominee Christine O'Donnell this weekend attended the annual conservative Values Voters summit in Washington, DC. There, she emphasized that although she is backed by the Tea Party, she is also a politician who "toiled for years in the values movement," alluding to her longtime work as a Christian activist.

What is the Tea Party? Is it "a recession-era version of the religious right?" Is it something else? And if the Tea Party is not a religious movement, why is it raising up candidates like O'Donnell who has a strong background of religious activism?

...At a Tea Party Express rally in Birmingham, Ala., last November, I saw a woman with a handmade sign that said: "I'm right-wing, pro-life, pro-gun rights, anti-illegal immigration, a Christian, an Activist." The word "Christian" caught my attention.

...As a Christian, I asked her, what did Jesus mean when he said, "give to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what's God's."

"Well, I don't think that the Obama administration knows what's Jesus, what belongs to Jesus and what belongs to them. That's my big gripe. Apparently, he doesn't know. But then, that's because he's not a Christian. He's Muslim," she answered in rapid fire.

"It's a proven fact he's Muslim," she continued. "He wasn't born in this country. He was born in Kenya. There are people who know it, people who know where the birth certificate is. It's locked up and our government can't get a hold of it. He's a illegitimate president, in my estimation."

So you think the teaching of Jesus doesn't apply because Obama is a Muslim, I said.

"No. My problem with him is he wants more than what is due him. Because he looks at it as what belongs to him. Not what belongs to our country. He is not a patriot. That's because he is not an American at heart," she quickly replied.

Sharron Angle is a darling of the Tea Party and a Southern Baptist. Nevada's Republican Senate hopeful believes God has called and equipped her to unseat Sen. Harry Reid.

Another Tea Party congressional candidate is Glen Urquhart, who was endorsed by the political action committee of the James Dobson-founded Family Research Council.

A conservative Presbyterian and Delawarean, he said the phrase "separation of church and state" was not in President Thomas Jefferson's 1802 letter to the Danbury Baptist Association.

For these Tea Party members--and you can add Delaware GOP Senate nominee Christine O'Donnell and Sarah Palin to their ranks--faith is central, but their faith appears at the fringes of Christianity.

Is this Tea Party Christian saying that Obama is going to try to get reparations for those whose ancestors were slaves.
Does she mean that because Obama is black man and according to her a Muslim he shouldn't be in the White House.
Or does she think that a black Man who is a Muslim can't be trusted on either account.
Does she believe that Black Men and Muslims take more than their share either by stealing or playing the system.
No wonder right wing critics of Islam are seen as in large part motivated by racism.

Top 10 Craziest Tea Party Quotes of All time by Devona Walker at Alternet.org, October 8, 2010.

In this straight up nutty political climate, elected officials and candidates sometimes say the darndest things.

Michele Bachmann of Minnesota has called for investigating Democrats for being un-American

Remember that old show, “Children say the darndest things?” In this political climate, largely fueled by the tea party movement and a host of “not-ready-for-prime-time” hopefuls for elected office, that show could easily be revamped. There are obviously quite a few people out in America who are angry, afraid and “want their country back.” I don’t know exactly why they think it’s been taken from them, but what is clear is that they believe somehow that intellectualism and minorities are to blame.

As a result, their chosen candidates are about as dumb and white as they come. Here’s a list of some of the craziest things the tea party candidates have come up with. They range from such deep thinkers as Delaware Senatorial candidate Christine “I am not a witch” O’Donnell to New York Gubernatorial candidate Carl “imprison welfare recipients” Paladino. Read, enjoy. But most importantly vote! Things may be bad now, but can you imagine how much worse they will be if these idiots get elected, or in some cases re-elected.

1.) “It is not enough to be abstinent with other people, you also have to be abstinent alone. The Bible says that lust in your heart is committing adultery, so you can’t masturbate without lust,” Christine O’Donnell, R- candidate for Senate.

O’Donnell is the tea party-backed candidate seeking to replace Vice President Joe Biden in Delaware. She made the above statements on one of many appearances on Bill Maher’s Politically Incorrect. She also stated on that show that she had dabbled in witchcraft before turning to Christianity. Since then, O’Donnell has basically gone radio silent refusing all media appearances other than Fox News.

2.) “Gay marriage is probably the biggest issue that will impact our state and our nation in the last, at least, thirty years. I am not understating that,” Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn.

3.) “He has no place in any station of government and we need to realize that he is an enemy of humanity,” said Rep. Trent Franks about Obama.

4.) “The exact phrase ’separation of Church and State’ came out of Adolph Hitler’s mouth, that’s where it comes from. So the next time your liberal friends talk about the separation of Church and State, ask them why they’re Nazis.” Glen Urquhart said.

5.) “I have been in the situation of counseling young girls… who have had very at risk, difficult pregnancies. And my counsel was to look for some alternatives, which they did. And they found that they had made what was really a lemon situation into lemonade,” said tea party-backed candidate Sharron Angle on abortion and why it should be illegal even in the case of rape or incest.

6.) “These are beautiful properties with basketball courts, bathroom facilities, toilet facilities. Many young people would love to get the hell out of the cities,” said Carl Paladino, New York State tea party-backed candidate for Governor. He was describing his idea to transform prisons into dorms for welfare recipients.

8.) “The greatest threat to America is not necessarily a recession or even another terrorist attack,” said Rep. Lamar Smith, another Texas Republican.

9.) “I hope that’s not where we’re going, but you know if this Congress keeps going the way it is, people are really looking toward those Second Amendment remedies and saying my goodness what can we do to turn this country around? I’ll tell you the first thing we need to do is take Harry Reid out.” — Nevada GOP Senate candidate Sharron Angle.

10.) “We took the Bible and prayer out of public schools, and now we’re having weekly shootings practically. We had the 60s sexual revolution, and now people are dying of AIDS.” — Christine O’Donnell, during a 1998 appearance on Bill Maher’s ‘Politically Incorrect.

That is a second entry for O’Donnell because she too is just that crazy. And here’s a third because in fact she’s crazier.

“Well, I don’t think that the Obama administration knows what’s Jesus, what belongs to Jesus and what belongs to them. That’s my big gripe. Apparently, he doesn’t know. But then, that’s because he’s not a Christian. He’s Muslim,” O’Donnell said last November.

“It’s a proven fact he’s Muslim. He wasn’t born in this country. He was born in Kenya. There are people who know it, people who know where the birth certificate is. It’s locked up and our government can’t get a hold of it. He’s a illegitimate president, in my estimation.”

Nice, huh? How much do you have to really despise this country to elect this class of idiots into office?

And so it goes,

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