Tuesday, August 10, 2010

It's like the Planet of the Apes-- Having Obama in Power Cries Glenn Beck And His White Nationalist Friends at Stormfront

Glenn Beck compares Obama White House to the 1968 film "the Planet of the Apes"
This is the ugly side of the GOP/Republican Party & Tea Partier anti-Obama hysteria-yes racism is ugly and disturbing as it should be to those who would prefer to live in a post-racist society.
If the GOP does not renounce such insane uncivil rhetoric by Beck et al then the GOP can be accused of being as racist as Beck and STORMFRONT.Org !!!

This picture is OFFENSIVE but that's racism for you stripped of any phony/ Faux pretense or overlaid with pseudo-civil rhetoric .
Racist must be called out for their ideas and messages no matter how slick the presentation is as they use coded words and images creating a facade to hide their real meaning, purposes and agenda .

For educational Purposes - Note picture below taken from the Home Page of the White Nationalist /Nazi oriented Stormfront.org-  In the picture Obama and Michele have been photo-shopped into the last frame of the film Planet of The Apes and so they are depicted as being ape-like being black  this seems to the racist  a natural connection . The problem they refuse to address  as a side note is that if humans are descended from apes then all of us are part ape. Now we know where Glenn Beck and Fox News get some of their Talking Points .

Lacking any shame racists have photo-shopped Obama and Michele into the last frames of the film "The Planet of the Apes "  and others have passed it on as a great joke but it is not funny just disturbing showing how little they think not just of the Obamas but all African Americans  whom the white supremacists , the KKK and Glenn Beck see as America's enemies along with Hispanics and other non-white or non-Christian Americans. An American in their opinion is defined by being white and a "Real " Christian who is anti-big government , pro-death penalty but anti-abortion , pro-gun, pro-Jesus , pro-Family anti-Public schools or any school that teaches Evolution or that America has made mistakes and has been involved in the genocidal attacks on Native Americans.

 see offensive picture at The Obamas & Planet of the Apes.

White Nationalism goes mainstream thanks to Glenn Beck and Fox News & Roger Ailes. Joan Walsh at Salon.com unravels/exposes more of Beck's racist rhetoric against President Obama. As she puts it in her article "It's like the damn Planet of the Apes!" Yes, that's Glenn Beck talking about the Obama administration. Beck's favorite white nationalists! by Joan Walsh via Salon.com, Aug. 6,2010

Nope. No racism there. Beck didn't mean anything by the reference to "apes." Don't be oversensitive. How could Glenn Beck know that you can find "Planet of the Apes: A four year Obama survival guide" on the white supremacist site Stormfront.org? Or countless Google images and blog posts comparing Michelle Obama to the character "Dr. Zira"? Or the fact that, frankly, you can't swing a cat on the Internet without coming across some comparison of Obama's political rise to the apes' ascendance in, yes, "Planet of the Apes" (but some of them are careful to state upfront that race has nothing to do with the comparison!)

And Devona Walker adds:

At this point, I really don’t know why Beck even bothers coding it anymore. Why doesn't he just come out and say it. "I don’t like this N-word running the country, and you shouldn’t like it either, because he’s a dirty N-word and all us hard-working white folks know that N-words can’t be trusted."

...President Obama has faced nothing but a litany of nonsensical and racist madness since he was sworn into office, and instead of getting fed up, tired, or bored with the insults, it only appears to get worse. Every criticism of this President skirts policy and goes right down to race, that’s the difference.
Quote from: Glenn Beck Outdoes David Duke With Shameless Racebating Beck recently compared the U.S. under Obama to "Planet of the Apes" -- it was one of the most thinly veiled racist rants in recent history. by Devona Walker via AlterNet.org , August 9, 2010 |

Glenn Beck spews more racist attacks on President Obama and borrows a little something from the Nazi/White Nationalist website Stormfront by referring to having Obama in the White House as being absurd , insane and makes no sense goes against Glenn Beck's "Common Sense" and "Common" it is too but sensible very doubtful.

It appears as Joan Walsh points out that Glenn Beck and the US Nazi Party agree that living with the Obama administration is equivalent to "The Planet of the Apes"- How racist can Glenn Beck get -just watch him.
Beck and Stormfront are convinced that Obama is destroying traditional America read White America and that the Apes read African-Americans or Black Americans are in charge.
Is Glenn Beck again hoping for more vigilante justice against Obama. Given his logic:If things are as bad as these racist believe then a violent uprising against the Obama Regime would not be unwarranted.
And still Beck continues to spew his venom and racism on Fox News as a spokesman for the White Nationalist in America.

see for instance : Stormfront Re: Planet of the Apes: An Obama Years Survival Guide

Trailer for 1968's Planet of the Apes

Whether the story or issue is immigration see Arizona The Racist State , the War on Terror , the building of an Islamic Community Centre (UK/Canadian sp.) called Cordoba House, the massacres of Iraqis, Afghanis, Pakistanis by US & Nato troops or the abuse and torture and murder of detainees underlying these issues is racism, intolerance, Xenophobia . It reveals an American & Eurocentric Christian Supremacist Uberconservative mind-set . Given their Evangelical or Secular Manichaeism all issues are seen through a mind-set which views the world in extremist terms of Good versus Evil with America and Christianity and Christendom as the Good and Islam as the evil physically manifested on earth. If Islam is evil it is by definition under the rule or influence of the Principalities and the Great Satan or the Anti-Christ. And so according to these uber-conservatives President Obama being black and possibly a secret Muslim who was not born an American must be on the side of Islam and liberals and the evil progressives and in this case the American Working class and unions. and one can then listen to Beck as he takes his fit to paraphrase his rant: Next thing you know they'll outlaw "child Labor" or insist upon decent and fair wages for an honest days work or complain about physically dangerous or hostile work places. He does not have an interest in helping the American Worker employed or unemployed-though like Hitler he knows how to con large numbers of people into believing otherwise as he shills for Goldline offering to sell Gold to his viewers and fans to get ready for when the whole country falls apart. It's a great life for Glenn as for anyone else he really doesn't care-he is a true Ayn Rand style individualists- an egomaniac or hav ing the old Orwellian world view that " some pigs are more equal than others". Beck does not want fairness,or as equals so to him Labour Unions are evil because I don't know they believe that workers' wages should give them a fairly good standard of living and for instance not have to live on a poor daily diet of "gruel" or work 16 hours a day and not have to leave in a shack or a tent or under a bridge like many "Real Americans" still do. Glenn Beck gives us another glimpse into this mindset as he refers to the current political situation in America to "The Planet of The Apes" with the Apes being Obama and his administration as they are out to turn the world upside down in which non-whites and progressives in this case OMG rule over white Americans and those they refer to as "Real Americans" Uberconservative Millionaire Glenn Beck Revels In His Racism
"It's like the damn Planet of the Apes!" Yes, that's Glenn Beck talking about the Obama administration. Beck's favorite white nationalists! by Joan Walsh via Salon.com, Aug. 6,2010 I don't know why Fox News' Glenn Beck, railing against Barack Obama again on his show Thursday, felt the need to reference the 1968 movie "Planet of the Apes," but since I've been instructed it's bad form to call the folks on Fox "racist," it can't be racism. In case you missed it, Beck rolled a fairly dull clip of Obama praising the AFL-CIO for helping him stand up to "special interests," and it drove the Fox star into his trademark apoplexy. He ran up to the stilled video clip and pointed to the "AFL-CIO" in the background behind the president, yelled about the union federation being a "special interest" itself, and then declared: "It's like the damn Planet of the Apes!" Nope. No racism there. Beck didn't mean anything by the reference to "apes." Don't be oversensitive. How could Glenn Beck know that you can find "Planet of the Apes: A four year Obama survival guide" on the white supremacist site Stormfront.org? Or countless Google images and blog posts comparing Michelle Obama to the character "Dr. Zira"? Or the fact that, frankly, you can't swing a cat on the Internet without coming across some comparison of Obama's political rise to the apes' ascendance in, yes, "Planet of the Apes" (but some of them are careful to state upfront that race has nothing to do with the comparison!) And of course Beck never read "Nixonland: The Rise of a President and the Fracturing of America," where historian Rick Perlstein places "Planet of the Apes" in the panorama of racial paranoia and fear that defined early 1968. In the wake of bloody Newark riots, armed white vigilantes patrolled the streets, while across the country, 5,000 Black Panthers celebrated the birthday of Huey Newton, in jail for killing an Oakland cop, where H. Rap Brown saluted Newton "as the only living revolutionary," and asked, "How many white folks did you kill today?" One book advised families on how to defend themselves "as the crime rate continues to soar in the Great Society jungle." And, Perlstein added, "A new movie, 'Planet of the Apes,' imagined what life would be like if whites found themselves a subject population." Beck couldn't know about that! Now today, you can find folks debating whether "Planet of the Apes" was racist (the "apes" conquered the white humans just like you know who would like to) or anti-racist (the oppressed white human heroes show the idiocy of racism/ape supremacy), but there's no doubt Perlstein is right about the film's perceived message at the time, at least among white working-class New Yorkers (I was just a kid, but I remember the panic around me). Set in a devastated New York, it starred hero Charlton Heston (whose most famous line may have been, "Get your stinkin' paws off me, you damned dirty ape!" which is kind of funny now) and there's no doubt that whatever its intent, it played to the fears of whites under siege.
and Devona Walker chimes in criticizing Beck for his ongoing racist attacks on President Obama: Glenn Beck Outdoes David Duke With Shameless Racebating Beck recently compared the U.S. under Obama to "Planet of the Apes" -- it was one of the most thinly veiled racist rants in recent history. by Devona Walker via AlterNet.org , August 9, 2010 |
“It’s like the damn Planet of the Apes. Nothing Makes Sense,” said Fox News Glenn Beck in a recent rant against President Obama and the America he has created. It was one of the angriest and most thinly veiled racist rants in recent history but simply a continuation of his general theme. ...The subtext of the Planet of the Apes, whether novel or film, has never been questioned. It's not just science fiction but social commentary and Glenn Beck knew exactly the coded comparison he was making. At this point, I really don’t know why Beck even bothers coding it anymore. Why doesn't he just come out and say it. "I don’t like this N-word running the country, and you shouldn’t like it either, because he’s a dirty N-world and all us hard-working white folks know that N-words can’t be trusted." Not even David Duke got away with the crap that Fox News gets away with on a daily basis, but it seems our appetite for racism is endless. What makes it worse is that the mainstream media outlets won’t really take Fox News to task for its racism. Rachel Maddow did it recently on MSNBC, but it hasn't changed a thing at Fox News. Why? Because they don't care. They know a good chunk of their viewers are racist, and they also know minorities generally don't watch the network, and they couldn't care less if they offend us. But what about decent white America? How is this really palatable to them? How does this network remain the most popular among all cable outlets, when they preach racism and hatred on a daily basis and do nothing but draw these archaic tribal lines in the sand? ...President Obama has faced nothing but a litany of nonsensical and racist madness since he was sworn into office, and instead of getting fed up, tired, or bored with the insults, it only appears to get worse. Every criticism of this President skirts policy and goes right down to race, that’s the difference.
and so it goes, GORD.

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