Thursday, February 06, 2020

Classy Hillary Endorses Pervy sexist Howard Stern:

On the Howard Stern show Hillary trashed Bernie , Tulsi Gabbard and Jill Stein and there millions of supporters as Russian agents, Russian bots or just Useful idiots for Russia If the Russians were so effective why did Bernie Lose ? So do all Hillary Clinton support Howard Stern just because Hillary Clinton was on his show ??? Hillary ignores all of his sexist nasty body shaming comments and reducing women to being primarily sex objects ??? Why don't the women on the View or Rachel Maddow or MSNBC criticize Hillary for endorsing the Pervert Howard Stern Show while criticizing Bernie for being on the Joe Rogan show.

Are these people just hypocrites or do they also support the madness on the Howard Stern Show. I don't watch Howard Stern because of his sexism Show Me Your Boobs Howard Stern - he does this on his show on a regular basis and body shames women - How does this make Howard Stern a good judge of character and why would Hillary support this rich creep. Is that it Howard Stern like Epstein is rich and therefore above reproach -that seems to be the Hillary and The Views way of determining someone as a good character while trashing Bernie or Tulsi Gabbard for not being richer because they are honest actors and not in politics just for the bribes and the fame???


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