Friday, February 07, 2020

Hillary Naive or Playing the Race Card :Ta-Nehisi Coates on Hillary Clinton's Strange History of Reconstruction - The Atlantic

How do you diagnose the problem of racism in America without understanding its actual history?
Ta-Nehisi Coates on Hillary Clinton's Strange History of Reconstruction - The Atlantic: How do you diagnose the problem of racism in America without understanding its actual history?

"Last night Hillary Clinton was asked what president inspired her the most. She offered up Abraham Lincoln, gave a boilerplate reason why, and then said this:
You know, he was willing to reconcile and forgive.  And I don't know what our country might have been like had he not been murdered, but I bet that it might have been a little less rancorous, a little more forgiving and tolerant, that might possibly have brought people back together more quickly.
But instead, you know, we had Reconstruction, we had the re-instigation of segregation and Jim Crow.  We had people in the South feeling totally discouraged and defiant.  So, I really do believe he could have very well put us on a different path.
Clinton, whether she knows it or not, is retelling a racist—though popular—version of American history which held sway in this country until relatively recently.  Sometimes going under the handle of “The Dunning School,” and other times going under the “Lost Cause” label, the basic idea is that Reconstruction was a mistake brought about by vengeful Northern radicals. The result was a savage and corrupt government which in turn left former Confederates, as Clinton puts, it “discouraged and defiant.”
A sample of the genre is offered here by historian Ulrich Phillips:
Lincoln in his plan of reconstruction had shown unexpected magnanimity; the Republican party, discarding that obnoxious name, had officially styled itself merely Unionist; and the Northern Democrats, although outvoted, were still a friendly force to be reckoned upon … With Johnson then on Lincoln's path “back to normalcy”, Southern hearts were lightened only to sink again when radicals in Congress, calling themselves Republicans once more, overslaughed the Presidential programme and set events in train which seemed to make "the Africanization of the South" inescapable. To most of the whites, doubtless, the prospect showed no gleam of hope.
Notably absent from it is the fact that Lincoln was killed by a white supremacist, that Johnson was a white supremacist who tried to curtail virtually all rights black people enjoyed, that the “hope” of white Southerners lay in the pillage of black labor, that this was accomplished through a century-long campaign of domestic terrorism, and that for most of that history the federal government looked the other way, while state and local governments were complicit.

Yet until relatively recently, this self-serving version of history was dominant. It It is almost certainly the version fed to Hillary Clinton during her school years, and possibly even as a college student. Hillary Clinton is no longer a college student. And the fact that a presidential candidate would imply that Jim Crow and Reconstruction were equal, that the era of lynching and white supremacist violence would have been prevented had that same violence not killed Lincoln, and that the violence was simply the result of rancor, the absence of a forgiving spirit, and an understandably “discouraged” South is chilling.
I have spent the past two years somewhat concerned about the effects of national amnesia, largely because I believe that a problem can not be effectively treated without being effectively diagnosed. I don’t know how you diagnose the problem of racism in America without understanding the actual history. In the Democratic Party, there is, on the one hand, a candidate who seems comfortable doling out the kind of myths that undergirded racist violence. And on the other is a candidate who seems uncomfortable asking whether the history of racist violence, in and of itself, is worthy of confrontation.
These are options for a party of amnesiacs, for people whose politics are premised on forgetting. This is not a brief for staying home, because such a thing doesn’t actually exist. In the American system of government, refusing to vote for the less-than-ideal is a vote for something much worse. Even when you don’t choose, you choose. But you can choose with your skepticism fully intact. You can choose in full awareness of the insufficiency of your options, without elevating those who would have us forget into prophets. You can choose and still push, demanding more. It really isn’t too much to say, if you’re going to govern a country, you should know its history. "
Great article which opens up a flood of other racist norms Hillary has touted without batting an eye
such as her " Suprepredators " remark about Black men who are brutes without a conscience a typical racist trope about Black men being more violent and  their inclination to rape white women-we can find this disturbing White Supremacist trope going back at least a century and is found in media such the film Birth of A Nation of 1915 which glorified the Southern Cause and celebrated the birth of the Ku Klux Klan - the film helped to revive the KKK for its second birth unleashing hate and lynchings and more White Mob violence -Even President Wilson loved the film and supported the KKK - when Wilson entered the White House he spent time and energy introducing Jim Crow and segregation to Washington-  So it was the South which continued to be rancorous from the end of the Civil War to the 1920s to the 1960's to today with a white supremacist Donald Trump in white house which given American History and its citizens lack of knowledge of their own history it is not surprising to many .
The more American History I read the Darker that History appears to be from the American Revolution to the illegal and immoral invasion of Mexico to invading the Philippines  and on and on etc.  Because they believed God or Providence or the Laws of Nature and evolution gave white Americans the right to rule over those they considered " sub-human " ie  Indigenous peoples of the Americas , Blacks, Latinos, Mexicans , Haitians, Cubans , Jamaicans   etc.

Yet we are told that America is the only Just society in the world
They claim it is the only true democracy where everyone is equal but the constitution explicitly refers to Black slaves as Property not men or women or persons or even human .
So American Capitalism has its roots in the Institution of Slavery which drove the US economy for centuries from the early colonial period on.

It is because of the defense of Slavery that Americans I believe became more and more obsessed over the idea of property so that property rights trump all other rights when it should be the reverse Human rights the rights of citizens no matter what color should trump property rights or other legal fabrications.
What to do about a problem like Hillary and others peddling Southern Lost Cause False Narratives to an uninformed or disinterested or even racist audience of white Americans ???

Is Hillary Clinton just naive and doesn't understand how many American Historians in their defense of southern Slavery and White Supremacy have rewritten the history of Reconstruction
so that it's failure is blamed on the North and on the freed Blacks .
Does Hillary buy into this nonsense or does she just give a little nod to white supremacy and The Lost Cause to gain a few votes esp when talking to a Southern audience is she that craven.
Hillary appears to argue that the Southern Confederates and the Northerners at the end of a bitter bloody Civil War which caused the deaths of over 600,000 American citizens all because the South wanted to defend slavery and keep the Institution of slavery viable forever .
Hillary leaves out the reality as if everyone that is the whites on both sides should just hold hands and sing kumbaya .
The South had been defeated and those who fought for the South were part of an illegal criminal unpatriotic treasonous insurrection and many of them shpould have been imprisoned and since Hillary still favors executions for traitors many of them should have in that case been tried and shot instead of being celebrated a few years later as American Heroes - these were people who insisted on enslaving other people that is Black people . Maybe it is difficult for Hillary after supporting the segregationist Russiaphobe Barry Goldwater and spending a decade or more in Arkansas that her sympathies now lie with the South and the Confederacy .
Like other racist Southerners Hillary has erased slavery, lynchings, white Mob Violence, the Ku Klux Klan , Jim Crow and Prison Work Farms and segregation and the South and North's Apartheid system which was not overturned until 1965.
So Hillary's response to these ongoing injustices against Black Americans by helping to institute Mass Incarceration while cutting welfare , food Stamps and public housing while claiming Black men were superpredators while also claiming the USA was post-racial . Hillary and Bill Clinton get especially upset when someone tells the truth about them that two self-serving greedy power hungry white people .
But it shows how clueless Hillary is about the history of race and slavery etc. in the USA
Most historians in recent reject The Lost Cause narrative as being baseless and that even the Mexican American War or the so called Texas Rebellion was also mostly about slavery
because the Newly independent state of Mexico in its constitution and laws abolished all forms of slavery or bondage and insisted that everyone of whatever color or ethnicity were proclaimed as equal (unlike US constitution which enshrined and protected Slavery forever) this upset the Americans and as usual or what became the usual scenario America had to invade and give complete freedom to the whites in Texas the right o own slaves.
as they did in the Philippines , Vietnam, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, Ukraine , Honduras, Guatemala Bolivia, Venezuela ,
Even the America's War of Independence was in large part fought esp by the slave states to preserve the Institution of Slavery and the constitution reflected that as slaves had no rights but were represented as 3/5 s a person as part of the population for State representation in the Federal govt.
She appears to leave the freed Blacks out of her equation -they were the victims for centuries not the Whites
It was the South that started the war in order to maintain the Institution of Slavery and White Supremacy.
In fact it was Southerners who undermined Reconstruction in order
to further the aims of White Supremacy in the form of the Black Codes, Jim Crow, the KKK,
lynchings and segregation.
If anything the North was too soft on the South and allowed those who had fought for and supported slavery and the Confederacy
to be treated as equals when in fact The Southerners and the Confederacy and White Supremacist were
wrong - their Cause Was not JUST and its time Hillary and her Southern strategist accept it as a fact.
Hillary like her " lost Cause" propagandists and pseudo-historians wants us to believe everything was fine before the Civil War and that this that is The Institution of Slavery and the related belief in White Supremacy or Anglo-saxon supremacy was some sort of gentlemen's disagreement . For decades before the Civil War the Southerners and the pro-slavery politicians controlled the Federal govt on foreign affairs which led to the Mexican American War which was brought about by Slave holders and land speculators who wanted to turn all of Texas and much of California etc. into slave states. Meanwhile on the domestic politics the pro-slavers insisting on tougher laws to have Northern states or free states to return runaway slaves and allow Southern bounty hunters into those states to retrieve slaves and that these states must punish anyone helping these slaves -so what about States' rights .
Hillary seems concerned that outsider influence caused the rift in the South but it was white supremacy and the refusal of Southerners to abide by the constitution to give Blacks equal rights and be permitted to vote .
In the 1960's outsiders from the North were invited into the south by members of the Civil Rights movement and if extrapolate from Hillary's remarks and her history she often appears to claim that Martin Luther King and others were too radical and that they and their influential friends from the North were stirring up trouble-this would explain why she was such an enthusiastic booster of segregationist GOP Senator Barry Goldwater in his bid for the presidency
who said : " Extremism in the defense of Liberty is no vice "
Hillary has said that it was President Johnson who did more for Civil Rights than Martin Luther King -thereby diminishing King's importance especially as a Black man
- but Johnson was responding to pressure from Martin Luther King Jr. and his supporters who had been taking to the streets for years.
-It was also Hillary who was and still is dismissive of Black protesters as in #BlackLivesMatter
Hillary appears to have more sympathy for the police than for those people of color killed by police unnecessarily and at times wantonly and sadistically
as mention Hillary and Bill wanted to add over 100,000 more police to the depts across the USA
while they also promoted Private Prisons for Profit
( and of course Charter Schools to dismantle the Public schools )
But she became a Democrat was it in part to take the party back to its earlier form as the party of the South and White Christian supremacy
( as Obama said about Hillary's supporters : " That they cling to their Bibles and their guns"
also Remember when Bill Clinton was president he and Hillary ( she referred to Black men as "Super Predators" promoted and passed a series of draconian anti-crime Bills which led to Mass Incarceration
affecting Black and Brown Americans disproportionately
While Clinton was governor of Arkansas he passed a bill adding a star to the state flag to represent the Confederacy ( white Supremacy)
In defense of their friend and Hillary's mentor in the Senate Senator Robert Byrd who admitted to formerly being a member of the Klan and a recruiter
-Bill Clinton claimed the KKK was just a men's club that everyone who was anyone joined and had nothing to do with racism , white supremacy and lynchings and segregation???
So all those lynchings and whippings and burning down Black peoples homes or schools or churches that was just Good Ole boys like Bill and Senator Byrd having fun.
Does Hillary not know that Southerners were the ones who held onto the past insisting Freed Blacks Know their Place and not be uppity or even dare to vote or expect equal justice or any justice if not they could be whipped , tar and feathered , shot , lynched be tortured and be publicly castrated and then hanged and burned alive - this was something Southerners were proud of they were not ashamed instead it was Northerners who were made to put up with this madness and brutality in order not to offend Southern Lynch mobs and the county and state officials who stood by and did nothing or aided and abetted such activities .
Hillary' s simplistic white Privileged thinking is well in her view these murderers must be forgiven after all it wasn't all that bad and besides they are good white American Christians so somehow give them a break for the Civil War and Lynchings , mob violence and even slavery , segregation they the White Southerners get a pass while Hillary helps lock up even more innocent Blacks to fuel the income for Her Private Prisons for Profit.
Books I recommend that I have read
see for instance :
-- The New Jim Crow : Mass Incarceration in the age of Colorblindness, by Michelle Alexander , Pub. 2011.
-- Dog Whistle Politics: How Coded Racial Appeals Have reinvented Racism & Wrecked The Middle Class, by Ian Haney Lopez , Pub. 2014.
-- American Exceptionalism and American Innocence : A People's History of Fake News - From the Revolutionary War to the War on Terror , By Robert Sirvent and Danny Haiphong , pub 2019.
-- From #BLACKLIVESMATTER To Black Liberation by Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor , 2016.
-- Inventing a Christian America: The Myth of the Religious Founding , By Steven K. Green , Pub. 2015.
-- Slavery and the Founders: Race and Liberty in the Age of Jefferson , By Paul Finkelman , Pub. 2001.
-- On Lynchings: Ida B. Wells -Barnett , Pub. 1900 republished 2018.
-- Lynching and Spectacle : Witnessing Racial Violence in America 1890-1940 , by Amy Louis Wood , Pub. 2009.
-- At The Hands of Persons Unknown : The Lynching of Black America, by Phillip Dray, Pub. 2002.
-- Lynching in The New South : Georgia and Virginia , 1880-1930 , by W. Fitzhugh Brundage , pub. 1993 .
-- Behind The Mask of Chivalry : The Making of the Second Ku Klux Klan , By Nancy MacLean , Pub. 1994.
-- The Second Coming of The KKK: Ku Klux KLan of the 1920s and The American Political Tradition by Linda Gordon , Pub. 2017 .
-- The Second Founding: How The Civil War And Reconstruction Remade the Constitution
by Eric Foner , Pub. 2019.
-- Stony The Road : Reconstruction White Supremacy, and the Rise of Jim Crow , by Henry Louis Gates, Jr. , pub. 2019.
-- America's Forgotten First War for Slavery and Genesis of The Alamo : A New Look at the Texas Revolution 1835-1830 , by Phillip Thomas Tucker , Pub. 2017
-- Exodus from the Alamo : The Anatomy of the Last Stand Myth , by Phillip Thomas Tucker , Pub. 2009.
-- A Wicked War: Polk, Clay, Lincoln and the 1846 U. S. Invasion of Mexico by Amy S. Greenberg , Pub. 2013.
-- The Mexican Wars For Independence , by Timothy J. Henderson , Pub. 2009.
-- A Glorious Defeat : Mexico and Its War with The United States by Timothy J. Henderson , pub. 2007.
-- The False Cause : Fraud , Fabrication, and White Supremacy in Confederate Memory, by Adam H. Domby, pub. 2020.
-- The Confederate and Neo-Confederate Reader : The Great truth About The Lost Cause , edited by James W. Loewen and EdwardH. Sebesta , pub. 2010.
-- Dixie"s Daughters : the United Daughters of the Confederacy and the Preservation of Confederate Culture, by Karen L. Cox , pub. 2003.
-- The Myth of the Lost Cause and Civil War History , edited by Gary w. Gallagher and Alan T. Nolan , pub. 2000
-- The Myth of the Lost Cause : Why The South Fought the Civil War and Why The North Won , by Edward H. Bonekemper III, Pub. 2015.
-- Baptized in Blood : The religion of the Lost Cause 1865-1920. , by. Charles reagan Wilson, Pub. 1980.
-- This Vast Southern Empire : Slaveholders at the helm of American Foreign Policy , by Matthew Karp, Pub. 2016.
-- Ku-Klux : The Birth of The Klan during Reconstruction , by Elaine Frantz Parsons, Pub. 2015.
-- Worse Than Slavery : Parchman Farm and the Ordeal of Jim Crow Justice by David M. Oshinsky , pub. 1996.
-- American Nightmare: The History of Jim Crow , by Jerrold M. Packard , pub. 2002.



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