Ayn Rand devotee who hates altruism , compassion or helping out one's fellow man Paul Ryan who believes that greed and selfishness and to Hell with the other guy economic and political philosophy takes time out for a fake photo op pretending to help out at a soup kitchen. His real response to suop kitchens is that they merely encourage the lowest forms of humanity to keep on living and even breeding creating more lazy good for nothing poor people .
The problem I have is that there is nothing knew about this since the notion of rugged indivualism was at the core of American nationalism and of American exceptionalism . Even Obama prefers to think of America is either glowing or benign terms when in fact America is not a truly free nations or one concerned about fairness, justice, equality of opportunity etc. America has become a club which the rich and powerful rule ensuring that everything is tilted in their favor.
Paul Ryan Scrubs Pre-Washed Soup-Kitchen Pots -- Daily Intel
As you can see in the photo above, Paul Ryan took some time out of his busy campaign schedule to lend a hand at a soup kitchen in Youngstown, Ohio, over the weekend. Now, because "the hall was empty of patrons and the volunteers appeared to have already cleaned up" by the time that Ryan got there, and because the pots Ryan scrubbed for the cameras "did not appear to be dirty," some might conclude that Ryan's appearance at the soup kitchen was nothing but a superficial, self-serving photo op designed to counter recent remarks from the GOP ticket that seem to show disdain for the poor. But no, the truth is that Ryan simply cares so much about America's non-income-tax-paying indigent that he thinks they deserve better than eating food from pots and pans that have only been cleaned once.
Update NYPD police brutality.
NYPD is at it again when in doubt beat the crap out of alleged suspect just for the fun of it -the Mayor , governor and even Obama keeps quiet
A man asleep in a Brooklyn synagogue and youth outreach center last week awoke to some overly aggressive NYPD officers, based on the security footage released last night.
A volunteer guard called the police on the shirtless fellow, identified as Ehud Halevi, who reportedly tried to explain to the officers that he had permission to crash on the couch. But when Halevi threw his hands to resist arrest, the male cop on the scene crouched into a boxing stance and began to throw wild punches, while his female partner used pepper spray and a truncheon to get in a few extra blows.
NYPD Beat Man for Sleeping in Synagogue -- Daily Intel
And it should be noted that in the case of warrantless wiretaps President Obama has not just followed in Bush's footsteps but has doubled down actually more accurately he has Quadrupled Down. So Obama like Bush and Dick Cheney sees nothing wrong with invading the privacy of average Americans without at least first getting a warrant from a judge. Once again Obama proves he is indeed part of the same old corrupt self-perpetuating establishment which sees itself as above the law.
ACLU: Obama Has Quadrupled Warrantless Wiretaps by Warren Todd Huston at Breitbart TV.com
The ACLU released a report this week that shows that under Obama and his Attorney General Eric Holder, warrantless wiretapping and monitoring of American's electronic communications is "sharply on the rise." After months of litigation and Freedom of Information Act requests, the ACLU obtained documents from the federal government proving that real-time monitoring of electronic communications inside the U.S. has climbed 60 percent since 2009 and far surpasses monitoring under President Bush. The ACLU reports that the Dept. of Justice used "pen register" and "trap and trace" techniques 23,535 times in 2009 and 37,616 times in 2011. A "pen register" captures outgoing data from a phone or email account while "trap and trace" captures incoming data.
During that same time period, the number of people whose telephones were the subject of pen register and trap and trace surveillance more than tripled. In fact, more people were subjected to pen register and trap and trace surveillance in the past two years than in the entire previous decade. (ACLU's bold above) "The number of authorizations the Justice Department received to use these devices on individuals' email and network data increased 361% between 2009 and 2011," the ACLU said.
It should be noted that all of this is perpetrated by the Dept. of Justice without obtaining traditional warrants. The ACLU complained that it has been repeatedly blocked by the Obama administration when seeking disclosure.
The ACLU also noted that since Obama became president his administration has repeatedly neglected deadlines required by law to release reports on the DOJ's actions. The civil rights group charges the federal government with "frustrating democratic oversight" and obviating a basic measure of accountability by neglecting its duties to fulfill these transparency measures. Warrantless wiretapping, when initiated by the Bush administration, was one of the left's most dear causes, but since Obama came to office -- and been proven to have tremendously increased such wiretapping -- silence has prevailed over the practice.also see:
Did ‘warrantless’ wiretaps increase under Obama? by Myrddin at Americablog.com, Oct. 1, 2012
and :
Appeals Court OKs Federal Warrantless Wiretaps By Chloe Albanesius at Pcmag.com, August 8, 2012
---------------------------------- In the video above from the Real News Network the case of the Holy Land Foundation was mentioned as an example of an egregious case of hysteria, fear and trying to prove the US government was tough on terrorists and their supporters even though the court had no evidence of the aforementioned charity giving money to Hamas or other groups deemed terrorists . It appears anyone giving any aid to the people suffering in Gaza or Iran are guilty of supporting terrorists and America's enemies. This charity organization which is most likely innocent of the charges but was used for political reasons to prove that the government had no problem taking on American Muslims and their organizations even if it meant ignoring the real evidence and creating their own to put Muslim Americans in jail.
Holy Land Foundation Shut Down American Muslim charity's assets are frozen amidst accusations of terrorist ties Dateline: December 5, 2001
One of the largest Islamic charitable organizations in the U.S. has been shut down amidst accusations that the group provides support to the Palestinian group Hamas. The Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (HLF) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization established in 1989. Headquartered in Richardson, Texas, the organization has offices in California, Illinois, and New Jersey.
On Tuesday, December 4th, all of these offices were closed and searched by federal officials. The stated mission of HLF is to "find and implement practical solutions for human suffering through humanitarian programs that impact the lives of the disadvantaged, disinherited, and displaced peoples suffering from man-made and natural disasters." Their area of focus is with the Palestinian refugees in Jordan, Lebanon, and Palestine. They have also provided support through disasters and wars in Bosnia, Kosova, Turkey, and in the United States (Iowa floods, Texas tornadoes, and the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City). ...
The Bush administration charges that the group's donations are used to support Hamas terrorist activities, terrorists and their families. CNN reports that "Treasury officials conceded that a 'substantial amount' of the money raised does go to worthy causes..." The government has not disclosed what, if any, evidence it has of HLF wrongdoing. The Foundation has repeatedly denied all charges. Foundation President Shukri Abu Baker previously issued a statement that
"the Foundation has never provided funds, services, or any other form of support to Hamas or any other group that advocates, sponsors, or endorses terrorism, terrorist acts, or violence in any form or for any purpose....
The principle officers, staff, donors, and volunteers of the Foundation, like most American citizens, reject terrorism, terrorist acts, and the use of violence in any form to achieve political goals."
In response to this most recent action, HLF issued a statement: "The decision by the U.S. government to seize the charitable donations of Muslims during the holy month of Ramadan is an affront to millions of Muslim Americans who entrust charities like ours to assist in fulfilling their religious obligations." The HLF reportedly raised over $13 million in donations in the past year.
During the month of Ramadan, Muslims all over the world give generously in charity, especially towards the end of the holy month. This action has left many American Muslims worried about their previous contributions, and wondering where the government considers it "safe" for Muslims to spend in charity.Bigotry and Islamophobia triumph over justice in the USA. And here's the view from leading Islamophobe Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch in which he claims the stiff sentences as a victory over the Islamic Jihadist who Spencer argues are trying to take over America. Using Jihad Watch as a negative indicator if it is praised at jihad Watch then its probably another case of injustice .
Justice served: Holy Land Foundation defendants guilty on all counts Robert Spencer professional Islamophobe
It was during the first Holy Land Foundation trial last year that the Muslim Brotherhood memorandum about their "grand jihad in eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within" came to light. This verdict is a huge official recognition of the reality of that stealth jihad, and a huge setback for the likes of CAIR, which was named an unindicted co-conspirator in this case. "Holy Land Foundation defendants guilty on all counts," by Jason Trahan for the Dallas Morning News, November 24 (thanks to K.):
A jury on Monday determined that the Holy Land Foundation and five men who worked with the Muslim charity were guilty of three dozen counts related to the illegal funneling of at least $12 million to the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas.
The unanimous verdicts are a complete victory for the government, which streamlined its case and worked hard to carefully educate jurors on the complex, massive evidence presented in the trial. The prosecution's victory is also a major one for the lame duck administration of President George W. Bush, whose efforts at fighting terrorism financing in court have been troubled, even though the flow of funds seems to be effectively shut down.
...Mr. Ashqar and Mr. Al-Arian were acquitted in trials in Chicago and Florida on similar charges that they steered support to Palestinian terrorists. Mr. Ashqar was sentenced to 11 years in prison last year for refusing to testify for a grand jury about his Hamas ties. Dr. Al-Arian pleaded guilty in 2006 to a charge of supporting Palestinian Islamic Jihad and is being held on contempt charges for refusing to co-operate in another terrorism support investigation.
But both are viewed as folk heroes by some in the Muslim community. Mr. Moffitt said Holy Land and the other cases are "show trials" where the government attempted to use "events that happened over 10 years ago" as evidence of crimes well before statutes specifically outlawing terrorism support were enacted.
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