Above picture of anti-Drone anti-war activist Imran Khan was detained on orders of US officials . Imran Khan has been actively campaigning to get the USA and Pakistan and Afghanistan to start negotiations for peace. For this he has been demonized by American , Canadian and Western governments and their not so independent media
Jewish leader says Hurricane Sandy a sign from God to end Gay marriages .
So it isn't just Protestant Evangelicals and conservative Catholics who claim natural disasters as being messages from God but also in this case right wing Jewish leader Rabbi Noson Leiter of Torah Jews for Decency.
Story from Blogger Joe.My. God & Right Wing Watch
Orthodox Rabbi: Hurricane Sandy Was God's Revenge For New York Gay Marriage, Oct. 31, 2012
Rabbi Noson Leiter of Torah Jews for Decency is blaming Hurricane Sandy on gays and lesbians, calling it “divine justice” for New York’s new marriage equality law. Torah Jews for Decency campaigned against marriage equality in New York and New Jersey, worked with Liberty Counsel and New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms in an unsuccessful lawsuit to overturn New York’s marriage law, and has joined with various other Religious Right groups on anti-gay campaigns.
The American and Western Media acting as tools for the US Military and Pentagon and the Obama administration attack any activist who criticizes American occupation and war in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Pakistani Imran Khan has been leading a popular movement in his country aimed at getting the Americans to stop the insane war in the region. Imran Khan has been very vocal and led a march in Pakistan to protest against the use of Drone attacks which kill more innocent civilians than actual Taliban terrorists. For being against the killing of civilians by the Americans the US government has launched a campaign against him. One wonders if Imran has been put on Obama's kill list which includes not just terrorists but those who criticize American policies such as Julianne Assange.
Pakistan's Imran Khan slams U.S. war on terror 'A military solution is a disaster for the U.S.,' Khan tells CBC's Evan ,Oct. 25, 2012
The war on terror has been a costly failure and the use of drones is ratcheting up anti-Americanism and militants, says a popular politician vying to be Pakistan's next leader. In an interview on CBC News Network's Power & Politics, Imran Khan said he's the only leader promoting a peaceful solution to the decade-long conflict — and that his push for talks with the Taliban has wrongly branded him a pro-jihadist.
The founder of the Movement of Justice Party told host Evan Solomon he wants to spread the word to governments around the world — including Canada's — that much blood has been spilled and money thrown "down the drain" in a costly war that will only be resolved through negotiations with the Taliban. "Trillions of dollars spent. God knows how many hundreds and thousands of people killed. Is the world any safer?" he said. Khan, visiting Toronto to speak about his country and raise funds for his political party, has said in the past he would shoot down American drones in Pakistan's tribal areas. He told Solomon that if he's elected, he would try to convince Western political leaders they are driving anti-Americanism and helping militants, and if they continued, he would take his case to the United Nations to have it recognized as a breach of sovereignty.
U.S. President Barack Obama and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney both support the use of drones as a tightly controlled strategy that pre-empts more intrusive military actions. Khan, once a famous cricket star, entered politics in 1996 and has been slowly building up a base of supporters with his outspoken condemnationHuffington Post
Mitt Romney Releases New Ad Repeating Debunked Claim About Jeep Jobs Going To China Huffington Post ,Oct.30,2012
Joe Biden Torches Mitt Romney For 'Flagrantly Dishonest' Jeep Ad by Jennifer Bendery at Huffington Post Oct. 31, 2012
WASHINGTON -- Vice President Joe Biden tore into Mitt Romney on Wednesday for running ads with a widely debunked claim about Chrysler and General Motors shipping American jobs to China, saying it calls into question the character of the Republican presidential nominee.xxxxxxxxxxx
During a campaign event in Sarasota, Fla., Biden called the latest ad one of the "most scurrilous" and "most flagrantly dishonest ads I can remember in my political career." The worst part, he said, is that the ad actually caused workers to call United Auto Workers and ask if it was true.
"What a cynical, cynical thing to do," Biden said of Romney.
The ads, which are being run on TV and on the radio, state that Chrysler and GM are shipping their jeep production overseas. A GM spokesman responded Tuesday with an unusually sharp rebuke, saying Romney has "clearly entered some parallel universe" and that it reflects "campaign politics at its cynical worst." Similarly, a Chrysler spokesman said there was "no validity" to the ad. Instead, the spokesman said, the company is looking to open new factories in China to meet increasing demand there, a move that would not involve outsourcing American jobs.
Biden's comments on Wednesday marked the first time he's addressed the matter. He said he's never heard of a corporation wading into a election in the final hours of a campaign to give a description of what a presidential candidate is doing. But he said GM's response was right on the money.
"That's the best description I've ever heard of the Romney/Ryan ticket," Biden said.
Is McCain merely being used by Romney campaign to attack president Obama during a natural disaster so Romney won't have to and can try to act like a caring person .And we can purposely refer to as a mere bit of acting on the part of Romney because we have seen Romney say things such as he likes firing people and that business and profits trump everything else.
John McCain Marks Romney 'Storm Relief' Event With Aggressive Criticism Of Obama On Libya, by Nick Wing at Huffington Post, Oct. 30, 2012
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) spoke on behalf of GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney at a "storm relief and volunteer appreciation" event in Ohio on Tuesday, serving up a generous portion of hyper-partisan rhetoric on President Barack Obama's handling of the September attack on a U.S. consulate in Libya. "This president is either engaged in a massive cover-up deceiving the American people, or he is so grossly incompetent that he is not qualified to be the commander in chief of our armed forces. It's either one of them," McCain told Romney volunteers, according to NBC News.
Four Americans died in the Sept. 11 attack on the compound in Benghazi, and conservatives have questioned how the Obama administration handled both the developing situation and its aftermath. McCain's decision to politicize the supposedly apolitical event underscores the difficulty of Romney's stated move to put aside campaign tensions after the storm. Obama canceled his functions in order to survey damage in the wake of Hurricane Sandy.