Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Another Prominent Muslim Detained :Imran Khan And McCain Attacks Obama Over Libya Tragedy & Romney Lies Continue

Above picture of anti-Drone anti-war activist Imran Khan was detained on orders of US officials . Imran Khan has been actively campaigning to get the USA and Pakistan and Afghanistan to start negotiations for peace. For this he has been demonized by American , Canadian and Western governments and their not so independent media

Jewish leader says Hurricane Sandy a sign from God to end Gay marriages .

So it isn't just Protestant Evangelicals and conservative Catholics who claim natural disasters as being messages from God but also in this case right wing Jewish leader Rabbi Noson Leiter of Torah Jews for Decency.

Story from Blogger Joe.My. God & Right Wing Watch

Orthodox Rabbi: Hurricane Sandy Was God's Revenge For New York Gay Marriage, Oct. 31, 2012

Rabbi Noson Leiter of Torah Jews for Decency is blaming Hurricane Sandy on gays and lesbians, calling it “divine justice” for New York’s new marriage equality law. Torah Jews for Decency campaigned against marriage equality in New York and New Jersey, worked with Liberty Counsel and New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms in an unsuccessful lawsuit to overturn New York’s marriage law, and has joined with various other Religious Right groups on anti-gay campaigns.

The American and Western Media acting as tools for the US Military and Pentagon and the Obama administration attack any activist who criticizes American occupation and war in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Pakistani Imran Khan has been leading a popular movement in his country aimed at getting the Americans to stop the insane war in the region. Imran Khan has been very vocal and led a march in Pakistan to protest against the use of Drone attacks which kill more innocent civilians than actual Taliban terrorists. For being against the killing of civilians by the Americans the US government has launched a campaign against him. One wonders if Imran has been put on Obama's kill list which includes not just terrorists but those who criticize American policies such as Julianne Assange.

Pakistan's Imran Khan slams U.S. war on terror 'A military solution is a disaster for the U.S.,' Khan tells CBC's Evan ,Oct. 25, 2012

The war on terror has been a costly failure and the use of drones is ratcheting up anti-Americanism and militants, says a popular politician vying to be Pakistan's next leader. In an interview on CBC News Network's Power & Politics, Imran Khan said he's the only leader promoting a peaceful solution to the decade-long conflict — and that his push for talks with the Taliban has wrongly branded him a pro-jihadist.  

The founder of the Movement of Justice Party told host Evan Solomon he wants to spread the word to governments around the world — including Canada's — that much blood has been spilled and money thrown "down the drain" in a costly war that will only be resolved through negotiations with the Taliban. "Trillions of dollars spent. God knows how many hundreds and thousands of people killed. Is the world any safer?" he said. Khan, visiting Toronto to speak about his country and raise funds for his political party, has said in the past he would shoot down American drones in Pakistan's tribal areas. He told Solomon that if he's elected, he would try to convince Western political leaders they are driving anti-Americanism and helping militants, and if they continued, he would take his case to the United Nations to have it recognized as a breach of sovereignty.  

U.S. President Barack Obama and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney both support the use of drones as a tightly controlled strategy that pre-empts more intrusive military actions. Khan, once a famous cricket star, entered politics in 1996 and has been slowly building up a base of supporters with his outspoken condemnation
Huffington Post

Mitt Romney Releases New Ad Repeating Debunked Claim About Jeep Jobs Going To China Huffington Post ,Oct.30,2012

Joe Biden Torches Mitt Romney For 'Flagrantly Dishonest' Jeep Ad by Jennifer Bendery at Huffington Post Oct. 31, 2012

WASHINGTON -- Vice President Joe Biden tore into Mitt Romney on Wednesday for running ads with a widely debunked claim about Chrysler and General Motors shipping American jobs to China, saying it calls into question the character of the Republican presidential nominee.

During a campaign event in Sarasota, Fla., Biden called the latest ad one of the "most scurrilous" and "most flagrantly dishonest ads I can remember in my political career." The worst part, he said, is that the ad actually caused workers to call United Auto Workers and ask if it was true.

"What a cynical, cynical thing to do," Biden said of Romney.

The ads, which are being run on TV and on the radio, state that Chrysler and GM are shipping their jeep production overseas. A GM spokesman responded Tuesday with an unusually sharp rebuke, saying Romney has "clearly entered some parallel universe" and that it reflects "campaign politics at its cynical worst." Similarly, a Chrysler spokesman said there was "no validity" to the ad. Instead, the spokesman said, the company is looking to open new factories in China to meet increasing demand there, a move that would not involve outsourcing American jobs.

Biden's comments on Wednesday marked the first time he's addressed the matter. He said he's never heard of a corporation wading into a election in the final hours of a campaign to give a description of what a presidential candidate is doing. But he said GM's response was right on the money.

"That's the best description I've ever heard of the Romney/Ryan ticket," Biden said.


Is McCain merely being used by Romney campaign to attack president Obama during a natural disaster so Romney won't have to and can try to act like a caring person .And we can purposely refer to as a mere bit of acting on the part of Romney because we have seen Romney say things such as he likes firing people and that business and profits trump everything else.

   John McCain Marks Romney 'Storm Relief' Event With Aggressive Criticism Of Obama On Libya, by Nick Wing at Huffington Post, Oct. 30, 2012

 Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) spoke on behalf of GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney at a "storm relief and volunteer appreciation" event in Ohio on Tuesday, serving up a generous portion of hyper-partisan rhetoric on President Barack Obama's handling of the September attack on a U.S. consulate in Libya. "This president is either engaged in a massive cover-up deceiving the American people, or he is so grossly incompetent that he is not qualified to be the commander in chief of our armed forces. It's either one of them," McCain told Romney volunteers, according to NBC News.

 Four Americans died in the Sept. 11 attack on the compound in Benghazi, and conservatives have questioned how the Obama administration handled both the developing situation and its aftermath. McCain's decision to politicize the supposedly apolitical event underscores the difficulty of Romney's stated move to put aside campaign tensions after the storm. Obama canceled his functions in order to survey damage in the wake of Hurricane Sandy.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Hurricane Sandy Cause :Climate Change Or Gay Rights, Romney Hates FEMA Then Backtracks, Romney's Role In Meningitis Outbreak

Today's Menu

*Hurricane Sandy Climate Change What Climate Change???

*GOP/Mitt Romney Paul Ryan Fox News hate FEMA

*Gays and their supporters responsible for Hurricane Sandy?

*Romney's Role in Meningitis Outbreak

Let's begin with Hurricane Sandy which has created massive damage .

The various governors even Republican governors asked for federal help and have even praised FEMA's response. And yet many Republicans on the East coast have been up until now very vocal against FEMA and any other federal Departments. Romney especially wants to completely dismantle FEMA though today he made an exception for FEMA in the Aftermath of Hurricane Sandy.

So Romney would have Americans believe that the people of New Jersey are responsible for the cleanup after the storm and not the state or federal government. We saw this writ large during and after Hurricane Katrina disaster in the Gulf and New Orleans the GOP privatized disaster relief which did not work out well but their belief is that no matter what they need to standby their unrealistic anti-government stance.

As I said yesterday there is a real disconnect with reality when it comes to this radical right wing ideology of claiming that small communities and individual religious congregations should be the one's responsible for preparing for natural disasters and for the aftermath. So each community along the Eastern seaboard are responsible for their community and so must raise the money for instance to pay for a hundred million or billion dollar system of dikes and breakwaters all to be paid for by the elderly blue haired Church ladies by selling fudge and sandwiches and coffee. That should according to uberconservative nutters who still imagine America as being just a few thousand picturesque small towns inhabited by families such as Beaver Cleaver and Father Knows Best etc.

and what would Romney and Republicans and Libertarians do in the case of a disaster due to human negligence -just call it the unintended consequences of doing business.

If there was a complete meltdown at a nuclear power station what would Romney do to protect citizens who happen to live in the path of a massive radioactive cloud . Would the owners of the plant be held responsible for any damage or injury or death . More than likely like other members of the GOP Romney would question the scientific data which would show that the cause of injury or death a few miles away or a hundred miles away was due to a Nuclear Power Station meltdown.

Maybe Romney would insist that all American citizens as private citizens should go out and buy with their own money not the governments their own Geiger counters, radiation protection suits and whatever else they would need in case of a Nuclear Plant disaster or limited nuclear war. Romney and others would then invest in corporations producing these things though I think Glenn Beck has a monoply on survivalist gear and other post-apocalyptic necessities.

Republicans vs. FEMA: GOP Politicians Advocate Cutting Disaster Relief (VIDEO) by Hunter Stuart at Huffington Post . Oct. 30, 2012

As Hurricane Sandy began its path of destruction along the East Coast on Monday night, Republican governors of Virginia, Pennsylvania and New Jersey praised federal relief efforts that helped their states prepare for the massive storm.

But in the past, Republican politicians haven't been quite so supportive of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). As Politico points out, hurricane relief has been a contentious issue on Capitol Hill as recently as last year.

Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Va.) notoriously said federal disaster aid should be met with budget cuts, while presidential nominee Mitt Romney appeared to suggest during a debate in June that FEMA should be shuttered in favor of individual states taking on disaster relief management.

Romney isn't the only one who wants to strip funding from FEMA. Watch the video above to see a compilation of clips of GOP politicians going on the the record in support of reducing the agency's funding and influence.

and :

  Romney in 2011: Shut down FEMA, let the states handle it :During a primary debate, Romney suggested that states - or the private sector - should handle disaster relief by Jillian Rayfield,,Oct. 29,2012 Hurricane Sandy Shows We Need To Prepare For Climate Change, Cuomo And Bloomberg Say by Matt Sledge at Huffington Post, Oct. 30, 2012
NEW YORK -- A day after New York City experienced its worst storm surges in recorded history, Governor Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Michael Bloomberg said the city may need to respond to climate change with steps like storm barriers.

Such protections would be extremely costly, but climate change experts said Hurricane Sandy provided a first glimpse of the challenges all coastal areas will face as sea levels rise and extreme weather events become more frequent. Cuomo said on Tuesday that he told President Barack Obama it seemed like "we have a 100-year flood every two years now."
 Meanwhile to add salt to the wounds of citizens on the Eastern coast of USA once again the Religious Right and other anti-gay groups and individuals claim this latest Hurricane Sandy and all those in recent years were caused not by Global Warming or Climate Change but by God to punish the USA for giving in to Gay Rights .

 Therefore if these anti-Gay spokespersons are correct then Climate Change or Global Warming is not the problem but rather the American authorities and citizens defending Gay rights is the real problem. This was said by religious right spokespersons about Hurricane Katrina and by Rev. Falwell and Pat Robertson about the man made 9/11 disaster for which they blame Gay rights advocates, the ACLU, Planned Parenthood, Southern Poverty Law Center and the Democrats .

  Hurricane Sandy Blamed On Gays, Obama And Romney By Preacher John McTernan by 10/29/2012
The Eastern seaboard may have yet to experience the full wrath of Hurricane Sandy, but one right-wing Christian preacher is already pointing the finger at the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community.

In a wordy and occasionally rambling blog on his website, chaplain John McTernan seems to link Hurricane Sandy (and a number of other recent weather-related trends and natural disasters) on LGBT people and President Barack Obama's recent backing of marriage equality. While most of McTernan's wrath is directed at Obama, he has some choice words for GOP candidate Mitt Romney, too.

"God is systematically destroying America," McTernan writes. "Just look at what has happened this year." Calling Sandy "the most powerful hurricane on record" that "could do catastrophic damage to the entire Northeast," McTernan adds, "Obama is 100 percent behind the Muslim Brotherhood which has vowed to destroy Israel and take Jerusalem. Both candidates are pro-homosexual and are behind the homosexual agenda. America is under political judgment and the church does not know it!"

Earlier this year, McTernan similarly linked Hurricane Isaac with the LGBT community, pointing to the fact that the life-threatening storm coincided with Southern Decadence, New Orleans' "Gay Mardi Gras." "New Orleans is still hosting Southern Decadence with open homosexuality manifesting in the streets of the city," he wrote in a blog. "It could be that God is putting an end to this city and its wickedness.

The timing of Hurricane Isaac with Southern Decadence is a sign that God’s patience with America’s sin is coming to an end."
A couple of videos have surfaced showing Presidentail wannabe Mitt Romney spewing his disdain and hatred of Gays. Shocking Footage Emerges of Mitt Romney Spouting His Bigoted Bile Against Gays (VIDEO) by Michelangelo Signorile at Huffington Post . Oct. 29, 2012
In my last blog post, which lit up the Internet and social media, I quoted Mitt Romney making shocking remarks that were highlighted in investigative reporter Murray Waas' Boston Globe story last week.

Now, for the first time in this campaign, video has surfaced of Romney making those bigoted claims about gay parents while pushing his heartless policy against their children.

In the video Romney expresses his disbelief and disgust that "Today, same-sex couples are marrying, under the law, in Massachusetts. Some gays are actually having children born to them. We've been asked to remove the phrase "mother" and "father" and replace it with "parent A" and "parent B." It's not right on paper. It's not right in fact. Every child has the right to have a mother and father."
 Romney's palpable hatred and disgust towards Gays


 De-regulation is a policy that ignores the public good.

 If all that matters is profit then corporations need not be concerned about harm they may be doing to average Americans.

 So in Romney's world there would not be call backs for faulty goods since it will be a matter of the corporation passing its responsibility onto consumers under the rubric of "let the Buyer beware "or "Caveat Emptor" So for example if a consumer buys a new car and the car crashes due to a manufacturer's defect known or unknown by the seller the manufacturer can be held responsible .

 But in Romney World the consumer has all of the responsibility to make sure they have inspected the car or other product for defects. But how is a consumer supposed to check for defects if they are not an expert on that particular product ie flu inoculation . The consumer is not an expert on the production of innoculation so the only way to know if the product is safe is to try it if all goes well it is not a problem but if the consumer gets ill there may be a problem.

These issues are compounded in the right wing world of Romney by lack of regulation and an anti-science bias.

A medicine offered to the public resulting in unnecessary deaths is supposedly just a matter of bad luck and not criminal malfeasance (or rather misfeasance or Nonfeasance). There may in such cases be no willful act to cause injury but a lack of oversight or quality control etc. which leads to consumers being harmed unnecessarily. So once again we see what motivates Mitt Romney -money and profits at whatever cost to others including not just financial but health wise whether it is employees or those who consume products the corporations he is involved in have sold it 's always profits before employees, profits before community, profits before country .

  Romney’s lax regulation may have fueled meningitis outbreak :A meningitis epidemic that has killed 25 is linked to a Mass. company Romney's administration failed to regulate By Craig Unger at, Oct. 30, 2012
The fatal meningitis epidemic sweeping the United States can now be traced to the failure of then-Gov. Mitt Romney to adequately regulate the Massachusetts pharmaceutical company that is being blamed for the deaths. At least 344 people in 18 states have been infected by the growing public health crisis and 25 have died so far. But the epidemic may also play a role in the presidential campaign, now that state records reveal that a Massachusetts regulatory agency found that the New England Compounding Co., the pharmaceutical company tied to the epidemic, repeatedly failed to meet accepted standards in 2004 — but a reprimand was withdrawn by the Romney administration in apparent deference to the company’s business interests.

“It goes all the way up to Mitt Romney,” said Alyson Oliver, a Michigan attorney representing victims of the outbreak. According to Oliver, on at least six occasions, NECC was cited by authorities for failure to meet regulatory standards and almost subjected to a three-year probation. “It goes directly to the heart of what Romney says about regulation, ‘Hands off. Let the companies do their thing.’”

“When the person who is supposed to be in charge of oversight does not believe oversight is necessary, this is what happens,” Oliver added. “The philosophy of the Romney administration was to have lax regulations across the board,” Philip Johnston, a former secretary of health and human services in Massachusetts before the Romney administration, told Salon.

“It speaks volumes about the tragic outcome of Romney’s view on regulatory issues. There are two dozen people who died needlessly. It was clearly the responsibility of the company to protect them, but it was also the responsibility of the government at various levels, and, as far as I’m concerned, they failed.”

On Oct. 28, Rep. Ed Markey, D-Mass., called for “a full investigation” into the regulatory issues that led to the epidemic. “There’s a regulatory black hole here,” he said, “but the full assessment of responsibility, state to federal, is ongoing. We need to know everything.”
also see: Superstorm Sandy Nuclear Power Plants: Indian Point Facility Forced To Shut Down Unit; Oyster Creek Plant Also On Alert By JOSH LEDERMAN , Huffington Post Oct. 30, 2012

Monday, October 29, 2012

Romney Would Eliminate FEMA & GOP and Religious Right 's War On Women

First a little music - On the war on women

"You Don't Own Me" PSA

Published on Oct 22, 2012 by YouDontOwnMePSA

Women constitute more than half of the population. In 2008, 60% of voters were women. It is estimated that 10 million more women than men will vote in this election. Despite this, women make up only 16% of Congress. Women earn only 70 cents to each dollar men make. Women of color and undocumented women make less than white citizens. Mitt Romney and the Republican Party are determined to overturn Roe V. Wade. Romney has not supported equal pay for women (The Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act). Romney has vowed to defund Planned Parenthood. Romney has vowed to repeal the Affordable Care Act. Romney doesn't want health care to cover birth control. Romney says same sex marriage should be banned with a Constitutional Amendment

Romney in 2011: Shut down FEMA, let the states handle it . During a primary debate, Romney suggested that states - or the private sector - should handle disaster relief by Jillian Rayfield,,Oct. 29,2012

Romney ignores the fact that when it comes to natural disasters that they can be overwhelming for the local church's women's auxiliary to take care of it just by brewing coffee and handing out cookies and fudge. And such disasters can be even beyond the ability of a state to take care of it. So Romney has forgotten one of the public shame handed out to George W. Bush and the Republican party during the botched Hurrican Katrina disaster. During the disaster Bush was too busy celebrating John McCain's birthday and Condi Rice was out shopping for new Prada shoes.

Mitt Romney disengenuously declares that the states and municipalities should handle any disasters natural or man made yet he as governor requested the help of the US federal government including the FEMA agency on two occassions.

Mitt’s disastrous emergency management plan Romney says he'd ax FEMA and send disaster response back to the states. The consequences would be catastrophic
By Alex Seitz-Wald at,Oct. 29,2012

As 50 million East Coast residents brace for Hurricane Sandy’s impact, President Obama has already signed disaster declarations for at least a dozen states, making available the resources and unique coordinating capabilities of the federal government — specifically, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, or FEMA – to assist in the response and recovery.

It’s worth noting that Mitt Romney has said he’d get rid of FEMA and leave states to fend for themselves.

...This is how a federal disaster area gets declared: The governor of a state submits a letter to the local FEMA branch requesting help. “In this request the Governor certifies that the combined local, county and state resources are insufficient and that the situation is beyond their recovery capabilities,” according to FEMA. So every time a governor submits a request for assistance — and there were a record 99 disaster declarations in 2011 — they have to declare they are incapable of handling the situation on their own.

And Romney does know, firsthand. For example, there was a November 2006 chemical plant explosion in Danvers, Mass. “You know, we’ll be looking at what the requirements are from a, from a national standpoint. We do have FEMA here now … The needs of the state or it should be the needs here, if they can be met by the state, they will be. If it’s beyond the needs or the capability of the state, then we’ll go to the federal government,” he said at a press conference.

Several months before that, in May, Romney requested additional money from FEMA to deal with flooding in Lowell, Mass. Before that, in October 2005, Romney requested FEMA help for several counties affected by flooding. Etc. etc.

Mitt Romney admits RELIGIOUS WAR on Women
Published on Oct 27, 2012 by thsa2able

Mitt Romney fights WAR ON WOMEN.
Mitt Romney forces HIS beliefs on all other Americans.

The GOP is now adopting more and more policies which a direct or indirect threat to women's rights from reproductive rights to equal opportunity at universities, in the various professions and jobs . One wonders if eventually the GOP and the Religious Right will deny women from being in positions of authority or even take away women's right to vote . As for voting these wingnuts believe that the man of the house should decide how his wife or other members of his family ought to vote.

Fischer: "Political Leadership Ought To Be Reserved For The Hands Of Males" October 15, 2012 via Rightwing

GOP Rep. Joe Walsh Opens New Front on the War on Women

Published on Oct 19, 2012 by SamSeder

Did you know science has made it possible for women to not die while pregnant with a child, so their should be absolutely no abortions in order to save the life of the mother? You didn't? Let Tea Party favorite, GOP Rep. Joe Walsh tell you!

Legitimate rape v phony rape???

GOP's War on women takes a hard right turn in Indiana
Ed Show Oct. 24, 2012

Republican Senator Murkowski agrees that the GOP is at war with women wanting to walk back their rights which they have fought for for decades and for the last century or more.
GOP is not in favor for instance in equal pay for women or equal opportunities and so forth.

The Republican war on women is not fictional - The Rachel Maddow Show (April 6th, 2012)

Published on Apr 8, 2012 by Panzerfaust04

Despite waging a war on women's rights, the Republican Party would like you to think Democrats are making this whole thing up as a political attack. Rachel Maddow explains what a tremendous lie that is and shows that, even within the Republican ranks, there is dissent on this issue. From the April 6th, 2012 edition of The Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC.

As Mary Shaw notes the Christian Right and the GOP are all for Christianity and Jesus but have created their own disengenuous version of the Bible and Jesus as being pro-capitalist pro-American anti-Gay anti-abortion anti-women's rights anti-Islam anti-altruism . They have as has been mentioned before on earlier posts is that they have Americanized Jesus so that their version of Jesus fits their own agendas .

Their Jesus is in favor of the right of all Christians to own and be ready to use an automatic weapon . In their view Jesus would even support Wars of Aggression in order to defend the Empire and insist all nations sell off their natural resources to the American Empire for a price set by the American Empire. The sovereignty of other nations they believe is nonsense since only America and Israel have been blessed by God and all other nations are in reality the minions of Satan and socialism .

Mitt Romney as a Mormon /LDS and his Christian republicans show their disdain for those who are not fabulously successful. They hate the weak the poor, the disabled , those on welfare or those workers who have the affrontery to join a union or to ask for better wages, more benefits or more sick days ,longer vacations to spend time with their families and loved ones.

 In their view Jesus supported a society ruled by real Christian men and that women must live in the shadows of their men-folk and not be uppity . That is women should not take on positions of authority whether president or member of Congress or as ministers or pastors etc.

The Myth of the Christian Right By Mary Shaw OpEdNews 10/28/2012

GOP politicians and their followers love to play the Christianity card. They wave their bibles and wag their fingers at anyone whose behavior doesn't pass their sanctimonious moral judgment.

They call themselves Christians, but in Catholic school I was taught that Christians adore and follow Jesus Christ. These holier-than-thou Republicans don't reflect the Jesus that I read about in the New Testament.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Bill Maher Warns Against Voting For Romney & Romney's War On Women and Obama Campaign Encourages Early Voting and Fox News Blames Crowley/Truth for Obama Debate Win

Mitt Romney says as president he would do whatever is necessary to overturn Roe v Wade or pass legilation which would be tantamount to a prohibition on Abortion in the USA.

Romney would stop funding for Planned Parenthood.
And any aid given to foreign states could not be used to finance abortion .

Mitt Romney admits RELIGIOUS WAR on Women

Bill Maher adds his voice to re-electing Obama at the very least to keep Mitt Romney and the right wing religious extremists from taking control of Washington and the nation.

Bill Maher Warns Voters: If You Elect Romney

Published on Oct 26, 2012 by Buzz sourse

Real Time Episode

The Daily Show

The Colbert Report

Bill Maher used his final New Rule of the night to warn voters unhappy with President Obama of the political and social consequences of the other guy winning. Maher argued that Mitt Romney winning the presidency would not just be a victory for him, but for every Republican extremist Romney has ever supported in his recent political career. Maher said Romney "may seem like a nice fella," but he's "a compulsive liar whose whole life is secret" and would bring too much unwanted baggage into a relationship with America.

Cenk uygur of the Young Turks criticizes Fox News and GOP for blaming the moderator in the debate for mitt Romney's defeat at debate. The moderator actually backed up Obama by using facts as opposed to the lies Romney was paushing.

President Obama encouraging American voters to vote early in order to get around various strategies the Republicans are using to effectively interfere with citizens right to vote aimed especially at those citizens who would vote for Obama and not for Mitt Romney. Again we see Republicans showing their lack of respect for the democratic process .

The GOP wants to win this election by hook or by crook they have no shame about this undemocratic attitude and actions. Dirty tricks of various sorts by Republicans are seen as just business as usual. Mitt Romney has shown himself in his business practices to do whatever it takes to increase his profits and to avoid paying taxes.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Tina Fey Takes Republicans To Task Over Abortion and Rape And More On Mitt Romney's Disdain For Gay Marriage

So when Romney does not get his way he uses his position of authority to use dirty tricks or whatever he has to achieve his own agenda. Reminds one of Richard Nixon and the Republican /Bircher/ Goldwater/ Ratfinks of the 1960s who believed that any action taken to achieve their agenda was by its very nature morally right .  and to question their actions is to show a gross misunderstanding and naivete and stupidity about  how the world actually works.

After all is said and done Romney is not a compassionate conservative rather he has no empathy for those who are different from him and his peers that is white, heterosexual wealthy males who espouse the correct religious views and values and so adhere's to a form of  Prosperity Gospel  and mean-spirited winner takes all form of monopolistic graven capitalism even if that means cheating or ignoring the rules written and unwritten. Like Cheney and Rumsfeld he views laws which he does not like or interfere with his activities as quaint and obstacles to be ignored or eliminated.

Mitt Romney While governor of Massachusetts after the state lost its case to ban same sex marriage Romney took it on himself to wage a campaign against Gay couples with children by refusing to simply to change birth certificates forms to reflect the change in the law . Instead he ordered his lawyers to investigate every instance of a child born to same sex couples before issuing a birth certificate and even then he insisted that the word father be struck out by pen and second parents name be written in pen and by doing so according to his own legal advisers this might render these birth certificates as questionable documents which could create problems for the child and the same sex parents. Since Governor Mitt Romney didn't win the case banning gay marriages he used his power as governor to interfere with and thwart the ruling of the courts on the issue.

Romney rejected new birth certificates for gay parents As governor, he ordered review for each child By Murray Waas Globe Correspondent October 25, 2012

It seemed like a minor adjustment. To comply with the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ruling that legalized gay marriage in 2003, the state Registry of Vital Records and Statistics said it needed to revise its birth certificate forms for babies born to same-sex couples. The box for “father” would be relabeled “father or second parent,’’ reflecting the new law.

But to then-Governor Mitt Romney, who opposed child-rearing by gay couples, the proposal symbolized unacceptable changes in traditional family structures.

He rejected the Registry of Vital Records plan and insisted that his top legal staff individually review the circumstances of every birth to same-sex parents. Only after winning approval from Romney’s lawyers could hospital officials and town clerks across the state be permitted to cross out by hand the word “father’’ on individual birth certificates, and then write in “second parent,’’ in ink.

Divisions between the governor’s office and state bureaucrats over the language on the forms and details about the extraordinary effort by the Republican governor to prevent routine recording of births to gay parents are contained in state records obtained by the Globe this month.

Deliberations about the policies, including dozens of exchanges about the marriages and births of individual families, are recounted in e-mails and legal memos sent between the governor’s office and lawyers at the Department of Public Health, which oversees the Registry of Vital Records.

...Romney delivered remarks before the Senate Judiciary Committee in Washington in which he decried the state Supreme Judicial Court’s ruling and its effect on child-rearing. He outlined his misgivings about the request from the Registry of Vital Records.

“The children of America have the right to have a father and a mother,’’ Romney said in his prepared remarks. “What should be the ideal for raising a child? Not a village, not ‘parent A’ and ‘parent B,’ but a mother and a father.’’

Romney also warned about the societal impact of gay parents raising children. “Scientific studies of children raised by same-sex couples are almost nonexistent,’’ he said. “It may affect the development of children and thereby future society as a whole.’’

Romney expressed similar beliefs during a speech in 2005 to socially conservative voters in South Carolina, as he was beginning to be viewed as a serious candidate for president.

“Some gays are actually having children born to them,’’ he declared. “It’s not right on paper. It’s not right in fact. Every child has a right to a mother and father.’’

Changes to Massachusetts birth certificates formally acknowledging children to same-sex marriages did not come into effect until after Governor Deval Patrick, a Democrat, assumed office.

The birth-certificates episode reflects a constantly evolving approach on gay rights for the former Massachusetts governor. Romney ran for Senate in 1994 promising to be a moderate champion of homosexual rights.

But he hardened his stance while governor and during preparations for his 2008 run for president, as he sought support from the religious conservatives who vote disproportionately in Republican presidential primaries.

After the Supreme Judicial Court ruling, he actively supported efforts in Massachusetts for a constitutional amendment defining marriage as between a man and a woman.

...In his current presidential bid, Romney continues to oppose gay marriage and has said he supports amending the US Constitution to define marriage as between a man and a woman. President Obama said in May that he supports gay marriage, after withholding his judgment for most of his term.

...“The race, religion, or sexual orientation of parents should not matter,’’ said Zach Wahls, a 19-year-old college student and Obama supporter who gained national attention when he testified before an Iowa state legislative committee about his experience being raised by two mothers. “The single most important factor is whether the parents are willing to put in the time, the blood, the sweat, and toil to do what it takes to raise children.’’

Friday, October 26, 2012

Obama & Trump In Kenya ? And " Capitol Hill’s Rabid, Ravaging Republicans" by Ralph Nader


Trump and Obama have been rivals since the time
when they were growing up together in Kenya; Obama explains.

  Obama jokes about Donald Trumps Birther madness

 And Ralph Nader points in an article published today just how extremists House Republican's really are in their defense of private enterprise and the wealthy.They do not see themselves as somehow working for the betterment of America and of all American citizens but rather see themselves as merely employees of Big Business, Big Coal, Big Oil and multinational corporations.

And yet there are those average American citizens who are taken in by the phony patriotism and piety of the Republican party which does not have as part of their agenda helping out average Americans. Otherwise they would not vote the way that they do on a daily basis in Congress. So these bought and paid for House Republicans vote against legislation which might benefit average Americans such as Obama Care or equal pay for women or a minimum wage or environmental and health and safety regulations all in order to appease their wealthy donors and their own twisted ideology which sees the wealthy as the under-dog and the rest of society as mere leeches sucking on the life blood and energy and supposed creativity of the super-rich.   Capitol Hill’s Rabid, Ravaging Republicans by Ralph Nader,October 26, 2012
...The Republicans seem to have it in for women and not just against health insurance covering reproductive health care, Planned Parenthood’s other services, or privacy for the medical records of victims of rape and incest. The Republicans en-mass voted to repeal protections to stop health insurance companies from discriminating on the basis of gender.

... The Republicans either do nothing to help or actually push for rollbacks. No minimum wage to give 30 million Americans the same pay workers got back in 1968, adjusted for inflation.

In a frenzy, House Republicans have voted to repeal the “Affordable Care Act” 33 times... because they want to voucherize Medicare and hand patients over to the avaricious Aetnas and the Pfizers who return the favor with campaign cash. House Republicans rage against any attempts to stop the shipping or outsourcing of American jobs to communist and fascist regimes abroad that know how to keep their workers in powerless penury. Why? Because that is what the non-patriotic U.S. global corporations want them to do. Anything Big Oil wants, it gets– retain big subsidies, tax breaks, weaken pollution restrictions, lease everywhere, and even give relief to oil companies when they damaged the Gulf Coast.

...Vote to weaken the Clean Air Act, drinking water safety standards, cut funding for these cancer preventing, health protecting programs while pushing for more military weapons and bloated Pentagon budgets. The Republicans went so far as to vote for polluters over children, pregnant women and people who live in nursing homes and assisted-living facilities. These Republicans voted to block the EPA mercury and air toxics standards that the agency estimated would save 12,000 lives every year and prevent more than one million asthma attacks.

With unseemly fervor, House Republicans want to generally weaken the National Labor Relations Board and labor laws. But when it comes to protecting the lowest tax rates and loopholes for the very wealthy, they are Horatio at the Bridge. When the top two percent engage in financial fraud (credit cards, mortgages and student loans, abuse of seniors) or urge privatizing social security, the Boehners and the Cantors are block-tackling anyone in the House who begs to push law and order for the Rich and Corporate or keep “the security” in social security.

For the poor, let them eat less. Hunger in America is real. But not real enough for the Republicans to stop wanting to cut these food programs. While Republicans campaign against Obama for not doing anything to lower gasoline prices, they are voting against measures to regulate oil and gas speculators who drive up gas prices, a fact recognized by the CEO of Exxon a few years ago in a Senate hearing...

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Religious Right & Romney/Ryan GOP Racism, Bigotry and Misogyny And video "ChristianTaliban Global Crusaders Unleashed"

Above Cartoon found at blog Immigration Talk With A Mexican American
Romney's Right Wing Racist Supporters: Palin's RACIST Attacks Against Our President by Immigration Talk With A Mexican American,Oct. 24, 2012

In a Facebook post today, Palin wrote: “Obama’s Shuck and Jive Ends With Benghazi Lies.” She also used the term in the text of the post, which concludes, “President Obama’s shuck and jive shtick with these Benghazi lies must end.”

As we all know, the term "Shuck and Jive" originated in the Slavery Days when Black Slaves were tasked by their Masters to dance as they harvested crops.

What a despicable and racist term to use by a Romney supporter.

And below is a little video which we have put together on the extremist views of the Religious Right in the USA and how they have been working towards a truly Christianized America a thocratic form of government or something quites close to it .From pr-school (Jesus Campp) the indoctrination into this extremist Christian view of the world continues with outreach ministries to America's teenagers (BattleCry!/The Call etc.) to American soldiers undergoing bootcamp training (US Military Chaplaincy )to University students at Christian Universities to the leaders and legislators and bureucrats in the US government including the higher and highest ranking officers at the Pentagon (Chistian Embassy).

What they wish to accomplish is Dominion over all aspects of American society and to replace in their view the "Secular Humanists" who are the enemy who now control American society , culture and government . And who are these "Secular Humanists " they are all those who do not adhere to the Religious Rights uberconservative brand of Christianity which is a belief in America as a Christian nation which has the right to impose their values on all Americans and on the rest of the world. After some forty years they now have a death grip on the Republican party. They may at times have receded from view but that does not and did not mean they had been defeated but rather were forced to retreat and regroup and develoop better tactics for accomplishing their goals. They have been underestimated in their strengths and their convictions their ability to recreate their grass roots organizations to adapt and survive again and again . They should not be written off as a group of semi-literate buffoons they are a clear and present danger to American society . What others see as positive progress the Religious Right sees as the undermining and destruction of traditional Christian America.

Hopefully the video is somewhat entertaining and enlightening and not too heavy-handed.
If not interested skip video & move on for those who think Nothing to see here :

ChristianTaliban Global Crusaders Unleashed

(Note originally we referred to the vlogger in the video below as Lis Graas when in fact the speaker in this video is Zinnia Jones,Queen of Atheism who was responding to blogger Lisa Graas.)

The current leaders of the Republican party have adopted the policy of banning Gay Marriage by whatever political or legal ways possible . Their rhetoric as such as pointed out in the video below of Zinnia Jones  Queen Of Atheism criticizing the Republicans and the Religious Right that they are upset by Gays (LGBT) having any rights and if at all possible may push for laws to punish in some fashion any who practice non-heterosexual practices . As the speaker of the Maryland Marriage Alliance says "gays are worthy of death" and so this goes way beyond merely banning Gay marriage but suggest such a ban would be the first stage in attacking the rights of gays and LGBT community.

 Zinnia Jones dismantles the disingenuous defense by blogger Lisa Graas that Reverend Robert Anderson the member of the Maryland Marriage Alliance  remark that "gays are worthy of death" as being a reference not to the execution ( ie stoning /lynching /lethal injection/gas chamber/ electric chair)by the state of Gays but rather to spiritual death or death of the soul or being sent to hell after one's death . As Jones argues if God is going to send all Gays (LGBT) to Hell for eternity then why do these extremist Christians need laws to punish Gays it would be superfluous

This type of eliminationists rhetoric is far beyond the pale since the anti-gay groups want to reverse all of the civil/legal rights gained by Gays over the last 30-40 or so years. Moving from the issue of Gay marriage to adoptions by Gays to their right to engage in activities such as renting or buying a house or running a business or being allowed to be lawyers or doctors or teachers and so on . So for the right banning Gay marriage is just the thin edge of the wedge and the beginning of a bigoted mean spirited slippery slope to rendering all non-heterosexual activities as illegal.

Zinnia Jones Reply to Lisa Graas, mind your own business

Published on Oct 23, 2012 by ZJemptv
Maryland Marriage Alliance speaker says gays worthy of death, on 'wrong side of eternity'

Lisa Graas brings more attention to MD Marriage Alliance extremism

President Obama may have disappointed many of those Americans who voted for him in 2008 and those who gave him moral support outside the USA they must realize that replacing President Obama with Mitt Romney will be in the end a major and catastrophic change in the wrong direction as the GOP's two major parts the Religious Right and the Rightwing Neoconservatives push the world recklessly into even more wars and a lack of concern for other nation's sovereignty except for its closest allies such as Israel ,Saudi Arabia etc.

As president Romney we can expect will insist on America's right to unilateralism and defending America's hegemony and Empire at all cost without any hesitancy with no second guessing or doubts because as President Bush and his gang believed so does the gang around Romney also believe that whatever America does cannot be faulted because all of its actions are determined by the Christian God and so America by definition can do no wrong.

For those American voters who may be a bit disenchanted with President Obama and still wondering who to cast their vote for or whether to vote at all they should consider that the Romney/Ryan GOP platform includes policies which are extremist such as their policy concerning abortion. They have taken the stand for zero abortions with no exceptions. Voting for Romney is in effect a vote for the Religious Right and the Neocons and surely this is not what most American voters want.

That is an even more intolerant ,bigoted Christianized America fighting against their enemy the "Secular Humanists" within the US borders but also those outside the USA since they believe that it is their duty to by peaceful or other means to spread their right-wing intolerant form of Christianity to the rest of the world along with the Neocon imperialist project of removing any government of any sovereign nation which does not kow tow to the American party line.

What they believe in is the passing of legislation or even a constitutional amendment to defend not just the fetus but also the fertilized egg Embryo or Zygot granting "personhood" to the unborn from conception through to birth.

Why Mandatory 'Rape Babies' Are the GOP’s New Normal
With the takeover of the G.O.P by the religious right, Mourdock's position on abortion, rape and incest is in line with the party platform -- and echoed by top party leaders, including Paul Ryan
. by Adele M. Stan at,October 25, 2012

The party’s cruel platform

If you still have any doubts, just look at the abortion plank in the Republican Party Platform, as reported by the Associated Press:

The party states that "the unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed."

Note the lack of any exceptions.

With the takeover of the G.O.P by the religious right, beginning in 1976, the party’s position on abortion has been on a slow and steady march toward deepening misogyny. Women are to be punished not just for choosing to have sex, but for being sexual beings at all -- for having vaginas, if you will.

The critical Christian right vote

Although evangelical Protestants, who now comprise 26 percent of the U.S. population, were not always so draconian in their views on abortion, the movement’s alliance with the Roman Catholic Church -- which prohibits any exception, even to save the life of the pregnant woman -- has led to the present-day, Dark Ages dictates of the religious right on matters of women’s sexuality and sexual vulnerability.

Among the most influential of the groups comprising the Christian right is the Family Research Council, led by Tony Perkins. Here’s an excerpt from a pamphlet (PDF), The ‘Hard Cases' of Abortion: A Pro-life Response, published by FRC:

If we constantly reaffirm the value of life and the state’s duty to protect all life from the moment of conception, then we will see the number of pro-life supporters rise in the years to come.

Only an uncompromising, no-exception approach, that refuses to support or veto for legal toleration of the intentional killing of innocent human beings, can offer the educational potential to restore reverence for the sanctity of life of every age and condition.

In September, I reported Perkins’ assertion of FRC’s close relationship with Romney, whose campaign he called the most cooperative he had ever dealt with. The support of the evangelicals represented by FRC is seen as critical to Romney’s fortunes in November; to throw Mourdock under the bus would be to severely jeopardize Romney’s support among a crucial constituency.

Much of Romney’s ground game, as I have reported, is in the hands of Ralph Reed, through the Faith and Freedom Coalition, a church-targeting get-out-the-vote operation.

Romney’s endorsers

When he finally won his party’s nomination, Romney proudly accepted endorsements from his former rivals: Texas Gov. Rick Santorum, Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, Ga., and former U.S. senator Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania -- all of whom signed a pledge demanded by PersonhoodUSA that declared a no-exceptions policy on abortion. Were Romney to pull his ad in support of Mourdock, would he retain the endorsements of the also-rans, particularly Bachmann -- who announced her endorsement with Romney at her side -- or Santorum, who nearly bested Romney in the primaries?

Tell me where the daylight is between Mourdock’s position and those of Bachmann and Santorum. Here’s Santorum via the New York Times, from August 2011:

“To put rape or incest victims through another trauma of an abortion, I think is too much to ask.”

Here’s Bachmann during the June 2011 Republican presidential debate in Manchester, N.H.:

Q: [to Bachmann]: Gov. Pawlenty says he opposes abortion rights except in cases of rape, incest, or when the mother's life is at stake. Do you have any problem with that position?

BACHMANN: I am 100 percent pro-life. I've given birth to five babies, an I've taken 23 foster children into my home. I believe in the dignity of life from conception until natural death. I believe in the sanctity of human life. Our Declaration of Independence said it's a creator who endowed us with inalienable rights given to us from God, not from government. And the first of those rights is life. And I stand for that right. I stand for the right to life. The very few cases that deal with those exceptions are the very tiniest of fraction of cases, and yet they get all the attention. Where all of the firepower is, is on the genuine issue of taking an innocent human life.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Maddow's Scathing Attack On Romney's Disdain For Foreign Policy And GOP Voter Scandal Widens And More On Romney's Cold Calculating Manner

Rachel Maddow 's scathing though justified attack on Mitt Romney's disdain for foreign policy which risks Bush-level disaster. So Maddow adds to doubts about Mitt Romney's ability As President & Commander In Chief  to deal with both domestic and foreign policy issues.But maybe unbeknownst to Maddow and the rest of us Romney is just considering outsourcing foreign affairs and will continue Bush/Cheney's privatization of wars and allow those in his view who know what's best that is private corporations .

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

As the Religious Right gains more influence over the Republican party the party eventually has taken on even the most extreme views and policies of the extreme right. So it is not surprising that the anti-abortion line is that of the extremist who believe in "personhood" for not just the fetus but the fertilized egg and are therefore against all abortions with no exceptions .  These are the same people and organizations who want to pass legislation if not a constitutional amendment to  ban Gay marriage or to pass an amendement in defense of marriage .

   Not Just Mourdock -- Meet 7 Other Republicans Trying to Block Abortion for Rape Victims :The formerly fringe view is becoming mainstream within the GOP. October 24, 2012

On Tuesday night, during a debate with challenger Joe Donnelly (D-IN), State Treasurer Richard Mourdock (R) said that women who had been raped should not have access to abortion services, explaining that pregnancies resulting from the violent act are a “ gift from God .” “The only exception I have for to have an abortion is in the case of the life of the mother,” Mourdock claimed. “I struggled with myself for a long time but I came to realize life is that gift from God, even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape. It is something that God intended to happen. “

Sadly, Mourdock — who Mitt Romney endorsed just days ago — is one of a growing number of (mostly) male Republicans who are seeking to roll back women’s access to legal abortion services, particularly in cases of rape:

   – REP. TODD AKIN (R-MO): “It seems to me, from what I understand from doctors, that’s really rare,” Akin told KTVI-TV. “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.”

  – REP. STEVE KING (R-IA): In an interview with Iowa’s KMEG-TV, King denied ever hearing about anyone getting pregnant from statutory rape or incest, saying: “Well I just haven’t heard of that being a circumstance that’s been brought to me in any personal way, and I’d be open to discussion about that subject matter.”

  – REP. ROSCOE BARTLETT (R-MD): At a town hall, Bartlett responded to a question about abortion by reiterating his longstanding opposition to the procedure in every case except for rape, incest, and if the life of the woman is in danger. But when an audience member pressed Bartlett on the rape exception, he suggested that few pregnancies result from rape.

– LINDA MCMAHON: the Connecticut senate hopeful told a local newspaper that Catholic hospitals should not be required to provide emergency contraception to victims of rape. “I mean it’s a separation of church and state in my view, and I think that a religious institution has the right to decide what its policies would be in that, in that case,” she claimed. She later reversed herself. –

TOM SMITH: the Republican challenging Sen. Bob Casey’s (D-PA) seat, suggested that having a child out of wedlock was analogous to rapeduring an interview with a reporter at a press club this afternoon, claiming that it would have a “similar” effect on a father.

– STATE REP. ROGER RIVARD (R-WI): the state lawmakers, who also won Paul Ryan’s backing, claimed that some girls “rape easy” and sometimes portray a sexual encounter as rape if they become pregnant.

   – STATE REP. JIM BUCHY (R-OH): admitted that never thought about why a woman would want an abortion. After an Al Jazeera reporter asked Buchy why he thinks some women may want to have an abortion, he fumbled for an appropriate response before admitting he had never thought about that question before. Indeed, the radical attitude about abortion — and particularly the dangerous move to narrow the definition of sexual assault and qualify the types of violent sexual crimes that are “legitimate” enough to warrant an abortion — extends throughout the Republican Party and its presidential ticket.

    Ah yes Mitt Romney shown to be the sort of souless greedy busineesman once again as in this case Romney lied to the courts and in doing so made more money and he will do whatever it takes to make another buck. The only thing about this that seems at times a bit disengenuous is that isn't Mitt Romney just part of the American culture in which winners take all and f... the other guy or gal. And if you have faith in God or Jesus or John Smith and pray everyday then whatever you do is by definition a good thing . All your past sins , current sinning and future sinning is all washed away once you are Baptized or what have you.

Report: Romney Lied in Court And Then Screwed Over His Friend's Wife During Nasty Divorce With Staples Founder A report on the gossip news website could codify the perception of Romney only caring about the rich and willing to screw over others. by Alex Kane at,October 24, 2012
Mitt Romney’s “47 percent” remarks codified an image of the candidate as only caring about the rich and willing to screw over the rest of the population. A report on the gossip news website could add to that perception.

TMZ reports today that Romney lied “under oath when he testified in the divorce of his good friend and screwed the friend's wife out of a lot of money in the process,” according to the wife of the founder of Staples. The story goes like this: Staples founder Tom Stemberg was in the midst of a nasty divorce with his wife Maureen Stemberg Sullivan. Romney, a friend of Stemberg’s who invested in his company, testified in court that Staples was not worth very much. Staple’s stock was “overvalued,” Romney said in court, adding, “I didn't place a great deal of credibility in the forecast of the company's future.”

Romney’s testimony helped ensure that Maureen received very little money when the divorce case was resolved. But the controversy comes from this: “We're told just weeks after the divorce ended, Romney and Tom went to Goldman Sachs and cashed in THEIR stock for a fortune. Short story -- Romney allegedly lied to help his friend and screw the friend's wife over.”
From The Brad log via more coverage on the Republican voter fraud scandal and the use of vote counting agencies which have ties to Mitt Romney and the GOP.

The problem is that the GOP will probably get away with its dirty tricks because if President obama raises the alarm or his AG Holder they will just be labeled as being anti-GOP and anti-democracy . And besides one of the few groups that might have been monitoring these events on the ground as it were was ACORN who Obama tossed under the bus along with the leftist anti-war pro-universal Healthcare pro-civil and human rights anti-torture anti-drone anti-imperialists faction who Obama needed during his first election but since has treated as being toxic to his mediocre middle of the road decidedly centrist position which in actuality puts him on the moderate right .

This is of course part of the irony in all of this that President Obama distanced himself and his administration from all of the grass roots groups which got the vote out in 2008 but may find it hard to get the votes out for Obama in this election. Obama essentially dislikes confrontations and is naive enogh to believe that Republicans care more about the USA than about advancing their party's agenda and its desire for power.

They after all committed themselves to a single goal once Obama was elected and that goal has been and still is to ensure that Obama is a one term president . So much for Obama's reliance on the goodwill and patriotism of the Republicans.  Their idea of patriotism is to make sure the wealthy not only keep what they have but to amass more wealth while refusing to pay their fair share in taxes as they send lower class and poor Americans off to fight their dirty wars which help make the rich even richer.

Meanwhile the GOP and conservatives and their media at Fox News have been attacking Obama for being on the left and a socialists if only that were true more left leaning groups and voters would be more fired up and motivated to give Obama a second term instead what many on the left will do is either not vote at all or vote for Obama just to keep the GOP /Mitt Romney/Ryan right wing extremist out of the White House .

GOP Voter Registration Scandal Widens, Prosecutors File Criminal Charges A Virginia official is busted for tossing voter forms. Turns out he works for the national party, too. by Brad friedman at The brad Blog via, October 20, 2012
A man originally reported to have been working for the Republican Party of Virginia was arrested by the Rockingham County, Va., Sheriff’s Office on Thursday and charged with attempting to destroy voter registration forms by tossing them into a dumpster behind a shopping center in Harrisonburg, Va.

“Prosecutors charged him with four counts of destruction of voter registration applications, eight counts of failing to disclose voter registration applications and one count of obstruction of justice,” according to a report late Thursday afternoon from TPM’s Ryan Reilly . More charges could be forthcoming, according to officials.

But there is more to the story, as evidence emerges to document that it ties into a still-expanding nationwide GOP Voter Registration Fraud Scandal that the BRAD BLOG first began reporting in late September , after we’d learned that the Republican Party of Florida had turned in more than 100 allegedly fraudulent and otherwise suspect voter registration forms in Palm Beach County. The story has continued to widen ever since, to a dozen Florida counties and several other states, now including Virginia, and even to the upper-echelons of the Republican Party itself.

The man arrested today was 23-year-old Colin Small of Phoenixville, Pa. As it turns out, he does not only work for the Virginia Republican Party. According to an online profile, he appears to be working for the Republican National Committee and, prior to that, served as an Intern for Rep. Mike Kelly, R-Pa., in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Obama's 'Horses And Bayonets' Comment Goes Viral (VIDEO) Apples And Oranges Ryan & Biden Responses &Ann Coulter Calls Obama "A Retard"

Obama's 'Horses And Bayonets' Comment Goes Viral (VIDEO):

'via Blog this'

Ryan & Biden

Paul Ryan appears a bit thick when he says Obama's reference to horses and bayonets of the US military in 1916 compared to what the USA has now was an insult to America's military and navy of 1916 or an insult to the current US navy.

Ryan is just focusing on this remark as a way to make Obama to appear to be trashing the US navy and military. Romney in the debate said the USA has fewer ships than it did in 1916 and Obama used the comment to suggest that Romney was too uninformed to realize there is no straight forward way in which to compare the Navy then with the navy now.

The critique is that Romney is basically comparing apples and oranges hoping his supporters will accept whatever Romney has to say without really thinking about it or fact checking. The USA already spends more on its military each year than any other nation

Joe Biden's response to Ryan's faux outrage about comparing today's US Navy with that of America's Navy in 1916 -apples and oranges. Biden emphasizes that the comparison is that one of the USA's aircraft carriers has more fire power than the US air-force and navy circa 1916 . Only counting the numbers of aircraft and ships is not how how one defines the power of a military . It is rather a matter of the fire-power ,speed and other factors.

For instance see :Joe Biden, Paul Ryan Spar Over Obama's 'Horses And Bayonets' Comment In Presidential Debate AP/The Huffington Post | Posted: 10/23/2012

Obama Was Right On Navy, Says Former Navy Secretary Richard Danzig by Joshua Hersh at Huff Post, Oct. 23, 2012
BOCA RATON, Fla. -- President Barack Obama's "horses and bayonets" zinger, shooting down Mitt Romney's concerns about the state of the Navy, may have drawn reproach from Republicans, who called it "petty" and "belittling." But at least one former Navy secretary told The Huffington Post after Monday night's foreign policy debate that Obama was right on the mark. "I thought the president's line was terrific," said Richard Danzig, who served as secretary of the Navy for two years under President Bill Clinton.

"You don't measure efficacy by the number of ships. You measure it by your firepower, by the character of your people, the character of your equipment." During the Boca Raton debate, Romney repeated his campaign call to build new ships for the Navy and accused Obama of allowing the number of ships to drop to its lowest point since 1917.

"I think Governor Romney maybe hasn't spent enough time looking at how our military works," Obama replied. "Governor, we also have fewer horses and bayonets, because the nature of our military's changed. We have these things called aircraft carriers, where planes land on them. We have these ships that go underwater -- nuclear submarines."
Faux Pundit Uberconservative Comedian who appears starved for attention Ann Coulter insults President Obama calling him a "retard" .

 One has to remember that this is how Ann Coulter has made herself rich by saying outrageous and using mean spirited comments rather than appealing to a cogent argument. For someone who supposedly made it through university her vocabulary and her rhetorical style are rather limited.

 Each book she writes is not much different than the one before just a series of insults of anyone who is liberal, progressive or who takes Jesus at his word that we should be empathetic with others (the Good Samaritan) and love not just friends, family and neighbors but even our enemies.

 Ann Coulter claims to be a "Real Christian" which according to her means hating liberal Christians, the weak, the meek, the poor , the needy, those who are mentally or physically challenged and she hates all Arabs and Muslims and African-Americans and Hispanic-Americans and Gays and Lesbians .

Ann Coulter  like other uberconservatives and followers and devotees of Ayn Rand, Leo Strauss ,Machiavelli (and anyone else to the right of the average dictator such as Pinochet, Franco, Mussolini ) believes God loves the rich more than the poor (Jesus the rich & the eye of a needle ring any bells not for Ann) and that God like Ann has little time for the poor who are just plain losers , complainers and whiners who should be grateful for the crumbs from her table .

 This is of course the same ideology and twisted self-serving Christian and bastardized  LDS / Mormon theology that Mitt Romney ,Paul Ryan and the GOP want to take to the Oval Office . They use their version of an  Americanized Christianity to support an ideology of greed and unfettered deregulated Monopolistic Capitalism and the winner take all mentality and f*** the poor or even the Middle Class who in their view are too lazy or stupid to be rich like them.

  Ann Coulter Calls Obama A 'Retard' Huffington Post, Oct. 23, 2012
Ann Coulter called President Obama a "retard" on Monday night. She made the remark on Twitter after the third and final presidential debate between Obama and Mitt Romney.
"I highly approve of Romney's decision to be kind and gentle to the retard," she tweeted.
Coulter was met with some backlash from people on Twitter, who called it "offensive and disrespectful" and asked her, "Are you out of your f-cking mind?" At the end of the debate, voters gave the victory to Obama. The showdown, according to pundits, was notable for how aggressively he attacked his rival and how much Romney seemed to agree with the president.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Secret Iranian Peace Talks? and CIA Chiefs To be Arrested For Drone Attack Murders and Anger against West prevails among Hajj pilgrims-Stop Islamophobia

In the United States, the dominant narrative about the use of drones in Pakistan is of a surgically precise and effective tool that makes the U.S. safer by enabling “targeted killing” of terrorists, with minimal downsides or collateral impacts.

This narrative is false.

Quote from :America’s Drone Terrorism By Sheldon Richman Information Clearing house, October 22, 2012

Below pictures of civilians maimed and killed by US drones.
Some may say even publishing such pictures is in bad taste but this part of the problem with those who are all gung ho to go to war and to kill thousands or tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people men, women ,children without once considering what they are doing to living breathing human beings . The war on terror is just a matter of the USA getting what they consider to be their righteous pound of flesh . If  someone in a foreign country kills an American citizen then they believe they have not just the right but the duty to kill a thousand citizens of that foreign country . Odd that a nation so boisterous about its religiosity behave in the most brutal uncivilized and unChristian manner. They change the creed of their religion to suit their own agendas.Jesus did not say blessed are the warriors and the slaughters of innocent people or even of your enemies .

Obama's Drone Wars under scrutiny in the courts in Pakistan and so far two arrests warrants have been approved of two CIA chiefs for the wanton murder of citizens of Pakistan.

There is now mounting evidence that Obama's Drones have killed far more innocent Pakistani citizens than actual terrorists, Taliban or Al Qaeda operatives.

But this won't stop President Obama or if things go badly President Mitt Romney from blowing up more villages and attacking wedding parties, funerals and other family or community gatherings since they like others in the American government and military view all Pakistanis, All Afghans, all Iraqis. all Syrians, all libyans , all citizens of Bahrain and Iran and those who dare protest in Saudi Arabia against their brutal dictators as America's and the West' enemy who are dedicated to the destruction of  the not so civilized  Western civilization . Besides they are all after all is said and done not Americans and most are not Christians   and so are seen in the US and European media as a little less than human or equal to any true Westerner.

Besides as George W. Bush put it after 9/11 that the Global War on Terror is a Crusade of the good Christians against the Evil Muslims and so is a continuation of the Christian Crusades which were begun in 1095 and which have never really ended. These modern day Christian Crusaders use many of the same anti-Muslim, anti-Islam , Anti-Muhammad and anti-Arab and Anti-Persian racist and bigoted tropes which were used in the eleventh century.

CIA chiefs face arrest over horrific evidence of bloody 'video-game' sorties by drone pilots by David Rose, Daily, October 20,2012

The Mail on Sunday today reveals shocking new evidence of the full horrific impact of US drone attacks in Pakistan.

A damning dossier assembled from exhaustive research into the strikes’ targets sets out in heartbreaking detail the deaths of teachers, students and Pakistani policemen. It also describes how bereaved relatives are forced to gather their loved ones’ dismembered body parts in the aftermath of strikes.

The dossier has been assembled by human rights lawyer Shahzad Akbar, who works for Pakistan’s Foundation for Fundamental Rights and the British human rights charity Reprieve.

Filed in two separate court cases, it is set to trigger a formal murder investigation by police into the roles of two US officials said to have ordered the strikes. They are Jonathan Banks, former head of the Central Intelligence Agency’s Islamabad station, and John A. Rizzo, the CIA’s former chief lawyer. Mr Akbar and his staff have already gathered further testimony which has yet to be filed.

‘We have statements from a further 82 victims’ families relating to more than 30 drone strikes,’ he said. ‘This is their only hope of justice.’

In the first case, which has already been heard by a court in Islamabad, judgment is expected imminently. If the judge grants Mr Akbar’s petition, an international arrest warrant will be issued via Interpol against the two Americans.

The plaintiff in the Islamabad case is Karim Khan, 45, a journalist and translator with two masters’ degrees, whose family comes from the village of Machi Khel in the tribal region of North Waziristan.

His eldest son, Zahinullah, 18, and his brother, Asif Iqbal, 35, were killed by a Hellfire missile fired from a Predator drone that struck the family’s guest dining room at about 9.30pm on New Year’s Eve, 2009.

Asif had changed his surname because he loved to recite Iqbal, Pakistan’s national poet, and Mr Khan said: ‘We are an educated family. My uncle is a hospital doctor in Islamabad, and we all work in professions such as teaching.

‘We have never had anything to do with militants or terrorists, and for that reason I always assumed we would be safe.’

Mr Khan said: ‘Zahinullah, who had been studying in Islamabad, had returned to the village to work his way through college, taking a part-time job as a school caretaker.

...Included in the legal dossier are documents that corroborate Asif and Zahinulla’s educational and employment records, as well as their death certificates. Killed alongside them was Khaliq Dad, a stonemason who was staying with the family while he worked on a local mosque.

It is strange how many people in North America and Europe seem to think that expressing their bigotry against all Muslims is somehow acceptable and they see anyone reacting to such bigotry and condemning it as being against "free speech' or as pro-terrorists since all Muslims they believe are potential terrorists because in their view Islam is an evil , violent anti-Christian and anti-Jewish religion. Once one starts with such misinformed prejudices it is difficult to get these haters of Islam to see the followers of Islam as being people just like themselves except with a different religious belief and a different religious tradition

 I am all for Free Speech but not Hate Speech especially when the language used is eliminationists in character ie depriving Muslims of the same rights as everyone else , being under constant surveillance , stereotyping all Muslims as being terrorists and enemies of the West and as barbaric which these days is especially rich given the several million Muslims killed over the last two decades and millions more left in abject poverty and millions displaced by the USA, Canada, Britain, Australia and European countries in their ostensibly war on terror which is really about geopolitical strategic wars to get the natural resources oil, gas etc. out of the Middle East and Northern Africa .

 And further more it is ironic that Obama and now the European Union have been given the Nobel Prize for Peace when in fact since 9/11 and Obama's election in 2008 President Obama and the Pentagon and Wall Street thugocracy have only spread and deepened hatred against the West by Muslims ,Arabs, Persians  and others in the Middle East and Northern Africa and Afghanistan and Pakistan who have been targeted by the West, the USA and NATO for pacification and occupation and colonization.

 Meanwhile inside their own borders President Obama and the British government and other European governments have used unnecessary force on even peaceful demonstrators while the governments attempt to adopt policies based upon mean-spirited pro-elitist American style Neoconservative and Neoliberal, anti-democracy, anti-egalitarian ,anti-economic justice policies and laws undermining the great leaps that the EU especially has made over the last four or more decades for social and economic justice .

Published on Oct 21, 2012 by PressTVGlobalNews
The Hajj season is reaching its peak in Saudi Arabia. Although the pilgrims come from different backgrounds, they find themselves united in principles of Islam including the Holy Qur'an and Prophet Mohammad.

 This year, anger against the West has been running high in the Islamic world over a US-made anti-Islam movie and French cartoons that insulted Prophet Mohammad. And it's no surprise to see Muslims who're in Mecca for the Hajj, talk about these sentiments.

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The New York Times reports that president Obama has iniated secret peace talks with Iran which if true this would be a step in the right direction. But the American and Western media and the Republican Party have doubled down over time to push the government into a war . The GOP and Mitt Romney are convinced that Iran is behind most of the terrorists attacks taking place in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and so forth for which there is no or little proof.

The sanctions on Iran are unnecessary and Iran and other nations should have taken these strict draconian sanctions as an act of war against Iran. These sanctions are a violation of International Law since these sanctions are a form of collective punishment on all of the people of Iran.The problem for leaders in the USA is that such hysteria has been stirred up against Iran there is a large portion of Americans and Wsterners including Canadians and the Canadian governemtn who long for a war against Iran.

White House denies secret peace talks with Iran

Published on Oct 22, 2012 by RTAmerica

Over the weekend, The New York Times published an article affirming that the US and Iran will take part in nuclear peace talks after the November presidential election. During the race to the White House, Iran has taken the spotlight when it comes to US foreign policy and many are doubtful that talks will curb Iran's nuclear ambitions. Although the White House has publicly denied the talks, many believe the article wasn't completely inaccurate. Adam Pourahmadi, producer for HuffPost Live, joins us with his take on the recent article and break down what's going on.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

GOP & Religious Right Now Interchangeable View President Obama as Anti-Christian & Having A Radical Agenda

* the evil of the Public School System
* favoring home schooling to protect Christian children from the anti-Christian Secular Humanists
* Reconstructionist Gary North
* Right Wing and GOP : Obama is not an American citizen and is a secret Muslim,a stealth Jihadist, a NAZI , a Socialist , a propagandists for the "Gay agenda " and Obama is anti-christian and a hater of all traditional American values .
* Rightwing author, film maker and pundit D'Souza: Obama Has A "Pathological Hatred For Traditional Christianity"


Above Image from website home for the rightwing anti-public school documentary IndoctriNation.

This clip is a trailer for the anti-public school documentary IndoctriNation.

Indoctrination .com website

And another trailer from rightwing D'Souza's anti-Obama documentary Obama's America 2016 which is just a hit piece to prove that the extreme Rightwing and the GOP are supposedly right to fear four more years of Obama- Glenn Beck and others on the right have been going after Obama in similar ways tossing facts around placing them into their automatic spontaneous Conspiracy theory Mixer since the beginning of the 2008 presidential campaign .

And here's a more recent attack by the Religious Right and the rank and file of the Republican party attacking public schools as an abomination which America's early settlers and its revolutionary Founding Fathers would not have countenance.

Homeschooling Advocate Warns Public Schools are Similar to Hitler Youth by Ariella Rightwing Watch 10/12/2012

Homeschooling advocate Colin Gunn is unrelenting in his attacks on the public school system in his documentary, “IndoctriNation: Public Schools and the Decline of Christianity in America,” which seeks to end the teaching of evolution and eradicate the “sinful” and secular public school system that he says subjects children to the philosophies of gays, progressives, and abortion rights activists.

In an interview with Voice of Christian Youth America’s Vic Eliason on Crosstalk, Gunn asserts that even the school bus is emblematic of the United States’ “totalitarian education system.”

Gunn alleges that public schools are persecuting Christians and compares public school education in the US to Nazi indoctrination through the Hitler Youth. Eliason echoes Gunn’s abhorrence of the public school system. According to Eliason, the teachers in the public school system who do not uphold and instill Christian ideology are performing “mental molestation,” which deserves to be recognized and punished alongside physical molestation.

Gunn: Draw a parallel between Nazi Germany where you have an authoritarian government that took over the whole nation, partially through the youth movement by co-opting all of the youth movement into the Hitler Youth, and therefore indoctrinating them into the class of this unbelief and this idolatry of the state. And so sadly that’s what we’re seeing very much today and we wonder why, why can’t people understand the abortion issue or these other issues that are political—well it’s because they’ve been indoctrinated. And we really can’t fix any political issue until we fix the public school system, controlling the future of America by controlling the hearts and minds of all the children that are sent there.

Gunn: The nature of the public schools is it allows your child to be subject to those philosophies, whether it is gay rights or the progressives or evolution, if you send your child there be aware that he’s open to all of those views which he wouldn’t be if you kept him home or you put him in a private school.

And here's Reconstructionist Gary North in another clip from the documentary "IndoctriNation" explaining that the Bible is the authority on all aspects of life which the "secular Humanists " deny . The secular humanist in the view of the Religious Right deny that the Bible could be the literal inerrant authoritative word of God and according to Reconstructionism what they refer to as "God Law'. The secular humanists are they believe not content with merely ignoring the Bible and Christianity but are in fact using various institutions and realms of influence and power to undermine the beliefs of Christians and remold them into the new members of a Godless Humanists regime .

Right Wing and GOP : Obama is not an American citizen and is a secret Muslim,a stealth Jihadist, a NAZI , a Socialist , and anti-christian and hater of all traditional American values and so is a promoter of the radical feminists and Gay Agenda .

Note these attacks on Obama have been ongoing since long before he became president but they have re-emerged with Obama's bid for re-election which now is only a couple of weeks away. They are not happening in a vacuum but are occurring in the context of the take over of the Republican party by the extreme rightwing, the religious right, the social conservatives and the economic and anti-government conservatives and the super wealthy. It should be noted that the rightwing began their push within the party to have a voice and greater influence but one RonaldReagan came to power they bit by bit began setting out at least part of the GOPs party platform . This pandering to the right came even more into focus with George W. Bush .

So the Religious Right and other extreme groups within the Republican party have turned up the heat and are going for the jugular as they spread lies, misinformation basing absurd conclusions about Obama and liberals and progressives based upon rumors and innuendo .

These lies and misinformation should be challenged but the rightwing media talk radio and Fox News will make sure that anyone questioning these lies and misinformation are quickly rebuffed as being part of the Obama deception and conspiracy to bring about further radical changes in America.

If enough of this sort of trash talk gets out to their base and to those undecided it might tip the voting just enough for Mitt Romney to edge his way in as President Bush did in 2000 with the recount scandal and the Brooks Brothers mob scene. The courts having no real guts or just simply partisan allowed Bush to become president and not al Gore.

D'Souza: Obama Has A "Pathological Hatred For Traditional Christianity"

Published on Oct 18, 2012 by RWWBlog
Dinesh D'Souza says President Obama supports gay marriage and abortion rights becuase he hates Christianity because he associates it with colonialism.

CNN Ends Interview with Bryan Fischer

Published on Oct 16, 2012 by RWWBlog

Carol Costello ends her interview with Bryan Fischer after he makes wild claims about gay involvement in the Nazi movement and the health of homosexuals

And here's the rather short interview of Bryan Fischer at CNN when he starts talking about the Gestapo as being made up primarily of Gays because Gays were more brutal, vicious and sadistic and therefore in Hitler's terms they would get the job done. There is no historical truth to this bit of imaginative what if? revisionist history

Fischer: CNN is 'What the Gay Gestapo Looks Like in Action' by Kyle Mantyla at rightwing ,10/19/2012

To say that Bryan Fischer is furious about his failed appearance on CNN earlier this week where anchor Carol Costello threw him off the program would be a bit of an understatement, as yesterday he went off on an epic rant against the "gay gestapo," saying that Costello's refusal to allow him to spew his bigotry unchallenged on national television is exactly what "the gay gestapo looks like in action."

Fischer made multiple references to the "gay gestapo," proclaiming that "the stormtroopers of the homosexual movement" and "the Nazis in the gay gestapo" will punish anyone who says that "homosexuality is immoral, it is unnatural, and it is unhealthy - that is a simple, straightforward statement of fact" because "it is a crime of blasphemy against the god of gayness":