For more on FAIR see: Rachel Maddow video interviewing Dan Stein
FAIR Federation of Americans for Immigration Reform - designated as a Hate Group by Southern Poverty Law Center and yet American media especially Fox and CNN treats members of FAIR as being impartial organization and think tank.
Neo-Nazi Friends of Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Phoenix Arizona came out to show theit support of Arpaio and the new Arizona Immigration Law- shouldn't one question the law on seeing that neo-Nazi and white supremacist and Nativist support it.
America is far from being post-racial or post-racist- Is America now Racist at its core- Racist slurs epithets and jokes still wide spread in America.
Rachel Maddow exposes the connection between white supremacist and other racist organization such as FAIR:Federadtion of America for Immigration Reform and The Pioneer Fund and William Pearce , Kris Kobach and Russell Pearce & Dan Stein of FAIR and the draconian racist Apartheid Arizona Law on illegal-immigrants.
We must be clear about what this law is intended to do to create a state of fear ,apprehension, anxiety on the part not just illegal-immigrants but also on the part of non-white or Hispanic accented legal immigrants and guest workers in the hope of cleansing Arizona of what its government believes is "browning " of Arizona . The motivations of these individuals and groups is racist since they fear Arizona and the United States is being taken over by non-whites and it is according to them at a crisis stage and must be stopped before it is too late.
042610 Maddow on Immigration.m4v
April 28, 2010 — Rachel Maddow exposes how the immigration law recently passed in Arizona was sponsored by a white supremacist and supported by white supremacist groups.
and from a year ago Stephen Lemons at Feathered Bastard was already warning that the Arizona legislature and the governor and Sheriff Joe Arpaio were working towards driving out not just illegal immigrants but also legal immigrants and or citizens of the United States who did not fit their view of the traditional American.
Feathered Bastard
Arizona's Apartheid: Anti-Immigrant Legislation Advances in Arizona State Senate By Stephen Lemons, Friday, Jun. 12 2009
The process of ethnic cleansing in Arizona is a step closer to fulfillment today thanks to neo-Nazi-hugger and state Senator Russell Pearce and his allies. Pearce's Senate Bill 1175, which passed the Committee of the Whole and is likely headed for its third and final read on Monday, will force law personnel in all cities, towns and counties in the state to enforce federal immigration law, inquire after an arrestee's immigration status, and turn undocumented persons over to the feds if local charges are dropped.
Even more insidiously, the bill makes it "unlawful for a non-U.S. citizen to enter into or be on any public or private land if the person is in violation of federal immigration law."
Essentially, the bill criminalizes an entire class of persons, and will de facto make everyone with brown skin suspect. Hispanics are already second-class citizens in this state. This bill will codify that fact, and make the parallels between South Africa under apartheid and modern-day Arizona even more blatant.
Author James Carroll Commenting on James Von Brunn's act of Domestic Terrorism & Hate Crime at The Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC. & the roots of racism.
From his article:More than mere lunacy James Carroll The Boston Globe June 22,2009
"...For all of Hitler’s neo-paganism, the Holocaust did not spontaneously spring up out of the Teutonic forest. The District of Columbia may have been carved out of the heart of tidewater slave-holding, but that crime had roots beyond the American South. Indeed, what von Brunn’s act dramatizes is that race hatred in Western culture is elliptical, and has two foci: anti-Semitism and white supremacy. In ways that are rarely understood, the former generated the latter, which then curled back as anti-Jewish genocide. Aggression of one group toward others is built into the human condition, but we are speaking of something more deadly than that - an effervescent lethality that is peculiar to the culture that comes from Europe.
What we call “racism’’ can be traced to the 15th-century Iberian idea of “blood impurity,’’ a biological fault that set Jews apart from Christians. Jewish unworthiness was no longer in their religion, but in their physical makeup - an inherited inferiority. That idea combined at about the same time (1492 a marker) with assumptions of innate European superiority over the “savages’’ encountered in first-wave colonialism. The new European imperialism (unlike, say, the imperialism of ancient Rome) depended on the ideology of absolute ranking by race."
and from Frank Shaeffer who helped create the Religious Right movement in America is concerned that many Americans do not see the danger presented by these religious radicals to America's supposedly traditional values. Schaeffer characterizes them as fanatical in their views as the Islamic Taliban. Yes they are minority but they are a well organized political machine . They are an outspoken powerful group who's number of hardcore believers is estimated somewhere between 25-30 million Americans who are working out in the open or stealthily to make America into a pure Christian nation. He believes at the core of this movement are UnAmerican beliefs since they are anti-democratic , anti-diversity, anti-multiculturalism and Nativistic dislike and distrust of non-traditional white Christian Americans.
Quote from : "The Real Lesson Of Iran -- Beware America's Republican Mullahs" Frank Schaeffer at Huffington Post, June 20,2009
The Religious Right has been awash in anti-democratic (even anti-American) religious ideologues for the better part of 40 years. For instance I knew the founders of the so-called dominionist or "reconstruction" wing of our movement personally, people like the late Reverend Rousas John Rushdoony the father of "Christian Reconstructionism" and the modern Christian home school movement.
Rushdoony ... believed that interracial marriage, which he referred to as "unequal yoking", should be made illegal. He also opposed "enforced integration", referred to Southern slavery as "benevolent", and said that "some people are by nature slaves". Rushdoony was also a Holocaust denier. And yet his home school materials are a mainstay of the evangelical home school movement to this day!
Many evangelical leaders deny holding Reconstructionist beliefs but Beverly and Tim LaHaye (of Concerned Women for America and the "Left Behind" novels that glorify religious violence), Donald Wildmon (American Family Association) and the late D. James Kennedy (Coral Ridge Ministries) -- served alongside Rushdoony on the secretive Coalition for Revival, a group formed in 1981 to "reclaim America for Christ." I went to the early meetings. I first met Tim LaHaye at one such meeting. And what Dobson, Falwell et al were pushing, and what the "tea parties" and Fox News are all about today, is one or another version of the Rushdoony/theocracy version of the Iranian mullahs American-style.
Furor Grows Over Arizona's New Immigration Law
April 26, 2010 AP
The response to the Arizona immigration law gets the response we would expect from the Talking Heads at Fox News which represents the views and ideology of the Uberconservative Tea partying GOP and their racist base. They talk about this issue in their bloodless style as if this were merely a debate in a philosophy or political science university seminar ignoring the fact that such a law may bring hardship to legal immigrants and American citizens who are not white or who speak with a "Non-traditional American accents whatever the hell that means, Will the governor of Arizona hire linguistic experts to train their police ???
Fox News and the Arizona Immigration Law from MediaMatters4America
April 26, 2010
Blowback from Arizona draconian Apartheid Style Anti-immigrant law written by known racist and Hate Groups-william Pearce, Dan Stein, Kris Kobach with moral support by racist Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
Students Withdraw From Arizona Universities In Reaction To Immigration Law by Leah Finnegan, Huffington Post April 30, 2010
In a letter to the school, University of Arizona President Robert Shelton said the college is feeling the effects of the state's new immigration law -- by losing students.He wrote:We have already begun to feel an impact from SB1070. The families of a number of out-of-state students (to date all of them honors students) have told us that they are changing their plans and will be sending their children to universities in other states. This should sadden anyone who cares about attracting the best and brightest students to Arizona.
Additionally, large numbers of UA students, faculty, staff and appointed professionals have expressed concerns that they or members of their families or their friends may now be subject to unwarranted detainment by police. Many of these individuals are from families that have been residents of Arizona for generations. While I am completely confident that no one need fear the way that UAPD will approach the application of this law, I nevertheless appreciate the anxiety that friends and colleagues are feeling. It is a concern and fear that no one should have to harbor.
An Arizona State University spokesman told Inside Higher Ed that the school has gotten "several phone calls of applicants saying they won't come now."
And according to the Chronicle of Higher Education, Maricopa Community College Chancellor Rufus Glasper thinks the new law will inhibit some students from enrolling in college in the first place:
"...The many Latino citizens and lawful immigrants who attend college now face the offensive and discriminatory prospect of incessant demands to show their documents," he said. "We can expect that some will find this prospect discouraging and will discontinue their pursuit of education and training as well."
So its not just illegal-immigrants that the legislature and Governor of Arizona are targeting in their Apartheid immigration law they also want to somehow purify the English language as it is spoken in Arizona . This part of the law unveils that it really is about discriminating against Non-white English speaking Americans.
So university professors and school teachers who are reported to the Language Police & The Ministry of Truth as having a non-traditional American English accent will be made to take English language classes to rid them of their UnAmerican accent or be fired or if possible transferred or incarcerated or deported. Will they set up detention camps- or set up special areas where these non-traditional Americans will be forced to live in as in the Jewish Ghettos of Europe ( from the tenth century til the end of WWII).
On a personal note since Iam a Canadian eh so would the police incarcerate my self or members of my family or any other Canadian because of our hideous accent- will those Canadians living in America be publicly ridiculed harassed or even incarcerated or deported or sent to a state where speaking like a Canadian is not a crime. They make jokes about Canadians in American sitcoms all the time -will the police go into any other ethnic community such as Italians or Greeks or Eastern Europeans or newly arrived Welsh or Scots or Irish who may still have a wee bit of an accent???
The architects of this law are following the long American tradition in their hatred of immigrants. Just go back to the 19th century when the Irish and Eastern Europeans or even Italians and Greeks were discriminated against. But for some reason even those descendants of these later settlers have forgotten how they had to struggle to be accepted . But it should be noted that they were disliked and distrusted based upon erroneous stereotypes. The Irish, Italian, eastern European Americans should be demanding that such a law must be stricken down. I thought Americans were proud that their country was a country of immigrants . From now on they should think before they speak and hopefully not in the wrong sort of accent.
Arizona Expands Its Discrimination: Teachers With Heavy Accents Can’t Teach English, Ethnic Studies Are Banned by Amanda Terkel, via Think Progress April 30, 2010
Arizona’s supporters of the state’s draconian new immigration law insist that it has nothing to do with race and isn’t meant to discriminate against certain ethnic communities. Their claims are undermined, however, by what else the state government is trying to do to target recent immigrants.
Today, the Wall Street Journal reports that the Arizona Department of Education “recently began telling school districts that teachers whose spoken English it deems to be heavily accented or ungrammatical must be removed from classes for students still learning English”:
State education officials say the move is intended to ensure that students with limited English have teachers who speak the language flawlessly. But some school principals and administrators say the department is imposing arbitrary fluency standards that could undermine students by thinning the ranks of experienced educators. [...]
“This is just one more indication of the incredible anti-immigrant sentiment in the state,” said Bruce Merrill, a professor emeritus at Arizona State University who conducts public-opinion research.
But many schools in the state still have a significant number of teachers who are native Spanish speakers. At one school, state auditors complained that teachers pronounced “words such as violet as ‘biolet,’ think as ‘tink’ and swallow the ending sounds of words, as they sometimes do in Spanish.” The principal at that school acknowledged that teachers “should speak grammatically correct English” but said they shouldn’t be punished for having an accent.
Teachers that aren’t up to par “may take classes or other steps to improve their English,” and if they still aren’t fluent enough for the state, they will be fired or reassigned.
also see; Arizona Ethnic Studies Classes Banned, Teachers With Accents Can No Longer Teach English" at Huffington Post April 30, 2010
Anyway just wondering if there will be restrictions on teachers talking to students or faculty in any language other than American Arizona style English. What about the school bus drivers maintenance workers Janitors -oh yes what about doctors nurses, ambulance attendants government spokespersons clerks & receptionists who are in contact with the public- will they next ban any sign not in English- what about Muslims using Arabic in a mosque or for the call to prayer or when praying in some public space-
We shouldn't be surprised Glenn Beck, Lou Dobbs, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh & Fox News'uberconservative Tea Partying GOP take conniption fits when they see a sign in English and in Spanish or some other language. They see this as an insult to Traditional America and to them personally. They see it as symbolic of being UnAmerican and anti-America.
Feathered Bastard
Joe Arpaio's Neo-Nazi Supporters Surface for Bill Montgomery Event, and Phoenix Police Chief Jack Harris Slams SB 1070
By Stephen Lemons, Apr. 30 2010
...there's strong speculation that Sheriff Joe Arpaio will announce his run for Arizona Governor on Monday. Personally, I hope he does run. He'll have to resign to do so, and the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors will get to appoint a replacement.
That means we'll get a new sheriff almost immediately, and Arpaio's sweeps of the Hispanic community will end. Also, whatever incriminating documents that haven't been shredded over at MCSO headquarters may be opened up to the feds by Joe's successor.
And the feds, I hear, are looking to indict Joe and his henchmen, such as Chief Deputy David Hendershott through a federal grand jury now probing Arpaio's regime for corruption and abuse of power. The opening up of his files, or what's left of them, and unfettered access to the MCSO in general would be a boon to, say, the FBI.
and as to Arpaio friends :
Some of Joe's neo-Nazi supporters showed up today to back Republican Bill Montgomery, Joe's pick for Maricopa County Attorney. Among the swastika-lickers present in full National Socialist Movement combat gear was none other than the Ernst Rohm of the East Valley, J.T. Ready.
The Republic reported that Ready said he and his fellow SS-wannabees were present to "support Sheriff Joe's candidate for County Attorney.
Montgomery turned his nose up at this show of Nazi love. ... Ready, who formerly was great pals with Arizona's number one bigot Russell Pearce, has been supportive of the sheriff in the past, and was present at a counter-demonstration to a huge pro-immigration march opposing the sheriff last year.
and from a year ago Stephen Lemons at Feathered Bastard was already warning that the Arizona legislature and the governor and Sheriff Joe Arpaio were working towards driving out not just illegal immigrants but also legal immigrants and or citizens of the United States who did not fit their view of the traditional American.
Feathered Bastard
Arizona's Apartheid: Anti-Immigrant Legislation Advances in Arizona State Senate By Stephen Lemons, Friday, Jun. 12 2009
The process of ethnic cleansing in Arizona is a step closer to fulfillment today thanks to neo-Nazi-hugger and state Senator Russell Pearce and his allies. Pearce's Senate Bill 1175, which passed the Committee of the Whole and is likely headed for its third and final read on Monday, will force law personnel in all cities, towns and counties in the state to enforce federal immigration law, inquire after an arrestee's immigration status, and turn undocumented persons over to the feds if local charges are dropped.
Even more insidiously, the bill makes it "unlawful for a non-U.S. citizen to enter into or be on any public or private land if the person is in violation of federal immigration law."
Essentially, the bill criminalizes an entire class of persons, and will de facto make everyone with brown skin suspect. Hispanics are already second-class citizens in this state. This bill will codify that fact, and make the parallels between South Africa under apartheid and modern-day Arizona even more blatant.
Another worrisome piece of lawmaking comes in the form of SB 1280, which makes it a felony to "conceal, harbor or shield from detection in any place an illegal alien." (Republican state Senator Jonathan Paton was the prime sponsor of this bill.) If SB 1280 gives you creepy flashbacks to the first time you read Anne Frank's diary, you're not the only one. (The analogy is admittedly inexact, but alas, unavoidable.) SB 1280 also passed COW, and is expected to go to its third read Monday.
For both bills, there was precious little in the way of debate or discussion. State Senator Leah Landrum Taylor had a question for Pearce on the jurisdictional problems inherent with SB 1175, and Minority Leader Jorge Garcia offered a floor amendment to hold employers accountable under criminal law, but it was summarily voted down.
As to why the Dems were not more vocal in opposition to these two bills, Senator Garcia indicated that in the case of Pearce's 1175, there had been more opposition last year. But this year, with a new political reality and a new Governor, fewer members were passionate about the issues involved.
"When you don't have the votes to stop it," said Garcia, "there's nothing you can do."
Garcia said that the bills were essentially giving "Myself and my granddaughter more reasons to hate Republicans." He expressed little hope that they could be stopped from becoming law.
and so it goes,
END NOTES: A variety Flavors of Racism & Bigotry Anti-immigrant, Nativist, White Supremacists , Americans First, Islamophobes
Gord's Poetry Factory:
June 24, 2009 Shawna Forde: Domestic Terrorism ,Murder, Minutemen, Tea Parties, Racism & Immigrants
Gord's Poetry Factory:June 26, 2009 Racist Jared Taylor & His New Century Foundation & The American Renaissance Spreading the Hate
Gord's Poetry Factory: November 01, 2009 "English Only" Nativists and Racists & the" Immigration Conspiracy"
Gord's Poetry Factory: November 11, 2009 Pam Geller (Atlas Shrugs ) :Republicans,Racists,Holocaust Deniers And Neo-Nazis
Gord's Poetry Factory: November 13, 2009
Pam Geller ,Robert Spencer In A Panic "Global Jihad Coming To Get Us
Gord's Poetry Factory:November 15, 2009
David Horowitz Islamophobia US Leftists & Liberals Conspiring With Extremist Muslims ????
Gord's Poetry Factory:November 29, 2009 Lou Dobbs Flip Flopping on His Hatred of Illegal Immigration etc. eyeing a seat in the Senate & a run at the Presidency
"Lou Dobbs is almost single-handedly responsible for creating, for being the architect of the young-Latino-as-scapegoat for everything that ails this country," Geraldo Rivera .
"The truth is, Dobbs has done as much as anyone to poison the immigration debate by repeatedly reporting false information about immigrants.
The most outrageous statement was his claim that immigrants were responsible for bringing thousands of new cases of leprosy to the United States during a recent three-year period. He also lent legitimacy to conspiracy theories, such as the claim that undocumented immigrants are part of a plot to reconquer the American Southwest. Most recently, he gave credence to the utterly baseless idea that President Obama is not a native-born American citizen."
by SPLC President Richard Cohen
Gord's Poetry Factory: December 01, 2009
Smear Merchant Jerome Corsi and WorldNetDaily (WND) And The Republican Base
Gord's Poetry Factory:December 02, 2009
Jerome Corsi Conspiracy Theorist & "Fellow Travelers" Accuse Obama of being a"Globalist', a Communist, a "Secret Muslim" and Not an American Citizen
Gord's Poetry Factory: December 04, 2009 Anti-Muslim Andrew Bostom & Enoch Powell's " Rivers of Blood " Christianity & Islam Religions Of Intolerance & War
Gord's Poetry Factory:December 06, 2009 Enoch Powell, William Pierce Nick Griffin BNP to Geert Wilders American Anti-Muslim Racists
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