Well so much for the Christmas Spirit. "They're at it again" ( Mary Poppins)
Preaching Hate for Christmas- Only America is Holy all other nations are damned.
First here's that Christian Christmas Spirit at work as they ask forgiveness from God for allowing the "Evil One" (Obama)to become president. Obama's policies they claim are anti-God - ie Healthcare Reform is typical of the policies they believe of Godless nations such as Canada, great Britain, France , Denmark- Their God they claim is the God who hates the poor or the disadvantaged and only helps those who are white and successful.
Shirley Dobson(Focus on the Family-Rocking Lou Engle,(he never stops rocking) Michele Bachman etc.
Rep. Michele Bachmann and Lou Engle of The Call participate in the Family Research Council's anti-healthcare reform "prayercast."
And in another example of Hate Speech Islamophobe Mark Steyn calls for a"culling" of Europe's Muslim population. Civil war or ethnic cleansing ?
The Serbs figured that out--as other Continentals will in the years ahead: If you can’t outbreed the enemy, cull ‘em. The problem that Europe faces is that Bosnia’s demographic profile is now the model for the entire continent.Mark Steyn (Islamophobe)
Faux Islamic scholars/ Propagandists drawn to various "conspiracy theories" about Islam.
Any suspected critic of Islam will hysterically be called an "Islamophobe," "racist" or "Zionist," and will be subjected to vicious vitriol and absolute, sheer hatred. This development will represent something straight out of the Muslim Brotherhood agenda--a rabid brainwashing sweeping across Europe in particular.Acharya SD.M.
and at Smearcasting.com on the Faux Islamic Scholar Robert Spencer
By selectively ignoring inconvenient Islamic texts and commentaries, Spencer concludes that "Islam is innately extremist and violent, and,Unfortunately, however, jihad as warfare against non-believers in order to institute “Sharia” worldwide is not propaganda or ignorance, or a heretical doctrine held by a tiny minority of extremists. Instead, it is a constant element of mainstream Islamic theology."From Smearcasting.com
On Daniel Pipes:
Daniel Pipes The founder of the Middle East Forum think tank, Pipes has been introduced by the national media as a “scholar” of Islam (e.g., CBS Sunday Morning, 9/10/06; Fox News Special Report, 11/26/02) and a “noted Middle East expert” (CNN Moneyline, 5/8/03) who was “years ahead of the curve in identifying the threat of radical Islam” (CBS Sunday Morning, 9/10/06).
...“expertise” has included erroneously linking the Oklahoma City bombing to Islamic groups (USA Today, 4/20/95), as well as warning (National Review, 11/19/90): “Western European societies are unprepared for the massive immigration of brown-skinned peoples cooking strange foods and maintaining different standards of hygiene.... All immigrants bring exotic customs and attitudes,but Muslim customs are more troublesome than most.”
David Horrowitz proclaims American Muslims are a Fifth Column who must be dealt with?
"The point here is that there are 150 Muslim students’ associations, which are coddled by university administrations and treated as though they were ethnic or religious groups,when they are political groups that are arms of the Muslim Brotherhood, which is the fountainhead of the terrorist jihad against the West."From smearcasting.com/
No doubt the students are part of the “between 150 million and 750 million Muslims” Horowitz claims “support a holy war against Christians, Jews and other Muslims” (Columbia Spectator, 10/15/07).
To the alarmists who believe that a "Stealth Jihad" is taking place notions such as multiculturalism, tolerance, compassion, forgiveness, turning the other cheek are dangerous self-defeating ideas promoted by Jihadists to soften the West up for the eventual take over by Islam and Sharia law.Once a group creates such an all encompassing "Conspiracy Theory" there is little hope for sincere debate or dialogue. Their "certainty" short circuits any attempt at rational debate.
They characterize any critics or those who defend Islam or at least claim Islam is just as much a force for "Good " or "Evil" as is Judaism or Christianity or any other religion. There are those members in each religion who use the language of religion as a cloak for their own personal views ,prejudices or agenda.
But aren't they themselves also guilty of labeling and making unjustifiable assumptions about their critics. They assume for instance that their critics are actually anti-Israel and therefore anti-Semitic or are mentally ill or favor Islam over Christianity and Judaism.
So anyway here is another great website at Smearcasting.com dealing with Islamophobia .
Definition of Islamophobia found at website Smearcasting.com exposing Islamophopes.
The term "Islamophobia" refers to hostility toward Islam and Muslims that tends to dehumanize an entire faith, portraying it as fundamentally alien and attributing to it an inherent, essential set of negative traits such as irrationality, intolerance and violence. And not unlike the charges made in the classical document of anti-Semitism, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, some of Islamophobia's more virulent expressions--like While Europe Slept--include evocations of Islamic designs to dominate the West.
'Death to Islamophobes!'by Acharya SD.M.,11/23/2009 at faithfreedom.org
Labeling someone with the invective of "Islamophobe" represents the result of a serious mental illness that causes those who think they are morally superior to turn into violent haters of their fellow human beings, who may understandably be objecting to the atrocity of Islamic history and the obvious Ummah goal of Islamizing the entire planet, bringing with it the extreme anti-human and woman-hatred of Islamic doctrine these past 1,400 years.
Practically all critics of Islam are smeared--tarred and feathered is more like it--with the epithets of "Islamophobe," "racist" and "Zionists," a tactic apparently contrived by the Muslim Brotherhood and Saudi wealthy elite, among others. This plot of stealth jihad has obviously worked, as thousands of dhimmis programmed by lefty liberal media are making the rounds, spewing out this anti-infidel hate speech like so many trained robots. These programmed individuals are holding up human progress--and are potentially complicit in the possible destruction of true human civilization. They need to be shaken out of their denial stupor.
It is blatantly obvious that these PC propagandists do not care about the human rights of people objecting to their countries being turned into hellholes like much of the Islamic world. They are only concerned with coddling Muslim fanatics who would just as soon see them turned into slaves.
While the author Archaya in this article decries being labeled an Islamophobe or a bigot;he argues that those who attack him are suffering from mental illness( Didn't the Soviets identify dissidents as mentally ill) Only someone who is mentally ill could possibly see any worth in the religion of Islam. If it were Buddhist or Hindu countries the West was fighting these characters would be preaching against those religions because they are not indigenous to the West. His other explanations for being criticized is that his critics are sycophantic "Dhimmis" who have as it were sold out Western Civilization or these critics are working as a Fifth Column for the Muslim Brotherhood. So all such critics therefore he believes should be ignored because they are either mentally ill or are all on the side of Islam for whatever reasons.So he and his "Fellow travelers" therefore need not seriously reply to these critics. These critics are just part of the over-arching Jihadists conspiracy against Western Civilization and its Judeo-Christian traditions and values.
So anyway here are a few exaples from the website smearcasting.com at( FAIR-Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting)
The Dirty Dozen: Who's who among America's leading Islamophobes
Bigots aren't born, and hate doesn't spring up on its own; as the song says, "You've got to be carefully taught." The following list includes some of the media's leading teachers of anti-Muslim bigotry, serving various roles in the Islamophobic movement. Some write the books that serve as intellectual fodder, others serve as promoters, others play the roles of provocateurs and rabble-rousers. Some ply their bigotry in the media's mainstream, others in the Internet's tributaries, while still others work talk radio's backwaters. Together with uncounted smaller players, they form a network that teaches Americans to see Islam in fearful terms and their Muslim neighbors as suspects.
"Making Islamophobia Mainstream
How Muslim-bashers broadcast their bigotry"
& PDF file of Report 2008 "Smearcasting:How Islamophobes spread fear, bigotry and misinformation" By FAIR October 2008 report at Smearcasting.com/ F.A.I.R.
(Researched and written by Steve Rendall, Isabel Macdonald, Veronica Cassidy and Dina Marguerite Jacir Edited by Julie Hollar and Jim Naureckas)
A remarkable thing happened at the National Book Critics Circle (NBCC) nominations in February 2007: The normally highbrow and tolerant group nominated for best book in the field of criticism a book widely viewed as denigrating an entire religious group.
The nomination of Bruce Bawer's While Europe Slept: How Radical Islam Is Destroying the West From Within didn't pass without controversy. Past nominee Eliot Weinberger denounced the book at the NBCC's annual gathering, calling it ''racism as criticism'' (New York Times, 2/8/07). NBCC board president John Freeman wrote on the group's blog (Critical Mass, 2/4/07): ''I have never been more embarrassed by a choice than I have been with Bruce Bawer's While Europe Slept.... Its hyperventilated rhetoric tips from actual critique into Islamophobia.''
Though it didn't ultimately win the award, While Europe Slept's recognition in the highest literary circles was emblematic of a mainstreaming of Islamophobia, not just in American publishing but in the broader media.
This report takes a fresh look at Islamophobia in today's media and its perpetrators, outlining some of the behind-the-scenes connections that are rarely explored in media. The report also provides four snapshots or "case studies" describing how Islamophobes continue to manipulate media in order to paint Muslims with a broad, hateful brush. Our aim is to document smearcasting: the public writings and appearances of Islamophobic activists and pundits who intentionally and regularly spread fear, bigotry and misinformation.
The term "Islamophobia" refers to hostility toward Islam and Muslims that tends to dehumanize an entire faith, portraying it as fundamentally alien and attributing to it an inherent, essential set of negative traits such as irrationality, intolerance and violence. And not unlike the charges made in the classical document of anti-Semitism, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, some of Islamophobia's more virulent expressions--like While Europe Slept--include evocations of Islamic designs to dominate the West.
Islamic institutions and Muslims, of course, should be subject to the same kind of scrutiny and criticism as anyone else. For instance, when a Norwegian Islamic Council debates whether gay men and lesbians should be executed, one may forcefully condemn individuals or groups sharing that opinion without pulling all European Muslims into it, as did Bawer's Pajamas Media post (8/7/08), "European Muslims Debate: Should Gays Be Executed?"
Similarly, extremists who justify their violent actions by invoking some particular interpretation of Islam can be criticized without implicating the enormously diverse population of Muslims around the world. After all, reporters managed to cover the Oklahoma City bombing by Timothy McVeigh--an adherent of the racist Christian Identity sect--without resorting to generalized statements about "Christian terrorism." Likewise, media have covered acts of terrorism by fanatics who are Jewish--for instance the Hebron massacre carried out by Baruch Goldstein (Extra!, 5/6/94)--without implicating the entirety of Judaism.
In works such as Orientalism and Covering Islam, cultural analyst Edward Said criticized an ideology that he argued treated peoples of the Middle East and Asia, particularly Muslims, as the “other”--inherently different from and inferior to the people of “the West.” It’s not hard to find support for his
thesis in U.S. establishment journalism.
The Dirty Dozen: Who’s Who Among America’s Leading Islamophobes
David Horowitz
Robert Spencer
Daniel Pipes
Michael Savage
Pat Robertson
Sean Hannity
Bill O’Reilly
Mark Steyn
Steve Emerson
Michelle Malkin
Glenn Beck
Debbie Schlussel
(we can add to this list Pam Geller & most of the Republican Party , the Radical Religious Right including Evangelical Fundamentalis, Pentecostals, Mormons LDS: Latter Day Saints and conservative Catholics and jews Andrew Bostom, Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham,Wafa Sultan,Pastor John Hagee, Brigitte Gabriel GORD.)
For instance the site" smearcasting.com" provides a snapshot of how each of these Islamphobes operates. So here are portraits of three of the Faux Islamic Scholars who are propagandists putting a scholarly veneer on anti-Islamic bigotry. But their research and conclusions as such are not impartial but is slanted against Islam . These pseudo-scholars begin with their prejudices and then make their findings fit into their prejudices.
David Horowitz
David Horowitz is the Islamophobia movement’s premier promoter. Through his “Islamofascism Awareness Week” (see Islamofascism Case Study), which brought leading Muslim-bashers to more than a hundred college campuses in October 2007, and via his website, FrontPage Magazine, which features the movement’s leading writers and links to other anti-Muslim sites, Horowitz has made himself the chief publicist of the Islamophobic movement. (Anti-Muslim and anti-Arab writings at Horowitz’s FrontPage Magazine have been exposed for inaccuracy by, among other outlets, the New
Yorker magazine--4/14/08.)
But more than a promoter, Horowitz is also a key participant. He appears in his own venues as well as in other right-wing arenas, such as the Washington Times, the Weekly Standard and Fox News Channel. In one Fox appearance (5/9/08), he linked Muslim student associations on college campuses across the
U.S. to the “terrorist Jihad against the West”:
"The point here is that there are 150 Muslim students’ associations, which are coddled by university administrations and treated as though they were ethnic or religious groups,when they are political groups that are arms of the Muslim Brotherhood, which is the fountainhead of the terrorist jihad against the West."
No doubt the students are part of the “between 150 million and 750 million Muslims” Horowitz claims “support a holy war against Christians, Jews and other Muslims” (Columbia Spectator, 10/15/07).
During a speech at the University of California at Santa Barbara, Horowitz accused students wearing green in support of the schools’ Muslim Student Association of supporting Hamas, and students wearing Arab Keffiyehs of honoring Yassir Arafat and terrorism (Santa Barbara Independent,5/15/08).
Robert Spencer
According to American Muslim and former Nixon advisor Robert Crane (The Politics of Islam(ism):Decolonising the Postcolonial, 11/10-11/07), Robert Spencer is “the principal leader… in the new academic field of Islam-bashing.”
Spencer is the author of several books attacking Islam, including the New York Times bestsellers The Truth About Muhammad, Founder of the World’s Most Intolerant Religion (Regnery, 2006) and The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) (Regnery, 2005). He is the publisher of the “notoriously Islamophobic website” Jihad Watch (Guardian, 2/7/06), a subsidiary of the David
Horowitz Freedom Center; a columnist for right-wing outlets like Human Events and
WorldNetDaily; and a recurring guest on Glenn Beck’s CNN Headline News show, as well as several Fox News shows.
Though his scholarship has been questioned by Islamic scholars (e.g. Crane, AmericanMuslim.com,10/20/07; Louay M. Safi, Media Monitors Network, 12/29/05; Khalil Mohammed, FrontPage Magazine, 4/18/05), Spencer serves as an intellectual force in the movement, specializing in one-sided interpretations of the Quran. He has written (cited in Crane, MuslimAmerican.com, 10/20/07) of Osama bin Laden’s use of quotes from the Quran: "Of course, the devil can quote scripture for his own purpose, but Osama’s use of these and other passages in his messages is consistent (as we shall see) with traditional understanding of the Quran. When modern-day Jews and Christians read their Bibles,they simply don’t interpret the passages cited as exhorting them to violent actions against unbelievers. This is due to the influence of centuries of interpretative traditions that have moved them away from literalism regarding these passages. But in Islam, there is no comparable interpretative tradition."
Yet Islam does in fact have an interpretive tradition, which Spencer seems bent on ignoring. His New York Times bestseller The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam has been faulted (Crane,AmericanMuslim.com, 10/20/07) for promoting a Puffin English-language version of the Quran that contains no explanatory commentary as superior to versions which include “many thousands of footnotes evaluating 14 centuries of interpretative tradition” and “the wealth of classical Islamic scholarship on both the inner and outer meaning of the Quran and on the hadith that reflect this wisdom.”
According to Crane, “Spencer’s readers are carefully steered away from all contact with the Islamic interpretative tradition, which equals or exceeds that of any other religion, because any scholarly knowledge about Islam would expose all his extremist interpretations to ridicule.”
By selectively ignoring inconvenient Islamic texts and commentaries, Spencer concludes that "Islam is innately extremist and violent, and,Unfortunately, however, jihad as warfare against non-believers in order to institute “Sharia” worldwide is not propaganda or ignorance, or a heretical doctrine held by a tiny minority of extremists. Instead, it is a constant element of mainstream Islamic theology."(Jihad Watch, 3/3/07).
Of course, a similarly selective reading of the Torah might lead one to conclude that Jews favor killing homosexuals, as well as those who wear garments that mix cotton and wool. Spencer’s methods have prompted even conservatives such as Dinesh D’Souza (who challenged his views on Islam in a CSPAN debate, 3/1/07, and on his blog, AOL News Bloggers, 3/2/07) and Stephen Schwartz (FrontPageMag.com, 10/28/04) to denounce him as one-sided and intolerant.
But those methods have made Spencer a mainstay in the Islamophobia circuit, featured, for example, at Horowitz’s 2007 Islamofascism Awareness events. And they haven’t decreased his popularity in official circles: His website boasts that he has led seminars on Islam and jihad for, among others, the U.S. Central Command, the Department of Homeland Security, the Joint Terrorism Task Force and “the U.S. intelligence community.”
Daniel Pipes
Daniel Pipes The founder of the Middle East Forum think tank, Pipes has been introduced by the national media as a “scholar” of Islam (e.g., CBS Sunday Morning, 9/10/06; Fox News Special Report, 11/26/02) and a “noted Middle East expert” (CNN Moneyline, 5/8/03) who was “years ahead of the curve in identifying the threat of radical Islam” (CBS Sunday Morning, 9/10/06).
However, Pipes’ “expertise” has included erroneously linking the Oklahoma City bombing to Islamic groups (USA Today, 4/20/95), as well as warning (National Review, 11/19/90): “Western European societies are unprepared for the massive immigration of brown-skinned peoples cooking strange foods and maintaining different standards of hygiene.... All immigrants bring exotic customs and attitudes,
but Muslim customs are more troublesome than most.”
A defender of racial profiling of Arab-Americans (CNN American Morning, 11/18/02), Pipes has also warned (American Jewish Congress, 10/21/01) that “the presence, and increased stature, and affluence, and enfranchisement of American Muslims” entail “true dangers” for American Jews. As one of the leaders of the “Stop the Madrassa” campaign against a secular Brooklyn-based Arabic language school, he himself has admitted (New York Times.com, 4/28/2008) to misleading the public by using the word “madrassa” to get attention.
His columns are featured in the New York Sun, New York Post and National Review, and have also been published in the New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, USA Today and Time. Pipes has been interviewed on CNN, MSNBC and PBS, as well as on NPR. A Bush-appointed director of the U.S. Institute of Peace (2003-05), he has a growing reach on college campuses through his Campus Watch initiative, which encourages students in McCarthyite fashion to monitor their professors’ political views and report deviations from the conservative ideology Pipes espouses.
and so it goes,
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