Sunday, December 19, 2021

Biden's Support PLUMMETS (: Dems would rather lose than pass Progressive Policies )

Gordon Coombes 1 second ago 

And when the Dems lose seats in the midterm the DNC , Biden , Kamala Harris and Hillary and James Carville will blame it on Progressives . DNC elite think the problem is not the GOP or Manchin or the White Nationalists and the crazy Christian Nationalists but rather :those demanding protection of voting rights or wanting better gun control or police reform or ending Mass Incarceration ( invented by the Clintons) or not backing Medicare For All or cancelling student loan debt or raise minimum wage or free preschool for all or even extended parental leave. Unfortunately the financially secure aging Boomers in the USA think all these polices are Commie policies and are according to their BOGUS " RUSSIAN CONSPIRACY Theory " ( an invention of the Hillary campaign and the Mainstream Media ) being promoted by Putin's millions of paid stooges in the USA including Bernie Sanders and thousands of his supporters. The STORM is coming and the DNC only cares about defending the rich and the Billionaires and maintaining Charter schools , private prisons , giving even more money to Pharmaceutical companies and pumping up the Military Industrial Complex. And Yet Hillary and Pelosi think DEMS need to give up on their liberal or progressive policies and just accept a few scraps from the elites wasteful over abundant Feast.

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