Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Biden’s Border Patrol Caught Using Whips On Haitian Asylum Seekers


Gord's Rant in response to violence at the US border against Mexicans and Haitians  
 This is a witches' stew of hatred, fear , Xenophobia , racism , American Exceptionalism and  White Nationalism and the Biden administrations failure or its unspoken policy deporting asylum seekers indiscriminately by any means necessary in violation of International Law and Human Decency though these days human decency , compassion , empathy or doing the right thing is considered weakness . 

One of my interests is distinguishing between national myths and historical myths . These are stories people tell sometimes even scholars lend weight to baseless myths being passed off as history . One of the major persistent and pernicious American myths is that of "The Battle Of The Alamo " So studying the Alamo one needs to gain the context . The context includes American and Mexican history and of Slavery . 

There is in American history some two centuries or more of violence along the southern border against Mexican and later immigrants and asylum seekers . The tensions rose around the time that Mexico abolished slavery and granted all of its citizens no matter color / race equality and freedom in its new enlightened constitution that put into practice and policy those ideals the US talked about but failed to realize. The US constitution was based more upon property rights than the rights of all persons inhabiting the 13 colonies. The Americans fought at The Alamo in what became Texas because the Mexican government insisted the Americans in the Mexican territory give up their slaves . So once we get past the Myth of the Alamo and come to grips with the reality and real history of the Alamo and ignore the Disney version these men seem a lot less noble or heroic as they are made out to be . The men in the Alamo were slave holders, slave traders , land speculators , thieves , murderers and so composed a rag tag militia who fought the Mexican army and lost as they tried to escape in the middle of the night. So the Battle for the Alamo in 1824 was where these American slave holders stood their ground to defend slavery and inequality and to attempt to steal land from Mexico . The Americans in 1846 invaded Mexico committing a thousand atrocities killing tens of thousands of Mexican civilians and raping Mexican women . This was the beginning of a US military solution to any diplomatic issue that is by Gun Boat diplomacy , or by the gun and power and bullying and so followed expansionism , colonization , conquest , Imperialism , euphemistically called " Manifest Destiny " or as Christians proclaimed in the Crusades that " God Wills It " . The violence of the Men at the Alamo and during the war was steeped in racism and xenophobia .

From the time of the Mexican American War the USA has viewed all of Mexico and South America and the Caribbean as its backyard which the Americans must control and even intervenes in these states whenever they are seen as becoming too liberal or democratic or egalitarian ie Chile , Guatemala , Honduras , Haiti, Dominican Republic , Cuba , Venezuela , Nicaragua etc .
After the Civil War the government created Border patrols and enlisted KKK and pro-confederates and were given a license to use rough justice or frontier justice , beatings, threats and lynching or summary executions . So hatred , fear , xenophobia and racism was the basis of the border policies .

America then and now is still on the Wrong Side Of History promoting racism and xenophobia and ignoring International Law .

Here's some books I would recommend :

* Exodus From The Alamo : The Anatomy of The Last Stand Myth by Philip Thomas Tucker

* The Injustice Never Leaves You : Anti-Mexican Violence in Texas by Monica Munoz Martinez , Pub. 2020

* The Birth of Modern Mexico 1780-1824 by Christon I. Archer Pub . 2007 .

* The Apocalypse of Settler Colonialism : The Roots of Slavery , White Supremacy , and Capitalism in Seventeenth-Century North America and The Caribbean , by Gerald Horne Pub. 2018 .

* The Counter-Revolution of 1776 : Slave Resistance And The Origins of The United States Of America , by Gerald Horne Pub. 2014.

* Confronting Black Jacobins : The United States , The Haitian Revolution And The Origins of The Dominican Republic , by Gerald Horne Pub. 2015 .

* A Wicked War : Polk , Clay , Lincoln and the 1846 Invasion of Mexico by Amy S. Greenberg ,Pub. 2013 .

* The Mexican Wars of Independence by Timothy Henderson , Pub. 2007 .

* The Black Jacobins : Toussaint L' Ouverture and the San Domingo Revolution by C. L. R. James 1963 / 1989 .
* Americ's Forgotten First War For Slavery and The Genesis of The Alamo : A New Look at the Texas Revolution 1835-1836 ,Vol. 1 and 2 , A by Philip Thomas Tucker ,Pub. 2017 .

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