Sunday, February 03, 2013

Harry Belafonte On Gun Violence In America and One Third Of Americans Believe God Takes Sides In Sporting Events And Public Schools In Texas Push Christian Agenda And God Given Right To bear Arms

“In the gun game, we are the most hunted. The river of blood that washes the streets of our nation flows mostly from the bodies of our black children...” “Where is the raised voice of black America? Why are we mute?”

Quote by Harry Belafonte from article Harry Belafonte challenges African-Americans at NAACP awards ceremony: ‘In the gun game, we are the most hunted’ by paul Harris , The Guardian ,feb. 2, 2013

“We can’t just gloss over this,” said Dennis Traynor of Acronym TV. “A majority of U.S. citizens in 2013 think that the all-knowing creator of the universe is sitting in the heavens looking down upon the extreme poverty and misery that encompass the world that he created in six days and sees that half of his beautiful creatures live on less than $2.50 a day and 80 percent of humanity living on less than $10 a day and not only gives a shit what happens on Super Bowl Sunday, but will be rewarding one team over the other based on the purity and faithfulness of the football players’ religion on either team.”

Quote from: One-third of Americans believe God decides who wins sporting events David Ferguson via Raw Story,Feb. 2, 2013

Photo below of Obama skeet shooting with a 12 gauge shotgun to prove he is not in favor of banning all guns. So the White House released this photo to appease the pro-gun lobbyists and gun owners thereby we believe restricting what he can or cannot do in regards to stricter gun control. Per usual Obama is far to eager to compromise with a particular group even though that group ie NRA have no interest in compromise or making any substantive concessions on the issue of gun control. They believe the 2nd Amendment is sacrosanct and is a God Given Right.

Harry Belafonte speaks out about the need for strict gun control in America .
He notes that it is Black Americans who suffer most because of the gun violence in America.
He also points out that the USA has the largest prison population than any other nation and the majority of inmates are Black Americans.
The prison system in the USA as we have noted before is just another way to control Black Americans and keep the majority in a state of impoverishment without the same opportunities of white Americans. Once someone has been incarcerated for a felony conviction after serving their sentence they lose many of their basic rights. So the punishment continues even after incarceration like the main character in Les Miserables.

NAACP Image Awards | Harry Belafonte Speaks on Gun Control in Acceptance Speech | Feb 1, 2013

The Young Turks :Christianity Aggressively Pushed in Texas Schools

Published on 29 Jan 2013

"Students in Texas' public schools are still learning that the Bible provides scientific evidence that the Earth is 6,000 years old, that astronauts have discovered "a day missing in space in elapsed time" that affirms biblical stories of the sun standing still and moving backwards, and that the United States was founded as a Christian nation based on biblical Christian principles."*

Texas public schools are teaching creationism in schools. It's not a balanced religious studies class either- strictly Christian lessons are being taught, even pushed in the schools. How is this teaching allowable? Would a similarly-structured Islam class be okay? Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian break it down.

To believe that a God takes sides in wars is a common belief. Christians believe God is on their side . Jews and Muslims each believe God is on their side. In all wars each side believes that their God or Gods are on their side . If they lose the war then they argue that for some reason their God allowed them to be defeated or the other sides 'God is more powerful than their God.

The very notion though that God picks sides not just in dealing out justice and rewards and punishments sending those who please God to paradise or Heaven and those who do not please God to Hell after one's physical death is one thing but to believe God takes sides in sports events seems to be a trivialization of a belief in God .

One-third of Americans believe God decides who wins sporting events David Ferguson via Raw Story,Feb. 2, 2013

A recent study by the Center for Public Religion has found that nearly 3 out of every 10 Americans believes that God decides the outcome of sporting events by favoring players who are virtuous and who God perceives as good.

According to the study, “Americans are less likely to believe that God plays a role in the outcome of sporting events than they are to believe God rewards religious athletes. While only about 3-in-10 (27%) Americans, believe that God plays a role in determining which team wins a sporting event, a majority (53%) believe that God rewards athletes who have faith with good health and success, compared to 42% who disagree.”

“We can’t just gloss over this,” said Dennis Traynor of Acronym TV. “A majority of U.S. citizens in 2013 think that the all-knowing creator of the universe is sitting in the heavens looking down upon the extreme poverty and misery that encompass the world that he created in six days and sees that half of his beautiful creatures live on less than $2.50 a day and 80 percent of humanity living on less than $10 a day and not only gives a shit what happens on Super Bowl Sunday, but will be rewarding one team over the other based on the purity and faithfulness of the football players’ religion on either team.”

In America many Christians believe even who is to become president is at the end of the day decided by the Christian God as are all political contests including who gets to go to Congress or appointed to head federal departments or who is to become governor or belong to state assemblies or who's to be Sheriff or dog catcher all are choices God makes. God they believe is an interventionists who guides a voters mind and hands to vote for the God Chosen candidate . They also believe God takes sides in sporting events and that the right to bear arms is a God Given Right. Jesus they tell us was in favor of citizens owning and carrying weapons from swords to Ak 47s .

The American myth is that America was formed under the guidance of the Christian God and the creation of America as a sovereign nation state was due to God's providence and therefore is not just another human construct. There is a tendency of many Americans to treat the founding fathers and their drafting of the declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights the judicial and legislative architecture as if they were blessed and guided by God.

So the American Constitution and other founding documents are treated as being as sacred as the Bible . So the rights of American citizens is based upon God's will. Therefore making any changes to these sacrosanct documents is to question God's original intentions.

If we are to take this seriously as the defenders of the 2nd amendment do then the right to bear arms is a god given right which cannot be tampered with in any way. But if this is true than other parts of the founding documents are also God given and if so slavery and denying women their rights must be part of God's plan. So abolishing slavery is therefore a contravention of God's law. Granting rights to women or to non-whites or to white Christian men who are not property owners are also contraventions of God's Law.

As some might argue religious beliefs are not the same as magical thinking and superstitions . But how can one differentiate amongst these belief systems.

How does someone conclude that their religion is the true one and all other contenders are false . Do they believe that those who believe in a different religion are merely making an error in judgement or do they believe that believing in a different religion is more insidious and sinister ie the work of evil forces ie Satan .

National Review Writer: 'God-Given Right' To Guns, Jesus Would Approve Meredith Bennet-Smith ,Huffinton Post, Jan. 29, 2013

One of the leading voices of the conservative political movement has published an editorial that argues that gun control legislation seeks to limit Americans' God-given rights to guns.

In the National Review, David French cites various Bible passages to make his point.

The Old Testament showed that "the morality of self-defense is not only presumed, the act of self-defense is permitted and even mandated by key Biblical figures," French writes.

French then goes on to say that Jesus' disciples carried swords, "and Jesus even said in some contexts the unarmed should arm themselves."

On Jan. 22, National Rifle Association Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre said that "No government gave [the right to bear arms] to us and no government can take them away," Breitbart reports.

And on Dec. 4, a spokesman for the American Family Association claimed the "whole concept of using a weapon for self-defense is rooted in the teaching of Christ."

Bryan Fischer referred to an anecdote about Jesus recorded in the Book of Luke.

“Jesus Christ said this to his own disciples, ‘my recommendation to you is if you don’t have a weapon of lethal force that you can use in self-defense, sell your cloak and go buy one,’” Fischer said.

Going through the Bible gleaning passages which support one's argument while ignoring or dismissing contrary passages in the Bible is referred to as proof reading. It is a disingenuous means of argument .

Since besides discovering passages defending the right to bear arms and the essential right of self-defense in the Bible we also find passages defending slavery and racial segregation and that only Christians or Israelites have the right to self-government or to hold public office or even to vote. The Bible does not support the notion of equal rights for women while demanding the death penalty for adultery, blasphemy , homosexuality and so forth.

The Biblical and Natural Right of Self-Defense By David French The National Review, Jan. 25, 2013

In Mosaic law, God obviously continued his mandate of the death penalty for murder (as well as for blasphemy and other crimes) — but not for all killing. He specifically carved out an exception for the defense of one’s home: “If a thief is found breaking in and is struck so that he dies, there shall be no bloodguilt for him . . .” (Exodus 22:2). There was bloodguilt if the thief was killed during the day, however. Note the grace that God gives the citizen in the midst of the fear and ambiguity of a nighttime invasion — even a “thief” (not a rapist, not a murderer) can be killed at night, but in the clarity of day, the “thief” (again, not a rapist, not a murderer) should not be killed.

Second, the morality of self-defense is not only presumed, the act of self-defense is permitted and even mandated by key Biblical figures. This principle flows of course from a moral law that reveres human life. It should be protected, not merely avenged. Nehemiah, when he was rebuilding Jerusalem in the face of hatred (not in wartime, but when tribal neighbors were seeking to carry out vigilante attacks on Jews) instructed his people: “Do not be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome, and fight for your brothers, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your homes.” (Nehemiah 4:14).

It’s often-forgotten that the climax of the Book of Esther involves the Jews gathering together in an act of self-defense, where a despotic king was persuaded to allow them to fight against their attackers: “The king allowed the Jews who were in every city to gather and defend their lives, to destroy, to kill, and to annihilate any armed force of any people or province that might attack them, children and women included, and to plunder their goods.” (Esther 8:11). The Jews then “struck all their enemies with the sword, killing and destroying them, and did as they pleased to those that hated them.” (Esther 9:5). Before Esther’s intervention, the king would have denied the Jews their right of self-defense. After Esther’s intervention, the Jews didn’t merely look to law enforcement for salvation but took matters into their own hands.

...Essentially that gun control represents not merely a limitation on a constitutional right but a limitation on a God-given right of man that has existed throughout the history of civil society. All rights — of course — are subject to some limits (the right of free speech is not unlimited, for example), and there is much room for debate on the extent of those limits, but state action against the right of self-defense is by default a violation of the natural rights of man, and the state’s political judgment about the limitations of that right should be viewed with extreme skepticism and must overcome a heavy burden of justification.

If we are to take self-defense as being approved by the Bible and by Natural Law and the likes of John Locke then we could argue that citizens who believe they are targeted by police and those in authority would therefore be permitted to fight back when attacked or even to take preemptive measures that is attacking those who are planning to attack you or your community.

So if a community feels threatened in this way they can take measures to defend themselves. So for communities to set up a defense force would be permitted and sanctioned by God and the Bible .

Now would the pro-2nd amendment groups defend communities of primarily Black residents to create such a force ie militias to defend themselves against other citizens who would harm them or against authorities who are using police forces to overtly harass and terrorize Black communities. So we could argue any community that believes it is being specifically targeted by the local police or other policing agencies have the right to "stand their ground' and not permit these hostile armed individuals or group no matter what authority they believe they have from entering these communities.

Wayne LaPierre to Obama: 2nd Amendment Protects God-Given Rights Breitbart Jan. 22, 2013

Speaking at the 56th Annual Weatherby Foundation International Hunting and Conservation Dinner on Jan. 22, NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre responded to Obama's inaugural speech by pointing out that the 2nd Amendment protects God-given rights.

Of these rights--the right to keep and bear arms and the right to self-defense--LaPierre said: "No government gave [them] to us and no government can take them away."

LaPierre made it clear that Obama doesn't like to hear this because it shows that the 2nd Amendment is not in flux but is fixed, and the rights it protects are beyond the reach of government.

He said this is why Obama talked of trading "absolutism" for "principle" in his inaugural speech--a ploy which LaPierre described as Obama's not-so-subtle attempt to convince us to move past what the words of the 2nd Amendment really mean so that gun grabbers can apply their own meanings to them.

and so it goes,

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