Wednesday, December 15, 2010

US Attack On Julian Assange of Wikileaks Reveals The Hubris & Insanity of The US Government

UPDATE: 3:45 Dec. 15, 2010.

In sum, the Obama Administration, egged on by Congress, is taking Bushian unilateralism one step further by going after anyone anywhere who puts American assets and relationships “at risk.”

This is the hubris of a raving lunatic.

Quote from : Wiki Witch Hunt Reveals True Face of Government by: Kieran Manjarrez | Woodchip Gazette - Journal | Legal Analysis, Dec. 7, 2010

Anyway has America now lost the right to criticize countries such as China for censoring the news and the Internet.

Why we need Wikileaks.
The US is attacking the freedom of the press and censoring the Internet & banning American citizens & others from accessing specific sites such as Wikileaks
GRITtv: The F Word: Remembering Why WikiLeaks Matters

USA & China are both anti-freedom of the Press & want more control over the Internet.
They want to shut down Al Jazeera, Russia Today , and they have criticized our government funded channel the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and the British Broadcasting Corporation and any tv or news agency foreign or domestic which are in anyway critical of the USA.
American government and their quisling Mainstream Media are all for freedom of the Press and Freedom of Speech as long as these freedoms are not used to criticize American foreign policy.

Col. Ralph Peters says Assange must be killed!!!

GetUp! - WikiLeaks on O'Reilly Factor - 7.30 Report

FBI & other federal government employees Stopped from reading Wikileaks Released Diplomatic Cables

'US Air Force WikiLeaks ban control freakery, smacks of web access clampdown'

RT as Public Enemy? Top US media boss ready to fight 'enemies'

Julian Assange gives example of how leaks can be good for the US.
Leaks are a corrective to government and Media Propaganda

Wiki Witch Hunt Reveals True Face of Government by: Kieran Manjarrez | Woodchip Gazette - Journal | Legal Analysis, Dec. 7, 2010

Over the past 10 days, there has been endless palaver over the significance of Wikileaked cables showing diplomats and public officials to be somewhat less than “these like saints appearing.”

But the real “leak” in the WikiLeaks affair is that it has forced the U.S. Government to drop its mask and reveal itself as a vindictive ogre that brings all its force to bear on hunting down a single man as a sacrificial prelude to extinguishing fearless, free speech, informed debate and open government.

This is not to say that the blood curdling shrieks from the press to “take out” Julian Assange by any means is not shameful itself. The howlings of the American 'mudia' make hyenas seem melodic sweetness.

But far more lethal to liberty are the quieter slitherings of those snakes who, manoeuvering through the tall grass of judicious sounding legalities, aim to criminalize the possession of unauthorized knowledge that is inconvenient to governmental impunity.

On 29 November Secretary of State Hillary Clinton “strongly” condemned “the illegal disclosure of classified information” which she said, “puts people's lives in danger, threatens our national security, and undermines our efforts to work with other countries to solve shared problems....”

Seeking to “objectify” the harm, Clinton called the leak an “attack” on “America's foreign policy interests,” on the “international community” and on “negotiations that safeguard global security and advance economic prosperity.”

Also on 29 November, Senator Dianne Feinstein, who sits on the Intelligence Committee, declaimed that,

"Whoever released this information should be punished severely. ... [C]learly more is needed to deter people from disclosing secret information. ...The Intelligence Committee is looking at whether legislation is needed to accomplish this goal."

That same day, Attorney General, Eric Holder held a news conference at which he stated that the Wikileak,

“puts at risk our national security... [and] puts at risk individuals who are serving this country in a variety of capacities either as diplomats, as intelligence assets; it puts at risk our relationships with important allies around the world.”

Holder went on to declare that,

"To the extent that we can find anybody who was involved in the breaking of American law and who has put at risk the assets and the people that I have described, they will be held responsible,"


"To the extent there are gaps in our laws, we will move to close those gaps, which is not to say ... that anybody, at this point, because of their citizenship or their residence, is not a target or a subject of an investigation that's ongoing."

In straightforward English, the Justice Department was bearing down on foreign citizens living abroad.

Almost on the dime, Holder’s assurances earned a resounding “Bravo!” from the Senate Intelligence Committee which, on 3 December, formally urged the Department of Justice “to bring criminal charges against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.” The Committee’s letter stated,

“We believe that Mr. Assange’s conduct is espionage and that his actions fall under the elements of this section of law. Therefore, we urge that he be prosecuted under the Espionage Act.”

“If Mr. Assange and his possible accomplices cannot be charged under the Espionage Act (or any other applicable statute), please know that we stand ready and willing to support your efforts to ‘close those gaps’ in the law, as you also mentioned this week.”

In sum, the Obama Administration, egged on by Congress, is taking Bushian unilateralism one step further by going after anyone anywhere who puts American assets and relationships “at risk.”

This is the hubris of a raving lunatic.

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