“Muslims should dispense with this discredited term [of Islamophobia] and instead engage in some earnest introspection. Rather than blame the potential victim for fearing his would-be executioner, they would do better to ponder how Islamists have transformed their faith into an ideology celebrating murder and develop strategies to redeem their religion by combating this morbid totalitarianism.” Daniel Pipes (Islamophobia? New York Sun, 10/25/2005)
“What hate crimes, what hate crimes, there is no documentation, there is no backlash, this is part of this narrative, it’s part of this narrative, it’s part of this Islamic narrative… There is no [anti] Muslim backlash, that’s part of this Islamic narrative, you cannot cite any hate crimes, there has been no hate crimes, America has gone out of its way to make sure there is no backlash”( Pam Geller on The Alyona Show, RT, 07/25/2010)
Another hero for the Religious Right , anti-Obama , Anti-Muslim Islamophobes & supporters and Fellow Travelers.
Above Photo New York Yellow Cab driver Ahmed H. Sharif stabbed for being Muslim
Muslim non-victim of non-existent Islamophobia???
Islamophobia? What Islamophobia? by Zingel at Loonwatch.com Aug. 26, 2010
An irony of Islamophobes is that they are among the most vehement Islamophobia-deniers. It’s sort of like how White supremacists believe that there is no such thing as racism, that their hatred of blacks is a logical and rational enterprise. Hey, they’re just out to preserve the purity of the White race.
I wonder what goes through the minds of Robert Spencer or Pamela Geller who are making a handsome living inciting Americans against the evil faith of Islam and its suspicious adherents when they see the picture of the 44 year old father above lying in the ER after he was slashed on the job for committing the grand old crime of being Muslim.
Ahmed H. Sharif came to this country 25 years ago. He worked as a chef for 10 years, and as a cab driver for 15. Like most American Muslims, he came to this country to earn a living on the merit of his hard work and sacrifice, in hopes of providing a better life for his family.
Unbeknownst to him, there has been a movement fomenting in this country blasting an incessant message over AM talk radio, the internet, and the right-wing TV talk shows telling gullible Americans that Mooslims like Sharif and his ilk are really here to “Islamize” America, abolish freedom and democracy and institute a Taliban-brand Shariah. The recent hysteria surrounding the building of the proposed Park51 Islamic center in lower Manhattan saw that Goebelsian message rise to a deafening pitch.
Michael Enright, 21, an art student by day, and a “soldier of freedom” by night, was listening.
On late August 24th he hailed Sharif’s cab.
...Enright greeted Sharif with “Assalamu Alaikum.” A flattered Sharif responded. Enright asked Sharif how his Ramadan was going, and a compliant Sharif explained it was going well. Enright then gave Sharif a hint of what was coming by proceeding to ridicule Sharif’s faith.
At the end of the ride, before stepping out of the cab, Enright then left Sharif a little piece of “freedom fighting:”
“This is the checkpoint motherfucker” and “I have to bring you down motherfucker,” shouted Enright.
The New York Times reports that Enright then “withdrew a Leatherman knife and reaching through the opening in the plastic divider, slashed Mr. Sharif’s throat. When Mr. Sharif turned, he said, Mr. Enright stabbed him in his face, on his arm and on his thumbs.”
Mr. Sharif pleaded: “I beg of you, don’t kill me. I worked so hard, I have a family.”
Of course, Pipes, Geller, and Spencer will tell you that Sharif only has himself to blame for being a scary Muslim:
Says ailing Islamophobe Daniel Pipes:
“Muslims should dispense with this discredited term [of Islamophobia] and instead engage in some earnest introspection. Rather than blame the potential victim for fearing his would-be executioner, they would do better to ponder how Islamists have transformed their faith into an ideology celebrating murder and develop strategies to redeem their religion by combating this morbid totalitarianism.” (Islamophobia? New York Sun, 10/25/2005)
Mr. Sharif, We sincerely hope you had some time to “ponder” that before your throat was randomly thrashed in this non-Islamophobic attack.
Says the Queen of Islamophobia Pamela Geller, founder of the pro-genocide anti-Muslim hate group SIOA:
“What hate crimes, what hate crimes, there is no documentation, there is no backlash, this is part of this narrative, it’s part of this narrative, it’s part of this Islamic narrative… There is no [anti] Muslim backlash, that’s part of this Islamic narrative, you cannot cite any hate crimes, there has been no hate crimes, America has gone out of its way to make sure there is no backlash” (The Alyona Show, RT, 07/25/2010)
Hear that Mr. Sharif? Even if you were lashed from the back for being Muslim, it’s still not a backlash because there is no such thing as an anti-Muslim backlash.
Says the (anti) Islamic “scholar” Robert Spencer and co-founder of SIOA:
“This is why the fake term Islamophobia is so dangerous: It insinuates that any reservations about Islam must ipso facto be ‘phobic.’ A phobia is an irrational fear or dislike. Islamic preaching very often manifests precisely this feature, which is why suspicion of it is by no means irrational.” (jihadwatch.org, 08/24/2010)
That’s right, what’s so “irrational” about Enright’s behavior? Islamophobia? What Islamophobia?
So there you have it folks, as the “perceptive” commentator Jonah Goldberg would say: “the supposed Muslim backlash” in America is “mostly a myth.” (Islamophobia? Not really. Los Angeles Times. 08/24/2010)
Cab Driver Allegedly Stabbed for Being Muslim by Mai El-Sadany at Illume Aug. 25, 2010
New York taxi driver Ahmed Sharif was allegedly stabbed Tuesday night for being Muslim. The 43-year old victim is now in stable condition.
Executive director of the New York Taxi Workers Alliance said that the 21-year old passenger and subject, Michael Enright, initially engaged in friendly conversation with Sharif. After asking where Sharif was from and finding out that he was Muslim, Enright cursed his cab driver and yelled, “Assalamu Alaikum, consider this a checkpoint.”
Sharif was slashed in the throat, arms, and hands before he could escape and find a police officer.
Although Enright was supposedly intoxicated, the attack comes at a time of heightened Islamophobia and increased debate on the proposed mosque to be located a few blocks off of Ground Zero. Desai warns his drivers to be extra careful saying, “This kind of bigotry only breeds more violence and makes taxi drivers all the more vulnerable on the streets where there are no bully pulpits or podiums to hide behind.”
Sharif has been driving for 15 years, but he says that he has never felt “this hopeless and insecure before.”
Today, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has called on religious and political leaders to fight Islamophobia. National Executive Director Nihad Awad says, “As other American minorities have experienced, hate speech often leads to hate crimes. Sadly, we’ve seen how the deliberate public vilification of Islam can lead some individuals to violence against innocent people. It’s time for responsible leaders to speak up to stop irresponsible and inflammatory rhetoric.”
And so the Islamophobes still claim there is no such thing as a backlash aimed at Muslims in America or Europe.
Severed Pig’s head Dumped in front of Cambridge mosque at Islamophobia Today via Loonwatch Sept. 24, 2010
Hate for Muslims doesn’t exist? Spencer would probably blame it on Muslims.
Severed pig’s head dumped at Cambridge mosque
A severed pig’s head has been left outside a mosque in Cambridge – triggering alarm among the city’s Muslims. Families found the head on the steps of the place of worship on Monday night on their way to prayers. An emergency meeting was due to be held last night after the incident at the Shah Jalal Bangladeshi Community House in Darwin Drive.
A worshipper at the mosque, who did not wish to be named, told the News: “It is a terrible insult. There are about 40 families who go to the centre and everyone is highly emotional at the moment. It was left there between 8.15pm and 9pm. Some families found it as they went for prayer at about 9pm. It was a very ugly sight. This was a nasty and appalling thing to do. We thought we had good relations with the community around here.”
Some Muslims believe the pig’s head attack could have been triggered after an application to increase the number of worshippers at the mosque prompted objections from some residents.
The anti-Ground Zero Mosque mob led by Pam Geller and Robert Spencer and other Islamophobes claim the issue is not about all Mosques in America but just about having a mosque at Ground Zero. And yet there are now 11 sites under investigation which may reflect anti-Muslim prejudices. That is interpreting zoning by laws in such a way to prevent a particular religious group ie Muslims from building Mosques or related community centers on these sites.
It is quite apparent on reading their articles and books that Spencer, Geller, Pipes, Horowitz et al characterize Islam as a "Totalitarian Ideology " and argue Islam does not fit the criteria for being a religion.
They also claim that America is in danger of being radically transformed by Muslim Americans and by The Muslin in Chief President Obama who is also part of the on-going 1400 year long Islamist Conspiracy to destroy Christianity and the West in their obsessive drive to spread Islam to the whole world by whatever means necessary that is by peaceful,, deceptive and violent means.
U.S. Monitoring 11 Sites for Possible Discrimination Against Muslims at Islamophobia via reuters Sept. 23, 2010
The U.S. Justice Department has said it is monitoring 11 cases of potential land-use discrimination against Muslims, a sharp increase in cases under a federal law designed to protect religious minorities in zoning disputes.
In a report on discrimination against mosques, synagogues, churches and other religious sites, the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division said on Tuesday it has monitored 18 cases of possible bias against Muslims over the past 10 years.
Eight of those have been opened since May, around the time when plans for a Muslim community center and mosque near the former site of the World Trade Center in lower Manhattan seized media attention and caused a national political uproar. “This fact is a sober reminder that, even in the 21st century, challenges to true religious liberty remain,” the report said.
The report made no mention of the planned Muslim center in New York, known as Cordoba House. A Justice Department spokeswoman declined to discuss monitoring activities but stressed that no investigations were under way in those cases
Islamophobes Robert Spencer and Pam Geller are friends it appears with some dubious extremists such as the EDL English Defense League, BNP British Nationalist Party and Danish Muslim basher Geert Wilders and now the Fascist "Sweden Democrats" can be added to their list of friends, supporters and Fellow Travelers.
More Fascist "Friends of Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller: The Far Right Sweden Democrats" by Charles Johnson at Little Green Footballs(LGF)Sept.18 2010
One of the European allies of American anti-Muslim demagogues Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer is a political party called the “Sweden Democrats” — a party with roots in outright Nazism.
Last week a Sweden Democrats politician was forced to quit after posting an ugly racist rant at his blog, claiming that Africans have ‘rape genes’.
A politician has quit a far right party in Sweden after his blog, in which he claimed black Africans are genetically predisposed towards rape, caused outrage across the country. Per T K Wahlberg of the Sweden Democrats party has been forced to stand down from his position after claiming that people of African descent have been raping women and children for centuries.
...In his blog entitled “Landskronabackspege”, meaning Landskrona rear view mirror, 76-year-old retiree Wahlberg wrote about what he sees as the “genetic characteristics” of black Africans.
“For many thousands of years, the Negro could chill out in the heat, eat some bananas, rape some passing woman or child, fight with other negro males and eat them up, play the drums a little, run around a bit, catch an antelope, eat a few bananas, f**k a bit, get drunk on fermented fruits or herbs, and so on. This has been going on for millennia without any evolutionary pressure in the form of environmental factors forcing the Negro to develop in another direction,” the blog read.
Speaking to The Local on Friday, Wahlberg refused to completely distance himself from the controversy and said the “ironically” written quotes were taken from Sweden’s provocative political and media forum Flashback. “You could say that some parts have some truth to them. But generally speaking it is written with irony,” he said.
However, in an earlier interview with local paper Helsingborgs Dagblad, Wahlberg insisted, “I think that it was quite an accurate description. If we look at history, then humanity began in Africa once upon a time, and then there were some who emigrated to Europe and Asia. But at what level are they now? Not much has happened over these thousands of years.”
Wahlberg claims that the Sweden Democrats have never been critical about his blog, which also contains posts which are disparaging towards Muslims. He has, however, since left the party in the wake of increased attention from the country’s mainstream media.
also see:
Muslim New York cab driver stabbed by 'baby-faced bigot' as Ground Zero mosque tensions threaten to spill over By Daniel Bates at Mailonline/ Daily Mail.co.uk, 27th August 2010
Tennessee Mosque AttackBy Mark Maynard at his website | August 29, 2010
and here's a discussion of the issue of Islamophobia, Ground Zero Mosque hysteria and the attack on the Muslim Cabbie.
Cabbie Stabbing MSNBC Keith Olbermann
Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
and so it goes,
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