UPDATE: 11:37 AM July 28, 2009
"Rather than correct the record in response to criticism of his coverage of birther theories, Dobbs has lashed out at "lily-livered lefties" who criticized him because he "had the temerity to inquire as to where the birth certificate was." He even claims a "national left-wing media conspiracy" is attacking him over the birther issue." Media Matters
CNN has defended Lou Dobbs' support of "The Birthers" as legitimate.
Media Matters has issued a statement criticizing CNN and Lou Dobbs insisting CNN take responsibility and curb Lou Dobbs' promotion of "The Birther" conspiracy theory as being inflammatory and an attack on President Obama.
Media Matters has a petition posted on line to be sent to CNN demanding CNN take action.
Southern Poverty Law Center has called for Lou Dobbs' resignation in their concern that Lou Dobbs' has been involved in an on going promotion and thereby lending some credence to various fringe "Conspiracy Theories including "The Birthers" and suggesting Obama has some sort of anti-American hidden agenda. SPLC also accuses Dobbs'of fear mongering about illegal and legal immigrants arguing that these immigrants are destroying American society bringing disease and crime and immorality to America but Dobbs' argument is not supported by the facts. Though these days Fox News and CNN are little interested in facts but prefer sensationalism and fear mongering and acting as propagandists for the Republican Party, conservatives, Nativists and racists and bigots.
CNN 's president Jon Klein argues that the Birther issue is legitimate since there are those who have doubts about Obama's American citizenship . Klein doesn't seem to realize or just doesn't care that giving a Media platform for this and other "Conspiracy Theories" is fueling the extreme right which could lead to violence . Though as has been suggested by Maddow and others is that what once were the crazy Conspiracy Theories of the lunatic fringe are now more and more becoming part of the mainstream Media & the Republican Party.
When we combine the inflammatory statements of Religious Right leaders such as the anti-abortionist Pro-Life spokesperson Randall Terry of "Operation Rescue " with that of CNN and Fox News almost daily attacking President Obama and his administration as destroying traditional American society this will almost certainly lead to more demonstrations and violent acts against Obama or his supporters. Randall Terry has called for "an Insurrection" while Liz Cheney for instanceclaims that Obama has left the United States undefended and vulnerable to "terrorist Attacks" and Glenn Beck, Limbaugh , Hannity etc. have been adding to this toxic brew against Obama over the past year .
It was hoped that much of irresponsible fear mongering about Obama would go away once Obama was elected as president . But it appears those conservative who are upset about the election of Barack Obama will use any sort of argument including those of what was the lunatic fringe to stir up more hatred and suspicion about Obama even if this were to lead to the unthinkable the assassination of president Obama. They are willing to use all and any means to remove Obama from the presidency or at least make it almost impossible to carry out any of his policies.
Surprisingly even the foaming at the mouth hyper-patriot, anti-Obama Bill O'Reilly has criticized Lou Dobbs'for lending support to "the Birthers". But then O'Reilly claims that Dobbs has the right to say whatever he wants to .
O'Reilly slams Dobbs' "absurd story" on Obama birth certificate, but says he shouldn't be fired
July 27, 2009 From the July 27 edition of Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor:
Citing Dobbs, Maddow says "CNN's helping" move birth certificate story from "the fringe into the mainstream"July 27, 2009
From the July 27th edition of MSNBC's Rachel Maddow Show:
Media Matters Petition CNNs Dobbs problem
Recently, CNN's Lou Dobbs has repeatedly used his prominent platform as a prime-time host on CNN, as well as his daily nationally syndicated radio show, to legitimize paranoid conspiracy theories about President Barack Obama's birth certificate. Despite the fact that these fringe ideas have been thoroughly debunked, he continues to mainstream extreme right-wing rhetoric by asserting that Obama needs to "produce a birth certificate" and giving birther conspiracies airtime on his shows.
In response to Dobbs' relentless trafficking in these fringe conspiracy theories, CNN President Jon Klein initially declared the story "dead," saying anyone who "is not convinced doesn't really have a legitimate beef." But less than 24 hours later, Klein caved in to Dobbs, reversing himself completely. He even went so far as to reportedly call Dobb's coverage of the birther movement "legitimate."
Klein's caving to Dobbs raises a serious, troubling question: Who is really calling the shots at CNN? We need your help today to publicly pressure CNN credibly address its Dobbs problem.
Contrary to Klein's description of Dobbs' birth certificate coverage as "legitimate," CNN's own hosts have debunked and ridiculed the story as "ludicrous," "nutty," and "conspiratorial."
Nevertheless, Dobbs has repeatedly claimed on both his television and radio shows that President Obama has failed to adequately address the claims of birther conspiracy theorists. He has said that Obama needs to "produce a birth certificate" and that the birth certificate the president posted online more than a year ago has "some issues." Rather than correct the record in response to criticism of his coverage of birther theories, Dobbs has lashed out at "lily-livered lefties" who criticized him because he "had the temerity to inquire as to where the birth certificate was." He even claims a "national left-wing media conspiracy" is attacking him over the birther issue.
We need to present CNN with an overwhelming public response to Dobbs' relentless promotion of these conspiracy theories tinged with racism.
So, please sign the following petition today and demand that CNN address its Lou Dobbs problem in a credible manner.
Take Action: Tell CNN To Address Their Lou Dobbs Problem
CNN's Dobbs Problem Just Got Bigger: Media Matters Calls on Public to Pressure 'The Most Trusted Name In News' MediaMatters,July 25
- July 27 - After CNN President Jon Klein reportedly called Lou Dobbs' coverage of conspiracy theories about President Obama's birth certificate "legitimate" on Friday, July 24, Media Matters for America President Eric Burns sent an email to its thousands of online activists today asking for their help to publicly pressure CNN to credibly address its Lou Dobbs problem.
...Contrary to Klein's description of Dobbs' birth certificate coverage as "legitimate," CNN's own hosts have debunked and ridiculed the story as "ludicrous," "nutty," and "conspiratorial."
Nevertheless, Dobbs has repeatedly claimed on both his television and radio shows that President Obama has failed to adequately address the claims of birther conspiracy theorists. He has said that Obama needs to "produce a birth certificate" and that the birth certificate the president posted online more than a year ago has "some issues." Rather than correct the record in response to criticism of his coverage of birther theories, Dobbs has lashed out at "lily-livered lefties" who criticized him because he "had the temerity to inquire as to where the birth certificate was." He even claims a "national left-wing media conspiracy" is attacking him over the birther issue.
Dobbs 2, CNN 0: CNN president Klein reportedly calls Dobbs' birther coverage "legitimate" July 25, 2009 by Media Matters staff
From a July 25 Los Angeles Times article:
CNN/U.S. President Jon Klein told staffers of "Lou Dobbs Tonight" on Thursday that the controversy regarding the legitimacy of President Obama's birth certificate -- a topic Dobbs has avidly pursued on the air -- is a "dead" story.
But in an interview, the cable news chief left open the possibility that Dobbs may continue to raise questions about why the president has not produced a long-form birth certificate. The absence of such a record has spawned rumors that Obama was not born in the United States, despite plenty of evidence to the contrary.
"He's got more than 30 years as a television journalist, and I trust him, as I trust all our reporters and anchors, to exercise their judgment as various stories evolve," Klein said of Dobbs, whose daily CNN program is a mix of news and opinion.
On Friday, the Southern Poverty Law Center called on CNN to fire Dobbs for trading in "racist conspiracy theories." And some of Dobbs' staff at CNN have told him and network executives that they are uncomfortable with his persistent focus on the story.
Klein defended Dobbs, saying that the host's treatment of the so-called "birther" movement has been "legitimate."
and for a more humorous take on Lou Dobbs And The Birthers:
"BREAKING: Lou Dobbs’ Birth Certificate a Fake!" From The Left. Wordpress.com, July 28, 2009
CNN’s very own Lou “I hate Mexican” Dobbs, the vocal champion of the birther movement, Mexican-born? Is it possible? Yes, not only is it possible but it’s true.
Dobbs’ place of birth has always been difficult to pin down. One biographical source says he was born in Childress, Texas, while another says Rupert, Idaho, but neither turns out to be factual.
Louis Dobbs was born in in the small town of Delicias, in the Mexican state of Chihuahua. That’s right — MEXICO. He was later smuggled into the U.S. by his Texas propane salesman father, Frank Dobbs, who kept the truth of his son’s south-of-the-border origins a secret, even from Lou himself.
Lou Dobbs only learned about his Mexican birth in adolescence, and would spend the rest of his adult life desperately trying to cover up the truth.
His Texas birth certificate, while not an all-out forgery which contains the details. A closer examination of the document reveals an asterisk that points the way to the truth.
This startling revelation will surely outrage his legions of admirers who tune in each night to watch and hear their anti-immigration crusader rant and rave about our “Our Broken Borders” and the evil of the influx of Mexican illegals into American society.
and for example see:
"Lou Dobbs: Birther" at Lawyers,Guns and Money blog, July 21, 2009
Hey, all he wants are some answers.
This is essentially the same thing as if in 2002 a top CNN anchor had demanded that the Bush administration prove it didn't demolish the WTC.
I don't think that guy would have kept his job though.
and so it goes,
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