" WAR IS PEACE " ORWELL'S " 1984 "


below victims of Haditha Massacre

Anyway with all the fuss Generalissimo Bush & Generalissimo Blair have made about Saddam Hussein as the most evil man in the world why is it that neither of them or their underlings attended the execution of Saddam Hussein. Couldn’t Bush have sent Cheney or Rumsfeld or Condi Rice or Colin Powell or even Karl Rove to this most important execution supposedly since those of the Nuremberg Trials .
For one thing they know very well that Iraq is not that safe of a place to go unless you stay in the GREEN ZONE protected by high fences machine gun nests & Tanks & ten thousand soldiers while the average Iraqi has to live in one of the most dangerous places in the world. But who cares about the Iraqis since the Bush Regime sees all Iraqis as uncivilized savages which to them all Arabs & Muslims are. (But bush says things are getting better & still is not interested in BODY COUNT of Dead Iraqi civilians )
Or is it because they wanted to distance themselves from the execution which they had demanded the Puppet Iraqi court & Government carry out. Like Pontius Pilate washing his hands of the whole affair as if they weren’t the instigators of a costly & brutal unnecessary war. Or was it their fear of seeing an execution which if there were justice they too would be tried for their crimes against humanity ie torture, mass murder etc.
Or was this just another distraction for the public to keep their minds off of the fact that the WAR ON TERROR is just an excuse to extend their Empire or to extend their influence & was it just a way to send a message to any head of state who might think of defying the Americans or British .
After all these are leaders who have no respect for international law or for the United Nations Or for the Rights of Sovereign States except their own & those they claim as friends at the moment.
The hypocrisy & depravity & callousness & ruthlessness of these leaders we hope will echo down the well of history . More likely it will as per usual be forgotten. The history of atrocities & injustices committed by our side ; that is Western Civilization are either forgotten or justified by apologists who call themselves historians & scholars.
Once I believed true scholars were committed to uncovering the truth no matter how it might differ from the Mythological History accepted by our society or any society.
Socrates believed the search for truth was at the heart of all philosophical inquiry . Today’s political philosophers along with the MEDIA see their job as defending the “ STATUS QUO ”.
& propping up a system which makes the most wealthy in our society even wealthier since they are the CHOSEN ONES & the rest of us are the workers & consumers who help to fill their pockets . The Feudal system has not gone but has merely morphed for in the end the NOBLES & LORDS are still running the show .
One should remember that these are leaders who have supported one dictator after another from the mass murderer GENERALISSIMO FRANCISCO FRANCO & THE Infamous SHAW OF IRAN & the ruthless enemy of the people Generalissimo Pinochet & South African Apartheid & the Wealthy Sophisticated butchers Imelda( another lover of expensive shoes like Condi Rice who also defended torture as the Christian way to save the world) & Ferdinand Marcos & the present fanatical right-wing religious fundamentalist government of Israel & many others including SADDAM HUSSEIN himself when it suited their purposes.
History shows that many Americans, Canadians & Brits thought up til 1939 Hitler was a great guy because he was a GOOD CHRISTIAN & CAPITALIST & was killing Communists Labor Union organizers & dissidents of all sorts & Homosexuals & the mentally defective & other undesirables ‘til Hitler started invading countries & declared war on Britain etc.
Even Generalissimo Bush’s grandfather saw nothing wrong with doing business with Hitler even after the US declared war on Germany not that he was a Nazi but rather believed no government had the right to tell him with whom he could do business.
How many more are to be slaughtered in the name of American Security in the name of Christianity in the name of Capitalism in the name of Racial Supremacy -
We know the American desire for revenge for 9/11 has no bounds - they would turn much of the world into chaos & then reduce it to ashes to satiate their bloodlust & teach the world not to F–K with them !!!
The DEATH TOLL in IRAQ is 3,000 American soldiers dead but this is nothing compared to 600, 000( SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND ) Iraqis Dead & 2,000,000 refugees . In Vietnam the Death Toll was 54,000 Americans & 1,000,000 ONE MILLION VIETNAMESE-
But to the American Regime the deaths ordinary Iraqis are of little consequence as the deaths of Palestinians & Arab Israelis are of little consequence to the present Religious Right & Neoconservative Regime in Israel .
The present Israeli Regime is not some sort of progressive democratic government but is rather a backward racist Regime with more in common with the old racist & anti-democratic South African Apartheid Regime .
That’s all for now,
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