Honduras: Opposition Supporters Hold Nationwide Protests
The protests are directed at the probable fraud that has marked the country’s presidential elections.
Opposition Alliance supporters in Honduras are out on the streets in a nationwide protest after presidential candidate Salvador Nasralla and former Honduran President Manuel Zelaya called for the people to begin a “peaceful” and “permanent” national demonstration and labor strike.
The protests are directed at the probable fraud that has marked the country’s presidential elections and ballot counting process since polls closed Nov. 26. National and international electoral observers registered countless polling irregularities that have left the Central American country without a conclusive presidential winner.
"We declare ourselves ready for a general and permanent mobilization in all regions of the country until the regime that has created a spurious and disgraceful (electoral) fraud is defeated for good," Zelaya told reporters..."
It is typical that the elites in the West including Liberal and conservatives, Democrats and Republicans et al all befriend Saudi Arabia for its oil and money. The West needs the oil and the West needs Saudi money for investments and buying Western Military equipment. So the elites only tepidly criticize Saudis poor record on human rights. Even Hillary Clinton and Obama were reluctant to call out the Saudis and in fact supported the Saudis brutal crackdown in Bahrain and the Saudis carpet bombing of Yemen.
Even the Western Media tends to downplay the poor human rights record of the Saudis. But even further than that the Media and elites are reluctant to call out the Saudis fro their ongoing support for various terrorist groups . Instead the Media and elites prefer to blame other nations such as Iran, Iraq, Libya, Syria for actions which are primarily due to the policies of the Saudis .
Unlike Radical and outspoken Martin Luther King Jr. the establishment never had to worry about Neoliberal President Obama rocking the boat or taking on Wall Street , or poverty in America or the USA Military Industrial Complex.
Now the mainstream Media led by Hillary , the DNC and RussiaPhobe Rachel Maddow and the Dept of Homeland Security, the FBI , NSA are all making up Fake News proclaiming #Occupy , #BlackLivesMatter, #NODAPL , #MniWiconi protests in Dakota were all staged by Putin and the Russians.
Anyway to be a bit sarcastic or snarky : Because as everybody knows there is no racism or discrimination against Blacks, Hispanics, Indigenous peoples or Arabs or Muslims etc.
The Mainstream Media and the Democrats and Faux Progressives have lost their way, their bearings and no longer have any sort of moral center and have left human decency behind. All that matters is that the Democrats win and that the GOP be defeated . But their policies aren't much different when it comes to Wall Street, militarism, wars, interventions and militarizing the police and allowing the local police to get away with killing Blacks and Hispanics and anyone the Elites and Bourgeoisie see as marginal and inferior.
I am ashamed more and more everyday of my generation which includes the baby boomers who once had ideals but now just want a comfortable life for themselves and their inner circle and to hell with everybody else.
More recent news on NoDAPL protests so the fight continues
The courts and the state of Dakota are now demanding that NODAPL protesters who have been charged with criminal activities can no longer use attorneys from out of state which is prepaosterous and probably unconstitutional .
The other new story is that the corporation in charge of the DAPL pipeline Energy Transfer Partners has given North Dakota a donation or bribe of 15 million dollars to offset the cost to the state for fighting the pipeline protesters.
We also know that the Mercenary company TigerSwan is still actively monitoring anyone involved in the protests now or previously and is doing a dragnet sweep once agin in an illegal and unconstitutional manner . But under the Departmant of Homeland Security and the anti-terrorists laws passed since 9/11 TigerSwan and police may be acting within this legal framework by as we have already seen (secretly ) designating the protesters in this case as they have in others as Domestic Terrorists. But rember President Trump is only following the lead of former President Obama and the Democr5atic Party . And once again the Mainstream Media being on the side of President Obama , the Democrats and corporate America is mostly silent .
" DAPL Company Hands Out $15 Million Bribe "
The Young Turks
Published on 29 Sep 2017
"The builder of DAPL is giving A TON of money to North Dakota. Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian, and Ben Mankiewicz, the hosts of The Young Turks, break it down. Tell us what you think in the comment section below. Join TYT: https://goo.gl/v8E64M
“The builder of the Dakota Access pipeline sent North Dakota $15 million on Thursday to help pay law enforcement bills related to months of sometimes violent protests over the project's construction.
BISMARCK, N.D. — The builder of the Dakota Access pipeline sent North Dakota $15 million on Thursday to help pay law enforcement bills related to months of sometimes violent protests over the project's construction.
Texas-based Energy Transfer Partners has wired the money, said Mike Nowatzki, a spokesman for Gov. Doug Burgum. Company investors also contributed, he said.
The $3.8 billion pipeline began moving oil from North Dakota to a distribution point in Illinois in June. The project is still being contested in federal court by American Indian tribes who fear a leak could endanger their water supply, and protests from August to February resulted in a large-scale police response and more than 700 arrests.
The state has arranged for a bank credit line of up to $43 million to cover policing costs, including $5 million just added this week. Maj. Gen. Alan Dohrmann, who heads the North Dakota National Guard, has said costs shouldn't go past that figure.
Burgum said in a statement he was grateful for the contribution.”
Read more here: http://www.startribune.com/apnewsbrea...
Hosts: Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian, Ben Mankiewicz
" #NoDAPL Water Protectors Targeted... AGAIN! "
TYT Politics
Published on 28 Sep 2017
TYT Politics Reporter Jordan Chariton (https://Twitter.com/JordanChariton) and TYT Politics' Emma Vigeland (https://Twitter.com/EmmaVigeland) discuss the news that a North Dakota judge is trying to take away the water protectors' right to legal counsel from other states.
Don't forget to tell us your thoughts in the comment section below!
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" Private Security Tigerswan Launches Dragnet on #NODAPL "
Zoon Politikon with Holly Seeliger
Published on 30 Aug 2017
Then the pipeline was hit by several acts of vandalism targeting valve sites along the route. Starting in mid-March, saboteurs snaked down the line, piercing holes in exposed parts of the pipeline and setting equipment on fire.
The vandalism, which disrupted completion of the pipeline, created new work for TigerSwan. But the company did more than deploy additional guards along the line — it also embarked on a multistate hunt for the culprits.
By early May, TigerSwan had a pair of suspects. “The best assessment based on the known facts is that the attack was most likely conducted by Iowa activists; Jessica Reznicek and Ruby Montoya,” states an internal report dated May 4.
On July 24, Reznicek and Montoya claimed responsibility for the sabotage. Standing in front of an Iowa Utilities Board sign, the two women read a joint statement: “After having explored and exhausted all avenues of process, including attending public commentary hearings, gathering signatures for valid requests for environmental impact statements, participating in civil disobedience, hunger strikes, marches and rallies, boycotts and encampments, we saw the clear deficiencies of our government to hear the people’s demands.”
“We are speaking publicly to empower others to act boldly, with purity of heart, to dismantle the infrastructures which deny us our rights to water, land and liberty.”
Twitter @HollySeeliger
" Mercenaries Literally Treated Standing Rock Protesters Like Terrorists "
The Humanist Report
Published on 4 Jun 2017
The Standing Rock Sioux tribe—along with other water protecters—were not only brutalized by the state of North Dakota, but were also harassed by mercenaries hired by Energy Transfer Partners, the company constructing the Dakota Access Pipeline. Leaked documents obtained by The Intercept reveal that the said mercenary company literally employed counterterrorism measures as a means of quelling the #NoDAPL "insurgency."
Meanwhile as we now know President Obama was working behind the scenes coordinating the crackdown on the DAPL protests.
The US government used the FBI, Department of Homeland Security, the National Guard , Local Police and private mercenaries TigerSwan to intimidate , harass and brutalize protesters.
And they went further by using the same tactics and strategies on these indigenous protesters as they would use on domestic or foreign terrorists.
They used various forms of survellience from planes to drones to monitoring cell phones and computers and hacked them or crashed them .
They also used agents to infiltrate the groups to sow discontent and to instigate violence against the police .
So Obama 's treatment of indigenous people is just the same old story of neglect and then push back and the use of dirty tricks if indigenous people fight back.
So the five centuries of oppression of Native Americans continues and the Mainstream Media for the most part ignores the story . When they do cover the story they base their narrative on what the government, police and the corporations tell them. So those in authority characterize the protesters as violent and unreasonable .
" Obama's Sleepy Tone On Dakota Protest Enrages But Doesn't Surprise "
President Obama's tone towards the Dakota Access pipeline protesters is as sleepy and obfuscating as ever, which shows his interest in protecting corporate polluters.
Jimmy Dore breaks it down.
" Standing Rock Protectors BRUTALIZED By Cops In Standoff "
TYT Politics Reporter Jordan Chariton (https://twitter.com/JordanChariton) reported from just east of the main camp, where Standing Rock water protectors attempted to cross a makeshift wooden bridge they built over the river in order to pray where their ancestors are buried.
But they couldn't cross the bridge, as they were met with over 100 North Dakota police who fired off pepper spray and rubber bullets at protectors (while standing on top of the site where their ancestors are buried).
" Police VIOLENTLY ATTACK Protesters At Standing Rock "
The Young Turks Published on 2 Nov 2016
Police continue to viciously attack the protesters at Standing Rock, ND. They are being hosed down with pepper spray, shot with rubber bulets and more. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down. Tell us what you think in the comment section below. http://tytnetwork.com/join
"In another standoff between state police and protesters against the Dakota Access Pipeline, rubber bullets, pepper spray and mace might have been used. One protester was rushed to a clinic, according to sources.
Hundreds of people came to the banks of the Cannonball River on Wednesday morning to pray, with water protectors going into the river while others remained on the shore.
There they were pushed back into the water.
Others were hit with mace, pepper spray, and rubber bullets, according to RT's Alexander Rubinstein.
Three were allegedly shot with rubber bullets. One was reportedly taken to a clinic.
Dakota Access protesters reported police firing rubber bullets at “point blank” range. Journalist and former congressional candidate Erin Schrode posted on social media, “I was just shot. Militarized police fired at me from pointblank range with a rubber bullet at #StandingRock.””*
Read more here: https://www.rt.com/usa/365133-dakota-...
" Standing Rock: Police shot journalist for no reason | How did it all begin "
Protect Mother Earth
Published on 3 Nov 2016
Standing Rock : As peaceful protests over the controversial Dakota Access Pipeline again turn violent, one journalist near the Standing Rock Sioux Indian reservation in North Dakota captured shocking video showing herself being shot by police out of nowhere as she conducted an interview.
Erin Schrode, an activist and journalist, was doing an interview at the edge of the Cantapeta Creek when police shot her with a rubber bullet. In her video of the incident, Schrode can be heard screaming, “Ow!” before crumbling to the ground.
Police in riot gear shot rubber bullets and used pepper spray on demonstrators — who call themselves water protectors — on the shoreline of the Cantapeta Creek, just north of the Standing Rock Sioux Indian Reservation here on Wednesday.
After a few relatively peaceful days at the campground where thousands have gathered to demonstrate against a controversial North Dakota oil pipeline, demonstrators put out calls on social media to "make your way to the river" for a "river action," but to do so "in prayer."
In a Facebook Live stream, Cempoalli Twenny, who says he is at Standing Rock to protect the water, said, "The pipeline is getting really close to the river now, so it's crunch time."
" Exclusive Video: #noDAPL Protestors Share Experiences of Police Repression "
Published on 21 Nov 2016
Hundreds needed medical attention after being tear gassed and sprayed with water cannons during a Sunday protest in North Dakota
Visit http://therealnews.com for more videos.
Lauretta Prevost with Mirrors and Hammers Productions, www.mirrorsandhammers.com
" BREAKING WEB EXCLUSIVE: Watch Police Attack Unarmed Standing Rock #NoDAPL Water Protectors! "
Redacted Tonight with Lee camp October 28, 2016.
This is web exclusive breaking update on the situation in North Dakota - where Standing Rock water protectors were brutally attacked and arrested by riot police, Dakota Pipeline private security, and the National Guard. The cops were armed with rifles, rubber bullets, tasers, concussion grenades, mace, MRAPS, and LRADs. The situation in Standing Rock is dire as they try to protect their sacred land and clean water from corporate destruction.
"A Shameful Moment for This Country":
Report Back on Militarized Police Raid of DAPL Resistance Camp via DemocracyNow! October 28, 2016.
http://democracynow.org -
We go to Standing Rock, North Dakota, for an update on how hundreds of police with military equipment raided a resistance camp Thursday that was established by Native American water protectors in the path of the proposed $3.8 billion Dakota Access pipeline. More than 100 officers in riot gear with automatic rifles lined up across a highway, flanked by multiple MRAPs, an LRAD sound cannon, Humvees driven by National Guardsmen, an armored police truck and a bulldozer. Water protectors say police deployed tear gas, mace, pepper spray and flash-bang grenades and bean bag rounds against the Native Americans and shot rubber bullets at their horses. "We learned a lot about the relationship of North Dakota to Native people," says Tara Houska, national campaigns director for Honor the Earth. "I was standing next to a group of teenagers that were maced in the face. … I was shot in the face by a bean bag round."
Journalist covering the protests in St. Louis have been pepper sprayed, beaten and arrested. Those being targeted include musical reporters, documentary makers, live stream journalists who were just doing their jobs have fallen victim of aggression from law enforcement officials. Protests in St. Louis have continued daily since the September 15th acquittal of former police officer Jason Stockley in the shooting death of Anthony Lamar Smith.
and here's a video by BlackLivesMatter showing cops in USA killing more Black citizens and then people wonder why they are protesting and why now NFL players are getting involved. : The establishment can't understand how a black American who gets to play in the NFL and possibly paid millions would dare bite the hand that feeds them -they are supposed to be grateful - no they are using their position of status to bring attention to an issue.
This disturbs the hell out of the some people and they think these Black NFL players are getting a bit uppity and they are supposed to be grateful like the old stereotype of the Uncle Tom or the Black slave who gets to work in the big house on the plantation like those prisoners whom Hillary used for cheap labor when she was the governor's wife in Arkansas.
and for a reality check here's Lawrence O'Donnel showing his disdain for NYPD brutality of peaceful #Occupy Wall Street Protesters in 2011 and O'Donnel notes that it is only because of the video and the Media use of it and that an investigation will take place but as he notes it will probably be a sham and a coverup by the police department . And this has been happening before #Occupy / #OWS or #BlackLivesmatter movements began and this sort of police cover up is still going on.
What O'Donnel fails to mention is that as we now know the crushing of the Occupy movement was directed not by local police but by the FBI, DHS and the Whitehouse at that time of President Obama. NYPD Police Brutality Lawrence O'Donnell Dipsodan Published on 30 Sep 2011 The "Occupy Wall Street" demonstrations this past weekend turned ugly with some NYPD officers over-reacting when at least one officer, Joseph Bologna using pepper spray against peaceful and orderly protesters. O'Donnell used his show to bring this to light.
and here's a video from the Oakland protest - Can you say POLICE STATE and this was before NeoFascist Trump took over so my take away is that this is where America was heading since the draconian anti-crime bills and other actions by the Clinton Regime followed by the Bush and Obam Regimes just same old tune of Law and Order at any cost.
The Police tactic is to trap large groups of protesters by Kettling and then gassing and shooting protesters with flash bangs, rubber bullets , bean bags pepper spray and tear gas. The police tell protesters to leave the area but the police are blocking all of the exits . In this case people are out with their families children and babies but this means nothing to the police who have been ordered to crush this movement .
Here's a video of people escaping from the kettling being hunted down by armed police: arlo stone Published on 1 Feb 2012 Armed Riot Cops in Oakland Ca. kettle 300 Occupy Oakland protesters before an occupier with a membership card gets 100 people inside the YMCA.
Riot cops swinging batons flood the area and seal off the YMCA. Terrified Occupiers scatter looking for a way out while cops use urban warfare tactics with guns drawn to hunt them down amongst gym members working out. The last 10 who escaped advanced just ahead of the closing OPD. 24 people inside were later charged with trumped up felonies and tortured in the Santa Rita jail for 4 days. Welcome to America!
Video of #Occupy protesters at UC DAVIS being brutally pepper sprayed
I thought I would from time to time re-post older post of mine which are still relevant.
The post republished here is from December 30, 2012.
I divided into two sections from its original format. The second part deals with gun control the first with Obama crushing #OCCUPY
Of course we also know from more leaked documents that President Obama colluded with the FBI, DHS, Local Police, Oil company mercenaries TigerSwan and the corporations involved to demonize, smear and infiltrate and spy on the Water Protectors in North Dakota and elsewhere treating them as Domestic or Foreign terrorists - they used anti-terrorism tactics on the NODAPL protesters at Standing Rock and continue to do so. Of course the US media including Rachel Maddow MS Russia,Russia, Russia and MSNBC wont report much on this since it doesn't reflect well on Obama or his inner circle or the Democratic party and especially is damaging to Queen Hillary .
Here's video on the police , National Guard and Mercenaries Tiger Swan and their brutal response to protesters and we now know it was all approved by President Obama and his administration of course in secret but the documents were leaked giving those concerned proof .
But most Americans like Hillary Clinton have a hate on for Environmentalists and especially for Native Americans .
Now that Trump is in power there is no longer any need for softening the rhetoric as Obama and Hillary felt they had to to appear as if they gave a shit.
Obama demonizing and crushing #Occupy is just the American Way of dealing with legitimate protest which are uncomfortable for the establishment and the Media and a large portion of Americans who are in effect displaying their sometimes masked Authoritarian quasi -Fascistic tendency whether it is towards #Occupy of #BlackLivesMatter Or the #WaterProtectors and Native American protests against the Oil companies or anti-torture groups or anti-war groups or anti-drones or anti-cluster bombs all are demonized as UNAMERICAN and therefore can legitimately according to President Obama or whomever be denied their basic fundamental rights.
The same old tropes or memes are trotted out accusing protesters of being UnAmerican or anti-American as Russian plants or dupes as the movements in the sixties ie Civil Rights Movement, the anti-war movement ,the Feminists were all branded as UnAmerican anti-Christian and pro-Russia or Pro-China all as a way to demonize and make such gorups illegitimate in their claims and their operations.
FBI documents just obtained by the Partnership for Civil Justice Fund (PCJF) pursuant to the PCJF’s Freedom of Information Act demands reveal that from its inception, the FBI treated the Occupy movement as a potential criminal and terrorist threat even though the agency acknowledges in documents that organizers explicitly called for peaceful protest and did “not condone the use of violence” at occupy protests. The PCJF has obtained heavily redacted documents showing that FBI offices and agents around the country were in high gear conducting surveillance against the movement even as early as August 2011, a month prior to the establishment of the OWS encampment in Zuccotti Park and other Occupy actions around the country.
and once again at New York Occupy Protests -NYPD Unwarranted Overuse of Pepperspray
but Obama and DHS were determined to crush the Movement:
Roger’s note: The Empire Strikes Back. Those of us who oppose the imperial capitalism-on-steroids policies of the United States government are vulnerable to being labeled as terrorists. And targeted for assassination! As long as you behave yourself, as most Americans do, you are safe from government oppression (of course, you may lose your home or your job and go into bankruptcy over health care costs, but that is a horse of a different color). A police state does not attack all its citizens, only those who are uppity.
The Occupy Movement (#OWS) from the very beginning even before the first protests occurred was labeled by the FBI and other agencies and the Obama administration as a"domestic terrorist organization" .
So this is how President Obama and his administration viewed Occupy as domestic terrorists the irony and hypocrisy is astounding. When Obama and other officials supposedly praise Martin Luther King and the non-violent civil rights movement we should no longer take them seriously. Because given Obama's attitude towards the Occupy Movement we can assume if Obama and his friends in power were in power when Martin Luther King was organizing protests across the USA Obama being as we now know on the side of the status quo would have done as J. Edgar Hoover did that is to infiltrate and spy on MLK and other leaders of the movement and we can assume Obama would have stayed quiet when police used violent methods to try to put an end to the Civil Rights Movement .
If it had been up to President Obama he would have sent in the National Guard not to protect Civil Rights leaders and their followers but rather to use force to destroy the Civil Rights movement . As someone mentioned in their analysis of Obama's policies is that he more akin to a moderate Republican rather than a progressive and he manged to resell his brand to the American voters a second time.
So in fact the local police forces and the FBI and Homeland Security and other intelligence agencies were involved in a secret coordinated effort to stop even peaceful protests because Occupy was seen as a threat to America's national security and to the Big banks and big Corporations and Wall Street.
The documents released for instance shows there was talk about assassinating those who were considered as the leaders of Occupy but it is unclear who was threatening Occupy leaders the government or some other anti-Occupy organization or just individuals. If the threat was made by non-government or police officials then Occupy Movement should have been informed of such a threat.
It was more sophisticated than we had imagined: new documents show that the violent crackdown on Occupy last fall – so mystifying at the time – was not just coordinated at the level of the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security, and local police. The crackdown, which involved, as you may recall, violent arrests, group disruption, canister missiles to the skulls of protesters, people held in handcuffs so tight they were injured, people held in bondage till they were forced to wet or soil themselves –was coordinated with the big banks themselves.
The Partnership for Civil Justice Fund, in a groundbreaking scoop that should once more shame major US media outlets (why are nonprofits now some of the only entities in America left breaking major civil liberties news?), filed this request. The document – reproduced here in an easily searchable format – shows a terrifying network of coordinated DHS, FBI, police, regional fusion center, and private-sector activity so completely merged into one another that the monstrous whole is, in fact, one entity: in some cases, bearing a single name, the Domestic Security Alliance Council. And it reveals this merged entity to have one centrally planned, locally executed mission. The documents, in short, show the cops and DHS working for and with banks to target, arrest, and politically disable peaceful American citizens.
The documents, released after long delay in the week between Christmas and New Year, show a nationwide meta-plot unfolding in city after city in an Orwellian world: six American universities are sites where campus police funneled information about students involved with OWS to the FBI, with the administrations’ knowledge (p51); banks sat down with FBI officials to pool information about OWS protesters harvested by private security; plans to crush Occupy events, planned for a month down the road, were made by the FBI – and offered to the representatives of the same organizations that the protests would target; and even threats of the assassination of OWS leaders by sniper fire – by whom? Where? – now remain redacted and undisclosed to those American citizens in danger, contrary to standard FBI practice to inform the person concerned when there is a threat against a political leader (p61).
As Mara Verheyden-Hilliard, executive director of the PCJF, put it, the documents show that from the start, the FBI – though it acknowledges Occupy movement as being, in fact, a peaceful organization – nonetheless designated OWS repeatedly as a “terrorist threat”:
“FBI documents just obtained by the Partnership for Civil Justice Fund (PCJF) … reveal that from its inception, the FBI treated the Occupy movement as a potential criminal and terrorist threat … The PCJF has obtained heavily redacted documents showing that FBI offices and agents around the country were in high gear conducting surveillance against the movement even as early as August 2011, a month prior to the establishment of the OWS encampment in Zuccotti Park and other Occupy actions around the country.”
Verheyden-Hilliard points out the close partnering of banks, the New York Stock Exchange and at least one local Federal Reserve with the FBI and DHS, and calls it “police-statism”:
“This production [of documents], which we believe is just the tip of the iceberg, is a window into the nationwide scope of the FBI’s surveillance, monitoring, and reporting on peaceful protestors organizing with the Occupy movement … These documents also show these federal agencies functioning as a de facto intelligence arm of Wall Street and Corporate America.”
FBI documents just obtained by the Partnership for Civil Justice Fund (PCJF) pursuant to the PCJF’s Freedom of Information Act demands reveal that from its inception, the FBI treated the Occupy movement as a potential criminal and terrorist threat even though the agency acknowledges in documents that organizers explicitly called for peaceful protest and did “not condone the use of violence” at occupy protests. The PCJF has obtained heavily redacted documents showing that FBI offices and agents around the country were in high gear conducting surveillance against the movement even as early as August 2011, a month prior to the establishment of the OWS encampment in Zuccotti Park and other Occupy actions around the country.
Roger’s note: The Empire Strikes Back. Those of us who oppose the imperial capitalism-on-steroids policies of the United States government are vulnerable to being labeled as terrorists. And targeted for assassination! As long as you behave yourself, as most Americans do, you are safe from government oppression (of course, you may lose your home or your job and go into bankruptcy over health care costs, but that is a horse of a different color). A police state does not attack all its citizens, only those who are uppity.
The Occupy Movement (#OWS) from the very beginning even before the first protests occurred was labeled by the FBI and other agencies and the Obama administration as a"domestic terrorist organization" .
So this is how President Obama and his administration viewed Occupy as domestic terrorists the irony and hypocrisy is astounding. When Obama and other officials supposedly praise Martin Luther King and the non-violent civil rights movement we should no longer take them seriously. Because given Obama's attitude towards the Occupy Movement we can assume if Obama and his friends in power were in power when Martin Luther King was organizing protests across the USA Obama being as we now know on the side of the status quo would have done as J. Edgar Hoover did that is to infiltrate and spy on MLK and other leaders of the movement and we can assume Obama would have stayed quiet when police used violent methods to try to put an end to the Civil Rights Movement .
If it had been up to President Obama he would have sent in the National Guard not to protect Civil Rights leaders and their followers but rather to use force to destroy t
he Civil Rights movement . As someone mentioned in their analysis of Obama's policies is that he more akin to a moderate Republican rather than a progressive and he manged to resell his brand to the American voters a second time.
So in fact the local police forces and the FBI and Homeland Security and other intelligence agencies were involved in a secret coordinated effort to stop even peaceful protests because Occupy was seen as a threat to America's national security and to the Big banks and big Corporations and Wall Street.
The documents released for instance shows there was talk about assassinating those who were considered as the leaders of Occupy but it is unclear who was threatening Occupy leaders the government or some other anti-Occupy organization or just individuals. If the threat was made by non-government or police officials then Occupy Movement should have been informed of such a threat.
It was more sophisticated than we had imagined: new documents show that the violent crackdown on Occupy last fall – so mystifying at the time – was not just coordinated at the level of the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security, and local police. The crackdown, which involved, as you may recall, violent arrests, group disruption, canister missiles to the skulls of protesters, people held in handcuffs so tight they were injured, people held in bondage till they were forced to wet or soil themselves –was coordinated with the big banks themselves.
The Partnership for Civil Justice Fund, in a groundbreaking scoop that should once more shame major US media outlets (why are nonprofits now some of the only entities in America left breaking major civil liberties news?), filed this request. The document – reproduced here in an easily searchable format – shows a terrifying network of coordinated DHS, FBI, police, regional fusion center, and private-sector activity so completely merged into one another that the monstrous whole is, in fact, one entity: in some cases, bearing a single name, the Domestic Security Alliance Council. And it reveals this merged entity to have one centrally planned, locally executed mission. The documents, in short, show the cops and DHS working for and with banks to target, arrest, and politically disable peaceful American citizens.
The documents, released after long delay in the week between Christmas and New Year, show a nationwide meta-plot unfolding in city after city in an Orwellian world: six American universities are sites where campus police funneled information about students involved with OWS to the FBI, with the administrations’ knowledge (p51); banks sat down with FBI officials to pool information about OWS protesters harvested by private security; plans to crush Occupy events, planned for a month down the road, were made by the FBI – and offered to the representatives of the same organizations that the protests would target; and even threats of the assassination of OWS leaders by sniper fire – by whom? Where? – now remain redacted and undisclosed to those American citizens in danger, contrary to standard FBI practice to inform the person concerned when there is a threat against a political leader (p61).
As Mara Verheyden-Hilliard, executive director of the PCJF, put it, the documents show that from the start, the FBI – though it acknowledges Occupy movement as being, in fact, a peaceful organization – nonetheless designated OWS repeatedly as a “terrorist threat”:
“FBI documents just obtained by the Partnership for Civil Justice Fund (PCJF) … reveal that from its inception, the FBI treated the Occupy movement as a potential criminal and terrorist threat … The PCJF has obtained heavily redacted documents showing that FBI offices and agents around the country were in high gear conducting surveillance against the movement even as early as August 2011, a month prior to the establishment of the OWS encampment in Zuccotti Park and other Occupy actions around the country.”
Verheyden-Hilliard points out the close partnering of banks, the New York Stock Exchange and at least one local Federal Reserve with the FBI and DHS, and calls it “police-statism”:
“This production [of documents], which we believe is just the tip of the iceberg, is a window into the nationwide scope of the FBI’s surveillance, monitoring, and reporting on peaceful protestors organizing with the Occupy movement … These documents also show these federal agencies functioning as a de facto intelligence arm of Wall Street and Corporate America.”
Yes even Morgan Freeman and Rob Reiner and other supposedly Hollywood Liberals are now pushing for the New Improved updated version of The House Committee on Unamerican Activities of Joseph McCarthy. They want to investigate any American who was critical of the DNC or Hillary Clinton or who believe the Democrats and Hillary Clinton rigged the 2015-2016 primary to insure that Hillary won.
They believe that the smearing of Bernie Sanders and his supporters by Hillary Clinton's team and by Debbie Wasserman Schultz and others such as Peter Daou , David Brooks, Barbara Boxer, Nancy Pelosi . Donna Brazile, Joy Reid, Whoopi Goldberg, Bill Maher , Rachel Maddow , Chris Hayes , Chris Matthews, Anderson Cooper, Wolf Blitzer , Gloria Steinem, Madame AlBright et al was justified and just part of their campaign strategy. But the dirty tricks and smearing of Bernie and his supporters was unfair and unethical to say the least and the DNC still refues to apologize for Rigging the Primary.
They at least could have had the decency to tell Bernie and his supporters not to bother with a campaign since the elite within the DNC had already picked Hillary to be the Presidential Candidate.
But as usual its seems Americans either don't believe in an open democracy or just don't care and prefer Dirty Politics ala President Nixon to having a fair and open process.
So now they want to blame Russia and those Americans they believe colluded with the Russians to defeat SAINT HILLARY . So these NeoMcCarthyite Neoliberals are going full tilt NeoFascist and are demanding investigations and jailing all those who criticized Hillary or the DNC and Democratic Party. If the numbers of these dissidents is large enough is Rob Reiner and Morgan Freeman comfortable with the creation of Prison camps or re-education camps or just Concentration camps .
Joseph McCarthy , Roy Cohn, Nixon , Spiro Agnew , Reagan , William F. Buckley Jr., Ayn Rand , Henry Kissinger , the John Birchers would all be delighted.
September 30, 2017 "Information Clearing House" - Morgan Freeman is used to playing God, and in lesser roles, president of the United States. These days, however, Freeman has sold his image and aura to the worst warmongers on the planet. Morgan Freeman has signed on as a front man and propagandist for an all-out military confrontation with Russia, the only country that has the power to turn the United States into a burned out cinder. In a video that Freeman’s right-wing friends are circulating on social media, the actor declares that a new world war has already begun.
“Russia is waging war on the U.S.,” says the text of a video, produced by the so-called Committee to Investigate Russia. Morgan Freeman then intones, “We have been attacked. We are at war.” He spins an infantile 1950s-type demonization of Russia and its president, Vladimir Putin, for supposedly using “cyber warfare to attack democracies around the world.” At this point, we discover that the man who plays God on film is, in real life, just an old time, shuffling Uncle Tom, the kind of shameless bootlicker that we hoped had gone extinct. Morgan Freeman says of the United States, “for 241 years our democracy has been a shining example to the world.” Freeman’s slave ancestors must be cursing his name from the grave.
A sudden, early grave awaits us all, if Morgan Freeman’s script-writers have their way. The least dangerous member of the boardof the Committee to Investigate Russia is Rob Reiner, the actor and director who used to play the “meathead” on TV’s “All in the Family.” His political family is Zionism. Reiner wants to “eliminate” Hamas, the Palestinian political organization, and charges that Donald Trump’s rich Jewish son-in-law, Jared Kushner, has “turned his back on his religion.” But Reiner is just the media connection, like Morgan Freeman, himself
The ideology of the Committee to Investigate Russia comes straight from the CIA, the Council on Foreign Relations, which has vetted every U.S. war since World War Two, and the Pentagon. Former CIA director James Clapper, who lied to the entire world when he told Congress that the government was not spying on the telephones and personal computers of everyone on the planet, sits on the board. He got away with perjury, and now he’s writing Morgan Freeman’s lying script. Max Boot is a rightwing historian with the Council on Foreign Relations who wants to “beef up” the U.S. military. Evelyn Farkas is also on the Council, and is a former deputy assistant secretary of defense. Norman Ornstein is a scholar at the Republican-dominated American Enterprise Institute. And Charles Sykes is a rightwing commentator.
This is the political company that Morgan Freeman keeps: Zionists, militarists, spies, and rightwing hate-mongers – the real dangers to world peace. When Freeman says that the U.S. is already “at war,” he is effectively demanding an attack on Russia. Under Nuremberg rules, Morgan and others like him are guilty of crimes against peace – which are capital crimes. Freeman is trying to whip up a war frenzy that can only end in nuclear annihilation. That makes Freeman a danger to the human race. A war whore -- not God-like at all.
This is an old post from days of yore when Beck was crazy because Obama a Black man became president.
Now we have some high strung Democrats who are upset that Trump is POTUS and they want to blame Russia, Putin, Black and Hispanic citizens and white working class, and Bernie Sanders , and racism as a backlash to 8 years of Obama and sexism that Hillary lost because she's a woman , or that the DNC didn't do enough and the Media they claim was against Hillary - little of this holds water.
Trump is a bit of a disaster but mostly because he is uncouth he says in public what other presidents only say in private to their closest advisers.
Obama was just as much of a war monger who ignored all the civilian deaths he caused because he never really cared anymore than Trump or George Bush or Hillary Clinton , or John Kerry , or Joe Biden or Rumsfeld or Dick Cheney or Karl Rove or Nixon and Henry Kissinger- it is all about power and money .
Hillary Clinton currently is on Blame everbody else Book Tour of her book "What Happened" or possibly "Did I Do That"
Yes Hillary there is NO SANTA CLAUSE and you were not promised that this was YOUR TURN.
If Hillary fought harder and had taken on more progressive policies and picked a better VP such as Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders. With Sanders as VP she would have been guaranted a few million votes that is from Bernie's 15 Million dedicated enthusiastic supporters. Instead Hillary and the DNC trashed Bernie Supporters in every way possible telling them to bugger off , take a hike and if they don't like the Democratic Party then just get the hell out of the party.
Hopefully voters will still remember this if the Democrats put up more corporate Centrist war Hawks in 2018 or 2020. The party should use this as a teaching and learning moment instead of just doubling down on Neoliberal moderate conservative policies.
- Hillary ran a terrible campaign, the leaked documents were factual but not flattering and showed how corrupt and manipulative the DNC was and is .
Hillary and her friends John Podesta, David Brock, Robbie Mook , Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Peter Daou , et al decided to move further to the right at a time when American voters were in a Populist mood and wanted someone who was outside the establishment.
There were also emails and Documents leaked which showed that the DNC, Hillary and the Media colluded to undermine Bernie Sanders campaign - which in fact added up to cheating Bernie and lying to his supporters and making up crap about him .
Other emails from the Clinton Foundation etc. showed that Hillary used a system of Pay for Play as Secretary of State.V
Hillary was unable to sell herself as someone outside the elites , the establishment or Wall Street while she remained a hawk in foreign affairs while spouting discredited Neoliberal economic and social policies .
Hillary was in favor of more wars. Hillary was against raising the minimum wage to 15 dollars, Hillary was against Universal Health Care.
Hillary was against any consideration of free college education across the board.
Hillary was also in favor of a get tough immigrant stance .
Hillary was still the sweetheart of the Fossil Fuel industry from coal to oil to Mountain Top Removal to Fracking and more pipelines while wanting to easer up on environmental and safety regulations.
And you thought Glenn Beck couldn't get any crazier but he has now gone over the edge into rather dangerous territory as he appears to want like minded conservatives to rise up and take to the streets with their automatic rifles and stat killing all liberals, progressives, and leftists. Glenn Beck hates all of these people who discuss American history in such a way that it undermines the American Mythos ie the City on The Hill , the savior of the world, God's Chosen Nation, Manifest Destiny , the greatest Democracy , a land of equality and equal opportunity .
In Glenn's mind America up until recently was a capitalist paradise where the rich were respected in the way he believes they should be which now includes himself. But his wealth is in great part based upon his selling his Hate Speech & conspiratorial thinking . It never occurs to him that America has ever done anything wrong except when the hated"Liberals" were ruling America. But both parties are in fact responsible for various disastrous domestic and foreign policies. XXX
For instance : It was after all the Democrats under FDR who helped make America into a better nation yet it was the Democrats who were responsible for the disastrous Vietnam war while the Republicans doubled on Vietnam under Nixon and Henry Kissinger.
Meanwhile later on it was the Democrats under Bill Clinton who gutted the welfare programs and public housing while pushing for laws which has led to Mass Incarceration and the militarization of police forces and given them unlimited powers to stop and search people with no real grounds for doing so the grounds seem to be if the person is Black or Brown since Hillary referred to young Black men as Superpredators who needed to be brought to heel as if Black citizens were animals.
Is Glenn Beck inciting violence. By comparing President Obama to Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin , Mao , Pol Pott he is saying that Obama and the leftist are out to destroy traditional America and rounding up and killing all who disagree with their policies. So according to Glenn Beck the left is intending to set up concentration camps and death camps to kill him and all his followers. Is Glenn Beck just doing this for the ratings or is he agitating hoping for some violence or chaos. It is one thing to disagree with the policies of President Obama and progressives and another to claim he is as evil as Hitler or Stalin. So what is his audience supposed to react to his claims-assassinate the president & others connected with the Obama administration or just march and demonstrate in the streets. Is he just playing on the fears and paranoia of those who don't trust Obama because he appears too liberal or because he's black. In their little minds the only way for a black man to be president would be a result of a massive conspiracy.XXX
The Young Turks Critique of Glenn Beck documentary Live Free or Die
XX Once again we get a revisionists history by a right-wing nutter . To the revisionists historical facts are merely a matter of opinion. Therefore Glenn Beck and others can reimagine the past anyway they care to. Part of the issue is that Hitler and others were mass murdering maniacs whether or not they were perceived as on the left or right. Glenn beck is stuck on the fact that the Nazi party was supposedly a socialist party. Hitler turned the party as such into whatever were his personal goals, ambitions and his own paranoid conspiratorial style. Tim McVeigh ,
So is he saying that the Ku Klux Klan never committed acts of violence or that if they did they must be liberals-but they are right wing racists. So all those people in the South who went to the thousands of lynchings were liberals who were pro-gay, pro-civil rights, and were anti-war or who had a hidden agenda in what they appeared to be doing. Henry Ford whom I have discussed before was a rabid anti-semite and supported Hitler & Mussolini . XXX
For almost 2,000 years the Christian Church and the early Christians promulgated anti-Semitism-therefore according to Beck the Christians and especially the Catholic Church must have been on the left.Surely according to his way of thinking no Christian was ever anti-semitic. The idea that the Catholic Church and later the Lutherans and protestants were also fanatically anti-Semitic and were racists who believed the White European Race was superior to all other so called races and religions and cultures. Samuel Huntingtons Clash of Civilizations is at its core a racist screed in favor of Christian European White Culture as superior to all others. XXXNo White European Christian could ever commit the crimes committed by the Japanese and the Chinese or Africans and other non Europeans. So were The Crusades, the Inquisition, the Witch hunts, slavery all part of a leftist plot.
I guess these so called leftists in Beck's imagination are confused with like the non-existent Illuminati plotting for centuries to kill off millions of conservatives or libertarians. Glenn Beck in part 3 of his documentary talk about the Ukrainian famine which was engineered by Stalin as if it were some dark hidden secret. It became well known in the West .XXX
Yes there were die hard pro-Communists who refuse to believe it had been engineered . It is among the reasons many people eventually left the Communist party in the US Canada and elsewhere. Beck forgets that it was difficult to get any reliable news out of the Soviet Union. There was at times so much propaganda on both sides that it was difficult to discern what was really going on. Later we get to see the same madness unleashed in Red China during the so called cultural revolution and in Cambodia under Pol Pott.XXX
Part 3| Glenn Beck Documentary: "The Revolutionary Holocaust: Live Free...Or Die" - 01/22/10
Beck's conspiracy theory is an old one which can best be illustrated by the notorious infamous forgery created by the Russian Secret police in 1905 to incite anti-semitism . This forgery known as The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion has been used by anti-semites ever since as proof they claim of a world wide Jewish conspiracy. So if one wants to create a Conspiracy Theory the Protocols can be used as a basic blueprint-all you do is instead of referring to Jews you change the name of the group to the one you wish to attack ie Illuminati, the Knights of Malta, The Masons , the Catholics, liberals, socialist, Community organizers, civil rights movement , labor unions, Native black Africans etc.
XXX To Glenn Beck and his ilk Martin Luther King Jr. was an evil Communists who got America's black people and the poor all riled up over in his view nothing that important. He seems to believe everything was OK in America til Communist agitators interfered with the Segregation in the South. I have been hearing this nonsense from the US Conservatives , John Bircher Society, and the KKK and William F. Buckley , Jesse Helms, Barry Goldwater,Governor George Wallace & even the Mainstream US Media since the early 1960s up to the present. XXX
Also note that if Beck is going to talk about Genocides prior to Hitler he should also examine the Armenian Holocaust, the Native American Holocaust, the Irish Potato Famine, the hundred if not thousands of pogroms and massacres of the Jews in Europe by Holier than thou Christians then add in the Crusades, the Inquisition, the expulsion of Jews and Muslims and other non-Christians from Christian countries and add in hundreds of years of Slavery and wars and massacres between various Christian factions. Hitler did not invent anti-Semitism or the notion of Genocide. For instance during the Irish Holocaust the English & their fellow travelers in Ireland conspired to rid the land of people to be replaced by Sheep and more potatoes. Over six million died or went into exile in the 19th century. Americans took in several million during those years which led to an anti-Irish backlash.XXX
So you have signs that read no Jews , No Niggers, No Dogs and No Irish but Beck doesn't want to talk about how European Capitalist and Christians were involved in this sort of massacre. In Dublin on the piers there are statues commemorating the Irish Famine. People lay starving on the docks while ships were loaded with produce and then sailed away. The US tried to run the Blockade established by the English by sending ships loaded with food for the Irish. The English made the American ships unload in England and then the aid was put on English ships creating long unnecessary delays in the delivering of aid to the Irish people. Glenn Beck also does not want to talk about how the British, the French, the Spanish & Portuguese mass murdered an estimated 40 million or more Native Americans from the Arctic circle down to the tip of South America. They engineered this Genocide so there would be more room for Europeans coming to the Americas. and now for a little levity as it were Is this another Watergate Were these guys working for the Republicans when they wire tapped the phones -dirty tricks ala Nixon Were they being being paid or was the job done with a wink and a nod to true believers. Cenk doesn't mention that these characters were or may have been in cohoots with the Republicans or other right wing conservative organizations or interests. XXX
BLOODY SUNDAY 1920 black & tans irregular soldiers enter a football stadium shooting into the crowd indescriminately ( sort of like the CIA backed death squads in central america)
See:Irish 1916 Easter Rising ~ War for Independence - /home.fiac.net/marshaw
Ireland - becoming a free state www.iol.ie/~dluby/history.htm#Rising
THE HISTORY PLACE: IRISH POTATO FAMINE www.historyplace.com/worldhistory/famine
on Black & Tans seeNationmaster.com www.nationmaster.com/ also see on Bloody Sunday(II) January 30, 1972 PARATROOPERS FIRE INTO A CROWD OF PEACEFUL DEMONSTRATORS CREATING A NEW GENERATION OF MARTYRS & RECRUITS FOR THE IRA. WILL THE ENGLISH EVER LEARN??? Irish Northern Aid Inc. www.inac.org/irishhistory/bloodysunday
Also see: TRISKELLE History of Ireland from ancient era to the present www.vincentpeters.nl/triskelle/history Another excellent site is SARA'S Michael Collins SITE which deals with the life & political career of Michael Collins & includes pages on The Easter Rebellion & BLOODY SUNDAY 1920 & THE BLACK & TANS AT www.geocities.com
Time to put aside differences between Progressives and Trump supporters as this insane FAKENEWS RUSSIAHACKING has become too dangerous . This could lead to a major military conflict and even a nuclear war as these idiots in the Media and those in the Democratic Party and GOP are now pushing a reluctant Trump into a disastrous policy towards Russia.
The Neocons and Neoliberals on both sides of the isle would love another major war .
The Democrats are pushing for war to cover for their 2016 election losses and their rigging of the 2016 Primary and other bits of ongoing corruption.
Jamarl Thomas of @theProgSoapbox says this has gone too far there needs to be an investigation and if Hillary Clinton or Wasserman Schultz or others need to be locked up then lock em up.
He says he was wrong before but now agrees with Trumpsters to lock them up.
The DNC and Media have spent the last 8 moths demonizing Russia with their bogus Russia hacked the DNC and undermined US elections which they claim is equal to a military attack and so the US should go to war with a nuclear power Russia.
This is beyond some sort of ideological differences or branding or messaging this is dangerous for the USA and the world.
The Media and the DNC , Hillary Clinton, Comey, Lynch etc. need to be reined in and those who are guilty need to be locked up.
This is the real conspiracy of collusion between the Media and the Democratic Party and other interests.
Published on 29 Jul 2017
FBI agents seized smashed computer hard drives from the home of Florida Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s information technology (IT) administrator, according to two sources with knowledge of the investigation.
Pakistani-born Imran Awan, long-time right-hand IT aide to the former Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairwoman, has since desperately tried to get the hard drives back, an individual whom FBI investigators interviewed in the case told The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Investigative Group.
An additional source in Congress with direct knowledge of the case, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the probe, confirmed that the FBI has joined what Politico previously described as a Capitol Police criminal probe into “serious, potentially illegal, violations on the House IT network” by Imran and three of his relatives, who had access to the emails and files of the more than two dozen House Democrats who employed them on a part-time basis.
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In my last post I critiqued Farron Cousins proclaiming that people shouldn't be talking about Hillary Clinton any more.
So here he is criticizing Hillary last year at which point he and I would have been in agreement.
But during that time more details about Hillary's questionable activities have been revealed.
Yes he is correct we are all sick of hearing about Hillary because in large part nothing has happened .
But the law suit against the DNC is still on going and the political system is still corrupt in general.
The DNC establishment are still in denial a year later about why they lost the election. They still want to blame the Russians, Trump, Bernie Bros, Bernie, Jill Stein, sexism etc. They refuse to accept that it was in fact not necessarily Hillary's turn.
And Hillary and the DNC need to be made to face some form of justice for rigging the primary and for trashing Bernie Sanders . At the least they owe Bernie Sanders and his some 15 million supporters a real apology. So is that asking too much.Instead they still act as if they were justified in all they did which is why many people are still obsessed with Hillary and the DNC..
"Published on 20 Sep 2016
The latest polls show Hillary Clinton’s support among Millennials falling even further, and her outreach to the 18 – 34 age group has been pathetic, to say the least. The problem is that she absolutely doesn’t understand how badly the policies of the last 16 years have hurt this age group."
Link - http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/a...
So are Americans just supposed to accept the fact that both political parties are corrupt and cannot be trusted and rarely if ever represent average citizens but rather one elitist group or another.
And so is the message to young Americans the fix is in the system is rigged and that average Americans must give up their aspirations for those of some establishment elite and their corporate and Wall St. cronies.
So politics is a mug's game so just don't bother unless you want to be a lackey for the rich and powerful and if you play your cards right you too can use the system by hook or crook to enrich yourself and your friends and bugger the rest of the citizenry. I guess that Political Science 101 in the USA.
Commentator at Ring of Fire Farron Cousins is sick he says of the constant talk about Hillary Clinton . He claims he is not defending her but some of his arguments do tend to side with Hillary.
Farron ignores how serious and troubling these issues are . They strike at the heart of America's notion of a Fair and free democracy . Instead we discover the USA is now an oligarchy run by Democratic Party and Republican Party establishment and their donors. Bernie's great crime was he tried to defy the establishment and acted as though the system was fair and just and the best person would win instead the fix was in. Compare to a horse race where doping is the issue or a boxing match in which one person is told to take the fall except Bernie was left in the dark.
Farron ignores that Hillary acted unethically and may have committed crimes when it comes at least to her handling of official government emails while secretary of state. We also know there are some still big lingering questions over the Clinton Foundation and her pay to play scam.
Hillary erased hard drives or used hammers on hard drives and on a dozen portable hand devices .
We also know Hillary colluded with the DNC establishment, and various associates along with the mainstream Media to bolster her campaign during the primaries and used various dirty tricks to defeat Bernie Sanders and this continued into the Democratic Party Convention where the DNC contravened a number of its own bylaws and regulations to keep Bernie supporters without a real voice.
If this had all been done fairly then most Bernie supporters would have had to just accept defeat but the whole thing was rigged from beginning to end.
Many of those involved are still working in and with the party and appear this week hoping for Hillary 2020 or a Clinonite Clone and the party base are told to accept whomever these men and women of the establishment decide as the new leader in some smoke filled backroom and they tell the base to just shut up and take it.
The attitude is that for someone to want to end these shenanigans, dirty tricks and corruption within the Democratic Party is characterized as mere wishful thinking at the least and at worse UNAMERICAN.
What Cousins also ignores is that just last week Rachel Maddow and other Hillary surrogates are proclaiming that the main reason Hillary lost the election was due to Trump and Putin /Russian collusion with a host of operatives in the USA. Maddow claims those who retweeted or posted any negative articles about Hillary on social media were in fact acting on behalf of the Russian government and the Russian/Putin/Trump/ Bernie cabal to defeat Hillary . Maddow appeared to suggest rounding up people who may have been acting on behalf of Russia or Macedonia to rig the US election . In other words when people RT'd a negative article about Hillary or if they read and discussed documents leaked by Wikileaks or the Intercept or some other outfit they were engaged in treasonous acts.
Donna Brazile and others have suggested even reading Wikileaks leaked documents of Hillary and John Podesta etc. emails was an act of treason . CNN Jake Tapper also chimed in telling people it was not legal to read emails at the wikileaks public site on the internet. This Mr. Cousins is how far down the rabbit hole we now are . A couple of days ago Donna Brazile referred to the Russian government as being Communist since she has been asleep at the wheel since 1990 along with the rest of the NeomcCarthyite RussiaPhobe establishment in the DNC and in the Mainstream Media. anyway I have more to say after the video of Mr. Cousins at Ring of Fire.
"...Published on 23 Jul 2017 Whether it is Trump supporters still whining about Hillary Clinton, progressives saying she should be prosecuted, or establishment Democrats complaining about the election, it seems like you just can’t escape the talk of Hillary Clinton.
It is time to end it – no more talking about Hillary Clinton. Those days are gone, and we ALL need to move on. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Ring of Fire needs your help! Support us by becoming a monthly patron on Patreon, and help keep progressive media alive!: https://www.patreon.com/TheRingofFire Spread the word! LIKE and SHARE this video or leave a comment to help direct attention to the stories that matter. And SUBSCRIBE to stay connected with Ring of Fire's video content!
Cousins begins in this way:
If you want to know how to immediately get a group of people to turn on one another, just say this phrase, Hillary Clinton. The reason I bring that up is because I am getting so tired of seeing articles, going on social media, and seeing anybody talking about Hillary Clinton. There is no reason, and I understand the irony of talking about Hillary Clinton while I'm saying stop talking about Hillary Clinton, but there is no reason anyone should be talking about Hillary Clinton. That's why I'm talking about it today. We have three different groups of people right now talking about Hillary Clinton.
First of all, the Trump folk, the Republicans. Trump is out there tweeting out on a near daily basis, "Hillary did this thing with the Russians, why aren't we going after her?" So the Republican base says yeah Hillary for jail. Let's investigate her. Let's do all these things. The investigation that took place before was fraud, it was a sham. Well no, it wasn't. Hillary Clinton, in spite of being a horrible candidate, she did go through hell with these investigations. No evidence came up, it's over. That's how investigations work. You may not like it, but that's the U.S. system of justice. Justice was served. Justice was done. She was free to go. Republicans, let it go. There is no reason why any of you should ever utter the name Hillary Clinton again.
Now the second group, the kind of hard core progressives that are still out there saying Hillary Clinton should be prosecuted. No. Why? Why are you still talking about Hillary Clinton? How is she relevant to what is happening in this country today? She lost the election. She was a bad candidate, I agree with you. She ran a horrible campaign, I agree with you. She was the wrong candidate, I agree with you. But let it go. There is nothing productive, nothing of substance that comes out of hammering on Hillary Clinton every day, just bashing her, beating her up. Move on! There are plenty of people in D.C. on both the left and the right that we can talk about all day long, people that actually are writing laws, doing things that affect our daily lives. Instead, some people feel that their time is better spent going after a woman who's not even in politics anymore, hopefully will never be again in the future. She's just out there doing whatever.
That brings me to the third group of people. The I'm still with her people. I appreciate your enthusiasm for a candidate. I get it, I do, but when you're out there actively attacking people like Bernie Sanders to make yourselves feel better. Saying that, "Hillary Clinton is so much better than her and Bernie is a sellout. Bernie's just in it for himself. Bernie's a communist." You're attacking the only senator who is out there going out and speaking to Americans in all areas. He's not staying in his home state just talking to the people who've elected him over and over and over again. He's not just talking to his friends. He's out there talking to people who disagree with them. He's trying to get them to change their mind. Not about him, but about the policies of the Republican and Democratic parties. He is being a true leader, and you're attacking him because I'm still with her. Let it go. Hillary Clinton lost. You refuse to acknowledge the reasons for her campaign failures, so let it go."
I really like Farron Cousins and others at Ring of Fire and some of the people at TYT and agree with them on a host of issues but when it comes to Hillary cheating Bernie Sanders they appear to treat this as no big deal and cynically call it politics as usual in other words we are supposed to just accept this corrupt system and then move on.
But millions of American especially young Americans gave their all to fight for Bernie Sanders only to learn they had wasted their time, energy and money because the system was and is rigged. For decades I have been hearing people trash young people for not being politically active but last year the young were mobilized and then the establishment and even some well meaning people slapped their faces and spit in their eye and told them to wise up because the system and policies and platforms are never going to fundamentally change.
What Mr. Cousins forgets is that Hillary and Obama and the DNC establishment are still working behind the scenes to ensure no real progressive policies are taken seriously by the elites or the Media or the public. In California the Democrats are doing all they can as they are in other states to stop progressives policies such as single payer /Universal Healthcare because the Dems establishment is against these policies and Hillary last year said there will never be universal healthcare in the USA. But she was also against a large increase in the minimum wage and she is still against decriminalizing or legalizing Marijuana. Hillary and the DNC are still pro-gun, pro-police, have a patronizing out dated attitude towards various groups such as Blacks, Hispanics, LGBTQ, Native Americans , they are pro-fracking , pro-pipelines , pro-NAFTA type deals and they are the WAR PARTY. As for Obama besides Obamacare what did he do start five more wars , crush Libya , promote illegal coups and regime change in other sovereign nations ie Ukraine, Honduras while pandering to the brutality of Israel and Saudi Arabia and ignoring the plight of the people in various nations such as Bahrain.
So it is now as simple as merely going after Hillary. Hillary is just a symptom of a deeper more serious entrenched problem of the corporate establishment that only wants to throw the odd crumb to people and to point how bad the other guy is rather than being committed to significan substantive change. Part of the problem is that the Republicans unable really to criticize most of the Democratic Party or Hillary Clinton's actions and policies because there was and is little difference between the two official political parties. For progressives and others it is not about Benghazi or even about her sloppy habits about storing and sharing government documents. The issues have to do with what was revealed in the leaked emails. While secretary of State Hillary Clinton ran a pay to play scam using her husband , her daughter, her friends and the Clinton Foundation and used the DNC as her personal campaign and Public relations Head quarters. We know she and the DNC colluded illegally and unethically to undermine the Bernie Sanders campaign and to further malign all those who supported Bernie and those who supported anyone besides Hillary. Yes there is a serious law suit going on it was not started in order to get back the 27$ donated to Bernie as Cenk Yugur and others at TYT or other Faux Progressives proclaim .
The law suit is about fraud or breach of trust. The DNC HQ claimed to be impartial and fair to both candidates but this was not the case. Much of the money that went to the DNC or Bernie ended up in the coffers of Hillary's campaign invarious ways. Secondly before the primaries began the DNC and other insiders decided Hillary was to be the candidate and Hillary worked out a deal so that a large number of super-delegates had promised her their votes in the primaries and this fact was not communicated to the public at large or to Bernie Sanders and his 15 million supporters . We found this out due to the leaked Emails of Hillary, the DNC, Debbie Wassermann Schultz, Donna Brazile, John Podesta, Robbie Mook and a host of others . The fix was in . Just because this happened in the past that is almost a year ago which is rather recent doesn't mean there shouldn't be justice .
The reason for wanting some form of justice is so the DNC and Democratic Party establishment can be held accountable and that the party needs to clean up its act otherwise US voters are left with two corrupt parties and no where else to go so millions will again settle for the lesser of two evils and millions more will just not bother to vote. The American system is broken.