Wednesday, July 29, 2015

TYT: Top Conservative Magazine National Review Calls Bernie Sanders A Nazi

Conservatives and GOP are afraid of Bernie Sanders bid for presidency and so have doubled down calling Sanders not just a socialist but a NAZI . Bernie Sanders ' parents killed in the holocaust /Shoah and yet these GOP crazies call Bernie Sanders a NAZI. They are fearful Sanders might win.

From The Young Turks-TYT

Published on 21 Jul 2015
Bernie Sanders is lighting it up, surging on the Democratic side with record crowds. His momentum is gaining notice, attracting right wing “National Review” columnist Kevin Williamson, who carefully calls Sanders a nazi. Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks, breaks it down. Tell us what you think in the comment section below.
"Earlier this month, the conservative National Review’s Kevin Williamson drove a steamroller over this line in the sand. Williamson’s article, “Bernie’s Strange Brew of Nationalism and Socialism,” which was published two weeks ago but became available on the conservative magazine’s website on Monday, is not a model of clarity. It bounces between criticism of Democratic presidential candidate and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’ trade policies and quotes from some of Sanders’ least thoughtful supporters. Yet, as the title of the article suggests, Williamson does come to a bold conclusion — Bernie Sanders is a literal Nazi who is leading a literal Nazi movement in the United States.”*
Read more here:
The Young Turks July 21, 2015 Hour 1


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