Friday, September 30, 2011

Protests Continue #Takewallstreet :Winter in America - Gil Scott Heron & "For What Its Worth " Has Anything Changed???

UPDATE: 1:09/ 1:51 PM, Sept. 30, 2011.

#takewallstreet protests
Wall Streets privileged class mocks protesters marching by
Gil Scott Heron -Winter in Americ
Update Bahrain: Oba and Clinton support the Bahraini royal family and their oppression of their own people. medical personnel /first responders sentenced for giving medical aid to protesters
Bahrain's military kill and try to burn dissidents alive

Cynical soulless members of Wall Streets elite hold Champagne toast as protesters go by .
The insensitivity to the plight of millions of Americans is highlighted by this picture of the Elite versus the average citizen -And this is the America which The GOP and Tea Party Gang support that is the elite not the people.

Wall Street Toasts Champagne to Protesters From Balcony
SurvivalWithBushcraf 98 videos

Winter In America -by Gill Scott Heron

and now an update on Bahrain -US Supports the Convictions of medical staff who took care of injured and wounded during the uprising in Bahrain- Medical personnel during any conflict are permitted and even expected to treat anyone injured or wounded not just those on the side of the government.
But according to Hilary Clinton and Obama Bahrain's officials have the right to target Medical staff who treated protesters.
But this goes against all international laws and the Geneva conventions but as we now know Obama and other American leaders refuse to adhere to the Geneva Conventions, International agreements on torture or dealing with enemy combatants -even the Nuremberg rulings have been tossed out the window by President Obama and former President Bush and VP Dick Cheney.

Don't hold your breath waiting for Obama to take on Wall Street as we see in this video from Bahrain this is the sort of brutal regime Obama et al support wholeheartedly.
For his ignoring of the oppression in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia alone Obama should have his Nobel Peace Prize taken away-he does not deserve it -he is no less a war monger and supporter of friendly dictators than George W. Bush or President Bill Clinton.

Does Obama or Hillary Clinton support Bahrain's forces and Saudi forces burning protesters alive ???
Has he and Mayor Bloomberg have similar plans for those protesting on Wall Street or in other cities in America.

Uploaded by SurvivalWithBushcraf on Sep 24, 2011
Riot Police Try To Burn Protesters Alive - Bahrain - Part 1

Video shot in Sanabis village near Manama, Bahrain on September 23, 2011 shows police leaving a home after chasing protesters inside and setting fire to it by throwing sound grenades near an opened cooking gas container according to eyewitnesses in the home. The protesters tried to escape through a garage when police officers outside tried to trap them in. Once the protesters managed to get out of the garage police fired rubber bullets at them from a close range and beat one of the youth on the street. At least seven of the protesters are being treated for third degree burns caused by the fire.

Later, when people from Sanabis were fighting to put out the flames, riot police again attacked them.

and now back to Wall Street:

#TakeWallStreetOccupy Wall Street - Buffalo Springfield - For What it's Worth

US Activists take on Wall Street -Al Jazeera-Sept. 29, 2011.

The super rich and their supporters don't care about the average citizen in America or elsewhere. They are driven by profits and greed . They take bail out money from the US government which is just another form of blackmail money or another form of welfare for the rich.
Meanwhile these business people make record profits but offer nothing to help out the US government after stealing billions from the US government by way of tax breaks and hand outs from the government . These billionaires are unsympathetic to the trials and tribulations and fears of the average citizen who has or might have the banks foreclose on their or those who have lost their jobs or who in order to keep their jobs work for much lower wages just barely above the poverty line .

" Wall Street Protests Spread: The Occupy Wall Street protests are spreading to other cities " Infozine ,Sept. 30, 2011

Washington, Nomi Prins ( ), a former investment banker turned journalist, is author of the book "It Takes a Pillage: Behind the Bonuses, Bailouts, and Backroom Deals from Washington to Wall Street" and the just-released "Black Tuesday." Prins said today: "Unbridled bank speculation, fraudulent inflation of home and security values, corruption, government subsidization, and lack of accountability tanked the economy and inflated the wealth gap leaving the citizenry of the world financially devastated in its wake. Never before have the governments of the world united so cohesively to back Wall Street practices and bets.

"Business as usual on Wall Street is not an option. Business as usual on Wall Street has decimated our country and planet. Banks must be brought to account. The wealth gap cannot continue to grow so Wall Street can keep sucking the financial blood from individuals as governments enable the extraction:
"No more federal stimulation for banks at the expense of citizens.
"No more bank lobbyists buying the politicians we voted for.
"No more government subsidies to make big banks bigger.
"No more dumping their risk and losses on the global population while banks accumulate profits.
"No more zero percent money from the Fed to banks that don't help borrowers restructure to avoid foreclosure.
"No more secret loans to banks when they face 'emergencies' while individuals get hosed and go bankrupt.
"No more mega-banks -- break them up a la Glass-Steagall. Let failed ones burn in the financial ashes of their own risk.
"No more kid-gloves on prosecutions and BS little fines -- prosecute banks and bank leaders to the fullest extent of the law for securities fraud and grand larceny.
"No more job cuts because banks won't lend to small businesses.
"No more banks parking $1.6 trillion of excess reserves at the Fed doing nothing productive for the economy.
"No more business as usual on Wall Street." link

The US has created more problems and more enemies with its Global War on Terror. After ten years in Afghanistan and eight years in Iraq the killing and chaos continue. Obama may have inherited these conflicts but he did not have to continue with the same failed policies of the Bush/Cheney regime. And now America's standing in the Middle East and amongst the Arab countries and Islam countries is at an all time low since President Obama decided to throw the Palestinians under the bus and become a booster and cheer leader of Israel's and its uncompromising anti-Palestinian anti-Arab policies .

America’s Foreign Policy Fiasco By Patrick Seale from The Diplomat via Information Clearing House, Sept. 29, 2011

--- US President Barack Obama is piling up the foreign policy disasters. In at least three areas crucial for world peace and US interests – Arab-Israel tensions, Afghanistan-Pakistan and Yemen-Somalia – he’s pursuing a course that can only be described as foolhardy. Indeed, the anger and hate towards the United States that he’s generating could take a generation to dispel.
Obama’s abject surrender to Israel on the Palestine question has shocked much of the world and gravely damaged the United States’ standing among Arabs and Muslims. In what is seen by many as an effort to court the Jewish vote at next year’s presidential election, Obama has thrown into reverse the policy of outreach to the Muslim world that he expressed so eloquently in his 2009 Cairo speech. If he’s now driven to use the US veto at the UN Security Council to block the application of a Palestinian state for UN membership, he will have been defeated by the very forces of Islamophobia he once hoped to tame.

Obama’s policy in Afghanistan is equally perverse. On the one hand, he seems to want to draw the Taliban into negotiations. But on the other, some of his army chiefs and senior diplomats apparently want to destroy the Taliban first. This is hardly a policy likely to bring the insurgents to the table. In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, Ryan Crocker, the new US ambassador to Kabul, actually said that the conflict should continue until more of the Taliban are killed. Who, one wonders, is in charge of US policy?

In a message on the occasion of the Eid at the end of Ramadan, Mullah Muhammad Omar, leader of the Afghan Taliban, seemed to hint at his readiness for a comprehensive negotiation. ‘Every legitimate option can be considered,’ he said,’ in order to reach the goal of an independent Islamic regime in Afghanistan.’ He urged foreign powers to withdraw their troops ‘immediately’ in order to achieve a lasting solution to the problem. In a gesture to his local opponents, he stressed that the Taliban didn’t wish to monopolize power and that all ethnicities would participate in a ‘real Islamic regime acceptable to all the people of the country.’

Surely the United States and its allies should respond positively to this message? A conference in Bonn next December is due to review NATO’s war in Afghanistan – a war that seems closer to being lost than won. About 25,000 soldiers reportedly deserted the Afghan armed services in the first six months of this year because they had lost faith in the Hamid Karzai government’s ability to protect them and their families. Coalition troops are due to withdraw their troops by the end of 2014. Might there not be an argument for an immediate offer of negotiation together with a pledge of an earlier withdrawal? It is, after all, far from clear what strategic interests, if any, the West is defending in Afghanistan.

Obama Throws Palestine Under the Bus By Jim Lobe via Information Clearing House ,Sept. 25, 2011

-- The right-wing government of Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu could not be more pleased.

Not only did the allegedly most "anti-Israel" president ever repeat, for the nth time, that "America's commitment to Israel's security is unshakeable," but also made crystal clear that Washington will veto any Palestinian application to the U.N. Security Council for statehood in his speech this week to the U.N. General Assembly.

Not once did he refer to Jewish "settlements" on Palestinian lands; nor did he even use the word "occupied" - or any declension of that word - to describe those lands and their people in an address that was largely, if ironically, devoted to celebrating this year's Arab struggles to end autocratic rule in their region.

Meanwhile once again the Obama administration intentionally contravene's American laws and international laws in its execution /Assasssination of an American citizen without attempting to capture and indict him to stand trial.

Obama like Cheney thinks due process is only for wimps and not for red blooded tough real Americans who in cowboy fashion hunt down a suspect and then lynch him . In the Troy Davis case and in the case of American Muslim Anwar al-Awlaki there is reasonable doubt about their guilt.
Obama once again is trying to prove to the GOP and the Tea Party gang that he's tough on terrorism and refuses to interfere with a state's right to execute someone even those who may be innocent.

The due-process-free assassination of U.S. citizens is now reality BY GLENN GREENWALD at, Sept. 30, 2011

It was first reported in January of last year that the Obama administration had compiled a hit list of American citizens whom the President had ordered assassinated without any due process, and one of those Americans was Anwar al-Awlaki. No effort was made to indict him for any crimes (despite a report last October that the Obama administration was "considering" indicting him). Despite substantial doubt among Yemen experts about whether he even has any operational role in Al Qaeda, no evidence (as opposed to unverified government accusations) was presented of his guilt. When Awlaki's father sought a court order barring Obama from killing his son, the DOJ argued, among other things, that such decisions were "state secrets" and thus beyond the scrutiny of the courts. He was simply ordered killed by the President: his judge, jury and executioner. When Awlaki's inclusion on President Obama's hit list was confirmed, The New York Times noted that "it is extremely rare, if not unprecedented, for an American to be approved for targeted killing."

After several unsuccessful efforts to assassinate its own citizen, the U.S. succeeded today (and it was the U.S.). It almost certainly was able to find and kill Awlaki with the help of its long-time close friend President Saleh, who took a little time off from murdering his own citizens to help the U.S. murder its. The U.S. thus transformed someone who was, at best, a marginal figure into a martyr, and again showed its true face to the world. The government and media search for The Next bin Laden has undoubtedly already commenced.

and so it goes,

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Wall St. Is Toast ??? Kill TV Night Afghanistan &Neil Young's "Love and War" & Goldmann Sachs Rules The World???

UPDATE: 2AM ,sept 30, 2011

First a song from Neil Young "Love and War"

and now a word from the stock markets Trader -cold comfort for the millions now suffering -he tells it like it is.He spills the beans admitting that for his own selfish reasons he was looking forward to a crash because its a great way to make a lot of money.

Just a note I and gordspoetryfactory do not subscribe to the "New World Order conspiracy theory" . Robber barons or greedy or unjust uncaring rulers or what have you is noting new.
Our society has made the mistake of courting the superrich the CEOs of various corporations or Investment Houses" and the elite and the Jet Set as they were once called and now it has gone to their heads and believe that they deserve admiration even though much of their wealth is made off the backs of those below them from the Middle Class on down. They make their By cutting wages and salaries or just keeping them stagnant laying off thousands of workers, refusing to pay their fair share of taxes -they are not the supposedly good patriots -a patriot should care not just about a few but about all citizens .
As Robert Burns pointed out we can at least hope or dream of political, social, economic justice when people are not judged by "a' That ... their tinsel show " that is what they have or how rich they are . (video on side bar)

Wall Street -Wall Street is Toast Reveals Insider

Uploaded by mistermassive1 on Sep 26, 2011
9.26.2011 - Occupy Wall Street Wake Up Call for America and it's New World Order

Back to the reality of Perpetual War and other side-show attractions.
And now "Kill TV Night " The Afghanistan reality show oh yeah it's not a show just reality in your face -The Perpetual War Machine just hums along.
Remote control killing just like a video game -the people are reduced to mere targets and then blown to piece to defend Western Civilization from these barbarians. But who are the real barbarians. Who are the real war criminals. The deaths of the indigenous people we are told is not worthy of our concern as we continue our Christian Crusade and extending the American Empire at any and all cost while America itself crumbles.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

US Militarization and Callousness From Abu Ghraib to Drone Wars to The Execution of Troy Davis to "Kill TV Nights" NYPDs Brutal Crackdown On Wall Street Protesters

UPDATE: 4:02 PM, Sept. 28, 2011.

NYPD brutal and unnecessary violent response to the protesters on Wall Street appears to have become the norm in the US.

...The protests were a lament for a nation in which, despite the 2008 meltdown, the financial system remains largely unregulated, where 46 million Americans live below the official poverty line, and where inequality is greater now than at any time since 1929. That's hardly the stuff of revolutions... And in the land of the first amendment you'd think it was OK to shout it out in the street, even if that street is Wall Street.

Not according to the two white-shirted senior NYPD officers captured on video. The film shows a small group of women protesters, who are doing nothing menacing at all, having been kettled by police. As they stand there fenced in and defenceless, the two white shirts walk up to them, hold out a pepper-spray canister and zap them straight in the face...

from the article Wall Street Protests Reveal Slice of America's Barely Tamed Brutality " by Ed Pilkington The Guardian via, Sept. 27, 2011

While the Wall Street occupation is growing, it needs an all-out commitment from everyone who cheered the Egyptians in Tahrir Square, said "We are all Wisconsin," and stood in solidarity with the Greeks and the Spaniards. This is a movement for anyone who lacks a job, housing or health care, or thinks they have no future.

Our system is broken at every level. More than 25 million Americans are unemployed. More than 50 million live without health insurance. Perhaps 100 million Americans are mired in poverty, using realistic measures. Yet the fat cats continue to get tax breaks and reap billions while politicians compete to turn the austerity screws on all of us.

From : " The Revolution Begins at Home: A Clarion Call to Join the Wall Street Protests We all need to go down and join the occupation -- and not just by "liking" it on Facebook, signing a petition or retweeting protest photos." by Arun Gupta at, Sept. 27, 2011

and we aslo see this callous cavalier attitude towards the destruction of the environment as in Mountain Top Removal Minning .
The destruction of some 500 mountains in the Appalachians is justified on the basis of profits and greed while ignoring environmental damage and damage to the health and culture of a whole people :

"...Surface mining has demolished our quality of life and life expectancy in our native homes. Our communities are now war zones with constant blasting, pollution and all area surface mining has stolen our ability to recreate in the mountains and do what we culturally always have. We are being shut out of areas that we have always enjoyed. Even our historic cemeteries are left in accessible to the public."

Above quote from : Appalachian Coalfield Leaders Turn Tables at Congressional Hearing on Mountaintop Removal by Jeff Biggers at, Sept. 26, 2011

 So the people in Appalachia who are against the coal companies destruction of their land they too should head off to the protest on Wall Street.

And anyone disgusted by police violence should also head off to Wall Street.

And anyone concerned over the billions being wasted on the so called Global War on Terror which has just led to larger groups of non-westerners being terrorized by foreign troops occupying their lands they too should head off to Wall Street.

Those concerned about the state's right to use the death penalty should also head off to Wall Street.
Excellent piece by Lawrence O'donnell at MSNBC- what Americans don't want to see and refuse to give a damn about.

  MSNBC on NYPD Police Brutality during Occupy Wall Street Lawrence O'donnell with "The Last Word"
 Uploaded by bYarlboro on Sep 26, 2011


 The NYPDs use of brute force and the lack of concern over police brutality by the mainstream Media and those in power is just further proof of the rot at the core of America's soul .

The Uberconservatives and the equally callous Neo-cons, Libertarians, Ayn Randians, Neo-liberals are always on the side of the police and of the penal system . A large portion of the elite, those in authority . the Mainstream Media and much of the public have come to believe that those stopped by the police deserve whatever violent treatment they get.

They have come to believe that if the police are beating up and tear-gassing protesters it must be for a good reason and therefore that in their view that's the end of the argument.

They have come to believe that those incarcerated in military run prisons or government run prisons & privately owned prisons have no rights whether civil rights or human rights. President Obama has shown which side he is on with his refusal to take action against those who committed war crimes or crimes against humanity during the Bush/Cheney era .
Obama dug in his heels defending the ill-treatment of whistle-blower Bradley Manning by means of extended period of isolation and other torture tactics such sleep-deprivation, drugs , threats and intimidation all of which various human rights organizations have condemned.

President Obama appears to be not on the side of the people which he claimed but on the side of Wall Street , the elite and the status quo even though his own election was the result of a rejection of the status quo. 
 Note: hashtag #occupywallstreet has been changed to #TakeWallStreet

Occupy Wall Street' Becomes Nationwide Movement by C. Cryn Johannsen at , Sept. 27, 2011

Young protesters drowning in student loan debt want to ignite America’s autumn revolt

Remember the Arab Spring, and how protesters demanding democratic rights took to social media to begin a massive, widespread protest throughout the Middle East? It didn’t happen overnight but most of those civilian led demonstrations resulted in the fall of Egypt’s regime, which had been ruled by Muhammad Mubarak after decades of dictatorship, the overthrow of the government in Tunisia, as well as widespread uprising in countless others Middle Eastern countries. The same thing appears to be happening in the U.S. Dubbed “America’s Autumn Movement” by many social media users, the official protest began on September 17th in lower Manhattan’s financial district. The hashtag on Twitter was initially #OccupyWallStreet, named after the group that was funded by AdBusters (although they insist that this is a “people owned movement”). It soon became #TakeWallStreet, however.

...These images of arrests and police brutality have spread like wildfire across social media outlets like Twitter and Facebook. In response to these images, one woman said mournfully, “Our children are being brutalized for telling the truth . . . their future is fu*ked and they know it. Welcome to police state, USA.”

In a poignant Facebook note by Erin Leidy, 32, who traveled from Ithaca, NY to the protest in lower Manhattan, she wrote about the harrowing experience of those who were arrested:

"Many people were badly hurt. One young man was kept in the back of a police van handcuffed to the wall with a head injury. Bleeding and nodding in and out of consciousness as they drove around for about an hour and a half. Somebody handcuffed across [sic] from him was able to get his phone from his back pocket and text the medic team from behind his back."

Perhaps the outrage from seeing what NYPD police officers did to protesters this past weekend has sparked the spreading of the movement across the nation. It is hard to speculate, but the occupy movement is popping up in cities across the nation. There is also a page called, and it contains countless cities across the U.S. where people are organizing similar protests.

Renowned intellectual and activist, Dr. Noam Chomsky, has come out in full support of the movement. He decried the “gangsterism on Wall Street,” adding, “The courageous and honorable protests underway in Wall Street should serve to bring this calamity to public attention, and to lead to dedicated efforts to overcome it and set the society on a more healthy course.” Roseanne Barr was at the protest when it was initially launched, and rapper Lupe Fiasco has come out in full support on Twitter and at recent concerts.

Why are these people getting involved? As Slaughter explained, “This is really the only recourse we have left.

Our government has been usurped by wasteful, corrupt and short-sighted powerful interests who in no way have the best interests of the working class and poor.”
You can watch the protest live on #OccupyWallStreet Livestream.

Journalist Ed Pilkington argues that the brutality of the NYPD displayed over the last week in their draconian crack down on the protesters on Wall Street is just part of a piece in which Americans are becoming more jaded and accepting of violence whether on Wall Street or in the unjust execution of Troy Davis in Georgia. He also compares these actions to the attitudes of the GOP cheering the fact that Rick Perry has presided over the executions of 234 men while Ron Paul is cheered for his lack of sympathy and even gloating over the untimely death of someone because they couldn't afford or chose not to purchase private health insurance.

Unlike Pilkington others have been noticing for a while now especially since 9/11 this cold hearted attitude on the part of many Americans who adhere to a vicious cruel form of Social Darwinism and who demonize America's critics and enemies alike . The conservatives including the GOP and Tea party mindset is that of winners and losers and that no one should show sympathy let alone help those who are beaten down that is those who are seen as life's losers.

We can push this characterization of conservative Americans to include a majority of Americans who no longer object to the use of torture by reducing this important legal and ethical issue down to a matter of semantics and that it has nothing to do with morality . They argue as does Dick Cheney that the enemy are evil and therefore should be shown no mercy but who are the enemy . Well it seems that the majority of people in Iraq and Afghanistan and so on are seen as the enemy so blowing up whole villages killing men women and children is justified supposedly in the face of a demonic cruel, brutal, uncivilized, anti-Western, anti-Christian barbarians .
But then there is the enemy at home who include those who are critical of America's basic tenets of unfettered unregulated capitalism and winner take all mindset.

The brutality and ordinariness of Abu Ghraib and Bagram and Gitmo and the bombing of cities and towns and villages and the targeting of wedding parties , funerals and other community gatherings is all part of this mindset in which human life is devalued . US and British soldiers are taught to feel nothing except anger and rage for those they kill or torture.

We see this on display with the recent revelations about British troops in Afghanistan being shown military snuff films in which Afghan citizens are shot and killed by soldiers in an Apache gun ship a mile or two away as if they were playing a video game.

So as they say the chickens have come home to roost as we see more and more examples of police brutality in the US and these acts are defended or downplayed by those in authority and the Mainstream Media. The attitude of many is that if the police are roughing up a suspect then the suspect must have done something wrong and that justice should be served up even before the suspect is actually charged or has their day in court.

So the brutal attitudes of the guards at Abu Ghraib are now on display on Wall Street as peaceful protesters are treated as if they were in fact terrorists .
What does it say about America when its president in all these cases is MIA from Abu Ghraib to Gitmo to the cruel and unusual punishment of the whistle-blower Bradley Manning and the not so veiled threats aimed at Wikileaks spokesperson Julianne Assange.

We also see this in Obama's abandoning of the Palestinian people who are under the oppressive Israeli Apartheid regime Instead the people suffering in Gaza or the occupied territories are once again tossed aside because Obama might lose a few votes or lose the backing of the pro-Israel lobby even though this means alienating the rest of the world. This is politics as usual cynicism at its apex. Obama has now sided with the most extreme racist anti-Arab anti-Muslim groups in Israel and America .

The attitude as we hear day in and day out is the erroneous claim that the courts in the US (or even here in Canada or Britain) are doing a poor job of ensuring criminals and agitators are imprisoned. Instead the right wing pundits and politicians playing to their base claim the courts and the judicial system is failing because bleeding heart liberals have hijacked the justice system in America. The right wing extremists such as Glenn Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity and the rest of the usual suspects promulgate these attitudes and justify taking whatever action necessary to take down criminals along with those infected with some form of wimpy unAmerican liberal ideology .

Wall Street Protests Reveal Slice of America's Barely Tamed Brutality by Ed Pilkington The Guardian via, Sept. 27, 2011

...The protests were a lament for a nation in which, despite the 2008 meltdown, the financial system remains largely unregulated, where 46 million Americans live below the official poverty line, and where inequality is greater now than at any time since 1929. That's hardly the stuff of revolutions... And in the land of the first amendment you'd think it was OK to shout it out in the street, even if that street is Wall Street.

Not according to the two white-shirted senior NYPD officers captured on video. The film shows a small group of women protesters, who are doing nothing menacing at all, having been kettled by police. As they stand there fenced in and defenceless, the two white shirts walk up to them, hold out a pepper-spray canister and zap them straight in the face.

It's the officers' insouciance that is most shocking. They engage the pepper spray as calmly as if they were handing out parking tickets, then turn and just as calmly walk away.

The video reminded me of another recent event at which I was present: last week's execution in Georgia of Troy Davis. The case drew international attention because there was no forensic evidence and seven out of nine key witnesses had recanted their testimony.

But it was the incidental details outside the prison that caught my eye. An impassioned but entirely peaceful crowd of protesters had gathered to make the pretty reasonable argument that states should not go around killing innocent people. Georgia's response was to line up a Swat team in black riot gear... and fly police helicopters with spotlights overhead...

...But the most gruesome element of the proceedings had nothing to do with Georgia. Rather it came from the highest court in the land, the bastion of American justice, the US supreme court in Washington. It was the supreme court that kept Davis waiting for four full hours, not knowing whether he was about to live or die, and then announced the execution could go ahead. Calmly, insouciantly, just like those New York cops.

The combination of pepper spray, Swat teams and judicial torture – for that is what it was – underlined for me a strain of American life that is forever present but rarely makes itself so boldly visible as it has this week. You find it nostalgically glamorised in westerns and Coen brothers films – rough justice, primordial morality, the cold hard logic of the gun. It's a barely tamed brutality that sits oddly with America's claim to be the standard-bearer of civilisation in the world.

And it has been on ample display too at the pinnacle of American politics over the past few days, in the Republican presidential nomination debates...

...The executioner-in-chief ( Texas Governor Rick Perry) was introduced at a recent TV debate as having presided over 234 executions. The Republican audience cheered. When asked how he felt about such blood-lust, he said: "I think Americans understand justice."

In another debate, Ron Paul (the libertarian) was asked whether a man with a life-threatening illness but no health insurance should be allowed to die. "Yeah!" shouted the audience. Life is sacred, it seems, but only for the unborn.

Such harshness – barbarity, you might even say – is not an aberration or a joke to be shrugged off over a Budweiser in front of our TV screens. It is an integral part of the American public mind, as evident in Manhattan and Washington as it is in the Deep South. And the Republican party is embracing it with a vigour that should focus all our minds in the presidential election ahead.

And as seen in this next article the rules of engagement for police departments are either lax or non-existent as the police refuse to own up to fellow officers who overreact and who are all too " trigger happy " or see nothing wrong with beating the crap out of a suspect who may not be guilty of any crime and who might be physically or mentally challenged . None of this matters to most police departments or to most citizens in the US or here in Canada or even Great Britain as we see this callous regard for other human beings.

The Uberconservatives and the equally callous Neo-cons, Libertarians, Ayn Randians, Neo-liberals are always on the side of the police and of the penal system . A large portion of the elite, those in authority . theMainstream Media and much of the public have come to believe that those stopped by the police deserve whatever violent treatment they get.
They have come to believe that if the police are beating up and tear-gassing protesters it must be for a good reason and therefore that in their view that's the end of the argument.

President Obama appears to be not on the side of the people which he claimed but on the side of Wall Street , the elite and the status quo even though his own election was the result of a rejection of the status quo.

" More Than Half of ‘Armed’ Suspects Shot by LA Sheriff Were Not Armed " by Jorge Rivas from Colorlines via , Sept. 26, 2011

A new study has found that in most shootings in which Los Angeles County Sheriff’s deputies fired at suspects who appeared to be reaching for a weapon, the suspect turned out to be unarmed. And in the last six years, all but two of those people shot were black and Latino, according to the study by the Police Assessment Resource Center for LA County Supervisors.

Over the past six years, approximately 61 percent of all suspects shot because an officer believed they were armed were confirmed to be unarmed at the time of the shooting. A little more than half of those suspects were holding an object such as a cell phone or sunglasses that was believed by deputies to be a possible firearm.

The analysis also found that 61 percent of those shot at by deputies were Latino, 29 percent black and 10 percent white. The LA Times provides some more context:

“Waistband shootings” are particularly controversial because the justification for the shootings can conceivably be fabricated after the fact, according to the county monitor’s report. The monitor was careful to point out that the report wasn’t making the case deputies were being dishonest, simply that the spike in those shootings left the department vulnerable to criticism.

Merrick Bobb, special counsel to the county Board of Supervisors, also found a rise in shootings in which deputies didn’t see an actual gun before firing. In those cases, the person may have had a weapon on them, but never brandished it.

Those shootings spiked by 50% last year, according to the report. Last year also had the highest proportion of people shot by deputies who turned out to be unarmed altogether.
Also check out;

NYPD Violence at Occupy Wall Street: Would Tea Partiers or Clinic Protesters Receive Such Treatment? BY Jill Filipovic from Feministe via, Sept. 27, 2011

" The Revolution Begins at Home: A Clarion Call to Join the Wall Street Protests We all need to go down and join the occupation -- and not just by "liking" it on Facebook, signing a petition or retweeting protest photos." by Arun Gupta at, Sept. 27, 2011

US soldiers proudly took body parts as souvenirs New Zealand Herald, Sept. 24, 2011

Alabama Town Offers Criminal Offenders the Choice of Church or Jail
Bay Minette, Alabama clearly missed the memo about separation of church and Tara Lohan via Alternet & CNN, Sept. 26, 2011

Ron Paul, Rick Perry and Other Right Wingers Want to Turn Back the Clock to 1900 -- What Was Life Like Back Then? Thank goodness for the progressive era, the New Deal and the Great Society, and heaven (or the founders) help us if we allow the demolition of their gains by J. A. Myerson at, Sept. 22, 2011

and we aslo see this callous cavalier attitude towards the destruction of the environment as in Mountain Top Removal Minning .
The destruction of some 500 mountains in the Appalachians is justified on the basis of profits and greed while ignoring environmental damage and damage to the health and culture of a whole people :

"...Surface mining has demolished our quality of life and life expectancy in our native homes. Our communities are now war zones with constant blasting, pollution and all area surface mining has stolen our ability to recreate in the mountains and do what we culturally always have. We are being shut out of areas that we have always enjoyed. Even our historic cemeteries are left in accessible to the public."

Appalachian Coalfield Leaders Turn Tables at Congressional Hearing on Mountaintop Removal by Jeff Biggers at, Sept. 26, 2011

In gut-wrenching testimonies on the devastating economic costs and mounting humanitarian crisis related to reckless mountaintop removal operations, two courageous Appalachian coalfield leaders turned the tables on an EPA-bashing Republican-led Natural Resources House Committee hearing in Charleston, West Virginia today.

“The coal industry obviously wants to bury and pollute all of our water and all of who we are, for temporary jobs,” 2009 North American Goldman Prize Winner Maria Gunnoe testified. “Jobs in surface mining are dependent on blowing up the next mountain and burying the next stream. When are we going to say enough is enough?

...Forty years ago, the venerable West Virginia Congressman Ken Hechler foretold the economic ruin of strip-mining and mountaintop removal, which had already “left a trail of utter despair for many honest and hard-working people,” in a similar congressional hearing:

“What about the jobs that will be lost if the strippers continue to ruin the tourist industry, wash away priceless topsoil, fill people’s yards with the black muck, which runs off from a strip mine, rip open the bellies of the hills and spill their guts in spoil-banks? This brutal and hideous contempt for valuable land is a far more serious threat to the economy than a few thousand jobs which are easily transferable into the construction industry, or to fill the sharp demand for workers in underground mines.”

At the age of 97, Hechler is still trying to get the President and Congress to recognize the 40-year rap sheet of mountaintop removal operations. In truth, thanks to the heavily mechanization of strip-mining and shift to Powder River Basin operations in the West, Appalachian coalfield states like West Virginia and Kentucky have lost more than 65 percent of their jobs since Hechler spoke out nearly a half century ago.
and see on how the British and American are trying to win the hearts and minds of the Afghan people by increasing use of deadly force against Taleban , insurgents or average citizens:

British soldiers in Afghanistan shown 'war snuff movies'Camp Bastion's 'Kill TV nights' are intended to update troops on mission's progress, says MoD " By Kunal Dutta, The Independent UK, September 25, 2011

and so it goes,

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Obama and Mainstream Media Co-opted By Wall Street Ignore Police Use of Brute Force Against Protesters On Wall Street

 ...Perhaps the Occupy Wall Street protesters ought to count themselves lucky that they are allowed to publicly protest at all. If the right to freedom of speech is a sign of a healthy democracy, though, then why hasn't the media proclaimed with effervescence that here, at least, is proof of the strength of our North American democracies? Many commentators speak of our waning democracies, yet there is almost complete silence on a very important aspect of a healthy democracy, namely, non-violent social movements attempting to be heard.
What will come of mass movements such as the occupation of Wall Street, or the many that have and continue to take place around the globe this year, remains to be seen.
For now, however, we can content ourselves in knowing that there are those among us who still believe in the power of democracy, who feel that the current financial instability needs more voices heard than simply our elected political representatives, bank CEOs, and media pundits. They continue to protest in spite of the mainstream media's failure to alert the rest of us.
above quote from article :
  " Big Media Afraid to Take Wall Street Protest Seriously That's how it appears, given the thin, dismissive coverage of Occupy Wall Street so far." By Katrina Orlowski,, Sept. 26, 2011

 Police Brutality at Occupywallstreet Protest with a few words from Charlie Chaplin (The Great Dictator)

It should strike most Americans as odd that every protest held by the Tea Party Gang were covered extensively by the Mainstream Media while the Mainstream Media has ignored the protests.
 If these were Tea Party members being beaten up by police even though the protesters are protesting peacefully this would be the leading story in the Media . The difference is that the Tea Party Express gang are supported by billionaires such as the Koch brothers and Rupert Murdoch

Mainstream Media in the US are the mouthpieces of the Wall Street gang .

After the NYPD went rogue over the weekend brutally beating peaceful activists in New York where o where is President Obama.  Shouldn't a black American president be more sympathetic of peaceful protesters and activists being beaten up in New York as Black and white protesters in were beaten up , hosed and tear gassed and set upon by dogs for daring to oppose the Jim Crow laws and lack of equal rights and justice for black Americans in the South in the 1950s to the 1960s.
Occupy Wall Street -- Police Brutality, Arrests, MSM blackout

Uploaded by RTAmerica on Sep 26, 2011
As Occupy Wall Street demonstrations enter their second week, over 80 people get arrested over the weekend, and police brutality kicks off. Many protesters say the mainstream media is in a black-out, since many corporate networks sleep in the same bed with Wall Street. RT's Anastasia Churkina reports.

Mainstream ignores Occupy Wall Street

This abuse of power by the police is not just limited to political activist but also to members of the public at large though especially visible minorities and the poor, the homeless, the unemployed and even the mentally ill.

Why the public needs to take pictures and videos of police or other authorities.
These are pictures and videos which portray the reality of incidences police brutality.
These pictures and videos the police do not want the public in general to see.
These pictures and videos of police abuse are not what those in power want the public to see.

A large segment of the public in fact would prefer not to see or know about such incidences of police abuse.
There are those who prefer to live their lives protected from seeing such images. Out of sight out of mind or as their philosophy is "They don't think about things they don't want to think about.
So they live in their make believe Peter Panesque dream world in which the police or others in authority never do anything wrong.
This sort of see no evil hear no evil delusional state is encouraged by those in power along with most of the Mainstream News/Entertainment Media/advertising industry .

Cops Vs. Cameras: The Killing of Kelly Thomas & The Power of New Media ReasonTV

NOTE: Because of violent images, viewer discretion is advised.

The autopsy results from the death of Kelly Thomas, a schizophrenic drifter who was allegedly beaten to death by Fullerton, California police will be announced today by Orange County District Attorney Tony Rackauckas.

Rackauckas will also announce whether he will file charges against the officers involved in Thomas' death, following the office's investigation. The confrontation with police took place at a municipal bus station on July 5, with Thomas dying in the hospital five days later. This press conference comes weeks after the Fullerton police refused to answer questions about the case.

Regardless of today's announcements, Thomas' death is a case study of how ubiquitous phones with cameras and the Internet are transferring power from the government, police, and the media to the masses. Images and word of the beating spread not because of official communications but by viral cell phone video of the incident and a horrific hospital photo taken by his father of Thomas in a coma.

After the photo and video were released, the Fullerton community reacted in outrage at city council meetings and at protests outside the Fullerton police department. Whatever charges are filed (or not) today, the death of Kelly Thomas will remain an example of how new media is changing the old guard.

Written and produced by Paul Detrick, who also narrates. Camera by Detrick, Alex Manning, and Zach Weissmueller. Special thanks to Ron Thomas.

" Big Media Afraid to Take Wall Street Protest Seriously That's how it appears, given the thin, dismissive coverage of Occupy Wall Street so far." By Katrina Orlowski,, Sept. 26, 2011

It's been over a week now of protests, meetings, and confrontations with police on Wall Street, and yet mainstream North American media outlets, who have provided us with daily updates on uprisings in Egypt, Libya, and Spain, to name a few, have given either thin or dismissive notice to what is happening on Manhattan. Known as the Occupy Wall Street campaign, it started on September 17 with thousands marching into New York's financial district, waving slogans such as "Wall Street is Our Street" and "We are the 99%." Cops were waiting for the crowds on Wall Street, so they set up camp a block away and have been there ever since, day and night.
Fueling these protests is the widening gap between the wealthy and everyone else, which continues to grow because of rising unemployment and mortgage foreclosures. In other words, this is a much different kind of movement from the tax-cut loving Tea Party protests that the media eagerly covers. This might make more sense when one considers that the Tea Party protests are funded by the ultra-right billionaire Koch Brothers, and treated as a grassroots mega-story by Rupert Murdoch's Fox News.
...Indeed, this tone of patronizing distancing from the supposedly naïve and therefore irrelevant protesters saturates much coverage of the protest. The Associated Press account that the Wall Street Journal and others published four days ago led this way: "In a small granite plaza a block from the New York Stock Exchange, a group of 20-somethings in flannel pajama pants and tie-dyed T-shirts are plotting the demise of Wall Street as we know it." Aren't news reporters taught to adopt a fair and objective voice? Would that not include simply relaying the actions and ideas of the protesters without first making fun of them?
...Perhaps the Occupy Wall Street protesters ought to count themselves lucky that they are allowed to publicly protest at all. If the right to freedom of speech is a sign of a healthy democracy, though, then why hasn't the media proclaimed with effervescence that here, at least, is proof of the strength of our North American democracies? Many commentators speak of our waning democracies, yet there is almost complete silence on a very important aspect of a healthy democracy, namely, non-violent social movements attempting to be heard.

and so it goes,

Monday, September 26, 2011

NYPD Loses it ! Beating Up Protesters & Obama To Veto Palestinian Bid For Statehood

UPDATE: 3:22 PM, Monday , Sept. 26, 2011.

First an update on Occupywallstreet demonstrations and the violent relations of the NYPD

NYPD"Get the Fuck off The Street"
(you're disturbing the rich people )
Obama endorses NYPD violence by his silenceNot much has changed since the 1968 Democratic Convention when the Chicago Police rioted.

Unbelievable protest footage. NYPD drag girl across the street

Uploaded by LibertyPlazaRev on Sep 24, 2011
@3:00 cops start getting really violent

and here's a glimpse at how NYPD operates according to "Whistleblower"
odd Obama hasn't put this guy in solitary confinement on the cell block where they keep Bradley Manning and hope soon to keep Julian Assange of Wikileaks
NYPD uses quota system -each officer is expected to arrest or give out summons to a specific number of people each day and each month.

The Quota system is strictly enforced but most of the Mainstream Media and US government including the Dept. of Justice not interested.
Arresting innocent people as long as they are of certain visible minorities or are poor in America is seen as Justice -and Obama say nothing or makes another Oscar winning speech-I now remember who Obama reminds me of and that's Jimmy Stewart in Wonderful Life or Mister Smith goes to Washington.

As President Obama caves to Israel's demands and ignores the suffering of the Palestinian people by opposing the Palestinian bid for statehood in exchange for votes and campaign contributions from those who uncompromisingly and unconditionally support Israel such as Pro-Israel campaigners as right wing fundamentalists such as Pastor John Hagee and Pat Robertson and all those who publicly denounce the Palestinians, the Arabs and the Islamic world.

After Obama's speech the Noble committee should demand the return of Obama's Peace Prize.
As daily Palestinians are humiliated and oppressed by the Israeli Apartheid racist policies President Obama like those before him has decided the only people that matter in this conflict are the Israelis . But what should we expect given Washington's lack of real support for the Arab Spring except to topple Qaddafi with the help of NATO and former Taliban and Al Qaeda personnel. In Bahrain people are beaten , tortured and killed daily while the US supports the autocratic rule of its undemocratic government . So it is freedom and democracy for some but not all since depending on America's geopolitical and strategic interests .

Road to Peace by Tom Waits 
uploaded by ThePsychoReturns

While the US was the nation that touted a two state solution for Israel and the palestinians now they are reneging siding with Israel against the Palestinians and the Arab world.

Netanyahu reaches back in history of the Jewish people and the Israeli state of Judea over 2,000 years ago to justify Israel's crimes against the Palestinians over the last 60 years . The land Israel occupied after the six day war in 1967 the UN has said time and again this land must be returned to the Palestinian people and yet the Obama administration publicly now defends Israel's rights to these lands over the rights of the Palestinian people.

" Netanyahu Proved Israel Doesn't Want Peace " Netanyahu shows to the world that Israel wants neither an agreement nor a Palestinian state, and for that matter not peace, either.By Gideon Levy "Haaretz" via Information Clearing House Sept. 25, 2011

- -On Friday night Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu once again proved himself to be an excellent elucidator, this time in the service of the Palestinians: He demonstrated to the world, better than even Mahmoud Abbas, why they had no recourse but to appeal to the United Nations. If there is one clear take-home message from his Hezekiah and Isaiah speech, it is this: The Palestinians (and the world ) can no longer expect anything from Israel. Nothing.

Netanyahu was particularly persuasive when he explained that a Palestinian state would endanger Israel - narrow waist, just hundreds of meters from Israeli cities, thousands of rockets - one giant blah-blah that willfully ignores the possibility of peace. A Palestinian state, perhaps, but absolutely not in our time, and not in our school of thought.

Our school of thought seemed especially deluded Friday night. Every decent Israeli must be ashamed of their prime minister, who stands before the world and tries to sell it the same old shopworn, even rotten goods that are long past their expiration date, expounding on ancient, irrelevant chapters of history and attempting to market cheap sentimentality like a beggar who exposes his wounds, both real and imaginary, to passersby. And the beggar is in fact a regional power.

Netanyahu, peddler of emotions, did not shrink from or forget anything, save reality. Abraham the patriarch, Hezekiah, Isaiah, pogroms, the Holocaust, 9/11, the children, the grandchildren and, of course, Gilad Shalit - all fodder for the tear wringer that assuredly didn't bring forth a single tear anywhere on the planet, with the possible exception of a few Jewish nursing homes in Boca Raton, Florida. There, perhaps, people were still moved by this kitschy death speech.

Netanyahu needed thousands of years of history to obscure reality, but Abbas' sense of history proved to be much more developed: He had no need to call up distant memories to elicit sympathy; all he needed was to soberly depict current events in order to attempt to shape a new history. The world and the auditorium cheered for Abbas because he spoke like a 21st-century statesman, not like a co-opted archaeologist of centuries past. Abraham or Ibrahim, Hezekiah or Netanyahu, Benjamin or Jacob-Israel, Jew or Judea - our prime minister's Bible and Holocaust stories should have made Israelis sitting down to their Friday night dinner feel awkward and uncomfortable. Is that all we have to sell to the world? Is that all we have to say? Is that what is being said on our behalf? Is that what we look like?

...Israel's real face was also seen in Israel; Lieberman wasn't the only one to call Abbas' judicious, impressive address an "incitement speech." Joining the chorus, as usual, was Tzipi Livni - the Israeli alternative - who "didn't like the speech."

What was there not to like about Abbas' speech, apart from his silly mistake in failing to mention the Jews, together with the Christians and Muslims, to whom this precious land belongs? What in his speech was anything but true and very painful? "Enough" of the occupation? Ethnic cleansing in Jerusalem and the Jordan Valley? Obstructing checkpoints on the way to the hospital, and settlements that are a barrier to peace? What was incorrect, damn it? "A difficult speech," the chorus of Israeli commentators sang immediately afterward; indeed, a difficult speech describing an even more difficult reality - but what do they know about reality? And not a soul asked: Why isn't Israel reciting the travelers' prayer for the Palestinians, for their journey to statehood.

On Friday night the final curtain fell on Netanyahu's masked ball of a two-state solution. Hiding behind the curtain are darkness and gloom. And in that lies an event of historical performance: It proved to the world that Israel wants neither an agreement nor a Palestinian state, and for that matter not peace, either. See you at the next war.

" US on Wrong Side of History over Palestine " By Aijaz Zaka Syed - Dubai "PalestineChronicle" via Information Clearing House, Sept. 25, 2011

--- The Palestinians have set the cat among the pigeons with their freedom song. And it's good to see Uncle Sam and his fiendish brat break out in a cold sweat for a change.

So what are Israelis and their patrons afraid of? All that the Palestinians have demanded is UN recognition for the little piece of territory that used to be their country. Left only with Gaza and parts of the West Bank and Jerusalem, which is less than 20 per cent of the original Palestine, it is not much of a country to fight for.

The Palestinians aren't even talking about their entire homeland and stolen homes from where they were driven out. They are content with setting up their 'state' on the tiny, splintered piece of land that they find themselves locked in today. But even this is not acceptable to the thugs who have stolen their country. But then the Israeli intransigence doesn't really come as a surprise to anyone. It's typical and characteristic of the Zionist regime.

What is absurd and illogical is the US opposition to Palestinian moves. President Obama's UN speech Wednesday aching for Israel and its endless "suffering" and the clear and present danger it faces from its Arab neighbors was remarkably similar to those of his bible-thumping predecessor. Not a word there about the seven decades of persecution of the Palestinians in their homeland.

All these years America has been telling the Arabs and the world that it's committed to a 'two-state solution' and a "viable Palestinian state side by side with a secure Israel." Indeed, the very idea of a two-state solution is an American construct.

It's with the 1991 Madrid conference and the so-called Oslo peace process under Bill Clinton that for the first time brought Palestinians and Israelis to the negotiating table. It's the US that talked Palestinians into giving up their claim over their motherland and settle for a new state along the 1967 borders. Until then the Palestinians had been fighting for total independence and restoration of their homeland.

...Whatever the explanation, if the US goes ahead and vetoes the Palestinian demand in the Security Council, it would be committing a historic blunder of epic proportions. The whole world has been electrified and excited by the idea of an independent Palestine, however imperfect. And this euphoria is not limited to the Arab and Muslim countries.

As a BBC-GlobeScan poll revealed this week, a respectable majority around the world supports the Palestinian demand. Even in the land of the free, 45 percent people back the Palestinian aspirations. In the UN General Assembly that unlike the Security Council largely represents the democratic global opinion, the view is overwhelmingly in favor of the Palestinians. The world community knows that Palestinians have suffered enough.

Clearly, America and its enfant terrible are on the wrong side of history. In its blind support to Israel, Washington remains curiously clueless about the world opinion, especially of the overwhelming sentiment in the Muslim world on the issue. More important, the US appears oblivious of the consequences of its veto against a Palestinian state. Nicolas Sarkozy of France was spot on when in his UN speech he warned of violence and grave fallout of Washington's veto. Even Sarkozy says enough is enough after 60 years of Palestinian homelessness.

Once again as in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Egypt etc. the Obama administration is on the side of the oppressors .
Common sense and recent history such as the invasion and destruction of Gaza should have revealed the intentions of the Israeli government in dealing with the Palestinians. Israel seems intent on forcing all the Arabs and Palestinians out of and beyond the borders of what Israel believes to be the nation promised to it by God based on the Torah.

In dealing with the Divine promise and prophecy of Jehovah concerning Israel common sense or compromise and the desire for peace are tossed overboard . As discussed before the Israel's goal of retaking all of Palestine to expand Israel's borders is backed by the uberconservatives and religious right in America who believe Israel must retake this land as propecied in the Bible in the Torah and as revealed in the Book of Revelation in the New Testament.

And to further aggravate matters the US has delivered Bunker Buster bombs to Israel which can use on Iran's underground facilities of its oft mentioned but never proved secret nuclear weapons program.

Obama Throws Palestine Under the Bus By Jim Lobe "IPS" via Information Clearing House sept. 25, 2011

-- The right-wing government of Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu could not be more pleased.

Not only did the allegedly most "anti-Israel" president ever repeat, for the nth time, that "America's commitment to Israel's security is unshakeable," but also made crystal clear that Washington will veto any Palestinian application to the U.N. Security Council for statehood in his speech this week to the U.N. General Assembly.

Not once did he refer to Jewish "settlements" on Palestinian lands; nor did he even use the word "occupied" - or any declension of that word - to describe those lands and their people in an address that was largely, if ironically, devoted to celebrating this year's Arab struggles to end autocratic rule in their region.

Nor was there a word about the plight of the still-besieged population of Gaza, or about the "1967 borders" as being the basis for any eventual two-state solution, a formula to which Netanyahu and his U.S. allies vehemently objected much to the consternation and exasperation of the White House only four months ago.

Indeed, President Barack Hussein Obama, as his right-wing and Islamophobic critics like to call him, said nothing to which even the most right-wing faction of Netanyahu's government could object.

... "Once again, the transformational Obama has been sold out by the political Obama," wrote David Rothkopf, a national security expert at the Carnegie Endowment, on his blog early in the week.

Given his fading approval ratings and an economy that shows no signs of substantial improvement any time soon, the White House and Democrats on Capitol Hill appear increasingly panicked over their re- election prospects in November 2012.

They will do nothing that risks alienating key constituencies, particularly Jewish voters in a couple of key "swing states", but most especially Jewish donors who account for an estimated between 40 and 50 percent of all contributions to national Democratic campaigns.

Since the beginning of this year, but particularly since Netanyahu's May visit where he was rapturously received at the AIPAC conference, his Republican – and some Democratic – allies have deliberately and repeatedly promoted the notion that Obama's alleged pressure on Israel to freeze settlements and take other steps to advance the "peace process" was souring Jews, nearly 80 percent of whom voted for Obama in 2008, on the president and his party.

When, on the eve of this week's U.N. meeting, a Tea Party Republican, who was endorsed by former Democratic Mayor Edward Koch to protest Obama's allegedly anti-Israel policies, defeated a Jewish Democrat in a heavily Jewish New York City Congressional district that Democrats had held for nearly 90 years, that meme was transformed into conventional wisdom, thus setting the stage for Obama's speech – or surrender - this week before the General Assembly.

At the moment Iran and the Palestinian people are more threatened by Israel than they are a threat to Israel which is made plain by the shipments of Bunker buster Bombs from the US to Israel as if Israel needed more weapons than it has. Remember Israel has over 150 nuclear weapons targeting all of the Arab nations and beyond.

WikiLeaks Cable: Secret U.S./Israel Bunker Buster Bombs Deal By Ali Gharib September 25, 2011 "Think Progress" via Information Clearing House

-- On Friday, journalist Eli Lake published a story about the Obama administration’s sale of so-called bunker-busting bombs to Israel. According to Lake’s reporting, the Bush administration had put off the sale in order to avoid the perception that delivery of the 55 GBU-28 bombs represented a “green light” for an Israeli strike on Iran:

James Cartwright, the Marine Corps general who served until August as the vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told Newsweek the military chiefs had no objections to the sale. Rather, Cartwright said, there was a concern about “how the Iranians would perceive it,” and “how the Israelis might perceive it.” In other words, would the sale be seen as a green light for Israel to attack Iran’s secret nuclear sites one day?

The Obama administration told Israel the bombs — which could pierce the underground bunkers where Iran increasingly stashes elements of its nuclear program — would be forthcoming in 2009. Lake reports that they were slated for delivery in late 2009 or 2010.

However, neither Lake nor the New York Times, which did a follow-up report, mentioned a late-2009 U.S. State Department diplomatic cable from Tel Aviv. Released at the end of August by the transparency group WikiLeaks, the cable shows the participants in a high-level military-diplomatic meeting between the two countries discussing the “upcoming delivery” of the bombs and vowing to keep a lid on the transaction due to the same concerns held by the Bush administration. The notes of the meeting in the November 18, 2009, cable read:

Both sides then discussed the upcoming delivery of GBU-28 bunker busting bombs to Israel, noting that the transfer should be handled quietly to avoid any allegations that the [U.S. government] is helping Israel prepare for a strike against Iran.

At the United Nations General Assembly on Friday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu derided Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s conspiracy-laced Thursday speech to the world body. “Can you imagine that man who ranted here yesterday — can you imagine him armed with nuclear weapons?” said Netanyahu. “The international community must stop Iran before it’s too late.”

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Occupy Wall Street-The Young Turks Cenk Uygur & The Alyona Show MSM MIA

President Obama was silent on the exection of Troy Davis so don't expect him to care about any protest against Wall Street-Progressives and Liberals were appeased in 2008 by Obama but now he is looking to Wall Street and the wealthy and powerful to keep him in power.

It is for the most part the Tea Party -GOP-Religious Right who are now calling the shots in Washington .

The videos below about the march on Wall Street point out that the Mainstream Media including people such as Maddow are not covering the story. Yet whenever there are three or more Tea Partyiers protesting not just Fox News but all of the MSM show up .
Doe this mean that the MSM is too afraid of Wall Street and powerful elites who control the United States

The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur explains why he supports the Occupy Wall Street protests that are not being covered enough (if at all) by the mainstream media.

MSM: Occupy Wall St.

Uploaded by TheAlyonaShow on Sep 20, 2011
While the mainstream media has been spending endless hours having producers cut clips from last night's shows, like 'Dancing with the Stars', and wasting air time talking about the entertainment world, let's remember something that's going on in our very real world right now. That's Occupy Wall Street, the protest that's been taking place since Saturday, September 17th where an estimated two thousand people came out. Now four days in, there are about 150 to 200 protesters who still remain camped out in Zuccoti Park, dubbed Liberty Plaza. At least five people have been arrested but the mainstream media remains not entertained.

Thom Hartmann: Protesters - Screwed by the Banksters!

Uploaded by TheBigPictureRT on Sep 20, 2011
Zaid Jilani w/ joins Thom Hartmann. Looks like more and more Americans are tired of being screwed by the banksters who've infected our body politic. Over a thousand demonstrators converged on Wall Street over the weekend to demand banksters be held accountable for their high crimes that - according to the World Bank - have impoverished 64 million people around the planet. The demonstrators are also demanding major structural reforms to our economy. Adbusters is the organization that fist conceived of the idea to occupy Wall Street and - point of full disclosure - I've written for Adbusters over the years. Their call for the occupation on their website reads: "On September 17, we want to see 20,000 people flood into lower Manhattan, set up tents, kitchens, peaceful barricades and occupy Wall Street for a few months. Once there, we shall incessantly repeat our one simple demand until Barack Obama capitulates." So will this kind of activism produce some real change - and awaken the tens of millions of Americans who've been screwed by Wall Street?

and so it goes,


" As members of the 99 percent, we occupy Wall Street as a symbolic gesture of our discontent with the current economic and political climate and as an example of a better world to come. Therefore we invite the public, our fellow 99 percent, to join us in a march on SATURDAY AT NOON, starting from LIBERTY SQUARE (ZUCCOTTI PARK) at LIBERTY & BROADWAY.

This is a call for individuals, families and community and advocacy groups to march in solidarity.

We stand in solidarity with Madrid, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Madison, Toronto, London, Athens, Sydney, Stuttgart, Tokyo, Milan, Amsterdam, Algiers, Tel Aviv, Portland and Chicago. Soon we will stand with Phoenix, Montreal, Cleveland, Atlanta, Kansas City, Dallas, Seattle and Orlando. We're still here. We are growing. We intend to stay until we see movements toward real change in our country and the world."

above quote from:A Message From Occupied Wall Street (Day Six)
Published 2011-09-23 07:30:16 UTC by OccupyWallSt

and :

" We demand jail time - for this man and others like him.
We demand that no blue-collar police is charged for the crimes of their supervisor.

We demand that Mayor Bloomberg address our General Assembly and apologize for what has occurred.

A message to blue-collar police:
Do not do what you are told. We are peaceful and you know this. We offer you coffee in the morning and water in the day. You always refuse and we know that's because they told you to.
Speak of the crimes of your supervisors. We will help you. We are expressing the same frustration that you feel. You are the 99 percent. Join us. Join our conversation. "

above quote from: A Message From Occupied Wall Street (Day Eight)
Posted 2011-09-25

Is this police violence just US democracy at work??? Is this part of the change Obama promised???

But as Gandhi and Martin Luther King preached non-violence and non-cooperation and this mean non-violent confrontations with those in authority which would lead to arrests. Both argued that if necessary those protesting must be willing to be harassed , possibly beaten and dragged off to jail. But the protesters may use passive resistance against force they should not use force. The goal is to deny the right of the authorities to stop the protest. If necessary one goal would be to fill the jails with non-violent non-cooperative protesters
Part of the object is to undermine those in authority by using greater force and violence to stop the protests. The police and the military etc. are not the enemy but merely average citizens who work for the enemy as it were.
Protesters should show some respect for the police while questioning the manner in which they are being commanded to treat protesters and whether they or others have the right to stop peaceful non-violent non-cooperative resistance.
So protesters are not to fight back against the police or to hit them or insult them. The police are mere cog in the machinery of oppression .

For instance in the case of the Occupywallstreet protests the protesters need to have media coverage including on the Net. Police dragging people manhandling them using more force than necessary using their weapons such as tear gas etc. in which case the non-violent protesters are the victims as they are merely exercising their right to free speech, freedom of assembly, the freedom to protest .

The videos below of police violence at the Occupy Wall Street protests were found at Huffington Post in the article Occupy Wall Street Protest Escalates On Eighth Day sept. 24, 2011

Arrested For Talking to a Cop

Uploaded by LibertyPlazaRev on Sep 24, 2011
#OCCUPYWALLSTREET - 9/24/11 - University Place and 12th Street. Watch the man in the red shirt get pushed by a cop, then raise his hands and back away. As he tries to speak peacefully to the officer, he is tackled violently to the ground and arrested.

Violent clashes at Union Square:

Preaching Hatred of All Muslims at Truth Ministries In Action formerly known as Coral Ridge Ministries

The late " D. James Kennedy, Ph.D.
A.B., M.Div., M.Th., D.D., D.Sac.Lit., Ph.D., Litt.D., D.Sac.Theol., D.Humane Let.
Visit Dr. Kennedy's Memorial Site for additional resources and personal testimony Here

The late Dr. D. James Kennedy remains one of the most listened-to Christian ministers in America. His forthright and rational presentation of the Gospel is heard via television, radio, and the Internet throughout America and the world.
Dr. Kennedy, who entered the presence of his Savior, Jesus Christ, on September 5, 2007, began his Christian life in 1953 after he was startled awake one Sunday morning by a preacher's stern question coming out of his clock radio. "Suppose you were to die today and stand before God," the voice boomed, "and He were to ask you, 'What right do you have to enter into My heaven?' — what would you say?" Dr. Kennedy soon discovered the answer, was converted to Christ, and shortly thereafter was called into the Gospel ministry. Today, Dr. Kennedy's broadcast messages are televised to a nationwide audience.
Dr. Kennedy served for 47 years as Senior Minister of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. A modest mission church of 45 people when Dr. Kennedy arrived in 1959, the rocketing growth of the church made it, for 15 years, the fastest growing Presbyterian church in America. Decision magazine named the church one of the "Five Great Churches of North America." In 2005, Dr. Kennedy was inducted into the National Religious Broadcasters Hall of Fame.
Dr. Kennedy's energetic commitment to both evangelism and cultural renewal is demonstrated by four organizations he founded: Truth in Action Ministries (formerly Coral Ridge Ministries), Evangelism Explosion International, Knox Theological Seminary, and Westminster Academy.
Truth in Action Ministries — The media outreach of Dr. Kennedy, Truth in Action Ministries began in 1974 as Coral Ridge Ministries with the mission of bringing the Gospel to America and the world. Its media outreach includes Truth That Transforms with Dr. D. James Kennedy (formerly The Coral Ridge Hour), a weekly television program; Truth That Transforms, a daily half-hour radio program; the website; and other print and video resources produced by Truth in Action Ministries."

 Truth in Action Ministries formerly known as Coral Ridge Ministries under the leadership of the late Rev. James Kennedy  

We do not exaggerate when we tell you: radical Islam is infiltrating America, and wants you and your family under the repressive rule of Sharia law.

Right now America’s Christ-followers need biblical resources that will help them share the truth of the Gospel with Muslims—and help stand together to oppose radical Islam’s march on the USA and around the world.

This is why we’re pleased to offer you a special DVD and book combo containing:

Militant and Misled? Understanding Radical Islam in a Post 9/11 World—our brilliant documentary which is available now.
Engaging Islam, a powerful book to help you personally share your faith with Muslim people.

Give $35 or more now, and request these important resources.

Why should you educate yourself about the threat of radical Islam? For one thing, Muslims in the USA are pressuring the courts to recognize Sharia law. What is it? Here are a few important things you should know:

Sharia maintains one set of rights, privileges, and punishments for Muslims, another set for non-Muslims

Rather than preserving freedom of speech, Sharia punishes (in some cases, with death) criticism of the Koran, the prophet Muhammad, or Islam.

Under Sharia, trials are conducted not by jury but by the judge alone, who is not governed by any rule of law.
With your help today, Truth in Action Ministries will produce and broadcast a series of hard-hitting television programs exposing the truth about radical Islam’s plans for you, your children, and grandchildren, for America, and for all of Western culture.

...For the sake of your family and America, we absolutely cannot allow radical Islam to overwhelm our nation.

It is clear that radical Islam could not be more opposite from the biblical worldview which our ministry has communicated for more than three decades. The biblical worldview is one of mercy, grace, and life. The radical Islamic worldview is one of judgment, violence, and death.

The Bible is clear: “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” John 10:10 (NKJV)

and so it goes,