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So anyway even the Washington Post is gleeful & triumphant over the execution of Saddam Hussein . Nothing like a good execution too round off the Christmas holidays . The post goes on to describe Hussein as a brutal dictator which he was of course . I have no great love of Saddam Hussein but there is more to this story yet The Washington Post & the rest of the American Media & that of Canada & Britain fail to mention that the trial was a farce & the outcome decided before the trial began.
The American government had no right to carry on such a trial since it should have been turned over to the World Court & the United Nations. But since Bush & the American People no longer recognize such concepts as “ International Law “ Or the UN CHARTER OF HUMAN RIGHTS or The Geneva Conventions or any other international agreements except where they are the chief beneficiaries then what can we expect of the American s & The Bush Regime which is also backed by the Blair Regime & now the Harper Regime in this country. Canadian troops are now becoming part of these ill-legal ad hoc wars & when our soldiers stand by while detainees are tortured by American & British forces they become silent participants - the Canadian government at the very least should refuse to hand over prisoners in Afghanistan or elsewhere to the Americans or their foreign or private clients .
Beyond that we should go to the United Nations & insist on a UN force to go to Afghanistan & have all other foreign armies including the Americans British & Canadians withdrawn before our name is sullied more & we become identified with the “ New Ugly Americans”.
Of course the American media & public no longer believe in real justice but only in revenge.
During the trial Hussein was not permitted to speak about his relationship with the United States government & that his regime was propped up by the Americans & they supplied his regime with weapons including biological weapons to use in the war with Iran which the Americans insisted Saddam pursue .
When Saddam committed atrocities the Americans kept quiet or defended Saddam’s Regime til he decided to attack Kuwait. The American government & its leaders & its agencies were also guilty and acted with complicity in those atrocities committed by Saddam . Those who have the power to stop atrocities from occurring stand idly by while those atrocities are committed
are themselves guilty.
The doctor or psychologist or soldier who stands by while a detainee is tortured who does not intervene or who does report this immoral activity to their superiors or take it to the press are also guilty. The press & media who refuse to take a stand on the side of truth & justice are no better than those who torture or who murder hundreds of thousands of innocent people as in Iraq , Afghanistan, Lebanon & Palestine etc.
When Hussein tortured it was wrong. When an American tortures detainees it is also wrong. When British soldiers or private contractors torture detainees it is still wrong.
But don’t say this out loud & don’t say it to the American Media the Washington Post, the New York Times etc. because when Americans torture it is OK & to argue about it shows that one is not a True Patriot & is giving comfort to the Enemy .
American Media even attack well respected human Rights groups like Amnesty International, or Human Rights Watch or the Red Cross or dozens of other Aid Agencies or the Secretary General of the United Nations or even Jimmy Carter former President of the United States if they dare criticize the USA.
How much blood needs to be spilled before the American Media & the elected members of the American government will say “enough is enough” .
To hide behind slogans like “ I was just following orders ” is true cowardice & shows a lack of any personal integrity. Though values like honesty , integrity, fairness & justice are no longer valued in our society which demands complete obedience & adherence to the Status Quo & hyper- & Jingoistic Blind patriotism & the belief that our society is guided by God & whatever we do must by definition be the right thing because we have God & destiny or Evolutionary inevitability as our justification for whatever evil we do.
The trial of Saddam Hussein as such was a travesty of justice & can be characterized as a Kangaroo Court in the tradition of the American Old West or that of the one time heroes of the American South the KKK or other blood thirsty Vigilantes .
Note : one can see this best exemplified in the film G. W. Griffiths “Birth of a Nation ” This was a movie much beloved by White Americans til recent times when it became politically incorrect but many who harbor racist views in our society are very careful in what they say & many such racists confuse the concern over such rhetoric with more substantive issues such as issues of fairness & justice. For instance a judge who gives longer jail sentences to black than to whites for similar crimes is still a racist whether or not he uses the “ N” word. Police officers who brutally beat up a black man just because he’s black when being arrested are still racists whether or not they always use the “ Politically Correct ” terminology when referring to African Americans.
Anyway here’s a little ditty from my latest collection of verses:
and everyone loves a good Broadway musical
featuring funny cats & lions
and watch an avante garde circus act
and whores dreaming of a better life
and pity the poor the wretched of the earth
dancing & singing about justice & revolution & love
reducing Auschwitz to a big finale
for an hour or two til the houselights go up
the audience enthralled & oblivious -
and everyone loves a good spectacle
fire works & dancing girls
crowds cheering another execution
of the guilty & the innocent
the lynch mob always needing more
killing children & the feeble minded
& other social rejects seen as the enemy of society
in need of lethal injection or the electric chair
or just a few feet of rope
to defend the status quo
and sometimes a friendly dictator or two
their deaths seen on prime-time tv
to keep the masses & their masters happy
and on & on it goes -
and everyone dances a quadrille a mazurka & polka
flamenco &tango the foxtrot & horsetrot cha cha & swing
mambo samba rumba the twist & disco & gogo
always dancing like Nijinsky Astaire & Kelley
flying for a moment or on ceilings & in the rain
a new dance craze for each new war
with the rise & fall of empires
singing & dancing as the bodies float down the Danube
down the Euphrates Tigris & Nile
down the Belize the Amazon the Hudson & Mississippi
down the Kagera to Lake Victoria
down the Brahmaputra through the Himalayas
to the Ganges & Indus
down the Yangtze the Yellow & the Pearl
down the Thames the Shannon & the Liffey
down the Clyde & Tweed
down the Rio Parana & the Congo
and even down the Potomac
and we all go dancing into the Apocalypse
waiting for the Golden Age
which never comes about
waiting for a Messiah
who does not arrive
dreaming of eternity
dreaming of a world that will never be
while dark clouds gather threatening
and cities are flattened
and nations destroyed by madness -
articles of note:
Afghanistan - Fighting for Peace
First broadcast November 2006
documentary on BBC.Co.Uk
Money spent by international aid organisations in Afghanistan does not always reach the people it is supposed to help.
David Loyn reports on the alarming levels of corruption and the concerns over the way reconstruction money is being spent.
Country was safer & less corrupt under the Taliban
US Construction Firms get lucrative contracts with massive cost overruns yet local afghan firms proposals for contracts which would costs a lot less are not even considered- so foreign aid money ends up being sent outside the country to the US & UK & other western countries
Tuesday November 28, 2006
The Guardian
'We are just watching things get worse'
When Britain and America went into Afghanistan in 2001, they claimed that the liberation of the country's burka-shrouded women was one of their top priorities. So did they deliver? Five years on, Natasha Walter visits Kabul - and is shocked by what she discovers
Afghan massacre haunts Pentagon
Luke Harding in Dasht-i-Leili
Saturday September 14, 2002
The Guardian
FILM of " THE CONVOY OF DEATH " can be seen on Democracy Now
and check out :
Full text: Kofi Annan's final speech
UN Secretary General Kofi Annan
Kofi Annan will step down on 31 December
Kofi Annan has delivered his final speech as United Nations Secretary General at the Truman Presidential Museum and Library in Independence, Missouri. The following is the text of the speech; subheadings inserted by the BBC.
“...respect for human rights and the rule of law.”
“...security must be collective and indivisible.”
“...no nation can make itself secure by seeking supremacy over all others. We all share responsibility for each other's security, and only by working to make each other secure can we hope to achieve lasting security for ourselves.”
“It also includes our shared responsibility to protect populations from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity - a responsibility solemnly accepted by all nations at last year's UN summit.”
Much of his speech either obliquely or directly criticized the Bush Regime for its actions in Iraq & Afghanistan & its abuses of Human Rights .
And from CTV.ca
Annan criticizes U.S. in farewell speech
Updated Mon. Dec. 11 2006 3:22 PM ET
Associated Press
INDEPENDENCE, Mo. -- In his farewell address Monday, UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan criticized the Bush administration's leadership on the global stage, warning that America must not sacrifice its Democratic ideals while waging war against terrorism.
"Human rights and the rule of law are vital to global security and prosperity," Annan told a packed audience at the Truman Presidential Museum and Library.
When the U.S. "appears to abandon its own ideals and objectives, its friends
abroad are naturally troubled and confused," he said.
( for the most part to find honest & unbiased reporting on Kofi Annan’s speech you need to go to Media outside the United States & Canada the rest of the world saw the speech as a realistic appraisal of what the Bush Regime has done wrong & may even escalate their war on terror )
And check out headlines at New York Times & the unbalanced & biased & pure propaganda by just the headlines :
Death of the Iraqi Tyrant, DECEMBER 31
Neil MacFarquhar and John F. Burns report on the life and legacy of Saddam Hussein.
Dictator Who Ruled Iraq With Violence Is Hanged for Crimes Against Humanity
Saddam Hussein’s execution came with terrible swiftness after he lost the appeal of his death sentence.
December 30, 2006
The Defiant Despot OppressedIraq for More Than 30 Years
Saddam Hussein’s hanging ended the life of one of the most brutal tyrants in recent history.
December 30, 2006
Anyway see you around ,