Wednesday, February 15, 2012

#OWS Obama & Democrats Adopt Bush Era Policies ??? and Santorum :Obama Executing Christians??? And Andrew Breitbart Calls Occupiers Filthy Freaks, Animals, Rapists and Murderers

First a taste of the extremism of the GOP candidates for example exhibit A-Santorum at CPAC claims Obama is taking the United States down the road to the isolating and execution of Christians or maybe just right-wing extremist believers who threaten America with the Christian Evangelical and  Catholic style of Christian Sharia or theocracy ???

 Santorum: Obama Putting America On 'The Path' Of Executing Religious People
Uploaded by BreitbartNews on Feb 9, 2012
Santorum: Obama Putting America On 'The Path' Of Executing Religious People

Update Andrew Breibart rants and ravings calling Occupiers rapists and murderers and tells them to "Behave" themselves. His assumption or presumption is that all Occupiers are very young dope smoking irresponsible unhygenic Hippies- He calls them "filthy Freaks and Animals"
Breitbart dragged away by security.

Andrew Breitbart's CPAC OWS Plea for Help

Uploaded by SamSeder on Feb 13, 2012
From the Majority Report, live M-F 11:30am EST and via daily podcast at http://Majority.FM:
Occupy CPAC protester outside of the Conservative Political Action Conference last week. They were met outside by Andrew Breitbart. He'd like you all to "BEHAVE YOURSELF!"

Republicans and Democrats are just two different brand names for basically the same product that is ideology . Both are in favor of the widening of the war on terrorism and the use of unmanned Drones and keeping Gitmo open.Sam Seder at the Majority Report criticizes the supporters of Obama who support him no matter what are his policies and decisions. Issues such as Gitmo and the enhanced interrogations (torture) renditions (kidnapping) targeted assassinations (murder) and indefinte detention keeping people in prison without giveing them a fair trial or going after Whistleblowers the Democrats and most liberals or moderates opposed when Bush was president but they now see as no big deal when these policies are followed by President Obama.

WTF: Majority of Democrats Now Support Drone Strikes, Guantanamo Bay

and a bit about Ron Paul who says he's not a bigot or racist yet his Libertarian ideology will lead him in that direction because he is against forcing people or businesses to treat everyone as an equal no matter their religion or race or sexual preference. Paul argues businesses should be permitted to discriminate against whomever they wish. Paul is also big on State's Rights  versus the rights of the US federal government so he believes that the federal government cannot force non-discrimination laws on the state legislatures. So state's could in his view pass legislation allowing for racial or religious or gender or sexual preference discrimination.
I though America already fought a war over the issue of state's rights versus the federal government  correct me if I am wrong.

Anyway as I have said before the Ron Paul fans because they like some of his policies such as stopping American military interventions in other nations or that he would no interfere if a state made certain illicit drugs legal but this is not because he is so liberal or progressive it is because he believes in state's rights and the rights of privacy but the rights of property he too sees as trumping other individual or collective rights.
As mentioned before Paul would also be against humanitarian aid to other nations while pulling out of the United Nations ,NATO or other international organizations whether they contribute to the general welfare of people around the globe or not.

Ron Paul Fans: "He's Not a Bigot, You Jew!"

If you pay attention to what the spokespersons for the right such as Gingrich, Santorum, Breitbart, Ann Coulter, Limbaugh and Glenn Beck spout every day of the week in the Media then this desire to return to a hypothetical Golden Era can be seen as the norm for these ultra-conservatives and not some wild exaggeration as some might think. Intolerance and bigotry is their bread and butter. Unfortunately President Obama tends to give these bigots and ideologues the benefit of the doubt.

Santorum for instance says Anti-Gay bigots shouldn't be characterized as bigots and given this logic we would be forced to agree not to call someone racist just because they think Blacks or Hispanics are inferior to whites -its just the way it is ??? Now the smarter bigots just use various issues and public policies as a way to attack blacks, Hispanics etc. Such as referring to entitlement programs and using dog-whistle style racism such as referring to the Welfare Queens or denouncing affirmative action policies or calling for less government interference in the lives of citizens ie forcing a landlord or other business owner not to discriminate on the grounds of race, religion, sexual preferences or political views. So what part of "All men are born equal" do these supposedly pro-Constitutionalists not understand???

The gay marriage issue is not just about stopping Gays from being legally married but is just the wedge issue the anti-gay bigots are using to bash Gays - laws allowing for Gay Marriage do not force churches to perform or accept Gay marriages so the issue goes beyond that. The GOP and conservatives ,the religious right  believe Gays should not have equal rights with heterosexuals  that means in job or housing  discrimination or being refused service in restaurants or bars or from serving in various professions such as the military, police, fire-fighters , teachers ,daycare workers, letter carriers,bus drivers or political office and so on. Even Ron Paul believes that businesses and local governments should be allowed to discriminate against not just Gays but also Blacks, Hispanics, Jews, Catholics ,Christians, Muslims, Hindus ,the Irish, Native Americans or even atheists and so forth. So Ron Paul and other conservatives or evangelical Christians and libertarians want to return America in their view to its former glory pre-Brown v Board of Education and pre-FDR 's the New Deal or for some they want to drag America back not just to the 1950s or the 1920s but back to before the American Civil War when all those nasty minorities knew their place.

Santorum is now the #1 Republican Presidential Candidate. So let us refresh our memories about Santorum's views and policies he would support as the president of the United States.

Piers Morgan Confronts Rick Santorum On His Bigotry

Santorum says Scientists are amoral
Uploaded by SantorumExposed on Aug 27, 2006
While discussing embryonic stem cell research, Rick Santorum says that many scientists feel no "moral compulsion."

For more information, visit

Rick Santorum: Black People Could Learn a Thing or Two About Marriage From The Obamas

Santorum says Anti-Gay bigots shouldn't be characterized as bigots nor should racist be called racist just because they think Blacks or Hispanics are inferior -its just the way it is ???
The gay marriage issue is not just about stopping Gays from being legally married but is just the wedge issue the anti-gay bigots are using to bash Gays - laws allowing for Gay Marriage do not force churches to perform or accept Gay marriages so the issue goes beyond that.

Santorum: We Should Be Able To Stop Gays From Getting Married Without Calling People Bigots

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